Entertainment: Let you come to the rescue, and you will play seven roles

Chapter 442 Returns to the position of director, and becomes the king of explosions

When Su Qin returned from a trip to receive the award, the crew led by deputy director Wang Ping had already finished filming the Moroccan scenes.

Now all the team is back in Sonali and the shooting plan has been adjusted according to his arrangements.

Now Su Qin is writing Deng Ziqi's epic battle songs that once became popular all over the world and guiding her in training.

While returning to the director's position, he continued to host film shooting.

At this time, on the Type 054A frigate, the captain played by Jiang Hanyu is arranging tasks for the Jiaolong Special Forces.

"In order to get the Ivia government to recognize their organization, Zhaka has launched multiple terrorist attacks. In the past two years, he has united with multiple extremist terrorist organizations to carry out operations in Eurasia."

"This military coup in Ivia is caused by General Saraf, who is known as the 'madman' and supported by Zhaka."

"According to the personnel list provided by the Foreign Affairs Office, we need to evacuate a total of 130 registered personnel from our country from Ivia, as well as 30 foreign employees employed by our company."

"Now our Linxi Type 054A frigate will immediately go to Ivia to perform its mission, and the other ships will return."

His narration and the issuance of orders mean that this plot called Operation Red Sea has now begun to officially unfold.

And his long line performance also clearly demonstrated his line skills and acting ability.


"This section is perfect. Teacher Jiang Hanyu, please take a rest first and I will make on-site adjustments."

After this filming, as the movie lines say, the other ships will return as per normal arrangements.

However, based on the current complex situation in Somali waters, Captain Liang Zhong does not approve of this approach.

"Forget about returning home, our other three ships will continue to escort outside Somalia's territorial waters. If something happens, we can continue to provide support."

With the radar coverage of the Type 054A frigate, they do not need personal protection at all. They can see everything dozens of nautical miles away, and it is not a problem to remotely retrieve the admiral's head.

However, this answer surprised Su Qin, "Don't your fleets have fixed arrangements and cannot be messed with? You suddenly left three ships here. This is not in line with the procedures."

All military supplies have detailed arrangements and tracking procedures, and even a bullet leaving the warehouse must be registered, so Su Qin couldn't understand why he suddenly said not to send the other three ships back.

Liang Zhong smiled and looked at Su Qin, not sure whether he was teasing or feeling emotional.

"Su Qin, Su Qin, do you really not know how powerful you are?"

"Just before your plane landed, I received a call from the military region, asking our four ships to be on standby 4 hours a day to protect you and the crew."

"The higher-ups have made it clear that no other tasks will be assigned to us until the crew returns to China after filming."

Damn it, is this okay?

Su Qin looked at Liang Zhong blankly, unable to believe that he was being treated like this.

It doesn’t matter that the movie has strong support from the military. When filming abroad, there are actually four warships on standby 4 hours a day. This is probably the first person in the world.

However, he quickly adjusted his mentality and said happily.

"In this case, I'm not polite. This time, we must use resources no matter what and make a good movie. Only in this way can we be worthy of your hard work."

"But I can't let so many officers and soldiers work with me in vain. All daily expenses on your ship will be reimbursed by me. I must ensure that the officers and soldiers are well fed and well fed."

Although Liang Zhong was pleased to hear this, he refused with a straight face.

"Our discipline is not to take advantage of the masses. Even if this mission is special, we will only obey the dispatch of the military region and have nothing to do with you personally."

"Just make your movie well. You don't need to understand things like human relationships, let alone work hard. It's not necessary."

How else can we say that the people's army can win the war?

Just this discipline, this awareness.

It is also unique when looking at the whole world.

But that's what he said, but Su Qin couldn't really be a fool and just agree while pretending not to understand anything.

He turned around and called Jiang Weiguo, and then donated 2,000 million yuan to the Zhejiang Military Region.

This amount of money is not worth mentioning in the face of huge military expenditures, and it is not much compared to his savings of several hundred million.

But this money can show his attitude, and it is indeed enough to cover the operation and maintenance expenses of four warships for several months.

Although Liang Zhong said he didn't like it on the surface, he still felt very comfortable when he received the notice of the restricted area.

At least he felt that Su Qin was a friend he could make and would not cheat him.

"Shitou Tongli, you two need to pay attention to your timing when you take the scene where you pack your things and come out to collide."

"Especially Shitou, you have to react quickly. The photo of the two of you can only be shown to Tong Li once, and absolutely no more."

"This is a foreshadowing of the emotional line that follows, but the emotions of soldiers have always been reserved and reserved. We must not consume this thing wantonly."

Also, when we show it to the audience, we only give them a fleeting moment, and we must not let it stop at this aspect. You must always remember that this is a military action-themed movie, not a love-making movie. "

"Okay, each unit will prepare in half a minute."

After the simple emotional line foreshadowing was filmed, the plot came to the next scene, and their filming began to quickly shift to the climax battle stage.

"Attention all, the nature of this mission requires that we can only operate in small teams and cannot carry large amounts of ammunition."

"The superiors have coordinated with the local government forces to provide ammunition resources, but their bullet calibers and weapons are different from ours, so we have to switch to EU weapons and equipment this time."

A simple description switched weapons and equipment from domestic production to EU standards.

And Shi Shi's action of secretly eating candy while checking various weapons once again made a subtle foreshadowing.

Although this foreshadowing is simple, it has a strong tear-inducing ability later in the film.

The sniper Gu Shun who came here by helicopter is a highlight of the film.

On the rippling blue sea, the Type 054A frigate appeared near Ivia's territorial waters, and the deputy began to report.

"Reporting to the captain's political commissar, the Ivia government has approved our ship's entry into Ohafa port."

"The entire ship enters Level 2 combat deployment!"


After the lines in the command room were filmed, the officers and soldiers of the front ship immediately got ready for battle.

Take close-up shots of the main guns, close-in defense guns and other weapons on the Type 054A frigate.

The compatriots on the shore who were waiting for evacuation and rescue cheered when they saw their country's warships.

"The warship is coming, our warship is coming, we are saved."

Each of them held a national flag, and their faces had never shown such proud smiles.

This is our own country, our own warship, and our own sense of security.

However, after the Jiaolong Commando completed this simple evacuation mission, a more difficult task lay before them.

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