First Assistant’s Petite Wife Has Space

Chapter 43 - Don’t Flatter Yourself

Chapter 43: Don’t Flatter Yourself

Translator: CokeZero  Editor: Rainystars

Xie Yunjin suppressed that thought and scolded himself for even thinking that. With his eyes clear, he looked up to Lu Jiao, “Do you need to rest?”

Lu Jiao shook her head, “I’m not tired.”

Xie Yunjin didn’t believe her. She has worked so much that she has gotten skinny. How could she not be tired?

She was in charge of maintaining the entire household, no wonder she never rested.

Xie Yunjin thought this over. She really could take it easier. It wasn’t like he would blame her for taking it easy. However, she’s been working very hard to care for the four little ones. Just what was her intention?


Could it really be that she wanted to take care of them before their separation? But if they were going to separate, there was no need for her to work so hard. Xie Yunjin didn’t believe in selfless deeds.

Oh well, if she comes up with some kind of demand later on, he will agree to it as long as it’s not too ridiculous. Even if she asks to stay later, he may just agree to it.

Xie Yunjin felt better after making that decision.

Lu Jiao had no idea how much thinking he had done and continued to feed him.

“Before, I said I could teach the villagers how to identify herbs. Let’s wait until you are better before doing that. I have to take care of you every day, and take care of the little ones every day. I don’t have the time right now.

Tomorrow, I will go back to my mother’s and see how she’s doing first. I don’t want my mother to be in a bad situation because of five taels of silver.”

Xie Yunjin listened to her suggestion and felt that it made sense. He nodded but then warned, “Be careful on your way home. There are lots of venomous snakes on the way there. A lot of people died from those.”

Lu Jiao nodded, “Okay, I will be careful.”

She suddenly realized what he was saying and mumbled, “Are you caring for me?”

Xie Yunjin’s face turned cold and muttered angrily, “If something happened to you, what would this family do? Don’t flatter yourself.”

Lu Jiao pouted and ignored him. She honestly didn’t overthink it and was just poking fun at him. She was aware that this First Assistant had a destined wife who will appear later in the book.

“Okay. I got it. I won’t flatter myself anymore going forward.”

She then cleaned up her table. Behind her, Xie Yunjin didn’t look at her and closed his eyes.

After she got things in order, Lu Jiao readied herself to go up the mountain to hunt. Before she left, she went to Second Grandma’s house and asked her to look after the quadruplets while she made a quick trip up the mountain.

The Second Grandma of course agreed and told her to tell Xie Xiaobao to come home and eat if she runs into him.

Xie Xiaobao’s been obsessed with trap setting and hasn’t even come down for lunch.

Lu Jiao nodded then went up the mountain with her basket.

At the foot of the mountain, she ran into Xie Xiaobao, who was covered in dirt. Xie Xiaobao had a rabbit in hand. While it wasn’t a big rabbit, it was enough to make Xie Xiaobao scream in happiness.

“Third aunty, look, I caught this! I caught it! When I go home, I will ask my mom to braise it for me.”

Lu Jiao looked at the relatively small rabbit and applauded him, “Go home and tell your mom to clean it up. Tonight, I will bring you the seasoning I put together. You can use it to cook the rabbit.”


Xie Xiaobao carried the two-pound rabbit down the mountain. Before he left, he reminded in a friendly manner, “Don’t worry third aunty, I’ll look after the babies when I get home.”

“Thanks. Once I hunt down some animals, I will give you one.”

Xiao Xiaobao felt even happier after that. With his third aunty’s luck, she will for sure get large prey and he will have meat to eat.

Once Lu Jiao was up the mountain, she first went to the natural trap she discovered before. She took out the braised meat she made from her space and rubbed some spiritual stream water on it. Then, she tossed it in and left it alone.

She went to the other side of the mountain to pick out some herbs.

She wasn’t planning on selling these herbs today. She was picking them in order to help the sick who lived in the village. Since she was just waiting, she will harvest some herbs and keep them in her space.

It didn’t take long for Lu Jiao to get a whole bunch of herbs. She put a small amount into the basket and placed the majority of it into her space.

By the time she was done, it was already pretty late so she hurried to her trap.

Before she even reached the trap, she could hear a commotion coming out of the trap.

Delighted, she rushed over.

There was a wounded deer inside the trap! This deer was around the same size as a pig and weighed around 40 to 50 pounds.

This deer was heavily wounded and it was obvious that it was near the end of its death.

Lu Jiao saw the blood that sprayed out of its neck and she hurriedly carried it out of the trap. After she took out a plastic bowl from space, she saved the deer’s blood in it.

Deer blood was a rare and great find. It was great for healing and an excellent medicine for Xie Yunjin.

However, because the deer was so heavily hurt, the deer died after the bowl was only half full.

She quickly put the deer and the deer’s blood into her space. She looked down into the trap and saw two dead rabbits pierced by the bamboo sticks.

Lu Jiao quickly took the dead rabbits. She placed one into her space, the other into her basket.

She promised she would give Xie Xiaobao something. One wild rabbit was perfect.

After this was all done, Lu Jiao descended the mountain. She gained a lot today and that put her in such a good mood.

Before she got far, however, she heard a series of chaotic footsteps, followed by flustered screams, “Brother Xu, hold on. You have to hold on!”

“Uncle Xiao, Brother Xu’s face isn’t looking right. I don’t know if we can make it down the mountain.”

“Oh my god, how was he so unlucky to be bitten by a ringneck snake?”

“If something happens to him, what will happen to the entire Xu family?!”

“Brother Xu came up the mountain today for brother Yunjin. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t be suffering so much right now.”

Lu Jiao listened to all this from afar. Once she heard the mention of Xie Yunjin, she frowned and picked up her pace.

Very quickly, she saw five to six people climbing down the mountain while carrying some prey. Two of those people were carrying a stretcher, where a man lay.

Lu Jiao noticed who it was right away. It was the village hunter, Xu Duojin, who made a living through hunting. Despite this, his family often remained hungry.

Some time ago, Xie Yunjin introduced him to two wealthy families from the city. Only after that, did the Xu family’s quality of life improve.

To thank Xie Yunjin and repay him, he often brought gifts to the Xie family.

Lu Jiao remembered that the Xu family was one of the families who protected the four little ones.

What happened to him?

Lu Jiao walked up to check and saw right away that this man had been bitten by a snake. His calf had swelled up to the same size as his thighs and the affected area was swelling.

This kind of poison came from a snake that could destroy someone’s nervous system. After being bitten, the patient had eight to 72 hours to be treated. The earlier the treatment was given, the better, due to the nature of the poison.

If nothing’s done to help right away, he will never fully rid himself of the poison in the future. He will age faster than normal, lose teeth, and may even be paralyzed from the waist down.

All this information flashed across Lu Jiao’s brain and she quickly shouted, “Hold on a second.”

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