Intelligent Design: A Monster Evolution LitRPG

119 - Moving on

The morning sun struggled to pierce the thick blanket of clouds that had rolled in a bit after sunrise, casting a cool, gray pallor over the Observatory grounds. For once, David wasn't perched atop Claire's massive form. Instead, he found himself playing the role of reluctant cushion to his newly expanded Cuddlebug corps.

The five Empowered Cuddlebugs sprawled across his body, their tiny forms deceptively heavy. David shifted uncomfortably, trying to redistribute their weight without disturbing them.

Great, I've become a living, breathing cat tree.

He couldn't help but recall those old internet memes of people who'd bought large dogs as puppies, only to end up with lap dogs the size of small horses. The parallel was a bit too close for comfort.

"You know," David grunted, addressing the furry pile on top of him, "just because you can fit doesn't mean you should sit."

Claire, lounging nearby, snickered at the sight. Her massive form was sprawled out in the open for once, rather than lurking in the lean-to's shade.

"Comfy there, bat boy?" she teased, her reptilian features twisting into what passed for a grin. "Mind if I join in? You look like you could use a few more tons on top of you."

David rolled his eyes, careful not to dislodge the Cuddlebug perched precariously on his snout as it slowly worked it's way to his neck. "Sure, why not? I've always wondered what it would be like to be entirely two-dimensional. Might as well cross that off the bucket list."

Claire's laughter rumbled through the air, her tail slapping the ground with mirth. The lean-to trembled slightly, but thankfully remained standing. Small victories, David supposed.

"You know," he mused, gazing up at the overcast sky, "it's about time we got a cool day. This summer's been hotter than hell so far."

Claire nodded in agreement, her scales glinting dully in the muted light. "It's a nice change of pace. Though I have to admit, I'm a bit torn on the weather these days."

David cocked his head, dislodging a ‘regular’ Cuddlebug in the process. It chirped indignantly before finding a new perch on his wing. "How so? I thought you lizards were all about the heat."

Claire paused, considering the question. "It's... complicated," she finally said. "I don't think I'm actually cold-blooded, but I'm not exactly warm-blooded either. It's like I'm stuck somewhere in the middle."

David nodded thoughtfully, recalling how Claire's scales always seemed to radiate a gentle warmth, regardless of the time of day or ambient temperature.

"I do like the heat," Claire continued, "but too much of it can be a problem. With my size, it's really hard to cool off once I overheat. Makes me feel sick after a while. All I want to do every time it happens is find a big stand of trees and lay down…or find some water and sit in it."

"Huh," David mused. "I guess being a fat lizard comes with its own set of problems. Who'd have thought?"

Claire snorted, the sound echoing off the side of the building nearby. "Says the bat who could barely fly without passing out from exhaustion."

"Hey!" David protested, his indignation somewhat undermined by the purring Cuddlebug on his chest. "I'll have you know I barely use any Stamina at all to fly now, thank you. Well, you know, unless you count Wildsoul stuff..."

Their banter was interrupted by a commotion from the direction of the Observatory. Kozlov's deep voice carried across the grounds, followed by the excited chatter of Gideon and Wally.

David perked up, his ears swiveling towards the sound. "Sounds like the gang's up and about. Should we go see what's got them all riled up?"

Claire yawned, her massive jaws stretching wide enough to swallow a small car. "Do we have to? I was just getting comfortable."

David chuckled, gently shooing the Cuddlebugs off his body. They chirped in protest but obediently scattered, taking up defensive positions around him and Claire.

"Come on, lazy scales," David teased, stretching his wings. "Duty calls. Besides, I've got a feeling today's going to be interesting."

As David and Claire slowly made their way towards the sound of their voices, they found Kozlov's group huddled around a stack of crates serving as an improvised table. Atop it lay a large, laminated map, held down by scattered rocks. It was extremely yellowed by age, and looked a little worse for wear but was mostly legible. Gideon stood carefully on the crates, wielding a stick like a professor's pointer as he traced routes across the topographical landscape.

David squinted at the map, memories of his dad poring over similar charts during his park ranger days flickering through his mind. The contour lines and elevation markers slowly began to make sense as he focused, revealing a familiar path that led towards Riverport.

Kozlov glanced up at their approach, his expression a mix of determination and something softer - perhaps regret. "David, Claire. Good timing. We were just finalizing our route to Riverport."

