Intelligent Design: A Monster Evolution LitRPG

Sunday Funday Chapter_Shady Business

The afternoon sun hung high in a brilliant azure sky, casting long shadows across the mountainside. Massive, fluffy clouds drifted lazily overhead, their shapes ever so slowly shifting with the gentle breeze. From his lofty perch on a rocky outcrop, David watched in fascination as the clouds' shadows glided over the landscape below, creating a patchwork of light and dark across the swampy terrain.

His keen eyes traced the remains of what was once a road, now mostly reclaimed by nature, snaking its way through the marshland and up towards what appeared to be an old campsite. The location must have been quite swanky before the Integration, but now it was barely recognizable beneath the riot of vegetation that had overtaken it.

David had been out since dawn, ostensibly scouting for potential Boss locations, but his heart wasn't really in it at this particular moment. Instead, he found himself captivated by the breathtaking vista before him. The way the forest crept up to the edge of the swamp, creating a stark boundary between the two ecosystems. The ripple of light on the marsh's surface, creating shimmering patterns that seemed to dance with each passing cloud.

"You know, guys," he mused to the Cuddlebugs hovering nearby, "I know we're supposed to be on a mission here, but sometimes you just have to stop and smell the roses. Or in our case, maybe the swamp. Is it weird that the smell grows on you after a while?"

The Cuddlebugs chittered in what might have been agreement or mild exasperation. It was hard to tell sometimes.

As David's gaze wandered back to the old campsite, about a mile distant, curiosity began to gnaw at him. "Hey, what do you say we take a little detour? I bet that place has all sorts of interesting stuff. Maybe I can give you a crash course in 'Humans 101: Camping Edition.'"

Curiosity piqued, he decided to investigate. With a powerful leap, David spread his wings and glided down towards the overgrown campsite, his faithful Cuddlebugs in tow.

Landing with a soft thump a short time later, David began to explore the area on foot. The campsite was a fascinating mix of invigorated nature and remnants of human presence. A few rusted-out motorcycles were being slowly devoured by climbing vines, their once-gleaming chrome now dull and pitted. At the far end of the clearing, what might have been a camper had collapsed into a heap of debris, barely recognizable beneath a blanket of moss and ferns. The only way to tell there had ever a road or pavement beneath any of the useless vehicles was the perfectly straight line of boulders that separated them from the old campground.

As David poked around, his explorer's instinct tingling, he couldn't shake the feeling that he looked like the world scariest racoon rummaging around.

"Alright, team," he said, adopting a mock-serious tone. "We're venturing into uncharted territory here. There could be danger around every corner. Ferocious beasts, treacherous terrain, maybe even..." He paused for dramatic effect. "Mildly uncomfortable pebbles that get caught in your toes!"

One of the Cuddlebugs hissed audibly, while the others looked suitably impressed by this dire warning.

"But fear not!" David declared, puffing out his chest. "For we are intrepid explorers, brave adventurers, and... let's face it, we're all a little bored and Claire threatened to make us help Gideon inventory all his tools. Again. Plus, you know, we really need to find a good Boss to put a smackdown on."

With that rousing speech concluded, David set about examining every nook and cranny of the campsite. His attention was drawn to what appeared to be an old fire pit, surrounded by several large rocks that had clearly been dragged over to serve as makeshift chairs.

As he circled the pit, something caught David's attention. Wedged in a gap between two of the rock seats was an object that stood out, its unnaturally straight edges catching his eye immediately. In a world reclaimed by nature's curves and chaos, those perfect right angles were as alien as a smartphone in a caveman's hand.

"Well, well, well," David murmured, reaching in carefully. "What have we here?"

With a bit of wiggling (and only minor wing-scraping), David managed to extract the object. It was a small, rectangular case, made of some kind of hardened plastic. Despite being weathered and cracked, it had survived remarkably well.

"Ladies and gentlefuzz," David announced, holding up his prize. "I give you... a thing! An old, very mysterious thing!"

The Cuddlebugs gathered around, chittering curiously. David turned the case over in his claws, examining it from all angles.

"Let's see," he muttered. "No obvious booby traps, no ancient curses scrawled on the side... I think we're safe to open it."

With exaggerated caution, David cracked open the case, rusted hinges protesting loudly. The Cuddlebugs, who had been crowding curiously, suddenly darted back with a chorus of alarmed squeaks. Their tiny eyes widened, and a few even bared their teeth, clearly unsure what to expect from this strange, opening artifact.

