I Was Called A Demon

Arc 6: Chapter 12

It had been a rather unusual night. Bianca had felt herself slip for a moment, and then she was in the passenger seat, watching herself act like she could never act, do what she could never do… but considering the circumstances, she hardly felt bad. Whether the venom-coated words and implications made by her Demon Queen self were true, she got a blowjob and managed to bring the kitsune to her knees with her own strength.

Yeah, she wasn’t about to complain. Especially not about the fact that she had remembered it all so clearly.

Speaking of, since she wasn’t able to sleep that night, she ended up pondering the reason quite a bit as she lay besides Song Ming and Yu Juan, enjoying their warmth and scent – not just the cum or sweat, no, she wasn’t quite that much of a pervert – as a thinking aid. Her conclusion was dependant on whether the Demon Queen was a product of the Demonic Tyrant, and therefore a foreign entity, or a product of her own mind, a split personality she wasn’t willing to reconcile.

In the case of the former, the Demonic Tyrant knew what she wanted and tried to endear her to the Demon Queen. It was a rather effective method, she had to admit. In the case of the latter, she had no idea of the actual psychology behind split personalities or whatever the proper term for them was. However, it felt like she better able to understand her other side whenever she was in alignment with its actions and desires. In the case of bringing Xue Yaling to her knees, making her prove her claims about the safety of demonic corruption, and so on.

Ultimately, it was more or less the same thing. When she and the Demon Queen were closest together, she was able to recall more about her. Usually, she invoked her during combat, which was purely a specialty of her other side, so the memories she retained were few and far between.

‘But I can’t exactly repeat this. Xue Yaling will be prepared, and while I can bring out my other side with Song Ming and Yu Juan, for instance, I’d rather enjoy the two of them myself… Maybe it would help with Han Rushu, ensuring that she doesn’t try anything I wouldn’t like, but she has already kept to my boundaries, so…’ Bianca sighed, feeling the first rays of sunlight hit her, ‘For now, I should just keep in mind that it is rather easy to slip into that others self… heh.’

The lewd implication of her words naturally didn’t evade her, distracting her from any seriousness the moment had. Besides, it was already morning, so she had had enough of laying down and thinking.

She attempted to rise without disturbing the others, but as they’d had a much better rest than she had, it must’ve been time for them to wake regardless, for both began to stir. Yu Juan’s hand found her way to her butt, and to the plug within, which seemed to bring her from her groggy state to full wakefulness.

“Ah, that… Bianca, you’re up already?”

“Mhm. How are you feeling?”

“I had an almost calm night… it’s been some time since such a thing has happened, so I have to assume that your energy helped… Thanks, Mistress,” she flashed a smile towards her, “Though I don’t think I can do as your pet does and keep the plug in me all day. Hope you don’t mind.”

“Oh, don’t worry, with Song Ming it’s more because we can, not because… ahem. So, it seems like my influence helped you, even when it wasn’t, uh, placed into your mind directly?”

“It seems like it, and I’m really, really glad for your help. Truly. Even if the only thing you actually needed to do was fuck me in the ass… I liked that too, although,” she leaned in close, and Bianca did as well, since she was curious what the Dancer had to say, “I did play it up a little bit for your sweet pet. I loved her getting lost in us, and she makes for a good kisser, too.

“I see…” Bianca looked over to find Song Ming rising up as well, albeit slowly and with far less energy, “Morning, sweetheart. Did you have sweet dreams?”

“Ah, Mistress… I…” Song Ming instantly began to blush, her hand also reaching down, “While I slept, I still felt it… I didn’t quite understand it in my sleep, but it still felt… good.”

Bianca felt the phantom sensation of her cock growing hard yet again – a sensation that had seeped into her mind so much that she suspected she wouldn’t be able to get rid of it completely no matter what she did from now on – and smiled, “Well then, I’ll take that as you liking butt stuff quite a bit. Glad to hear it, and I will be sure to use your sweet ass plenty of times from now on.”

“T-Thank you, Mistress…” the cutie blushed even more, making her chuckle a little.

“Anyway, I’d imagine that if we’re up, Xue Yaling and Han Rushu would be up as well,” Bianca glanced towards the wall, where she knew that the kitsune had gone to after they parted, the scent of her magically-enhanced cum still lingering in her mind, “We should greet them and see how the day will go.”

There was no disagreement from the two of them, so they headed out of their room and found that Xue Yaling was similarly exiting from the neighbouring door, turning just in time for their gazes to meet.

Notably, she spotted that the kitsune was chewing something with a strong minty scent, akin to the chewing gum she was used to, which made for a bit of a disappointment, though at least she could enjoy the fact that she had spent the night with Bianca’s cock and cum on her breath. That, or she’d started trying to fix her breath since they returned here, and this was just the latest attempt.

