Ice Queen in Another World – Volume 1 [Completed]

[22] I’ll Kill Him Too

Fieth appeared, swinging his blade as a head flew.

He turned around, raising his leg and stopping a dagger with the soles of his feet as a spark of fire rang.

His blade thrust forward, piercing the goblin that had dared to try and attack his blind spot with that slow a speed.

He jumped back, avoiding the blade of a crude sword and narrowly blocking it with his own.

In front of him was a taller goblin, thin, but showing bits of muscles here and there. Unlike the naked critters running around, it not only had a sense of 'battle born' to it but also actual leather cloths covering its private part.

'A Goblin with an even higher intelligence?' Fieth frowned, 'This is getting unusual.'

Their swords clashed against each other a few times, there was a grin on the face of the tall goblin as it brought its face closer.

"I don't know where you've come from, but I'll slice you and eat you just like the rest!" It laughed, snaring and slicing.

Fieth frowned, this was the first time he had ever encountered a talking goblin, he dodged the attack. His figure spun and he kicked out.

A spark flew and the sword of the goblin stopped his kick.

"What the heck!?!" Yet, the goblin crackled in disbelief.

The souls of his feet were laced with iron.

"Why you!!" It jumped back, brandishing its weapon.

Fieth grinned, "Look up."

Chills ran across the goblins skin. It looked up and there was a fallen blade with its tip pointing down towards its head.

It snorted, merely taking a step back and snaring, "A trick as simple as this? You humans truly are buffoons."

Fieth merely said a single word.


His body flickered.

Appearing immediately before the goblin, just as his sword was about to puncture into the ground, he grabbed it and slashed upward. A deep gash found its way across the goblin's chest and it stumbled back. It tried to quickly raise its weapon to defend itself.

"Too slow," Fieth chuckled.

His leg flew out, kicking the sword in its hand away as it impaled into another goblin to the side who soon found itself impaled with ice.


His hand moved and a head was lopped off.

He immediately jumped back, swerving his body left and right as weapons passed his side.

"Tch," He grimaced slightly, his leg had been scrapped and a cut bruised his cheek.

Alicia laughed, punching a goblin to smithereens.

She dodged a punch, sidestepping it and threw her own out.

A tall goblin scoffed, sidestepping hers and threw his own out as well.

Their fists met and stopped each other's.

"Oh? You actually know a bit of martial arts?" She raised a brow, she could tell immediately with that clash that this wasn't a normal goblin.

"Fine! I'll be serious."

Her crimson eyes gleamed.

The goblin stopped in its track.

One second was all she needed.

A barrage of flying crimson fists shot out. The goblin's face quickly deformed before,


Exploding into a bloodied mess with a final attack.

Claire held Aura behind her, the katana in her hand slashed out.

Piercing waves of ice shot forwards, drilling through groups of beasts at a time and falling more. Blood splashed, she frowned.

A wave of her hand and an azure light shot out.

A great sword of eternal ice twisted and turned, crashing through multiple foes and eventually impaling them into the ground. They were left to bleed to death.

She looked around, her rain of ice spears had stopped and the mass of goblins had thinned to one or two—Alicia's blood wires waved around—none.

However, at that moment, three figures walked out of a crudely made wooden house with faces of annoyance. As soon as they saw the scene littered with corpses however, they stopped in their tracks and stared at the trio.

These goblins were more akin to orcs than what could be described as goblins. The only thing they seemed to be missing were the tusks. Each of them was larger than even Claire herself, they stood like titans, their buff figures radiating strength.

"I wanted to nap and this is what I come to..." The middle one spoke, its voice rough and laced with killing intent.

The other two didn't seem to care. On the left, there was one with crimson furred hair. It looked around the area in disinterest before spotting the figure of Claire shielding Aura.

It instantly smiled as it began to walk forward. There was a great sword at its back, it grabbed it and brought the metallic hunt forwards. It was crude, but it was large, a single swing was likely to destroy any normal human.

It had already begun running towards her, dragging the sword with it.

Claire placed her right leg forward and her left back as she held <Loki> to her side. It was as if it was sheathed within an invisible sheath.

She looked at the charging beast with calm eyes.

There was a gloatful grin on that face, "Little girl! Become my concubine and I'll forgive you! It's not fair for the king to have all the beauties to himself! Don't worry, I'll take good care of you!" It drooled with great anticipation.

It was closing in and the ground beneath her was shaking.

She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath and sucking in a mouthful of air.

An azure light twinkled at her fingers, the temperature of the area seemed to drop down to a crawl and it looked as if the air itself had stilled.

At that moment, white hair fluffed and her eyes opened to reveal an azure glare.

She released her breath.

Her hands moved in one swift motion, she gripped the handle of the sword tightly, curving her blade, and slashed upwards.

A single line of streaking blue blurred.

First, an arm flew off.

"What the-" The goblin was forced to stop in its track.

Its body had ceased to listen to its command. It felt a paradoxical chill and warmth at the base of its neck. Its emerald eyes slowly turned down to look.

Its sword had been sliced into two like butter.

A thin, silver, katana had extended through ice and found its place at its neck. It had cut deep.

"I can't believe...a little girl..." Its last words flew out in disbelief.

The 'blade' moved as the girl used the strength in her arms.

A head lopped off.

Claire turned around.

Behind her, a rain of blood froze into ice crystals and a beast's body fell down, shattering into frozen pieces on impact.

Not a drop of blood fell upon the girl as the sword left her hand.

