Faith, Lust, and Hypnosis

Chapter 16-1 (Sampling)


Soma turned the knob and pulled the door open ever so slightly, leaving just enough gap for him to peek outside beyond the safety of the four walls of his room. There stood two women wearing a unique bunny suit.

A corset wrapped around the area below their chest and there was a small apron that barely covered their belly button. Their boobs were exposed in such an erotic manner while only having small frills covering their nipples. Not a single piece of underwear could be seen on their nether region, their dicks visible between their thighs and a heart symbol combined with a bunny head was tattooed right on their navel.

A fluffy pom-pom tail ornament stuck out of their ass. Finally, a black high stocking ran up along their legs from their feet up to the middle of their thigh. On their neck, they wore a leather collar decorated with frills and metal chains.

It didn't take long before one of the two figures standing there turned her gaze towards him and smiled sweetly at Soma who observed them from within.



‘What in the world was that…!?’

Soma jumped back as if he had witnessed a ghost or something far more terrifying than the monsters he had slain in the past. He stood against the door, leaning his back on it as he tried to calm himself down. It did not help much as he couldn't really fathom what he just witnessed.

“Elder! Who— what did I just see!? Those women—!”

“Beautiful is it not, Soma? The chosen subjects of the goddess."

"What? Beautiful?"

He wasn't sure if the old man had truly lost his mind or was just playing dumb with him. Regardless, Soma decided to confront him directly. "How can you call that thing beautiful? Elder, they look like women with penises! And what kind of perverted suit are they wearing?"

The elder laughed. "They are not just any women, Soma! They have been blessed by the goddess to possess both beauty and strength!"

Soma looked with his mouth agape at him, unable to comprehend what he meant by 'blessed'.

"What do you mean, 'blessed'?"

"A divine transformation! They have undergone a divine transformation!" The elder proclaimed with much conviction while clasping his hands together, eyes closed with a delighted expression on his face. "They are the hermaphrodites! The perfect beings who are complete and whole— possessing both the male and female traits in one!"

"What the hell are you talking about? Hermaphrodites? Perfect beings!? What does that even mean? You've lost your mind, elder!" Soma shouted in disbelief at such a claim.

Knock—! Knock—! Knock—!

Again, a series of knocks interrupted their conversation. Soma felt cold sweat begin to pour over his head. His palms were starting to feel damp from perspiration, and his mouth tasted sour from swallowing excess saliva.

He couldn't ignore it any longer; something strange was going on here and it involved the residents of Karda itself.

Soma steeled his resolve, deciding that he would uncover the mystery behind these recent events occurring within the village regardless of what consequences came afterwards.

Opening the door, he took a step back until he reached towards the window. There, Soma watched as two feminine creatures walked inside. One had short green hair while the other dark purple tied in a ponytail. Their bodies looked like a master sculpted it themselves to perfection as it glowed under the sun. Soma had seen naked women before, but the ones in front of him radiated beauty beyond human limits. The feminine beauty mesmerized him to no end as he stood there like a statue watching them move closer towards him.

If not for their dicks hanging between their legs, Soma would've assumed they were angelic beings or something similar instead of... whatever they are. They smiled and gave a slight bow at him and the elder sitting at the couch.

"Good afternoon, masters."

The two ladies greeted them at the same time with radiant smiles.

"Ugh..." Soma was too overwhelmed by their appearance and couldn't respond to them. He glanced towards the elder who was grinning widely as he spoke back to them.

"Aha! About time!" The elder was giddy as evident from how his eyes turned crescent. Without much further ado, he took off his pants revealing his bare groin to the girls. "You guys are new! I've never seen you here before! Mind giving an old man a service?"

"Yes, master."

The green haired woman bowed deeply towards him before getting on all four and crawled towards the elder. The woman reached her hand out, cupped the elder's testicles and gently rolled them around in her palm. She buried her face into the elder's crotch and began licking and sucking at his shaft. Meanwhile, the other one came over to Soma and placed both her hands on his chest. She smirked at him as she squeezed his pectorals hard before moving her fingers lower to grasp his belt and pull it open.

