I Was Called A Demon

Arc 7: Chapter 1

Bianca sat in the field with her legs crossed, her hand on her knees, her eyes shut and her focus on the outside. The Weave of the Senses stuck so closely to her skin that she could hardly tell the difference between the two, but she could most certainly spot the effect that it had upon her.

Without it on – based entirely on memory, since she wasn’t going to dress and undress several times just to compare the experience – she could barely feel a thing around her, even once the Demonic Tyrant got involved. With it, however, it was as though she saw more with her eyes shut than open. The Demonic Tyrant guided her perception all around, letting her see every detail and side of every blade of grass and stray leaf, letting her peer part-way into the dirt below and perceive every speck of dust within the air.

It felt extremely natural on one hand, all thanks to the influence of the Weave, but from the standpoint of her intuition, her common sense, it felt as though she was doing something very wrong.

Still, she had no excuse now that she had obtained the artefact, and so she had to get used to it. If not, she would’ve wasted everyone’s time and energy, and gotten nothing for it besides the help of a Sect Master, which… to be fair, was more than worth it. As long as she stuck with them, Bianca would be guaranteed safety against the majority of threats.

Speaking of the Sect Master…


“So, I awoke in Xi Village without memory. I met Song Ming, she helped me get used to the place, then a sect showed up, they lent me one of their manuals, I didn’t understand any of it, then I got a planar shard and my body somehow absorbed some dark mist from the manual and I ended up learning my archetype’s technique.”

“… I see. And from the looks of it, your meridians seem to be completely saturated as is, so learning any other technique or skill would necessitate that you purge yours completely, which would be highly difficult even for me. The issue is that your energy has a trace of killing intent, which is significantly harder to remove from the body entirely,” the Sect Master explained, “Killing intent is poorly understood, but I have had the opportunity to read some musings about it by the Master of Yi City – or some documents that claimed to be musings, at least.”

“That guy again…”

“Could be a woman, or perhaps not a real person at all. Records about the Master of Yi City are rather obscure, which is rather odd, but it is hardly my place to investigate. That is the concern of the Western Continent, and if they wish to let their greatest legend be forgotten, so be it.”

“Right. Uh, so, killing intent. What is it?”

“It is a form of mental energy, akin to your spiritual perception. The difference is that killing intent is capable of more direct harm, and has a certain polluting effect on those that use it. If, by some miracle, someone accumulated sufficient killing intent to fill their meridians without ever gathering a drop of planar energy, they would, in theory, be able to wield it in just the same manner as planar energy, perhaps even more easily as it would be, effectively, infinite.”

“… Yeah, I don’t understand any of that.”

“Fair enough. I forget that you have very little experience in this regard,” Huang Su had shrugged, “So, that’s how your skills came to be. The kitsune, has she been trying to exploit you?”

“… Eh, I guess. She really wants to learn from me to create a- you know, I just realised that saying what I was about to say will sound really strange.”

“It’s okay, I am accustomed to all kinds of things in the world of cultivation. Go ahead.”

“She… she wants to learn my ability to grow a cock.”

Huang Su’s eyebrow rose ever so slightly, at least at first. Her expression held up for a few moments before crumbling, leading to lips parting in confusion and both eyes widening.

“Sorry, but… how exactly does this line up with any of your other abilities?”

“Well, I’ve also got this influence over people. It seems to show up exclusively when they make me cum while I’m using that… skill…” Bianca found herself blushing as she spoke, as though she was admitting something lewd to a grown-up while she was a kid – something that had happened once, as she certainly would never forget – and the thought alone made her even more embarrassed, “And when I directly share energy via dual cultivation.”

“Which makes sense… heavens. What are the exact effects of your energy?”

“… Not sure. However, it clearly has effects on those that I… sleep with, and that get a lot of my energy. Song Ming had her entire physique transform, and her attitude towards me… it’s hard to describe for sure, but it feels like it’s making her addicted to me. I-I don’t want that to happen, of course I don’t, but… well…”

“Of all the things you’ve told me, this is the hardest to believe so far. Be honest with me, Bianca.”

