I was summoned by a super villainess to another universe

Ch 51 – Pop

Sass flipped a quarter into the air, caught it, then slapped it down on her wrist.



She was standing in front of Adam's door. She had been contemplating coming up here for a while now. The problem was she wasn't entirely sure why she had come up at all. Well, she did know. She wanted to bang him, but she also wanted to talk with him. She wasn't quite sure where things were going and now there was that new rumor about Adam and Ivy on the internet.


Ivy confirmed nothing was going on, which was good. Although the fact that Ivy all bit admitted sleeping with him at least once ranked Sass. Maybe it was for the best that people thought that Adam and Ivy were a thing so that word didn't get around about her and him. She knew her team was good at keeping their mouth such about this sort of thing, but it still made her feel off center.


She lifted her hand to look at the quarter and saw it was tails. She flipped it into the air and checked it again. Again, for the sixth time in a row, it was tails. She started to turn away to leave, then stopped. She paused to smooth down the front of the red t-shirt she liked to wear on her off days and took a deep breath. She turned back and pressed the notification button on the newly installed intercom that came with the security door. Maybe fate was telling her to do this later, but she needed to get this off her chest.


Sass heard Adam shouting from inside the room, "Who is it?"


Sass closed her eyes, took a deep breath, then pressed the talk button, "Its Sass. Is now a good time?"


There was a long pause. Long enough that Sass thought that maybe she should leave, but right before she pressed the talk button again, she heard him yell, "C'mon in!"


Sass looked at the coin then pointedly slipped it into her pocket of her blue jeans as she punched in the master code to let herself inside. Stepping into the room, she saw that Adam had his bed pushed up against the wall across from his new entertainment center. He was lying in bed with his back against wadded up blankets and pillows that were in turn piled against the wall. He was dressed in a heather grey jogging suit with his wings spread out wide.


Directly to his right was Grease  leaning back into his wing. She was also dressed casually in that annoying shirt she liked to wear, 'I'm Not A Lesbian, But 20 Bucks Is 20 Bucks.' Between the two of them was a half eaten bag of microwave popcorn. They apparently had paused whatever movie they were watching while Sass came in.


Sass paused as she saw the two of them. There was a long moment while Grease and Sass stared at one another. Sass started to take a step back and make an excuse to leave when Adam cut her off, "Hey! Uh... We were playing a game." He pointed at the TV screen, "We were checking out NetLu and seeing what movies were close to movies from back home and talking about the differences." He patted the bed next to him, "Care to join?"


Sass looked around awkwardly, "I..."


Grease winced a little, "I could leave if you two need to-"


Adam looked at Grease, "I'd prefer if you didn't." Then turned back to Sass, "I hope you can join us."


Sass glanced over her shoulder, back at Adam, then nodded once, "Sure." She reached back to hit the close button. The door slid shut as she walked over to the bed. She kicked off her sneakers and subconsciously checked the quarter in her pocket as she hopped into bed next to Adam. As she leaned back into his wing she gestured at the screen, "What were we watching?"


Adam pointed at the screen, "Iron Man."


Sass looked surprised, "That old love story?"


Grease nodded, "Apparently it's an action film in his world. Tony owns the company and is an arms dealer in his version."


Sass looked surprised, "So, he isn't Piper's secretary?" She squinted a bit, "I'm... not even sure how that works. Wasn't the point of him building the armor to help save her company?"


Adam shrugged, "We just started this one. Frankly, it's giving me Lifetime Movie Network vibes. In my version he is captured by terrorists and has to build the original iron man suit in a cave with a box of scraps."


Sass blinked, "How?"


Adam smirked, "He's just that good." Then sighed, "The third one kind of ended the series for me."


Grease looked at Sass, "Wasn't the original story based on The Ergonaut?"


Turning her eyes to the ceiling in thought, Sass bit her lower lip for a second before replying "The woman who was the poster child for the ASF? Yeah. I think so." She snapped her fingers, "Now I remember! I overheard it from my mom. Apparently the ASF was trying to drum up good PR to help with their budget. I think at the time the US Government was talking about shutting the department down entirely."


Adam looked from one to the other before asking Sass, "What's the ASF?"


"The ASF? Oh, Right after world war two they founded the American Special Forces as a stop gap to deal with increasing numbers of capes showing up. They wanted to get things organized and so it was created right after they shut down the OSS and about the same time they made the CIA." Sass looked off into the distance, "But... something happened."


Grease chimed in, "The Un-American Activities Committee happened. The Ergonaut turned in the names of every meta they had on file. She might have been ordered to do so, but the cape community never trusted the ASF again after that. WASP got created just in time for the Vietnam war and the ASF got kicked to the curb. However, for some reason, it was politically viable to keep both."