"W-wait! Hold on!" Soma desperately tried to push the girl's hands away, but the girl simply ignored him and continued unbuckling his pants.

"Oh yeah! That's it, my dear!" The elder moaned as he tilted his head backward and enjoyed the service he received. The girl before him picked up pace as her hand pumped up and down around his shaft, stroking him with fervor while her mouth slurped at the tip.

The bunnies didn't talk much, they seemed unfazed by his actions or attempts to push her aside. The purple-haired girl who was grabbing Soma's waistband suddenly lunged forward and licked his earlobe while biting it hard.

"Relax and enjoy it, master." She purred, nibbling at his earlobe and eliciting another gasp.

"G-get away from me!"

With a grunt, Soma shoved her away from him, sending her sprawling backwards onto the floor. He then fixed his pants before rushing towards the door without looking back once. Once he passed the doorway, Soma sprinted as fast as he could, ignoring everything around him.

'I need to get out of here! The elder went insane!' Soma felt his heart beating harder and faster in his chest, 'What about mom and dad!? Do they know of this place!? What did the goddess do to the villagers!?'

Many thoughts filled Soma's mind but before he could think further, his legs came to a halt as a figure blocked his path. A familiar woman he met not too long ago, Wyca, stood before him with an irritated look on her face.

"I had a feeling this was going to happen. I recognize troublemakers when I see them."
She placed her hands on her hips and raised her eyebrow.

"Where do you think you're going? Did you forget your appointment with the goddess? Stop running away. I won't tolerate it." Wyca warned, raising her voice while staring at the young man intensely. "Turn back like a good boy, alright? Let the bunnies service you~" She raised her hand, made a gesture of holding a phallus shaped object in her palm and moved it back and forth into her open mouth while sticking out her tongue. A lecherous smirk appeared on her lips as she finished making her suggestive movement.

"Just what happened to this village!? What did you do to the elder and the others!? Tell me!"

Soma could not stop his voice from shaking.

"Didn't you hear me?" Wyca reached for the sword on her hips, drawing out its blade as she stared Soma down. "Turn around, and let those bunnies suck your cock. The goddess will meet you before long."

"And what if I refuse?" Soma growled as he raised his fists. Unfortunately for him, he was caught off guard by this sort of development. Equipped with nothing but simple clothing, Soma found himself weaponless.

'Fuck! I left my sword and armor back at home! Also, my intuition tells me this chick is strong!' He cursed himself internally for being unprepared.

"If you insist." Wyca took a deep breath and let out an exaggerated sigh before speaking with a disappointed tone. "Cutting off one of your feet should be enough punishment for disobedience."

For Soma who has ventured into the outside world for five years, he developed some sort of instinct to danger. To know when to fight and when to back down, and in this specific instance, escaping would be the wiser decision. This entire building was the goddess' territory. This Wyca chick might not be the only capable swordsman.

'There's also the blue haired girl from before... who else might pop up? I should escape, grab my gear, and figure out what to do after.'

But before he could even circulate the mana in his body, another voice from behind echoed in the hallway.

"That's enough."

Soma turned his head and instantly caught sight of a beguiling stranger. Draped in a striking suit of leather armor, complete with a well-honed longsword hanging at her hip, she approached with confidence. Her face possessed an androgynous charm, adorned with warm brown-golden eyes that seemed to penetrate his very being. Short, flowing chestnut hair followed in her wake, framing the smooth contours of her visage.

"Why don't we stop this nonsense? Surely you know better than to pick fights you can't win."

The words that issued from those lips were melodious to Soma's ears. Soft, yet confident, with just the faintest hint of amusement. However, there was a certain undertone present beneath that warmth, almost imperceptible in nature— a tinge of malice lurking behind her kind smile.


Soma held his tongue. Again, his instinct screamed at him. The red haired chick was strong but he was confident in his abilities to escape her alone. The woman walking towards him, though, surpassed her by miles. A halo of dominance seemed to surround the approaching stranger. An overwhelming presence of authority which made the air surrounding her stifling. A sense of dread and fear crept into the young man's consciousness, freezing his body motionless.

