I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 170

     A strength rating of 1.2 was commendable, especially when measured against the standard of an adult male (1).

For comparison, Ser Barristan boasted a strength of 1.6, and Jorah Mormont, who was still youthful, had a strength of 1.8. Both of them fell within the category of "extremely strong."

Dany harbored suspicions that a rating of 2 or more was reserved for individuals much like The Mountain.

Nonetheless, she knew that she could only glean a more precise reading of an opponent's attribute by engaging in multiple encounters. If The Mountain merely grazed her, she would see a power attribute of a mere 0.3. After receiving a light punch from him, the value rose to 0.8.

At present, her system was unable to instantly discern an opponent's martial power attribute.

After taking a brief respite, Dany, with Jhiqui's assistance, removed her training armor, wiped her face with a damp cloth, and addressed Barristan, saying, "Ser, I intend to take a Dragon out for a flight over Yunkai later. In the evening, please assist me in escorting the farmers from the mutual aid society back to their homes."

"Where are you heading?" inquired the White Cloak.

"New Ghis," Dany replied.

"What business have you there?" The Old Knight wore a puzzled frown.

Dany's eyes gleamed with a cold resolve as she answered with a sneer, "Not only did Grazdan survive, but he's also convened a 'Dragon Slaying Meeting' in New Ghis, with numerous nations and Free Cities participating. I can't let that pass without a response now can I?"

"Displaying your military might on the back of a Dragon over New Ghis? What's the purpose?" Barristan's lips twitched.

"You shall see. I'm going to present them with a magnificent gift," Dany declared firmly.

Shortly after receiving her summons, Big Black emerged from the eastern sky. Its shadow swept across the land, causing nearby laboring farmers to cease their toil and gaze upwards in awe. They raised their hands high and cheered with gusto, while the plow buffaloes let out anxious sounds, eager to break free from their yokes.

As a result, a cacophony of farmers' shouts and whip cracks echoed in all directions.

Dany gracefully mounted his back, waved farewell to the people below, and ascended into the heavens. She relished every moment she spent riding her Dragons.

Gripping the bony spurs protruding from Big Black's back and observing the rapidly shifting scenery below, Dany felt as if she held dominion over the entire world.

This sensation was impossible to replicate on an airplane.

Perhaps it was due to the infusion of magic or the inherent traits of her bloodline, but even as Big Black soared at a breathtaking speed of 300 kilometers per hour, Dany's eyes remained unphased by the intense wind.

In this world, technology could certainly produce flight helmets and the like, but they were utterly unnecessary for her. Just as her eyes were immune to flames and smoke, her violet eyes never teared up in the face of gusts.

Furthermore, her vision and spatial awareness were exceptional. In the modern world, she might have become the most elite test pilot, given her aptitude.



Before long, Dany crossed over fields and reached the coast, where she found Bison grazing on the islands of Yaros. These islands lay between Yunkai and Astapor, uninhabited yet rich in resources. A sizable Bison population thrived on these lands.

When the three Dragons were free, they often visited Yaros to devour the Bison and use their bones to help sharpen their teeth.

During the past two months, the young Gold Dragon had transformed from a palm-sized "kitten" to a sturdy "hound," but the three older Dragons showed little interest in playing with the youngest.

These four Dragons had formed three distinct factions. Big Black was prideful and haughty, boasting greater intelligence, strength, and an imposing size. It held the three younger Dragons in contempt and often preferred to remain solitary.

On the other hand, Little Green and Little White had grown up together. They were evenly matched in terms of strength, intelligence, and size, and rarely left each other's side.

Little Gold, being the youngest, was consistently under Quaro's watchful eye. The three elder Dragons paid him little mind.

However, no matter how boisterous they were during the day when Dany returned to the pyramid in the evening, the four Dragons would gather together. They'd climb atop the pyramid and sleep side by side.

As the sun set, casting a verdant hue over the trees, Dany shouted to the two Dragons lying amidst the foliage, "Let's go."


The two Dragons obeyed dutifully. They set down their bones, retreated, and leaped into the sky.

With each passing month, the three Dragons continued to grow at an astonishing rate.

Big Black, from nose to tail, now measured an impressive 18 meters.

Its long tail accounted for nearly half of its total length.

When its wings were fully spread, they could cover an area of almost 100 square meters. Maximum carrying capacity had increased from 200 pounds to 400, nearly doubling in strength.

Even Little Green and Little White could lift more than 300 pounds each.

The three Dragons were swift as lightning and arrived in Astapor in less than two hours.

The guards stationed atop the Great Pyramid spotted the Dragon in the distance and shouted, "The Queen is here!"

"Dooo~…" Two Unsullied soldiers began playing their trumpets rhythmically.

A short while later, the sound of a group of people wearing heavy armor hurriedly ascending the stairway sounded out. Among them were Jorah Mormont in his armor, Missandei, a young girl with dark skin, and several handmaidens and Unsullied soldiers.

Following the war, Dany frequently traveled between the three cities on Dragon, effectively overseeing the entirety of Slaver's Bay. As a result, all three cities had palaces for her use.

Had Doreah not met her demise at the hands of the Faceless Men, each of the three cities would have had a palace, each with a maid to serve as the court Seneschal.

For instance, Jhiqui was currently in the Yunkai Palace of Compassion and Tranquility, while Irri resided in the Great Pyramid of Meereen.

The Queen couldn't be left unattended, so Dany had chosen a dozen Dothraki handmaidens to enter the Palace of the Morning Sun, located in the Great Pyramid of Astapor.

These handmaidens had all been part of Dany's original group of Young Khals, accompanying her through the Red Waste. While they may have been lacking in their serving skills, their loyalty was unwavering.

