Eternal Calamity: From Naruto

Chapter 359 Chaos Four

Chapter 359 Chaos · Four

It was different. The Monkey King in front of him gave him a completely different feeling.

It's like going from a barbarian who can only wield power to a wise man who understands the laws of the world and can flexibly use his own power.

The layer of indifferent, seemingly transparent black and white flames lingering around her body actually gave Geyue a sense of absolute defense that was invulnerable to all means, untouched by all means, eternal and unchanging, and cut off from all external laws and concepts.

"Did that sinister guy Kuro Rido do it?"

Geyue lowered her eyes slightly, feeling a certain special power that was everywhere in this world and closely connected with Sun Wukong, and she became slightly vigilant.

There is no doubt that this world is specially designed for Sun Wukong and provides many convenient battlefields.

"You came."

Sun Wukong slowly opened his eyes, Gu Jing Wubo looked at Ge Yue, and said: "I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

Geyue condensed a long sword and stood it in front of her, saying seriously: "To express my apology, I will put away all my arrogance and fight you with all my strength."

"Yeah, that's really great."

Sun Wukong raised the corners of his mouth slightly, stood up, and assumed a fighting posture.


The next moment, a blade burning with blue fire cut through the space and struck at Sun Wukong with enough power to destroy the sea of ​​stars.


Sun Wukong shouted loudly, clenched his fist, and struck out. In the most primitive and violent way, he faced Geyue's blade with a fist that could shatter space, shatter rules and concepts.

This punch is simple and unpretentious, returning to nature, but it is more practical and effective than all other tricks!


The blade collided with the fist, instantly shattering the space and shattering all matter within hundreds of light years around it.

"What a heavy fist!"

Geyue's pupils shrank, and she felt a heavy pressure from the blade, but she immediately mobilized the nine-sense small universe she had just stolen and the power of a million magnetic fields, and pressed against Sun Wukong with even more violent force.


Feeling the sudden increase in strength on Geyue's blade, Sun Wukong opened his eyes and let out a long and joyful roar. His fighting spirit rose to the extreme, and he swung an even heavier fist and collided with Geyue.


Knife after knife, punch after punch, the frequency of the battle between the two exceeded the speed of light and time, and the aftermath of the battle shattered countless galaxies.

In this battle, the two sides had a very tacit understanding. Geyue did not immediately use his omniscient and omnipotent power and various legal principles, and Sun Wukong did not immediately launch a wave of light cannons.

They just rely on the will, experience, reflexes, judgment and other combat elements accumulated from countless battles to carry out the purest collision.

The two's slashes and punches collided fiercely countless times, forming two completely different lights and shadows.

On one side is a black storm, on the other side is a black and white frenzy.

Each of Geyue's slashes was blocked by a heavy fist, and similarly, every punch that hit her was blocked by the blade. You came and I fought, fighting countless battles.


Finally, after an unknown number of duels, the blade condensed by Geyue's own strength broke from it. He also made changes accordingly, and a supernova burst hit Sun Wukong's body, knocking his figure far away. Boom flew out.

Of course, this blow did not cause damage to Sun Wukong, and even the black and white layer of temperament that burned like a flame on his body was not dispersed.

"Qigong wave!"

After being slapped in the face by a supernova, Sun Wukong immediately returned the favor and raised his hand to wave a light cannon that penetrated the sky and the earth.


Ge Yue swept out with her backhand and bounced Sun Wukong's light wave away, causing the light wave to refract diagonally upward and extinguish a large number of stars.

“The Son of God appears here—the Divine Spear of Covenant and Destiny!”

"Burning for eternal calamity, endless calamity - the Holy Judgment of Heavenly Fire!"

Chanting the spirit spirit loudly, Ge Yue summoned the golden divine spear and the sky fire sword, and slashed a series of destructive knife marks towards Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong also exploded his own fighting spirit, blasting out terrifying light waves one after another.

Boom boom boom!

At this time, both sides had already unleashed their true fire, and they were both merciless in their attacks. The terrifying aftermath was like the destruction of the world, causing all the stars in the entire universe to be blown to pieces.

“Terror follows hope, joy to learn—dark celestial creation!”

(Spem metus sequitur. Disce libens.)

At the cost of shattering the weapon, he swung a blazing sword light that ignited the entire universe. Ge Yue recited the words, stretched out his palm towards Sun Wukong, clasped his five fingers, and made a pulling motion.


The next moment, the universe shook, and countless star fragments were pulled from unknown corners of the entire universe. They condensed, merged, and then collapsed from the inside into a super giant black hole that seemed to be able to swallow up the entire universe.

Under the gravity of this super-standard black hole, not even Sun Wukong could easily break away. Pulled by the terrifying gravity, he fell into the center of the black hole.

However, Sun Wukong did not panic. He stared at Ge Yue calmly and closed his hands behind his waist.


In a low roar full of endless repression, Sun Wukong's closed hands burst out with a light that could not be described in words, and just looking directly at it made people feel as painful as a knife.

Geyue silently stretched out his right hand, and six gems of different colors appeared in phantom shape, spinning around his wrist, emitting endless divine power that turned everything around.


At this moment, the light in Sun Wukong's palm reached its peak, and then burst into bloom.


In an instant, the entire universe was dyed white by this dazzling light. The super-sized black hole formed by condensing all the forms of the entire universe reached the end of the gods in an instant, and the black hole that swallowed all matter turned into a release. The white hole of all matter, the destructive wave of light swept across and violently blasted towards Ge Yue.


Geyue's thumb and middle finger intertwined together and rubbed together gently. With a crisp finger snap, the six gems lit up with a dazzling rainbow light. Then, everything in front of him seemed to have pressed the pause button. It stopped abruptly, as if it had turned into a painting, or a huge piece of amber.


Immediately afterwards, the picture shattered, scattered into countless stardust and disappeared into the void. The light waves that destroyed the sky and the earth, and the white hole that spewed out all the matter in the entire universe, all disappeared at this moment.


Sun Wukong's pupils shrank, as if he didn't expect that his full blow would be destroyed so easily.

"Death, the end of death is the only salvation - creation will finally turn into life!"

"You look at me as if I were a coward—Creation·Xiangye, the white bird knight who transformed into gold!"

"The longing of this body is the original majesty - creation, the silent finale of Nirvana!"

Seizing the moment when Sun Wukong was dazed, Ge Yue recited the words of triple extinction in a blink of an eye, concentrated all her power on the magic gun in her hand, and stretched out the ultimate goal that surpassed the speed of light, transcended time, and extinguished everything. One shot!


Alarm bells rang in Sun Wukong's heart, but the moment he reacted, he saw a beam of light breaking through his protective fighting spirit and piercing through his chest.


The next moment, a hole the size of a basketball burst out of his mouth, and a power of death that ended everything spread around him.

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