'Who... is this woman...? Her sword isn't even drawn out, yet I feel like she can kill me any second now...'

Soma broke into a cold sweat, beads of moisture collecting on his forehead. He wasn't sure what frightened him more—the fact that she made him tremble like this, or that she wore such a charming smile on her lips despite instilling terror into his heart.

Even though he was a relatively well known adventurer in the outside world, he knew that there were countless powerful people above him. Some even with a simple mention of their name strikes fear among others. But there's also the hidden experts, people who were not attracted to fame nor wealth, they exist solely for their own sake.

People who dedicated their lives honing their craft, spending decades and centuries forging their skills, unbeknownst to the rest of the world. Unrivaled by anyone or anything, their existence was nothing but rumors and myths created by other people for the sole reason of worshiping their deeds.

The androgynous lady standing before him reminded him of those hidden experts. Her presence alone radiated such pressure on Soma as if she was the only person existing in this building, or this entire world for that matter. Despite the kind smile she showed, Soma knew deep inside her mind that she held no regard for other people, especially him. She could easily kill him if she wished and he would be powerless to resist even if were to be fully equipped.

'I have lost before the battle even begins...'

Slowly, Soma lowered his fists. His eyes met hers as her gaze started to fill with curiosity.

"Oh? Submission? How admirable. I suppose you must know your place, after all." She chuckled still with a tender smile. "You have a good head on those shoulders, I see." She spoke like a mother praising her child. "Tell me your name, traveler."

Her tone suggested that she expected his obedience. Soma's instincts urged him not to contradict her wishes. He had his pride but at the face of death, those things meant very little. If she wants obedience, he shall give it to her.

"My name..."

Soma hesitated before continuing.

" Soma."

"Soma, eh? A pleasure to meet you." The woman paused for a moment before extending her hand toward him, offering to shake it. "I am Reol, the goddess' very own sword and shield."

Reol spoke as she tilted her head to the side. Her eyes remained fixed upon his, watching every reaction as though savoring each miniscule tremor.

Left without much choice, Some decided to reciprocate. However, when she clasped his hand within her grasp, she brought his hand upwards, pressing his knuckles against her soft, moist lips.

"Warmest regards." Reol breathed, kissing the backside of his hand while staring at him from behind his knuckles. The warmth radiating from her skin permeated throughout his body. Soma gulped by reflex as he watched Reol release him from her grip. He shuddered from the embarrassment and awkwardness.

"Please follow me." She murmured before turning towards the opposite direction. Wyca walked up to him and pushed him forward, guiding him after Reol. "Hurry up." Wyca hissed beside Soma's left ear before continuing alongside him. Soma sighed, defeated and complied with their demands, following Reol down the corridor.

'Crap, now I'm stuck with these two. Just great.'

In the back of his mind, Soma hoped he would make it out alive and save his parents from the clutches of these madmen. He would deal with them later but for now, he had to play along with their rules until a fortuitous moment presented itself for him to strike back.

'What are they gonna do to me now? I have to prepare myself for the worst case scenario...'

Before long, Reol found an empty room, differ from the one he entered with the elder. She led Soma and Wyca inside before plopping down on the sofa, crossing her legs and folding her arms across her chest.

"Sit. You too, Wyca." Reol commanded, pointing towards the seat across her.

Wyca took Soma's hand and pulled him down onto the opposite couch, her hands lingering upon his shoulders and arms for a little longer than necessary.

"What do you intend to do? I don't have any valuables on me. I'm just a poor adventurer." Soma inquired while trying his best to maintain a calm demeanor. Mixing in a little bit of lies and truth together, he began to concoct a plan to persuade these people to let him go.

"Why, we have no interest in anything you possess, adventurer." Reol's smile widened. "All you need to do is stay here, relax, enjoy our hospitality, and await for the arrival of the Goddess herself."

The way she articulated that word— 'hospitality' —sent chills down Soma's spine.

"See, you should've stayed in your room like how you were told. You would be fucking like rabbits with one of the bunnies right now if you had." Wyca chimed in as she shot a dirty glare at him.

