House of Amarin

Codex of Meriath – Flying Ships

Codex of Meriath

Magic Technology

Flying Ships

  • Inventor:

    • Unknown1Most of the ship designs were already used and built in the time, before the Dark Ages. They are technology handed down from ancient times.
  • First appearance:

    • Unknown2No sources remain to tell us their exact origin.
  • Usage:

    • Traveling
    • Transporting
    • Sporting events
    • Leisure activities
    • War
  • Type(s):

    • Civilian ships
      • Small (1 to 10-person) vessels
        • Knarr3
        • Cog4
      • Medium (10 to 30-person) vessels
        • Caravel5
        • Carrack6
      • Large (30+-person) vessels
        • Balinger7
        • Birlinn8
    • Warships9Warships in the Respected Houses' services are specialized versions of the common models. Only a few are known to the public. Those that your humble historian has knowledge about are mentioned in a separate section.
      • Small (1 to 10-person and/or 1 to 5-magic cannon) vessels
      • Medium (10 to 30-person and/or 5 to 10-magic cannon) vessels
      • Large (30+-person and/or 10+-magic cannon) vessels
        • Battleship13
        • Dreadnought14
    • Specialized vessels of the Respected Houses15Incomplete and probably inaccurate list.
      • Somia-class16
      • Retribution17

Most ships have many variants and designs, all different from region to region. What unites them is the core formation etched in their engine room. It is an ancient formation, a relic from before the time of the Dark Ages. The rare, few instances where our Realm's history was saved and preserved for us. The know-how to create this formation and to implement it is a secret that very few are in the know, and those who do learn it are sworn artificers of one of the Houses. The manufacturing of these vessels can happen in any nation on Meriath, but the finishing touches, the installation of their formation that enables them to fly, operate their machinery and fire their cannons, are all done by one of the servants of the Six Hosues18These formations are the same but, by a secret method, their energy output is different. Limited. When they are being etched into place, the artificer determines the class of the ship and how much power it can draw in. Too much power can result in the destruction of the ship itself if not reinforced correctly. All completed formations are fixed in place. No modifications or alterations are possible at a later time. Any disturbance results in the destruction of the formation and the ship.. All completed ships are then entered into an international registry, given a serial number, and have a mandatory inspection every ten years. Failing to comply or failing the inspection itself results in the destruction of the ship.19And crew if they are on board.

This Codex excerpt was written by Authorya Cortyn, your humble historian.

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