The latter was a little hotter, if only because it meant that the mark she could leave was that much closer to being outright permanent – although she knew that it would be quite some time until such a thing was possible.

“Didn’t sleep well, Bianca?” the kitsune spoke first, trying to take the lead.

She was tempted to let the Demon Queen out for another spin, but chose to remain friendly to Xue Yaling.

“I spent a good while of it having fun. How about you?”

“I happened to encounter two brats with bigger dicks than brains, so my sleep wasn’t especially great either,” the kitsune muttered, briefly glaring in Bianca’s direction, “Han Rushu is already downstairs. Apparently, they offer free food if you’re renting a room, so she decided she hadn’t eaten in the last week.”


“She just wants to leech off of their generosity, doesn’t she? Should we join her?” Bianca asked, understanding the principle of the all you can eat buffet – if you don’t eat literally everything, you’re wasting your money.

At least, that applied when money was actively spent. So far as she knew, the Phoenix Sect still hadn’t charged them, so perhaps it would be an entirely free meal that didn’t require them to pay at all, especially if they got what they were after soon and escaped without the need to pay their room bill at all.

Finding the dining room wasn’t hard, with Bianca easily being able to track it by the scent of food alone, and the others likely having enough reach with spiritual perception to examine the building and figure things out that way.

And there, indeed, the blacksmith was already on her third plate – whatever the other two had contained – and eating it up as though she had been starving for the past ten days. When she spotted them arriving, she waved over to them and then dug back into her food, devouring the meat off the leg of some fantasy bird.

“You seem hungrier than usual,” Bianca said, taking a seat beside her as the others did the same.

“Yeah, that happens when… hm, never mind. They’ve got a lot of food here, they say they’re proud to showcase their abilities to outsiders, so I figured I’d indulge,” she said, taking another bite, her lips already greasy from the bird leg and whatever she had been eating prior, “I’d recommend the strange breaded meat they’ve come up with, it was a lot less messy but still had all of the good stuff that meat usually contains.”

“Uh-huh…” Bianca glanced at the food out on display, very much akin to a buffet-style restaurant of her Orbis days, ‘I wonder if someone like me ended up in this world and inspired this lot. Though, who would’ve done such a thing? Are they still alive, and what are they up to?’

She had no real way of confirming this, especially if the concept wasn’t invented here, or if someone else took credit for the idea, whether due to the will of the supposed inventor or against it. There was also the very real possibility of this idea being entirely original and coincidentally similar. After all, someone came up with it back on Orbis, so there was no reason for nobody to invent it here. If anything, with how long history in this world was, it would be strange if all kinds of ideas hadn’t been tested once or twice already.

‘And the breaded chicken – well, whatever this stuff is – is also kinda Orbis-y… which isn’t a word, but it’s not like anyone can stop me in my mind,’ Bianca looked around a little more, and spotted something else, ‘Is that pizza? Okay, now I’m back to Orbis native. Why the fuck are they bringing pizza into this world, it doesn’t fit at all! Though… I think I’ll have some. Looks very good from here.’

“Did you find something good? Come on, grab a plate, they said they won’t charge extra.”

“I have a feeling that’s coming out of our bill at the end… but alright. Song Ming, Yu Juan, you can grab whatever you like as well, and we’ll have a nice chat over a filling meal,” she said, glancing over to find that the kitsune had already gone out to take whatever took her fancy.

She got up and headed over to the oversized pizza she saw on display, finding a few slices that had already been removed from the whole. Even then, there was easily enough sheer volume of dough, sauce and toppings that it could make up three or four large pizzas from Orbis, so… she wasn’t about to complain. Furthermore, with how resistant her body was to adverse changes – her butt was still as tight as before, no matter what she did with it – she hoped she might not need to worry about putting on weight.

It seemed to be true so far, so she was going to risk it.

By the time she returned, the others had also grabbed plates and filled them up with whatever caught their interest. Song Ming and Yu Juan opted for more traditional meals, with far more greens rather than meat, and the kitsune chose some kind of sweet. They were cube-shaped, covered in powdered sugar – or some other white powder – and looked to be of different colours, perhaps as a stylistic choice or due to different flavours.

‘I think I’ve seen that somewhere on Orbis as well… Is it all just a coincidence, or is there actually someone else from my world behind all of this?’

“Not going to eat any proper food?” the blacksmith asked, though she had a certain grin on her face.

Bianca nearly had the same expression, but she restrained herself thanks to the curiosity regarding all of the food here. The emotions balanced out and let her maintain a calm look, more or less.