“… Okay, it is kinda hot to have her look at me like that, but… look, I know it’s wrong! I know it’s wrong, but… it’s been so stressful, and-”

“Bianca, I do understand, at least in concept. While I’ve not had access to any such skills myself, I have often wished for ways to make life easier during stressful times, to lose some of the tension by indulging in something I ought not to do. For me, that tended to involve sneaking into the treasury as a child, which my mother most certainly didn’t appreciate…” the Sect Master chuckled, “Ultimately, it was best that I avoided doing such a thing, and in my case, there was no guarantee of danger.”

“And in mine, I know that I’m at fault…”

“Exactly. Bianca, you ought to do what you know is right, without succumbing to momentary impulse. I can imagine that using that skill of yours must be rather… pleasurable, but you have to understand that each and every time you let your desires win, you sacrifice the precious thing that is love.”

“I… technically, none of us know for sure what exactly the corruption does…”

“You’ve seen enough, have you not?”

“…” Bianca couldn’t quite decide on the answer to that.

“However, I do understand that you might want to use that skill of yours more, and that you would wish to be able to remove the corruption, or at least ensure that it doesn’t grow any stronger… The kitsune won’t be a reliable partner in this regard, so to get a personal look at this process…”

She stared at Bianca for an uncomfortably long time before glancing towards the rest of their party, who, in the time they’d spent talking, managed to set up a small camp, and then brought her hand up. A dome around them suddenly turned visible and opaque, blocking the view but allowing the light from the night sky in.

“Uhm… what are you-”

“Bianca, if it alright with you, I would investigate this first-hand. Considering that your energy is far, far too lacking to affect my cultivation during dual cultivation – not to mention the danger of my energy entering your body and potentially destroying your meridians in the process – I can only think of one way to resolve this.”

“… Not even going to get a first date?” Bianca couldn’t supress the shock at the proposal, if only because Huang Su didn’t seem like the type.

In her eyes, the Sect Master was effectively a mother figure to her sect, someone that was above the baser pleasures of the world… but it should’ve been obvious that of all the ways to experience the corruption first-hand, the easiest – and perhaps safest – way to do so would be by doing something sexual.

Compared to Bianca trying to pour her planar energy inside of the Sect Master, this would be much quicker and easier.

“I’ll only use my hand, but if I understood correctly, this should still work, right?”

“Y-Yes, it should… Right now?”

“Yes, while we’re here anyway. Then, while the other matters are being decided and enacted, I ought to have sufficient time to discern the basic nature of this corruption, and determine a few routes that could be used to deal with it,” she sat down on a large stone and patted her leg, “Come on, let’s get this over with.”

Bianca gulped and followed the Sect Master’s lead, sitting down on the woman’s leg. It was rather clear that this was going to be a handjob at best, but even then, the sheer intimidation factor of a woman as powerful as this made her rather nervous.

“How does this technique of yours work? Does it require any special preparation or process?”

“No, I just use it, and… it shows up.”

“Hm,” Huang Su opened up Bianca’s shorts with deftness, her arm wrapped around Bianca’s waist to pull her closer in, “No underwear. You must use that skill quite often.”

“N-No, it’s… well… I try to avoid it, but it just… happens.”

“Considering how rowdy men can get with such a thing, I suppose it’s no big surprise. Could you use your technique now, or would the Weave get in the way?”

Bianca nodded, following with a brief shake of the head at the follow-up, before she glanced at the Demonic Tyrant and let the cock-summoning technique activate. Right away, she felt her shorts grow tight as a pair of balls appeared within them, with the half-hard shaft sticking out of the opening at the front, though it quickly grew in length and girth alike. As it did, the musky scent emanating from it wafted towards her, and the Sect Master as a result.

