I Accidentally Created a Villainous Organization

Chapter 55: The Black Fangs VS The Empire (3)

Chapter 55: The Black Fangs VS The Empire (3)

Inside the lavish mansion, Kishua sipped on his black tea, lost in thought.

Attempting to contact Black Fangs was more challenging than he had anticipated. It was a sobering reminder that this secret organization hadn’t had a single member exposed so far.

Then, amidst these efforts, came the news.

Rumors that Black Fangs had been helping people.

He had been lucky enough to quickly obtain these newly circulating rumors through his information broker.

“This is honestly unreliable information. Please take it with a grain of salt.”

Even the informant who delivered the news admitted that the reliability of the information was questionable.

Rumors said that Black Fangs was composed only of minors, and that even the commander was personally running relief efforts.

These were stories too incredible to believe.


“Let’s think about it differently.”

The sheer absurdity of these rumors actually made them more believable.

If such unbelievable stories were spreading, it increased the likelihood that they were true.

Rumors about Black Fangs helping people could spread.

But for the claim that most of Black Fangs’ members were minors, and that even the commander was involved in relief efforts, to spread, there had to be witnesses.

Such outlandish stories wouldn’t emerge without some basis in reality.

“Others might find it strange that someone as significant as the Black Fangs’ commander would do such things.”

But let’s change our perspective.

Just because someone is incredibly powerful doesn’t mean they lack humanity.

“Furthermore, the very fact that they’re opposing the Empire suggests that the commander is quite a virtuous person.”

Someone with such power wouldn’t need to oppose the Empire.

Simply aligning with the Empire would guarantee them wealth and glory.

Rejecting that easy path and instead choosing revolution indicated that Black Fangs was more idealistic and benevolent than expected.

As Kishua pondered this, he realized the true nature of the current situation.

“This is an invitation.”

He muttered to himself in astonishment.

He prided himself on being quite intelligent, but he couldn’t help but be impressed by the messages hidden behind the actions of Black Fangs’ commander.

He had found it strange. The previous video clearly indicated a desire for allies.

Yet, even if someone wanted to cooperate, there was no clear way to contact Black Fangs.

But now, with these spreading rumors, it was clear. This was undoubtedly an invitation. An official invitation from Black Fangs’ commander.

If you agree with our cause, if you wish to join us, then participate in this.

Show your support by helping the people in the slums.

Doing such a thing in this situation would obviously put you in the Empire’s bad books. But that’s part of the plan.

It’s a declaration: either show you’re willing to completely oppose the Empire despite the risks, or demonstrate your ability to operate skillfully under the Empire’s radar.

To join us, you need to prove yourself to that extent.

“Then everything makes sense.”

Like a puzzle, all the pieces that previously made no sense started to fit together.

The reason behind these bizarre rumors.

The purpose of spreading the strange rumor that Black Fangs is composed entirely of minors.

Kishua could see the hidden intent behind it all.

“So this was also a test.”

By spreading information that Black Fangs isn’t as formidable as it seems, they aimed to filter out those who are truly loyal.

Regardless of Black Fangs’ actual strength.

It was a test to discern those willing to sacrifice their lives to overthrow this corrupt Empire.


Probably others wouldn’t have realized it.

How many different strategies are there behind a single action? It was truly complex.

Even Kishua found it hard to keep up.

But instead, Kishua smiled broadly.

“This is actually good.”

Having a capable boss was a good thing; it was never a bad thing.

He also liked the attitude of declaring to prove your worth by tackling such challenges.

Only ordinary people fear tests.

For the capable, tests are opportunities to prove their worth.

And Kishua was someone who never missed an opportunity that came his way.


I looked at the transformed relief center once again.

The three knights from last time had worked harder than I expected.

Seeing them volunteer and work tirelessly for several nights made me worry if they might collapse.

“How’s the work going? Any discomfort?”

Given their hard work, I spoke to them politely. But the knight, sweating profusely while concentrating on repairing the shanties, was startled.

“P-Please, just speak comfortably.”

He looked so desperate.

I didn’t understand why he was so anxious. But since he insisted so much, I couldn’t help but revert to my usual demeanor.

“Why don’t you take a break now? You’ll collapse if you keep this up.”

With those words, I pointed towards the relief center.

Thanks to my recently improved skills, Siel’s always-top-notch healing magic, and the special potions I personally crafted, we had more sickbeds available than we needed. I thought it would be fine for these people to use them.

I magnanimously declared this, but...

The men’s faces turned even paler.

“We’ll do anything, just please don’t say that. I’m still perfectly fine! I can work! I want to work! Please let me work!”

Words I couldn’t understand.

Even the other two vehemently nodded in agreement with that strange plea.

It felt like they had collectively lost their minds.

‘Why on earth are they acting like this? They don’t seem to fear me; it’s more like they’re desperate to stay near me.’

They would freak out whenever they left my sight.

If they were scared of me, they wouldn’t react like that.

The only possible explanation was… perhaps they didn’t want to be around Siel, Lien, and the other kids.

…Does that even make sense?

Why would those kind-hearted kids bully anyone?

‘Of course, I explained everything. They might not be happy about it.’

I did explain that these knights had come to kill me.

But I told them not to harm them, saying that killing them would complicate things further, and everyone agreed.

Our kids aren’t the type to hold grudges.

Every single one of them was so angelic that I often wondered how I’d managed to gather such wonderful companions, feeling grateful for my abundant luck with people.

As I pondered why those guys were acting like that… I eventually dismissed the thought.

It made sense.

They had come to kill us. Sparing them was generous enough.

There was no need to go out of my way to care for their mental health.

As long as they worked well, their strange behavior didn’t matter.

‘I don’t have the luxury to worry about that anyway.’

With that thought, I looked around the surroundings.

The place had indeed changed remarkably.

It was hard to imagine that just a short walk would have you encounter at least two people starving to death on the streets.

But still…

‘I can’t shake off this sense of disappointment.’

Given our limited manpower, we can’t save everyone in the slums.

With fewer than a hundred people, we can’t establish relief centers all across the Empire.

We don’t have the time to focus solely on rescue operations forever.

We’ll save as many as we can, but there will inevitably be many we can’t reach.

That bothered me.

There must be a way to make this work somehow.

It was while I was deeply pondering this that it happened.

-Can you hear me properly?

It had been a while since I’d heard her voice. Miss Rubia was using communication magic to contact me.

“Is there a problem?”

I wondered if there was an issue with the business, so I asked. But Miss Rubia shook her head.

-Just wanted to confirm... Are you behind what’s been happening lately?

Before I could ask what she meant, a flood of information overwhelmed me.

And... for a moment, my mind went blank.

‘What on earth is going on?’

Someone was anonymously providing massive support to the slums across the Empire.

Everything from food to various necessities.

A sudden surge of donations.

It was bewildering to the point of being almost unsettling.

I had no idea how such a bizarre thing had come about.


As I thought it over calmly, I realized it was actually a stroke of luck for me.

It eased my burden,

and it helped obscure the attention of the Holy Church and the Empire from Miss Rubia.

The more I thought about it, the more this seemed like a fortuitous turn of events for me.

So after a moment of contemplation, I finally spoke.

“Seems I’m lucky.”

I didn’t know the exact details,

but it appeared that the world was on my side for now.

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