I am a chaebol in South Korea

Chapter 61: federal Society

Chapter 61: federal Society

In front of his second brother Jin Chengxu, he acted like a family member and disobeyed his father's orders.

This is not an easy thing for Kim Ji-yeon.

Fortunately, at least the immediate trouble is solved, and no one will bother her in a short time.

"No, we have to complete the agreement as soon as possible." Jin Zhiyan just lied, telling the second brother that "the shares are in his hands," but in fact there was no formal signing at all.

If discovered by the family, the father would most likely come forward in person.

Therefore, it is better to implement the agreement first.


Pressing the inner line, the words that came to my mouth were swallowed back.



Hanging up the internal line, Jin Zhiyan decided to find a reliable person to draft the document.

After the documents were drafted and the confidant lawyer looked over them and nodded, Jin Zhiyan put the documents into her handbag and left quickly.

On the set, today's two scenes were shot smoothly and everyone can finish work early.

It was successfully completed and everyone had a happy smile on their face.


Clapping his hands to invite everyone to come over, Li Zhenyu announced to everyone: "The restaurant has decided on a location, let's all come together!"



The phone rang again, and Li Zhenyu, who was about to drive, stopped: "Sister-in-law~"

Hearing his name, the people around him spontaneously dispersed.

Two minutes later, Li Zhenyu regrouped with everyone: "Jun Haoxi, I would like to trouble you to take everyone to the restaurant. Suddenly something urgent requires me to go there in person. The company representative is at the restaurant..."

Asking Bong Junhao to bring someone over, Li Zhenyu had already ordered Yin Huina to arrive at the restaurant in advance to take charge of the reception.

And he was going to meet Jin Zhiyan.

"Leave it to me, be careful on the road."

Perhaps because of his previous performance, Bong Joon-ho treated him with a little more low-profile respect.

It sounds like Li Zhenyu is the senior who entered the industry first.

Pressing his shoulder maturely, Li Zhenyu walked towards the tall Land Rover on the roadside with steady steps.

When getting into the car, Li Zhenyu paused for a moment.

'Have you grown taller again? Why do you feel that the car door has become shorter? '

The silver-gray Land Rover merged into the traffic, which also made the crew on the roadside feel disappointed.

It's clear that we haven't been together for long, but it gives people the feeling that 'with him, there is a backbone'.


It's obvious that he is not very old, so how could this happen?

In the elegant classical courtyard, Li Zhenyu met Jin Jiyan who invited him to come.

"Contract, 1 billion, payable in 5 years." The conditions given by Kim Ji-yeon will definitely make people's jaws drop when they find out.

Forget about the cabbage price, it will be paid off in five years without any additional conditions or additional constraints.

This is simply a free gift.

Does she know how much these shares will increase in value in five years?

Li Zhenyu, who read the document, readily signed his name.

Then, stamp the seal.

"After the formalities are completed, I will ask the secretary to send it to the hotel."

"Yeah." Jin Zhiyan responded absently.

"Are you pressing hard?" Li Zhenyu.

Jin Zhiyan smiled unnaturally, "Fortunately, I can handle it..."

"If you can handle it, we won't meet here."

Li Zhenyu mercilessly exposed her stubborn disguise.

Jin Zhiyan pursed her lips and forced her respect: "With this contract, everything will be fine."

"What if they take away your shares and management rights and start an internal fight?"

"The council will not agree."

"External director?"

Seeing her nodding, Li Zhenyu was skeptical.

The Fair Trade Commission is an organization that exists to ensure fairness and impartiality in enterprises, to restrain the further expansion of the power of chaebols, and to act as a restraint on chaebol family members on the board of directors.

However, what is incomprehensible is that this organization has a high level of deputy state, but there are no relevant legal provisions.

In other words, except for the rigid indicator that large corporate councils must hire a corresponding proportion of external directors, all other regulations and guidance suggestions cannot be followed.

But its rights are terrifying and enforceable: contract compliance actions, fair marking and advertising actions, joint revocation actions, door-to-door sales actions...

That is to say, if it wants to, without any legal basis, it can directly conduct searches, cancellations, forced transactions, legal approval of privileged transactions, consumer protection assessments, etc. against enterprises.

Although there is no legal basis for it, all its actions are "legal".

When Li Zhenyu first found out, he was shocked.

This...a society ruled by law?

No wonder even South Korea's own people are making fun of it, saying South Korea's legal structure is a joke.

It is simply the most ridiculous thing in the world!

However, there are policies from above and countermeasures from below. This has been the case since ancient times.

How could the plutocrats sit back and watch such an organization grow?

Thanks to social institutions such as Seniors and Seniors, suitable 'directors' of the same faction are selected to join the company's board of directors.

It seems that the proportion of "outside hires" on the company's board of directors has been increasing year after year, and social criticism is getting stronger.

In fact, companies are still firmly controlled by chaebol families and investors. Last year's survey results showed that only 0% of shareholders' meetings were vetoed when managers and investors exercised their voting rights.