Reol snickered. "Wyca speaks true. Instead you choose to leave the room without permission, wandering aimlessly through our halls, and ultimately getting yourself into trouble."

Reol extended her delicate hand, its gentle touch arching against the curve of Soma's cheek. A jolt of surprise coursed through him as she lovingly caressed his skin, her thumb tracing tender circles around his lower lip and descending, marking a trail along his jawline, stopping just shy of his chin.

Soma's voice trembled with a mix of alarm and discomfort, interrupting the intimate moment.

"S-stop that!" he exclaimed, swatting away her hand, his body visibly recoiling from her touch.

In response, Reol's lips curled into a mischievous grin, her eyes sparkling with a hint of lust. Seemingly unphased by his reaction, she leaned in closer, their faces now a mere breath apart. Inhaling deeply, as if savoring his essence, her warm breath softly caressed his nose, prompting Soma to instinctively retreat against the couch, yearning to create greater distance between them.

"Ah~" A sigh escaped Reol's lips as she gazed upon the trembling young man, his eyes showing an unmistakable disgust and a sense of apprehension.

"Your face... Your scent... All of you... So..." Reol paused briefly, seemingly searching for words. "Exquisite." She whispered. Her mouth widened into an impish grin, revealing rows of pearly white teeth, their sharp tips gleaming under the light. As if drawn to them, Soma found himself captivated, transfixed on her canines.

"Don't you agree, Wyca?" Turning her head to the side, Reol addressed her colleague.

"He is attractive, I'll admit. His manly scent is strong and his face has a certain... rugged appeal to it." The redhead nodded with approval, her eyes scanning the length of his body. "But I'll have to disagree on your assessment regarding his exquisite quality."

"Oh? How so?" Reol returned her attention back to Soma, her head tilting with a hint of intrigue. "Look at those dark, almond-shaped eyes. Look at those full lips of his. His nose isn't crooked either. I'd say he's quite the catch. In fact, I can hardly keep my hands away." Leaning forward once more, her finger brushed lightly over his thigh, causing Soma to flinch with cold sweat. She giggled in response as she traced her nails down to his knees and then back up again, inching ever closer to his crotch.

"While I do admit that his physical attributes are decent, his attitude leaves much to be desired." Wyca argued, her eyes rolling in an exaggerated display of dismissiveness. "Unlike his ripe and mature body, his personality... well..." Wyca snorted with obvious derision, scrunching her brows as she regarded the young man next to her. "There's just no hope for someone so ignorant, arrogant, stubborn and prideful."

"Hm?" Reol locked her gaze at Soma and smirked at the clear annoyance and discomfort written on his face, Her finger traced a path along the hem of his pants, a playful gesture that fueled the growing tension between them.

"Reol, you weren't there when it happened, but this man dared to question the goddess' power." Wyca reported with an accusatory tone. "He questioned Her blessing which She granted unto us, even as far as rejecting the bunnies. His ignorance knows no bounds."

Reol's response was calm and measured, her eyes glinting with interest. "Is that so?" she replied, her tone cool and detached. A fleeting darkness flickered across her features for a split second before reverting back to normal.

"As you can tell, this man hasn't yet accepted the Goddess' grace and teachings." She commented with an air of detachment. "Such arrogance. He doesn't know what he's missing out on. I guess... we'll have to educate him on the error of his ways." Reol flashed a smile filled with malevolence directed at Soma.

'Educate me? What does that even mean? Do they plan to brainwash me as well?'

Many scenarios flashed by his minds, but never in a million years would he ever thought of such a torture method—

"Shall we, Wyca? A proper lesson ought to do it for such a bratty boy." Reol declared with a low growl. "Starting by breaking that stubborn will of his." Her lips curved upwards into a sinister grin.

"I agree." Wyca grinned as she turned to face Soma and lifted her butt from the seat, straddling the man's lap. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pressed herself against him, trapping him in an embrace.