Dismounting gracefully from Big Black's back, Dany inquired of Jorah, "Is what I requested prepared?"

Jorah gestured to an Unsullied behind him, who promptly approached Dany holding a fur-wrapped object.

Kneeling down, Jorah personally uncovered the outer covering to reveal a dark iron rod, about as thick as a wrist and measuring three meters in length.

The iron rod wasn't a perfect cylinder; its surface was somewhat uneven, bearing the marks of hammering.

Additionally, the iron rod had an unusual design. One end was thick, resembling a beer bottle, while the slightly slimmer end featured three tail fins, each about two fingers in width.

The rear wing bore the marks of being hammered and displayed an irregular shape.

"Per your request, it weighs a full 150 pounds," Jorah informed her.

Dany raised the iron drill, feeling its remarkable weight, and spoke with a grin, "It might have some imperfections, but you managed to construct the 'Goddess of Freedom' according to the blueprint in just one night. Not bad at all."

She then chuckled triumphantly, "Hahaha! Slave dealers, prepare yourselves for the divine retribution delivered by the Goddess of Freedom!"

Jorah, however, felt somewhat awkward on the Queen's behalf. He touched his face and whispered, "Are you planning to use this enormous iron drill against the people of New Ghis? It might not be as straightforward as the tossing of kerosene."

Dany shook her head with a knowing smile. "You don't understand. This weapon is far more impressive than the kerosene bombs."

"Very well, Your Majesty, but please be cautious. You should consider having it sharpened in Ghaen first," Jorah advised.

Dany nodded in agreement.

Soon, the 'Goddess of Freedom' was rewrapped in a thick blanket, making it easier for Big Black to carry.

Dany transferred onto Little White, with Big Black following behind carrying the massive weapon.

The quartet, consisting of one person and three Dragons, pressed on without stopping, flying due south. They crossed a 500-kilometer-long mountain range, taking a one-hour rest on the Plains of Old Ghis.

After covering over 1,000 kilometers in a single stretch, the three Dragons began to show signs of fatigue.

The distance from Astapor to Yunkai was approximately 600 kilometers. To reach New Ghis from Astapor, they needed to traverse not only the 500 kilometers of the long mountain range but also over 200 kilometers of the Old Ghis Plains, more than 200 kilometers of the Ghiscari Strait, and an additional 200 kilometers over the Ghaen region...

They had covered over 1,700 kilometers!

For reference, the "Doolittle Raid" conducted by the Americans following the Pearl Harbor attack was a mere 1,200 kilometers away...

Departing from Yunkai at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, they took a one-hour break at Old Ghis, landing on a towering cliff on the southern edge of Ghaen around 9 pm.

Though darkness affected the Dragons' sight, it did not hinder their flight, nor did it cause them to become disoriented.

In fact, most migrating birds do not rely on their eyes to navigate; they use other senses. Dragons, being far more advanced creatures, had little trouble navigating in the dark.

Dany's stomach rumbled with hunger, so she nibbled on a few sausages from Astapor and made herself comfortable. Soon, she climbed onto Little Green's back once more.

An hour later, the city of New Ghis came into view.

The waning moon resembled a crescent, cutting through the night sky. As night fell, the pearl on the Summer Sea was adorned with a series of bright fires.

On the docks, sailors were busy unloading cargo from ships beneath the flickering torchlight. Slaves transported freshwater and provisions to vessels preparing to leave port. In the night market, lit by the soft glow of wind lanterns, merchants called out their wares, haggling with potential customers who paused to negotiate with them. In the prosperous southern part of the city, grand halls, and towers were illuminated, creating a lively and bustling scene. Meanwhile, at the administrative center in the heart of the city, the top garden of the Great Pyramid was illuminated, casting long, colorful shadows.

Yet, amidst this vibrant scene, no one noticed the three long black shadows that silently swept across the night sky.

"Big Black, let's test your maximum altitude," Dany instructed the Black Dragon with excitement.

Amidst the sound of the howling wind, Big Black started to ascend higher into the sky.

As the political and economic center of Ghis, New Ghis had only one pyramid, standing tall amidst the city's buildings. However, due to the limitations of the island's size—only two kilometers wide and seven or eight kilometers long—and the difficulty in sourcing resources from other locations across the sea, the pyramid's construction was primarily composed of masonry.

From her perch on the Green Dragon's back, Dany gazed down at the massive structure adorned with lanterns on all sides. She murmured to herself, "I hope Denzo didn't deceive us, and the leaders of the Allied forces are indeed inside the pyramid."

In her mind, even if the representatives of the Allies were not present, the destruction of this symbol of New Ghis could result in the deaths of numerous slave masters.

"Heh, space-based weapons were practically designed to target structures like pyramids."

The more she thought about it, the more excited Dany became, envisioning the 150-meter-tall pyramid turning to molten sludge scattered for miles, with swirling masonry covering the entire harbor of New Ghis.

"Wow, he's already over 15 kilometers?" With a vague sense of Big Black's altitude, Dany was surprised to realize he was still ascending.

Even though he was now at an altitude of 15,000 kilometers, Dany, in her Dreki state, realized they had yet to reach the stratosphere.

This planet was evidently larger than Earth!

Dany's understanding became increasingly clear.

Finally, Big Black flapped his wings vigorously. However, he found that the space around them was calm, and the airflow remained stable. He had, indeed, entered the stratosphere, at an altitude of about 20 kilometers.

At the same time, Big Black began to struggle to breathe. Despite his determined wing flaps, increasing altitude proved challenging. At approximately 25 kilometers, Dany decided to halt the ascent.

"Ready to fire!" Dany ordered enthusiastically.

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