David's ears perked up, a sense of unease settling in his stomach. "Riverport? You guys are heading out?"

Kozlov nodded, his massive form shifting as he turned to face them fully. "It's time. We've lingered here too long, and the Observatory is no longer secure. Plus," he added with a slight smile, "A little bat told me there's a settlement there that could use some organizing."

Claire rumbled softly, her voice tinged with understanding. "Woodland Park? They've probably got their hands full with all the folks we sent their way after Redfield."

"Exactly," Kozlov affirmed. "They need help, and we... well, we need a purpose."

David felt a lump forming in his throat. "Yeah, you're right about that. What made you decide to leave now?"

Gideon piped up, his voice uncharacteristically gentle. "You two have outpaced us, David. The things you can do now... we'd only slow you down."

Wally nodded vigorously, his tail wagging slightly. "Yeah, what the puffball said. You guys are in the big leagues now. We're still learning to play catch."

A grunt of agreement came from Adam as he waved his trunk dejectedly. "You've helped us level up, sure. But there's a gap we can't bridge right now. Maybe someday, but for now..."

"For now," Kozlov finished, "we each have our own paths to follow. You and Claire have grown strong enough to continue your journey. After what you managed to do to an entire building I don't think a single Boss will…I have faith in you David. I don't think you realize exactly how strong you are now. And we have people who need us."

David looked at Claire, seeing his own mix of emotions reflected in her reptilian eyes. It was the right decision, they both knew it, but that didn't make it any easier.

"I guess this is goodbye then," David said, his voice sounding a bit hollow even to his own ears.

I mean, I knew they'd be leaving sooner or later. Shit, it was our idea for them to leave when they got strong enough. I guess I just got used to having them around, they're good people.

Kozlov shook his massive head. "Not goodbye. Just... Rendezvous with you later? Riverport isn't going anywhere, and I have a feeling our paths will cross again."

Claire nudged David gently with her snout. "He's right, you know. And hey, maybe by the time we visit, Herold and Kozlov will have whipped them all into shape. Can you imagine that old beetle running actual drill sergeants?"

The mental image brought a chuckle to David's lips, easing some of the tension in the air.

"Alright then," David said, straightening up. "Group hug before you guys head out to become some of Riverport's finest?"

As they all gathered for an awkward but heartfelt embrace - made all the more comical by Claire's attempts to join in without squashing anyone - David couldn't help but feel a sense of pride.

"Just promise me one thing," David said as they broke apart. "When you get to Riverport, tell Herold we said hi. And maybe teach him some new vocabulary. I swear, if I hear 'rapscallion' one more time..."

Kozlov's deep laughter rumbled through the air as he agreed to pass on David's message to Herold. "I'll do my best to expand the old beetle's options. Maybe I'll introduce him to some colorful Russian phrases."

As the laughter died down, David felt a sudden, icy dread pool in his stomach. His expression must have changed dramatically because Kozlov's keen eyes narrowed, his head cocking slightly to one side. David flicked an ear almost imperceptibly, a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken question.

Kozlov nodded, his face a mask of consideration. "David," he said, his voice carefully neutral, "I'd like a word in private. Some last-minute advice, if you will."

"Sure thing," David replied, perhaps a touch too quickly. He felt Claire's gaze boring into him and risked a glance in her direction. Her reptilian features were arranged in what he'd come to recognize as her 'you better spill the beans later' look. He gave her a tiny nod, promising a full explanation once they were alone.

The others remained absorbed in their map and planning, oblivious to the silent exchange. Kozlov promised a swift return and led David away from the group, out of earshot.

As they walked, a small contingent of Cuddlebugs scampered and fluttered after them, their tiny eyes pleading for attention. Meanwhile, one of the Empowered Cuddlebugs stayed behind with Claire, positioning itself protectively at her feet. David couldn't help but smile as he watched Claire attempt to pet the little guardian with her comically undersized arms, settling down in the cool dirt to wait.

Kozlov huffed in amusement at the Cuddlebugs' antics. "Your little ones can hitch a ride if they'd like," he offered, gesturing to his shaggy fur with a nod of his head.