"What are you—"

Before Soma could even finish his sentence, Wyca's lips crushed against his in a passionate kiss. He struggled, attempting to pull away, but her hands were quick to grasp the sides of his head, keeping him firmly in place. Not expecting such a bold move, Soma felt a shiver go down his spine and pushed her off his lap.

"Gah! Get off of me!" he shouted at Wyca, spitting at her as he wiped his mouth clean.
Wyca scowled at his actions as she stood up and spat back in return, "Heh, you are doomed." With that, she took a step back and crossed her arms over her chest while eyeing Soma with contempt. "You can't escape from us now."

"We're going to show you a whole new level of pleasure. One you never even imagined possible," Reol purred seductively while slowly moving closer towards him. "Give in to your desires, let yourself loose and enjoy our hospitality, Soma."

"What in the world are you— ugh!"

Soma's expression twisted with confusion as he gasped in surprise before his words vanished into a strained grunt. The rapid onset of a peculiar sensation left him breathless, his vision momentarily distorted. A surge of intense heat surged through his body, pooling in his loins. His heart began a frenzied pounding within his chest, its rhythm erratic and unpredictable. And then, to his disbelief, a physical manifestation of arousal manifested itself as his manhood swelled and hardened. Soma's eyes met the knowing gazes of Reol and Wyca, their knowing smirks etched across their beautiful visages.

"Wh-what's going on...!?"

Soma tried his best to regain control of himself but found himself unable to move an inch. The pleasurable feeling intensified as the heat within him continued to build, causing his member to throb with increasing urgency.

"You see." Reol closed in until they were mere inches apart before whispering directly into his ear. "We are the creation of the almighty goddess; Lady Ginova, the embodiment of life and love! The divine light of her blessings bestows us with unsurmountable strength and power beyond your wildest imagination! We, the hermaphrodites, are more than your ordinary beings! We embody both sexes, creating harmony within our bodies and soul! And so..."

Reol placed a hand on Soma's shoulder and pulled him close, burying his face between her soft bosoms, and then continued whispering.

"...The pheromones and bodily fluids secreted by our bodies carry such powerful aphrodisiac effects that not even the strongest of wills can withstand them."

She stroked his hair while uttering the last words, her tone dripping with lust and anticipation. "This means, Soma, you shall accept our hospitality whether you wish it or not."

His ears filled with the sounds of his own heavy breathing, his chest rising and falling in synchronized rhythm. The intoxicating musk of Reol enveloped him, igniting his desires and fueling the fire between his legs. The pulsating sensation in his swollen member heightened, blood coursing through his veins with an urgency that bordered on desperation. The temptation to reach down and grant himself release grew stronger by the minute, his hands twitching involuntarily at his sides.

'No! I...I can't give in! Not like this!' Soma gritted his teeth in defiance and clenched his fists till his knuckles turned white.

'I'! I'm! I! I'll hold...on...until...I...have...a escape!'

However, his resistance proved futile when the pressure became too much to bear. His erection stood tall and proud, straining against the confines of his pants. It ached terribly and demanded relief, causing Soma to groan under his breath.

Wyca, sitting by his side, reached out with her hand, giving his member a firm squeeze through his pants, causing Soma to cry out. She laughed in response and pressed her breast against his arm.

"How are you feeling?" she teased as she massaged his crotch, enjoying how he twitched and shuddered from her touch.

"Bastard! Go to hell!" Soma snarled while glaring daggers at her. This only caused Wyca to smirk and chuckle louder.

"You're awfully lively aren't you?" she remarked coolly before removing his pants and pulling his boxers down. "I suppose we should get started then."

Soma flinched at the sudden exposure. He instinctively tried to cover his erection, but Wyca grabbed his wrists and forced them behind his back. He attempted to squirm free, but he had no strength left in his body to resist. After the kiss, his muscles significantly weakened due to the effect of the aphrodisiacs within the saliva. His manhood stood erect, pointed upward like a tower amidst the cityscape, thick and throbbing with desire. It glistened under the light, precum oozing out of its tip and trickling down its length.