"Whoa, easy there, furballs," David chuckled, pausing mid-open. "It's not going to bite. Probably."

The clever one chittered nervously, its gaze darting between David and the case as if trying to decide whether to intervene. Another Cuddlebug actually puffed up its fur, making itself look comically larger – a pint-sized guard dog ready to take on whatever might emerge.

"Alright, alright," David grinned, amused by their protective instincts. "Behold now, the terrors this relic holds. Brace yourselves for... drum roll, please..."

He flipped the lid open with a flourish, and the Cuddlebugs collectively flinched, then leaned in curiously when nothing exploded or tried to eat them. Inside, nestled in faded velvet lining, was a pair of sunglasses. They were large, aviator-style shades with mirrored lenses, the kind that screamed 'I'm either an actual cool guy or a total douche, there is no in-between.'

"Oh. My. God." David's eyes widened in delight. "Guys, do you know what this means?"

The Cuddlebugs tilted their heads questioningly.

"It means," David grinned, "that it's time for a fashion show!"

Without further ado, he plucked the sunglasses from their case and perched them precariously on his snout. They were a bit wide for his batlike face, slipping down every few seconds, but David couldn't have cared less.

"How do I look?" he asked, striking a pose. "Be honest, I can take it."

HIs audience stared at him for a long moment before bursting into what could only be described as tiny, squeaking giggles.

"I'll take that as a compliment," David sniffed, adjusting the glasses. "You're just jealous of my effortless cool."

For the next half hour, David pranced around the campsite, modeling his new accessory in increasingly ridiculous poses. He draped himself over the rusty motorcycles, hung upside down from tree branches, and even attempted a catwalk strut along a fallen log (which ended with him faceplanting into a bush, much to the Cuddlebugs' amusement).

"You know," David mused, picking leaves out of his fur, "I bet these babies have seen some action in their day." He struck what he imagined was a suave, secret agent-esque pose. "The name's Fisher. David Fisher."

The Cuddlebugs were not impressed.

"Okay, okay," David chuckled. "Maybe not a secret agent. How about... a rock star? Yeah, I can see it now. Screaming fans, epic guitar solos, and these bad boys shielding my peepers from the spotlight."

He mimed playing an air guitar, headbanging enthusiastically. The sunglasses promptly flew off his face, clattering onto the ground.

"Whoops," David winced, scrambling to retrieve them. "Note to self: rock stars with snouts should invest in straps for their shades."

As he bent to pick up the glasses, something caught his eye. Scratched into one of the arms, barely visible after years of exposure, was a name: 'Mike.'

"Huh," David murmured, suddenly sobering. "Mike. I wonder who you were, buddy. And how your super cool shades ended up in this campsite."

For a moment, he was struck by a wave of melancholy. This silly pair of sunglasses was more than just a fun toy – it was a tangible link to the world that was lost. To people like Mike, whom he had never met. People whose stories were, for now, nothing more than scratches on forgotten items.

I should put them back. Maybe he really liked these, maybe they'll still fit him after he hatches. I know something like that would have made a difference for me, when...Yeah. I'm gonna put them back.

With purposeful movements, David retrieved the case from the ground where he'd thoughtlessly discarded it. Brushing off the dust, he gently placed the sunglasses back inside, making sure they were nestled securely in the faded velvet lining. He closed the lid with a soft click and returned to the gap between the rocks where he'd found them, careful not to scratch the case with his teeth.

"Alright, Mike," he murmured, after wedging the case back into its hiding spot. "Let's make sure you can find these again."

After a moment's thought, David extended a claw. With precise movements, he began to etch into the nearby rock, using a touch of his acidic saliva to deepen the marks. When he finished, a crude but clear 'MIKE' was scratched into the stone, with a large arrow pointing towards the sunglasses' resting place.

"There," David said, satisfied with his handiwork. "A little reminder, just in case."

He stepped back, surveying the scene. The campsite suddenly felt different – less like an abandoned ruin and more like a promise of return.

"Thanks for letting me borrow the shades, Mike," David said to the empty air. "Good luck, man. You're gonna need it." He chuckled softly, imagining what the future could hold. "Who knows? Maybe someday I'll run into a smooth talking tiger-dolphin wearing these bad boys. Stranger things have happened, after all."

With that, David launched himself back into the air, suddenly ready to find every Boss in a fifty mile radius.

The Cuddlebugs, as always, just cocked their tiny heads and followed along. Someone had to keep an eye on him, after all.

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