'The sword he gave me isn't bad, it works well with my powers,' Claire thought, looking around the battlefield.

She smiled at the figure of the shaking Aura, "I'm still curious, why are you following him around? Why do you refuse to fight? You're strong, aren't you? Even stronger than me..."

The girl dropped her head along with her long ears. She didn't speak.

Claire didn't push her, she turned towards Alicia.

Another orc-like goblin was crackling its fist as it unhurriedly walked towards her. This one was enraged, there was no lust on its face and it merely wanted to stomp someone to pieces at the destruction of its camp.

It roared, charging forwards and bringing its large fist down.

Alicia laughed, "Are you stupid? You actually want to fight me barehanded and with fists?"

She jumped up, dodging its attack and kneeling the creature in the face. It stumbled back, snaring, and covering its mouth as it's head swerved here and there.

The girl had disappeared.

"Come out!" It roared, stomping onto the floor.


"I'm right here you idiot!"

A kick was delivered to the side of its face as Alicia landed back down.

The beast quickly swerved its head and looked down at the girl, only to be met with gleaming crimson eyes and a smile.

It blinked once.

The next moment,

It had found itself in an abyss of darkness. A void of endless black.

Its skin crawled with chills and it quickly looked up.

There was a spear of red falling down and he jumped back.


Pain ran through the back of its head even as the weapon merely escaped into the void.

Its eyes were wide open, and it quickly punched out into an empty space.

Light returned and the world spun with blurriness.


A punch sent its left leg caving in, twisting, and breaking.

"!!" It found itself forced to kneel on one leg.

"Here!" A cheerful voice rang as a bang revebated from its right leg. That too cracked open, revealing bone, before falling.

It was forced to kneel on both legs.p, using its arms to keep itself from fully collapsing onto the floor.

"You..." The large orc-like goblin opened its eyes wide, staring at the half masked girl before it.

The girl was grinning and she clutched her right fist.

The gauntlet squirmed. Red twisted and expanded like a gas.

Alicia skipped closer to the beast with light steps, humming quietly, she appeared before its face and sniffed.

She shook her head, "As I thought, you're not tasty."

She grinned, bringing her squirming fist up and punching forwards.

Her strike shattered through the animal's teeth and found its way into its mouth. It tried to speak, it tried to bite down, it tried to escape, but whatever it tried to do was merely meaningless.

Strings of crimson erupted from its head, boring countless holes as they waved chaotically and sliced and diced its skull into pieces. Blood flowed within the air.

Alicia slowly took back her fist as the beast fell down, its head a jarred mess of flesh and blood.

She hummed a nod to herself before looking back.

"Hey hey! Claire! I did a good job right!?!" Alicia smiled, running towards the frosty ice queen as she waved her hand in the air enthusiastically.

She was covered in blood.

"Don't touch me." Claire spoke.

It was as if a dog dropped its wagging tail.

The final beast walked out. It was the one that had been annoyed at its ruined sleep. It walked towards the two girls.

"I can let the goblins go, those can be replaced as easily as the dirt below our feet." It's voice boomed, anger apparent on its face, "But to dare disturb my sleep...I'll have to kill you all."

The ground shook as it stomped down, the next moment, its large body was running as if it held no weight.

'A skill?'

Claire furrowed her brow, ready to use her blade again but stopped as a smile placed onto her lips.


A sword spun within the air.

A body flickered in front of the charging beast.

"I'll take you on," Fieth scoffed, slashing.

The beast quickly stopped and raised its hands. A bloodied gash appeared and skin fell but it's arms remained.

It scoffed as well, punching, "A mere human."

Fieth felt a force slam into the side of his face before he himself slammed into the ground.

The beast looked down at the 'boy', snaring and baring its teeth in disgust before disregarding him and beginning back on its path.

However...a hand latched onto its feet.

"Haven't you heard? A hero doesn't give up so easily..." Fieth's voice shook, holding the leg of the creature.

He jumped up, flipping and throwing his weapon.

A howl of pain escaped the beast's mouth as a sword punctured through its leg. It almost kneeled right there and there.

Fieth figure flickered within the air.

He appeared before the beast, pulling out his blade as he slashed up.

A scoff entered into his ears, "Haven't you heard?"

The goblin caught the blade of his weapon.

"I'm a high goblin Ogrion the commander! " It bellowed with force, forcefully gripping the sword and bashing its head against the human's.

Fieth gritted his teeth, remaining standing.

Still, he smiled.


A kick beneath the beasts chin sent it flying upwards. It's almost weightless body worked against it.

Fieth twirled his blade, point the tip upwards and throwing it straightly.

"!!" Ogrion felt something puncture through its chest, passing through it and finding its way onto the other side, blood fell from his lips.

Fieth's figured flickered.

A moment later, falling atop the beast's body, he grasped the handle of his weapon.

"Wait...hold on, the king will not let you free if you kill me-!"

Bringing his sword along with him, he spun within the air and produced a curved slice with his blade.


Fieth landed on the floor with heavy feet, he waved his weapon, returning it to its silver color before sheathing it at his back.

Behind him was the image of the large beast amidst a small crater made from its own body. It was missing something significant atop its shoulders as blood spilled out.

The head of a goblin fell down from the sky, creating a low thud and slowly rolling upon the ground before stopping to reveal an expression of disbelief.

"Even if you're a high goblin, you're still a goblin." Fieth spat out.

He kicked the head away from him in disgust.

"So what if the king doesn't let me free? I'll kill him too."

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