Soma's pubes were messy and unruly, strands of brown hair scattered around his base like a patch of weeds. He had never shaved them, opting for natural growth instead. In contrast to his crotch hair, his balls were smooth and round, with a dark tan color. The soft, tender flesh of his sack rested comfortably atop his thighs, nestled together in a tight cluster. His penis itself was impressive, its girth filling Wyca's palm as she cupped his member in her hand.

"How cute~" she teased, tracing the head of his penis with her fingertips, watching him shiver as she rubbed the sensitive area. "It looks like you're already getting excited! How adorable!" She leaned forward and placed her lips on the tip, leaving wet kisses while she pumped her fist up and down along his shaft.

Meanwhile, Soma grit his teeth and clenched his eyes shut, refusing to look at the red-headed bitch.

'This is so embarrassing! Why!? Why do I feel so damn good!?' Soma screamed inwardly, ashamed of how good her mouth felt around his cock. 'I don't want this! Not like this!'

Despite his reservations, his manhood betrayed his emotions as it twitched and danced in Wyca's hands. Her tongue worked its magic, swirling around his crown, lapping up the clear fluid leaking out. Then she would follow with her mouth, engulfing his member between her lips, bobbing her head up and down his length while sucking on his glans. Every time she did this, his penis grew harder and fatter, as if ready to burst inside her mouth.

"Ah—!" Soma gasped, unable to hold his moan as she swallowed his entire cock into her mouth. The warmth and wetness of her saliva combined with the slick friction of her tongue caused his body to tremble and buckle from ecstasy. He fought to suppress his climax, struggling to deny himself of his impending release.

"You are not forgetting someone are you?"

Reol moved seat to his left and forced him to lie down on the sofa. A soft and plush cushion met his back as he stared at the ceiling lights. Resting his head on her plump thighs, he could feel her hand touching his head, stroking him soothingly like a pet dog. He raised his gaze to meet hers and found the woman's face riddled with a playful smile. "I was getting jealous~" Reol stated, her tone laced with faux dejection.

Soma couldn't respond. His eyes trembled as he witnessed Reol parting her lips, revealing the pink interior of her mouth. Her tongue slithered out and licked her lips before sticking out towards Soma's face. It descended over his mouth and landed squarely on his lips, where she proceeded to lap at him hungrily. It felt slithery and slimy, tasting strangely sweet and delicious as she licked him.

The feeling was alien to Soma, yet he found himself craving more. A muffled sound came from his mouth as he struggled to speak. His words were interrupted by her relentless assault upon his lips, forcing her tongue deeper into his mouth as she sucked and nibbled at his lower lip. His eyes grew wide from the shock of having another person's tongue exploring his oral cavity, while his mind reeled in both panic and ecstasy.


Reol kept pushing and probing, insisting on getting as much contact as possible while devouring him wholly. When she finally retracted her tongue, Soma found himself gasping for air and coughing between shallow breaths.

"Not bad," Reol purred. "Very sweet indeed." Her words dripped with honey, accentuating her praise with a gentle pat upon his cheeks. "It makes me want more."

Without warning, she dove back in and captured his lips, plunging her tongue back inside. Soma whimpered in protest, but he was unable to resist her advances as she continued to ravage his mouth, dominating him with ease. Combined with the pleasure he received from his pelvic area, he soon found himself unable to prevent his orgasm from approaching any longer. The intense stimulation from her tongue wrestling against his, along with Wyca's aggressive blowjob proved too much for his body to handle anymore. His mind went blank and his hips buckled forward, driving his shaft deeper into the redhead's mouth.


A familiar rush flooded his groin before exploding inside her throat. His cock erupted in a series of violent spasms, shooting ropes of sticky semen straight into her waiting esophagus. His entire body shook with euphoric bliss as Soma came for the first time in days. The experience lasted longer than usual, his semen never ceasing to stop, bursting forth with unending torrents. He could feel his balls emptying themselves deep within Wyca's throat, flooding her stomach with his virility.

Splurt—! Splurrtt—! Splurrttt—!

"Gulp! Gulp! GULP!"