The length pushed aside the thin, translucent fabric of the Weave, forcing it all to bunch up by her leg, but it wasn’t uncomfortable in the slightest. It was as though the fabric had merged into a narrow thread, barely pressing on her skin at all. While Bianca focused on that, the Sect Master sniffed the air, pondering for a moment.

“That smell… Beastly Musk? I thought you couldn’t… ah, but your body technique seems to incorporate elements of it…”

“Is it that easy to recognise?”

“Somewhat. Most wouldn’t be sufficiently familiar with the technique to spot it, or wouldn’t have the capability to perceive it’s traces, but the Phoenix Sect has a certain collection of techniques and skills relating to the Beast archetype. As any good Sect Master would, I’ve skimmed through most of our library to ensure that I can react appropriately to any foe – or ally,” she explained, bringing her hand to rest on Bianca’s shaft, “And so sweaty already…”

Her touch was gentle, but the sensation was intense from the very start. Every caress was precise and seemed to find her sensitive spots with no trouble at all as her hand slowly travelled up and down the length, feeling it up in the process.

“Indeed, it’s as though it was always part of you, in every way… What an impressive technique. I can see why the kitsune wants it,” Huang Su spoke softly, her fingers exploring every part of Bianca’s length, her short nails occasionally scratching the surface of her skin ever so gently, “Do you have much control over it?”

“M-Meaning?” she held back a moan as the Sect Master’s hand finally grasped her cock, her fingers gently touching the sensitive spot on the underside as she gripped the upper part of the shaft, “I-I can’t cum on command or anything like that…”

“Interesting, so it mimics the real thing even more closely than I would’ve anticipated… I wonder how such a technique came to be. You said you don’t know?” Huang Su asked as she slowly brought her hand down, sliding along the length and pulling down the foreskin to reveal the entirety of Bianca’s cock head.

As always, it was clean, though there was an added layer of slick, sticky sweat over the entirety of her cock, and it’s aroma seemed exceptionally strong at the head, where some of her scent must’ve built up. Even Huang Su couldn’t remain entirely composed when the steamy cloud of musk reached her, making her gulp quietly – yet noticeably. Her grip got a little tighter as stroked up, then down again, each stroke becoming slicker and slicker from the growing layer of sweat.

“Are they supposed to be this sweaty? I, uh, as the Sect Master’s daughter, I’ve never been allowed near any men lest I affect my innate yin and yang, or something of the sort,” Huang Su muttered, “Sorry, I’m probably not helping…”

“N-No, it’s fine… your hand feels really good,” Bianca replied, ‘For some reason… It’s just a handjob! Huang Su isn’t so hot that- well, she is quite hot, true, but…’

“I’m glad. I’ll speed up, since you seem… slick enough for that.”

The Sect Master apparently lacked any knowledge of what to do, but her instincts seemed sufficient, as she always reached just the right spots, her fingers gently brushing over her cock head at her stroke’s peak before sliding down and grasping firmer by the time she reached the base. Each motion resulted in wet, lewd sounds, which only served to turn Bianca on more, her cock becoming as hard as it can be, bringing out a faint gasp from Huang Su’s lips.

“That’s an… interesting size… Ahem…”

“It’s been getting bigger and bigger with each stage I reach, especially with this realm…” Bianca mentioned, though even she wasn’t sure why she felt the need to do this.

Was she bragging unconsciously, like some guy that had just decided to measure his cock and figured out he was bigger than average, or was she trying to simply be informative? She wasn’t sure, though as she looked at it a little longer, she realised that it was definitely exceeding whatever the average was on Orbis.

It had yet to outright double in size, of course, but 18cm long – it was hard to be sure without a ruler on hand – it felt really large on her body, given that she was only about average in terms of height. Her wide hips and big ass were definitely larger than that of most men, but then again, she was pretty sure her cock was now larger, too… Though this line of thinking would only lead to the loss of whatever arousal she had, so she threw those mental images aside.