David burst out laughing. "Oh, you're going to regret that offer." He sent a mental go-ahead to the eager Cuddlebugs, who shrieked in delight and immediately launched themselves at Kozlov. They burrowed into his thick fur, vanishing completely save for the occasional happy squeak as they popped in and out of sight like ugly prairie dogs.

Once they were well out of earshot, Kozlov's expression turned serious. "Alright, David. What was that back there? Your face screamed 'oh shit' louder than a bomb going off. Is there something about Riverport I should know?"

David's brow furrowed in confusion for a moment before realization dawned. He shook his head, his ears twitching nervously. "It's not about Riverport, Kozlov. It's about the Overseers."

He sighed heavily, tilting his head back to gaze at the overcast sky. Suddenly, he snapped his teeth together with a sharp lunge of his head, as if biting at an invisible foe. The action seemed to steel his resolve.

"I've been having dreams," David began, his voice low. "Not just normal, 'wow, that burrito was a mistake' dreams. These are... different. There's an Overseer involved. Her name is Xi."

Kozlov's eyes narrowed, but he remained silent, allowing David to continue.

"She's been giving me cryptic messages, showing me bizarre imagery. At first, I didn't say anything because, well, I wasn't sure if it was legit or not. Despite how 'helpful' Xi has been, I wouldn't trust her any farther than I could spit a live rat."

Kozlov nodded, his expression grim. "A wise decision. It's best not to trust entities like Omega."

David shook his head vigorously. "That's just it, Kozlov. Xi is nothing like Omega. But that doesn't necessarily mean she's any better or worse. She's... something else entirely."

The bear-man's brow furrowed deeper, but he gestured for David to continue.

"Based on what I've seen in these dreams, I think... I think Wave 2 might be starting soon." David's wings twitched nervously as he spoke. "I need you to warn Herold and the others in Riverport. Tell them to prepare, tell them it's from me if you need to, but please... only tell Herold and the Hunting Team about where I learned this. I don't want to start a panic. And...I'd rather not have random people attempting to make contact with them."

Kozlov absorbed this information, his massive paw stroking his chin thoughtfully. "I understand. We'll handle this information with care. Who exactly should I speak to besides Herold?"

David rattled off a list of names and descriptions, his voice gaining confidence as he spoke. "...and they’ll look like a six-legged panther, a giant golden bird, a wasp, and an elk-thing. They're trustworthy, competent, and... well, they're my friends. The others are probably just as solid, but I didn't interact with them much. Oh, and there's an anemone…crab…woman. Betty."

Kozlov nodded solemnly. "Consider it done, David. We'll make sure Riverport is as prepared as it can be for whatever comes next."

A moment of silence passed between them, broken only by the occasional happy squeak of a Cuddlebug nestled in Kozlov's fur.

"Thank you for trusting me with this," Kozlov said finally. "I know it couldn't have been an easy decision.

David managed a weak smile. "Yeah, well, someone once told me we've got to have each other's backs. Figured it was about time I took that advice to heart."

Kozlov chuckled, a deep, rumbling sound that sent vibrations through the ground. "Wise words indeed. Now, shall we rejoin the others? I believe we have a journey to prepare for, and you have a very impatient lizard waiting for an explanation."

As they turned back towards the group, David couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and apprehension. He'd shared his burden, warned his friends of what might be coming. But as the weight of responsibility settled onto Kozlov's broad shoulders, David couldn't shake the feeling that this was just the beginning of something much, much bigger.

He still had a malevolent Hydra’s to-do list to finish, and Wave 2 was still approaching. And this time, they'd be ready for it. Well, as ready as anyone could be for the end of the world. Again.

Maybe that's being a bit dramatic, but I really should get started on that Boss run. Kozlov is right, I didn't realize how ridiculous Miasma actually is. I could probably take a Boss now, as long as I wear it down and play it smart. Maybe try and Empower a few more of the Cuddlebugs first. Oh, I should definitely tell Azanah’s pet snake that I killed the Owl, then I can…

David's mental to-do list grew longer by the second, each item more ridiculous than the last. At this rate, he'd need to evolve a second brain just to keep up. He snorted at the thought, imagining himself with two heads, one for planning world-saving strategies and the other dedicated solely to coming up with bad puns. As Claire shot him a suspicious glance when he came into view, David couldn't help but grin. The apocalypse might be gearing up for round two, but at least he was staying busy.

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