How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 744

- Episode 111,

Episode 111,

‘As expected, this happens.'

I thought you wouldn't believe it from the start.

There is no guarantee that the other person will match friendship even if I am sincere.

“… … It must have been like you said. monster. No, the king of divine beasts.”

Phil murmured bitterly behind me, sighing heavily.

Actually, I told him before sending Phil back.

I'll return the prisoners, but maybe your captain won't allow it.

Of course, Phil got angry and said he couldn't do that, but I just told him to keep it as one of the possibilities.

Because I've watched the examples of how the thoughts of a man crazy for revenge flow.

There are so many examples of that.

So, if he reveals his true color, I have told you about it.

And sure enough, my predictions came true.

“What about the prisoners?”

Despite being surrounded, Mel asked calmly. It's not that I wasn't upset.

Maybe you gave up

“Don’t worry, we returned safely. … … One day before you do your job.”

After all, the promise was kept.

The prisoner was returned and the truth of the author's decision was revealed.

Therefore, except for those who sympathized with the author, the rest followed Phil and attached to me.

He laughed as if he was genuinely dumbfounded, as if he had noticed that fact without being told.

“It’s not even funny. Did you fall for it with just one word saying that you would return the ground while being so important?”

“… … I just cleared up a misunderstanding.”

“red. How far do you think that will go! Those monsters will reveal their true colors sooner or later!”

As if that is the only truth, it expresses disbelief without the slightest doubt.

“You will regret it!”

“Maybe… … But maybe not. That's not something anyone can say for sure.”

What's more, he only thinks that the future is good.

So, in the end, he himself was shunned by his compatriots.

Now, no one admits it except for a few who sympathize with him.

“This is also a self-inflicted thing.”

And those who were sympathetic now give up and surrender one by one according to the invitation.

It's knowing that it's over.

Except for one person.

“… … Mel. Won't you surrender?”

“That makes no sense.”

He alone raises his weapon and gazes in my direction.

what do you want to say it's not me who doesn't know

“that is… … Is it a conclusion?”

I'm not swearing at him for being stupid, I just mumbled with a sense of pity.

I took a few steps forward.

“Monster, what are you doing?”

“I’m trying to make it fit your wishes.”

A concession that takes one step forward.

“I’ll give you a place to attack me one-on-one.”

I didn't have to fit in.

But that's all I can do. I didn't have the heart to affirm his grudge, but I thought I should at least pay for it.

“… … What is your identity? Are you really the same as those monsters?”

“hmm? well? What are you doing? You're done anyway.”

You give it a chance, but it can't happen.

“If you surrender, I can forgive you for what you have done… … Well, you won't be recognized by your compatriots like before.”

“Then it makes no sense.”

He took up his weapon without hesitation.

“There is no point in living in a world where there is no hatred, a world where you are not exterminated.”

It's not that I didn't understand that there was no chance, but I chose it.

I'd rather die.

“I'd rather just die unleashing this rage on you.”

“Then I won’t recommend it any more.”

There is no reason to force it anymore, and there is no need for me to pretend to be a pacifist.

“At least it suits the finish.”

I opened my arms and waited for him to come first.

Whether or not the first move is conceded has no meaning.

He screamed and ran towards me. Because I annihilated him by repelling the attack so easily.

That is the anecdote of the founding of the nation. The moment their world began.

[After that, the king and humans... …

And likewise, they say they found other people who were hiding from the ground and started talking to them.]

“Is that so? Are you okay?”

[Now he is credited with saving our planet.]

That is the achievement of the divine beast that is the king.

There, the story was interrupted once.

I was just listening.

‘I'm embarrassed.'

It is certainly. The story matches what I remember.

But he has no sublime meaning.

“… … After that?”

[The king said that he brought out creatures hidden underground, including humans, and made them coexist.]

Expand the city to include new races, turning the entire planet into a place where they can live.

In a way, it may be world domination, but it was possible because the concept of a nation did not exist.

Organizing a place where the concept of governance has not been established is surprisingly time consuming, but somehow it will be done.

[There were minor changes, but not much.]

At first, even the humans were suspicious, but they finally accepted the symbiosis with the Shinsoo.

The core may not have disappeared, but somehow they found a line to compromise.

It is said that the divine beasts protected those humans as if they felt remorse for it above all else.

[So our world has changed.]

… … Up to that point, I know to some extent.

The problem is after I disappear.

“I want to ask you something.”

[What is it?]

“I'm sure your king is gone. Doesn’t that mean that our lifespan is over?”

It would have been. In the first place, I naturally chose the path of retirement when I got tired of doing only what I had to do without any regrets.