Yes, the expected restraint does not exist at all. On the contrary, it has given big companies and chaebols a good coat of "social responsibility".

Those external directors who can join large companies have already been bribed to become their own.

If you don't want to be one of your own, just let someone else sit in his place.

Anyway, there are many people out there who want to join, so that they can gain a good reputation and earn a lot of money.

Gaining both fame and fortune, why not?

"With your participation, I am sure to convince the majority of the directors." Jin Zhiyan couldn't help but clenched the palms on her thighs into fists.

She is betting that her performance in the past few years + Quanzhou Li will have more weight in the hearts of the directors than the Shuanglong Jin family.

But how sure is it? In fact, Jin Jiyan is not sure at all.

Before the results came out, all Jin Zhiyan could do was try her best, and then pray in front of the church for the favor of fate.

"What do they want, business rights or profits?"

Li Zhenyu had other plans. If all the other party wanted was profit, then he would give up part of the profit.

There is no harm in cooperating with Shuanglong. The other party's achievements and market share in the field of building materials can help the hotel develop better.

"Just giving up benefits like this...Zhenyu, this is not a good idea."

Jin Zhiyan is not satisfied with his idea. If this is the case, she might as well compromise with the family from the beginning.

Why bother to transfer 30% of the shares to him at a price that is almost free and seek his joining.

"Of course not, Shuangyong Construction has it in its hands."

Exchange shares for the neglected Shuanglong Construction, and then merge the hotel into Shuanglong Construction to form a cross-holding.

Subsequently, the hotel shares were used to obtain a loan from the bank.

"Then what?" Jin Zhiyan didn't understand what the money would be used for after the loan.

"Don't worry, you will know when the time comes... Act quickly. Complete the loan approval within two months and notify me after the money is credited."

Li Zhenyu sold a lawsuit and obviously did not intend to tell her his true intentions.

This made Jin Zhiyan's already anxious heart even more anxious.

To exchange the prosperous hotel shares for the useless Shuanglong Construction, it is also necessary to withdraw a large amount of cash from the bank.

What on earth is he thinking about?

In this way, once the hotel's income fluctuates, they will completely lose control of the hotel.

Together with Shuanglong Construction, hotels and Shuanglong Chemical, they will all be thrown away from her hands.

"Sister Zhiyan, is there any benefit to me from lying to you?"

Li Zhenyu shook the contract in his hand that still smelled like ink: "This is a contract worth 30 billion, how could I give up."

Hearing what he said, Jin Zhiyan's anxious heart finally felt at ease.

Yes, I gave him a big gift.

With such a huge profit in hand, how could he spit it out again?

If the company gets the management rights, the contract you signed with him will definitely be questioned.

By then, he will be the one in trouble.

"Zhenyu, I believe you." Jin Zhiyan nodded vigorously, as if to strengthen her confidence.

"Don't worry, I will never let my people down."

Li Zhenyu made a pun, and looked at her with more ambiguity.

Jin Zhiyan's whole body tensed up, she unnaturally lifted her hair and said softly: "Well, I'm hungry."


The palms were clapped twice, and the door was opened from the outside.

The ladies in kimonos carrying exquisite wooden trays came in one after another, placed delicious dishes on the table, and then left through the shoji door behind Jin Jiyan.

The whole process is smooth and orderly, which is pleasing to the eye.

When he saw the food on the table, Li Zhenyu realized that this was a Japanese restaurant.

No wonder both the architectural style and the overall style are biased toward the Tang style, but they have been modified to be gaudy.

It turns out to be a little devil!

"Try it. This store is very famous. You have to make a reservation for a long time before you can eat it."

Jin Zhiyan made the appointment three months ago. Just in time for this matter, she set the meeting place here.


Li Zhenyu didn't ask the question of 'whether to hate Japan or not'. In the eyes of capital, interests are much more important than this.

Fresh, the original flavor of the ingredients is perfectly preserved.

In fact, the original taste of nature is indeed the most wonderful condiment in the world.

However, nature's 'manufacturing' alone is obviously not enough for humans to eat.

Top-quality natural ingredients are destined to only be supplied to a handful of people at the top of the pyramid.

"How is your food?"

Jin Zhiyan handed him the sea urchin in front of her and said with a smile, "Here's this for you too."

Li Zhenyu was polite and took over: "Sister Zhiyan, what are your plans for the Spring Festival?"

"I'll find a place to have a drink, or stay in a hotel."

"Aren't you going home?"

Jin Zhiyan smiled helplessly, spread her hands and said, "Do you think it's appropriate now?"

When I go home now, what else can I get except chicken feathers all over the place?

Rather than doing this, it would be better to stay alone.

What's more, she was also a little afraid of going home and facing her father's blame and reprimand.

"If you don't mind, let me take you with me!"

Li Zhenyu smiled slightly and said calmly: "As someone who has experienced this, I can tell you responsibly that the Spring Festival is not easy for a person."

Thousands of lights outside the window were filled with laughter, but none of them belonged to me.

Li Zhenyu knew that feeling deeply, whether it was in the past or now.


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