The red-haired woman happily gulped his sperm down without complaint, not letting a single drop escape her mouth. Only after all the semen flowed out did she finally allow herself to come off his cock, letting it slip out past her lips. She made sure to lick him clean before wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

Slurrp—! Slurrrp—!

"Ah~! Your spunk tastes so bad! It's thick and disgusting!" An apparent look of contempt flashed across her face while she stuck out her tongue, showing her dissatisfaction without a shred of shame. "It's salty and bitter and it smells so foul! Seriously, you should learn to bathe yourself more, you pig!" She shouted at Soma while still holding his cock in her hands. "Look at this thing! It's a mess! You haven't been washing properly! It stinks so bad! You're disgusting!"

Soma couldn't help but feel embarrassed upon hearing those remarks. His face flushed bright crimson from the mockery. However, he did not miss the underlying excitement lacing her voice as she glared at his naked genitals.

'She's enjoying this, the pervert!'

Regardless, Soma could not find the strength to fight back as he lay sprawled out on the couch, exhausted and drained physically while panting heavily. Sweat drenched his shirt and trousers as he struggled to catch his breath.

"I'll have to clean this filthy rod of yours personally." The woman announced to no one in particular as she licked her lips hungrily. "You better be grateful because I'm doing it out of the kindness of my heart!" She stated haughtily before returning her attention back to Soma's shaft.

Soma could only watch helplessly as Wyca began to bury her face against his crotch again, inhaling deeply. She licked his testicles and buried her nose into his pubic hairs, sniffing and savoring his masculine scent. While she did this, he could see how she grinded her legs together, rubbing her crotch while humping the air. Her motions were lewd and perverse, suggesting her eagerness for something more than simple cleaning.

It was then Reol pulled back from kissing Soma and took off her leather armor. Once freed, she reached for Soma's arm and guided his hand towards her breasts. The moment Soma's fingers touched them, Reol arched her back, allowing him to fondle them freely. "So... soft..." he muttered under his breath, mesmerized by the shape and color of them.

"Ahn~! Sorry, Soma, my breast isn't so big and plentiful like most of the bunnies here," she giggled, taking his hand and cupping them together with hers, pressing them tightly against her chest. "But I believe their size suits me best! What do you think?" She smiled coyly while gazing straight into his eyes. "They feel nice, don't they? Haah... you can keep touching them as much as you want— ungh!" She teased as she closed her eyes and leaned her head backward, sighing contently as she enjoyed Soma's clumsy yet energetic fondling.

Soma didn't reply, he merely continued to explore Reol's bosom, squeezing and pinching her cute, pink nipples while also kneading the meat of her tits. At the same time, his shaft recovered its hardness, growing larger and thicker under Wyca's aggressive oral service. Her mouth and hands worked their magic upon him as she took turns licking and stroking his cock and balls.

At this point, Soma's mind clouded over with lust. A sense of loss overwhelmed him as the fog within his head took over all rational thoughts and reasoning. His body burned with desire; the flames threatened to consume him entirely. He surrendered to these feelings and embraced them completely, indulging himself in the carnal pleasure bestowed upon him by these two women.

The hermaphrodites' natural aphrodisiacs increased his libido exponentially, overwhelming Soma with unbearable need. His cock throbbed intensely, aching desperately for release once more. He gripped Reol's chest in a death grip as he gasped for breath, fighting desperately to control his body. Reol moaned sweetly in response, relishing his rough treatment. She entwined her hands with his and brought them up to her face before placing gentle kisses on his knuckles.

"Hmmm~~! It feels so good when you touch me like this! Soma!" She moaned with pleasure. "Keep going! I want to cum! I want to cum!"

So engrossed in the moment, Soma seemed to forget that the two beauties before him weren't just any ordinary women. Besides the aphrodisiacs in their bodily fluids, they were also equipped with a 'sword' of their own.

A tent grew taller and harder under the back of Soma's skull. Its length gradually stretched outward until it poked him uncomfortably in the nape of his neck. Even so, he cared naught about such trivial matters, clueless to his surroundings. He was lost in a sea of ecstasy, drowning in euphoria. Everything around him faded away as his focus centered on fulfilling his deepest carnal instincts.

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