And I understood that that guy followed him.

But there is something I don't understand.

The reason why these guys bother looking for the rulers of the past.

“Since the generation has already changed, is there any reason to find him?”

[…] … .]

The guy kept his mouth shut.

For what reason? Did a disaster happen? Or did an enemy appear that they couldn't handle even at their level?

I guessed a few possibilities, and in some cases I thought I couldn't ignore them.

“First of all, how do you find the dead?”

[He must be someone with similar karma as you.]

As expected, he is aware.

I don't know how you got the basis.

Perhaps the divine beasts, including that guy, studied their boss.

[He must exist somewhere among the many worlds. I want to find him and ask him something.]

“I want to ask… …

resentment? Do you think they abandoned you?

But it was also unexpected if it was really unexpected. How dissatisfied are you that you are looking for me while searching other worlds?

Did I upset you with something? But I can't even say no.

If so, what I should be resentful of is my personality.

After hesitating for a moment, the boy finally gave the reason.

[…] … What is a king?]


[What should a king do?

What should I do and what should I pursue'?]

A series of things.

For a moment, I was dumbfounded. It's not what I expected, so it takes a few seconds to accept it.

“You are their leader. Are you the king now?”

[It is because I am the strongest individual. That's why they just follow me.] As expected,

is strength the criterion for the rank of the beast's leader?

[That was after the king left… … After that, standing above them, I couldn't understand his thoughts.]

“I can't understand... …

[What he did… … And what he was going to do in the future.]

It's a troublesome story. Surely it will.

[We haven't been able to do anything since the king of the past left.]

“To say we couldn't... … No development or improvement at all?”

It's a common sense unbelievable story.

However, it is undeniable how lazy the nature of Shinsoo is.

[After the king disappeared, we are just complacent, losing our direction.]

“… … Let me ask you one more thing. How long has the king been dead?”

When a reincarnated person attains the next life, the flow of time does not flow in a forward direction.

It can be the future and it can be the past.

It is assumed that this is because the concept of soul does not belong to the physical law of time.

[With human calculation… … It must have been about 10,000 years.]

“?????? Damn it.”

I reflexively covered my forehead and sighed.

In short, it means that as soon as I left home without any regrets, they became stagnant for 10,000 years, lost all development and motivation, and lived as unemployed as a group. It is something that is not possible in the civilization of ordinary humans.

However, things can happen because of these guys.

“So are you looking for that king?”

[I want to ask… … what to do... … And if possible, I want him to come back.]

That's difficult. I don't think so. because I'm already tired

But even without that, these guys' problems are embarrassing.

‘Certainly it was for my pleasure that I whipped them... …

But if it gets worse just because I'm not there, is it my fault?

I was different then than I am now. He must have been more ideologically immature and selfish than I am now.

‘I didn't think about the aftermath.'

this will be the result

“So did you pay attention to this place?”

[It seems that people like you gather here.]

In the past, thanks to Herial's trick, it became a singularity where many reincarnated people gathered.

[I thought maybe he might be there.]

“Sorry, but I can’t guess.”

[It's okay... … If not, I hope you can help me gain that certainty.]

Judging by the way he speaks, he probably doesn't expect much. Just the feeling of rummaging through one of the many worlds.

“It doesn’t matter if it provides information.”

At first, I accepted it as if I was hesitant.

It is unnatural and much less desirable to reject it blindly.

At least I'm not frivolous enough to leave those guys who don't know what to do with them out of sight.

They are white bombs. It's a purification bomb that dies when it explodes.

And one more thing.

“Apart from helping, is there something I don’t want to do?”

After hearing the circumstances of these guys, I had a different thought.

[A suggestion?]

“Didn’t you say you were looking for the king because he didn’t know what to do?”

[hmm… … .]

He tilts his head as if to ask what that is.

“Then, it’s good to look for someone you may or may not find, but why don’t you study a little social studies?”

I suggested that to him.

“There are all sorts of geeks here. There are many who stand in the position of the king.”

[indeed… … Do you mean to learn the precedent by watching them?]

“That's how it is. Few worlds are as helpful as this one.”

In short, the reason for their stagnation is that I completed the world moderately clumsily and bounced off.

If my eating and running is the cause... … .

I should at least fix it.

I have no desire to surrender. I don't want to do that, and there's no benefit. Above all, my heart is not good enough for that.


‘Maybe I can teach you... …

I don't know if they'll realize that, but maybe I should give them at least some teaching.

That would be the bare minimum for not fulfilling one's duty... … .

If they are suffering because they are thrown away at will.

I decided I should at least give you some advice. How

a former pro

sucks honey

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