Sass nodded, "Yeah, that was it. The ASF is to WASP what the CIA is to the FBI. They are mostly black budget, so nobody knows what they are doing, but... for some reason... they keep getting funding." She shrugged, "I think mom once mentioned that part of ASF gets funneled into the Caretakers, but she was drunk at the time, so don't quote me."


Grease squinted, "Wait, they get funding from the ASF? That's... nice if you can figure out how to do it."


Adam snapped his fingers, "OH! Now I get the whole political sub-plot thing!" He gestured at the TV, "It was making no sense to me why it was a period piece when our version was set in... I want to say twenty ten, but don't quote me."


Everyone started nodding as nobody else had anything else to say on the topic. The conversation almost immediately came to a screeching halt. There was a tension in the air as everyone just sat there and said nothing. Adam reached out to pick up two pieces of popcorn, looked at them, then wound up just holding them.


He final broke the silence, "I like both of you. I think it's because I'm attracted to broken people."


Neither Sass nor Grease said anything.


"I assume that Sass knows your problems, especially because she paid quite a bit to keep the details of that lawsuit quiet." Adam looked at Sass, "Right?"


Sass and Grease's eyes briefly met before Sass nodded once.


Adam nodded for a bit as well, "As for you, Sass, you got some serious pent up issues." Grease quirked an eyebrow, but said nothing. Adam continued, "However, I guess I like that part about you." He finally looked up at Sass, "I'm into it, because I like to think I'm helping you deal with it." He jogged his head towards Grease, "Sort of like I'm helping her."


He looked at his hands and the two pieces of popcorn, "I'm not in love, but I am definitely in LIKE, which I know is odd, considering how guys are supposed to act here." He sighed, "I don't know if it's possible, but I don't want to mix things. I don't want a three-some or some crazy crap like that. I'd like us to remain friends, but I know sex messes relationships up. I see this as a friends with benefits thing. I kind of need to know how you two see it."


Sass sat there, thinking as the silence dragged on. She avoided looking at Grease and Adam as she tried to frame her own thoughts.


Grease suddenly reached over to take one of the pieces of popcorn and popped it into her mouth, "I'm good."


Both Sass and Adams looked up at Grease. Sass was a bit taken off guard. Grease chewed for a bit then shrugged, "No. Seriously. I'm good." She reached over and took a handful of popcorn, "I don't think this needs a lot of thought. This is how it is. I don't have a problem with it." She looked at Sass, "You good?"


Sass looked off into the distance. She remained quiet in thought as Grease and Adam both looked at her and waited. Sass eventually looked away entirely, "I don't know." She scratched her ear, "I mean... I..." She hit herself over her chest a few times, "I'm screwed up. I got a lot of things I am screwed up about and I know it. I worry all the time and-" She went quiet for a while. Adam slowly reached up to put an arm around her and pull her in closer. She resisted, then looked at Grease, "How?"


Grease blinked, "How what?"


Sass let out a short huff, "How are you okay with this, that easily?"


Grease shrugged, "I trust him." She pointed at Sass, "And I trust you. So if there are lines that don't get crossed and we just trust each other, it'll work out."


Sass covered her face with both hands, "All I can think about right now is all the ways everything will go wrong." A piece of popcorn bounced off her forehead. Sass dropped her hands to see Adam pointing at Grease. Grease  grinned as she threw another piece of popcorn, this time at Adam.


Adam squinted, then took some popcorn to fling at her, one piece at a time. Grease moved with super speed to catch it in her mouth and waggle her eyebrows. Sass abruptly took a handful of popcorn and flung it over hand at Grease.


Grease threw up her hand to protect her face, "HEY!" However, she was smirking and didn't seem upset about it. In short order all three wound up throwing popcorn at one another for a good minute while laughing at the sheer insanity of it all. When the last of the popcorn had been thrown, they all took a minute to calm down.


Sass's smile faded until she was serious again, "I'm... I don't have a word for it. I'm just... this." She gestured to herself and nodded for a bit, "But I trust you two so... let's just see where this goes. Okay?"


Adam nodded, "Okay." He looked around, "I'm gonna be cleaning up popcorn for a week."


Grease laughed then leaned back into Adam's wing, "I'll help you clean up when I leave."


Sass looked around at all the popcorn scattered about and how chaotic the room looked, then smirked. She leaned into Adam's other wing as she picked a piece of popcorn out of his hair, "Yeah. Me too." She turned to the TV, "What other shows were you looking at?" As she snuggled into Adam's feathers, she let herself do something she had not done in a very long time.







Sass allowed herself to relax. 

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