“Oh, you know, I need something with a strong flavour, and this looks like it would work just fine… Probably,” she grabbed one sweet cube and threw it into her mouth, chewing on it for a while before sighing, “It’s sweet, but the flavour itself is somewhat mild. Guess I’ll drown myself in the sugar, then… and this is a lot of sugar. This is certain to cost us…”

“Never mind that, what is our plan on this, uh, expedition? I’m very curious about the Phoenix Sect’s treasures, so, think anyone might be willing to show us around?” Bianca asked, with all but Song Ming understanding why she spoke in such a manner.

Even then, her cute pet had enough sense to follow everyone else’s lead and didn’t try to question her – not that her sweetheart would, what with her being such a delightful cutie and all.

“I doubt they’ll just let us in, Mistress,” the kitsune said, nearly making Bianca choke on her first bite of pizza – a crispy bite, with an underside covered in flour and a layer of hot sauce and cheese on top – with it being prevented when she understood that the kitsune was playing along.

“Guess not, but it would be nice to see. I’ve heard they have so many treasures that their treasury glows from the sheer value of the things within,” Bianca continued, “How do you figure they keep it safe? Will they have guards all around, or would it be automated by an array?”

They needed to discuss their plans, but they couldn’t just openly bring up their plans to rob the Phoenix Sect out in the open. Therefore, unless they wanted to depart the region and then spend the time returning each time, wasting hours a day, they needed some way to share ideas and come up with plans right there and then.

Bianca was no expert, but in the digital age, even if she wasn’t especially interested in the gaming side of it, she still experienced countless random videos that caught her interest, or just played automatically when she wasn’t paying attention. Among those videos – the specifics of which she couldn’t even recall – she learnt of the notion of pretending like you belong. In other words, if they just spoke out in the open, discussing things that wouldn’t be entirely out of place, then they wouldn’t catch the same degree of attention as shady people that were speaking in a dark corner.

She wasn’t sure this was quite what was meant in those videos, but she wasn’t about to pretend to be a member of the Phoenix Sect when her energy had zero connection to fire. It felt like they’d catch her rather quickly.

“I doubt they’d show you around, Mistress. While we may not be interested in stealing from them, there may well be others that seek to do so, and if they were to be given an overview of every defensive measure, then they would be certain to take advantage of it.”


‘Bianca is rather ballsy with all this, but the idea isn’t terrible. We need some way to discuss things, and while this may attract some suspicion towards us, it is better than risking someone overhearing our conversation via planar energy,’ the kitsune thought, her spiritual perception focused on the area behind her, ‘And if I’m not mistaken, there seems to be a disciple from the sect here. If we catch her attention, we may be able to play the, uh, ignorant tourist act, and get some information from her if she chooses to boast to us.’

She wasn’t sure what the chances of such a thing were, but it was better than having zero information. If they couldn’t get some firsthand accounts from someone in the sect, they’d be rather limited in their information prior to entering the sect grounds.

Fortunately, the disciple seemed interested in their – rather loud – conversation, and by the looks of it, she was rather proud of the attention. It was like she was the exact type to brag about the secrets of the Phoenix Sect for the sake of her own fulfilment, which… was rather coincidental, she had to admit. They barely began speaking, and yet this person was here, listening on.

Xue Yaling was tempted to investigate, but as this chance was the exact one they needed, she wasn’t about to throw it away.


Not far from the Phoenix Sect, a grey-haired woman walked through the trees and foliage only to find nobody in her path, nobody to block her. It was rather fortunate, as were most things these days, though she couldn’t help but wonder exactly where her luck had brought away those that were supposed to be guarding the region.

Of course, it was possible that the guards were impressively good at hiding themselves, but she had not only stumbled across a rich planar stone to reach the ninth stage of Emergent Anchor already, but could also see others in ways that none else could. To hide from her sight would require one to first be aware of it, so therefore it was nearly impossible. She was also unable to locate any more materials to boost her cultivation, which was good.

Last time she had a sudden tribulation, she ended up being chased away by a lot of Long Shiyi’s guards, leading her to run all the way out to the east, ending up near yet another sect. If she ended up triggering another tribulation here, it would most certainly not go well for her.

‘I may get into trouble once more, so… I think it’s worth doing this time,’ the woman raised one hand and formed it into a fist, the thumb loose and facing upwards.

A faint energy manifested there, one that could barely be seen, but it was shaped akin to a coin, one that she flipped. The energy flew up and spun around, stopping in the air once it reached the peak of its arc and continued to spin around, going faster and faster, making her frown as it seemed to stay there longer than ever before.

When it finally dropped, it nearly caught her off guard, though she was able to catch it nonetheless. The shade of the energy that formed the coin shape was light, closer to white rather than black, which was a good sign.

“Though I will be put at risk in the process, I should get away with greater gains this month… Alright.”

The energy dissipated, leaving her with a single question on her mind as she continued on – what effects will her use of Flip of a Coin have? Whose lives would it alter, and how, in order to ensure her success this time?

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