She allowed herself to be consumed by the moment, to be completely overtaken by every quick stroke of her dick, and to relax, letting out whatever moans came to her lips without a moment of worry.

Perhaps Huang Su was like the kitsune, harbouring other intentions that might not align with Bianca’s own, but in this moment, she was safe from outside view, from the judgement of the world, and most importantly, from the dangers of cultivators. So long as she was in Huang Su’s capable hands – literally or otherwise – she could focus solely on the pleasure.

While she used one arm to return the Sect Master’s embrace, she brought the other hand up to her chest, pulling up her top and playing with her own boobs. She gently squeezed and kneaded the soft flesh at first, then as her pleasure grew, she switched to focus on her nipple, tugging on it in a kind of rhythm with Huang Su’s strokes.

The Sect Master stepped up her efforts too. Her strokes continued on quickly, but she focused exclusively on the base of the shaft, moving over her free hand to caress the tip. It was so sweaty and wet that Bianca might as well have had lube covering her length, and thus her fingertips were able to tease the swollen, sensitive head with ease. With her stroking also getting more varied, with some twisting motions added on, it didn’t take long for Bianca to reach the edge.

“I-I’m going to…”

“Shh, don’t worry and just let go. You’ll be fine,” Huang Su whispered into her ear, her voice acquiring just a slightly sensual tone, perhaps despite her best efforts.

Even if Bianca had wanted to hold on, to resist the rush of orgasm, she couldn’t do it after such prompting. Her balls clenched and her grasp on both Huang Su’s side and her own nipple tightened, eliciting one final gasp of pleasure as a flood of seed erupted from her cock. It splattered onto the Sect Master’s hand, coating the palm and fingers in the first few thick, white ropes, and the weaker spurts that followed splashed down onto the ground, just narrowly missing her long legs.

It wasn’t anywhere near as excessive at the time she had inflated Song Ming’s belly – or the time her Demon Queen side fucked the kitsune’s throat – but judging by Huang Su’s shocked expression, it was beyond her expectations nonetheless.

“Uhm… Ahem. This might take a little while to clean up. As for your corruption, I think… yes, I think I felt something, so I’ll attempt to examine it in greater detail after this. I will do my best to ensure that you’re able to live the peaceful life you desire, Bianca,” the Sect Master cleared her throat and seemed to recover her composure, “Alright?”

“Mhm… Thank you. I’ll… yeah, thank you,” she muttered through her departure, quickly fixing up her shorts and top, ensuring that there was no sign of their activities on her, all the while the Sect Master remained there.


‘… I’m pretty sure that’s a lot more than the typical man would produce… and heavens, this isn’t the strongest user of the Beastly Musk that I’ve seen, but the scent is… I see why this is deemed to be such a dangerous skill by others. And her corruption…’ Huang Su glanced at her hand, at the thick coating of semen that warmed her skin, and felt the briefest of temptations to bring it to her lips and taste it.

Of course, as soon as it happened, she threw the thought out of her mind and unleashed her energy to burn away all of the cum on her, and to scorch the air to burn out any hint of its overwhelming musk. It was dangerous enough to have a minor effects on her, and she would much rather smell ash and flame than to have to control her thoughts with every moment.

Of course, when the flames died down, she realised that any sensation she had picked up from Bianca’s orgasm was so subtle that she could barely place it. She wasn’t sure what, if anything, had changed, nor how, and thus she could only proceed to study this phenomenon after careful examination.

That, or she could do this again. Since she had experienced it once, the second time would help her narrow down on the exact energy behind this corruption, and understand it in greater detail.

Besides, she was in the sixth realm. Surely someone in the third couldn’t corrupt her… right?


… and that was how Bianca ended up in the mood to sit around and focus on her spiritual perception. By any reasonable standard, this was far from the most pleasurable time she’d had – she had fucked her lovely girlfriend’s pussy before, after all, and would definitely fuck her ass soon – but it somehow came with a wave of calm that she hadn’t had in a while.

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