DxD: Matsuda!



     While Issei and I were having our chat, another visitor came to sit with us. Phis picked up the toy of my Gold Dragon form and is now holding it staring into its eyes like it was a living puppy.

       Issei says,"Matsuda, um Ophis does not have anywhere to go so...." Even though everyone from my past life hated Issei for being a moron perv that was dense to girls. The one thing they overlook is how kind this retard is. He even wants to give this lonely dragon a home even with all of Phis enemies.

     I put my hand up to stop him and say,"Phis is part of our family now. No need to ask. Also Issei, I want to give you an equal partner familiar contract so I can summon you whenever. Also this will stop the higher ups from trying to tempt you with bribes to bring you under them as a servant. This will also make you count as a Gremory indirectly. Roshi, Kunou, and Tiamat all have this same pact with me. What do you say brother?"

     Issei puts on a lecherous smile and says,"Only if you summon me into lewd places!" The two of us start a kids fist fight right there in the middle of the store laughing!

     After that we calmed down and I made a contract with him... Now the high ranking devils cant demand Issei to be handed to them for some stupid reason. Plus the ability to summon Issei to my side at any time is going to be very useful. The last reason we did this is so Issei can still use Gremory only teleports. This is what happened to poor Asia in season one when they rescued Issei from Freed and could not take Asia.

     The three of us then walk out of the shop and join my waiting group. Right now I have started to answer all of the incoming magic circles demanding information about the situation. After about 15 minutes I finished all of my calls and my other girls finished with their duties.

     Azazel had finally made his way to our group with a huge smile on his face and said,"Issei, you did a fantastic job brat! To think you survived by becoming part of Great Red! Your protagonist's luck is amazing!" He then looks at me...

     "You kids did a fantastic job here! You defeated the Hero faction and helped kill Pluto, well that one was Vali I guess. Anyway I can take those two off your hands, and we can learn more about their group." I handed him the two injectors I recovered.

     I asked him while I looked at Jeanne at my side,"When you question the two here, can you please be gentle with Jeanne here? She surrendered to me without trying to run or resist. even when Cao Cao came she did not once try to escape. The big guy over there needs your worst interrogation." Azazel's eyebrow lifts at my words.

     I look at Jeanne who is standing there quietly and I ask her,"Please answer the Governor's questions truthfully. I would be grateful to you for being honest and owning your crimes. He does not look it but Azazel is a guy I trust. Will you do this for me?" She looks amazed that I would speak up for better treatment for her and she smiles.

     Jeanne looks at Azazel and says,"Please let me help you with everything I know. Please take care of me!" She gives him a slight bow and Azazel gives me the 'did you brainwash her' look! I shrug and maybe its my Gremory blood? Both of us had no idea it was because she could relate to my past life's betrayal, and she felt a kinship with it...

     After a while my two Queens made a large transportation magic to help get us all back to the Gremory estate.........

     When our group returned we were warmly welcomed by many happy faces. Kris was crying while hugging Issei and would not let him go. The look on his face was picture worthy... So I took some shots of it! Yasaka and Kunou in fact listened to me and came to the Gremory home when they finished and were warmly greeted by Rias and Venelana....

     I had my church girls sneak off with Phis so she would not be seen by anyone. Phis was still holding the Gold Dragon toy even now? Does she know she is a shoplifter! Or is she a looter? Meh, I own the store so we will call it a gift.....

     Kunou rushed me for a hug and asked,"Father, did you see Kunou fighting off those monsters for you!" I pet her fox ears and see the older woman smile at my interaction with her.

     I nod and tell her,"I was very proud of your leadership and even happier that you protected your mother for me!" She put on a dopey smile for being praised, she then bolted off to Issei to ask him about his battle he had with Great Red and the monster.... Ha that's kinda funny they are both my familiars now...

     Yasaka with elegance came to me in her human form and hugged and kissed me... Seems she wants to hide her ears and tails around Venelana?! Well my gear tells me she wants to impress Venelana? Well I can mofu mofu her tails later!

     We all sat and had a relaxing evening chatting and handling reports and aftermaths of the attack. The old Satan faction was trying to retreat but we hunted them down mercilessly in the Gremory territory.

     The damage report for our domain was almost negligible thanks to all the planning, and all those that listened to my warning had minimal damage as well. The other devil territories suffered much in terms of property damage but due to mass evacuations the loss of life was reduced. It was night and day compared to us and the news reported how our group of territories of our friends managed to fare far better.... This is because of good oversight.

     My face twitched when I saw that Kunou had put herself in-between Kris and Issei and it was obvious that she was trying to hog Issei to herself! Yasaka, seeing my face whispered in my ear,"Kunou is a very territorial fox and now that Issei's dragon aura is so strong she is subconsciously laying her claim on that poor boy, Ufufu!" RIP Issei! Venelana and Rias also giggle at Issei's awkward face!

     Grayfia says,"Matsuda, your friend is a bit dense and does not realize Kunou's feelings for him... Will he be OK?" She gives me an amused smile like a pyromaniac watching a house fire.

     I shrug and tell all my women surrounding me the only correct answer,"I would rather worry about what you lovely lady's want!" The smiles on their faces tell me 'you chose wisely'!

     Yasaka and Kunou had to leave early due to not being able to be away from Kyoto for long, and I was made to promise to come by on the weekend and bring Issei as well....

     That night I was kidnapped by Venelana and Rias to sleep with them before we returned to our life in Kuoh. We did not really get any sleep which I was thankful for. Half way through my amazing evening I laughed at myself at this unreal situation I am in.... Both women are my wives, have my babies in the belly, and are mother and daughter.... This is truly unbelievable. I really am glad to be a Gremory man!

     In the morning our two peerages left to return home. I will have to wait for a while to get my 8 Pawn pieces replaced due to all the chaos in the Underworld right now.

     Benemue and Serafall had to participate in the Underworld crisis and both women had no issues and were happy I had called to make sure the two were OK. I was told by both women to expect a visit when they could get a free moment. It feels like a lifetime ago I fell for Benemue, but I am sure it's because I remember her in my soul. When Serafall found out what happened with her sister and saw the video, she beat up Azazel trying to break into the prison to end meatball's life! Fortunately she was shown his state I left him in, and she reluctantly left with a smile on her cute face.....

     Honestly when we returned back to Kuoh I thought I would get a warm welcome from the residents of the Gremory home. My gear did not warn me about what danger came to my home this morning!

     When my group came to the living room I saw the school girls we left behind for protection and Kalawarna having a drink with a visiting guest....My soul felt like it was going to end right there as I had a huge sweat-drop inside!

     A cute girl dressed in a black Lolita-dress gives me a big smile that would be considered super adorable normally and says,"Hi Matsuda I am glad to see you are safe! I was super excited to see you on the news!" WHY IS MY EXOTIC DANCER IN MY HOME?!?!

     I feel many unfriendly glares on my back and Kalawarna looks like she has questions too!

     Koneko and Ravel both at the same time yell and point,""Why are you here Mittelt?!"" I can imagine a Phoenix behind Ravel and a white tiger behind Koneko, while I imagine a scary teddy bear holding a knife, behind Mittelt!

     Kalawarna answers the two,"She was sent by Grigori and Benemue to see if any former humans wish to acquire Artificial Sacred Gears!"

     Mittelt smugly tells them,"That's right, due to the relationship with Lord Gremory, we at the fallen angel side wants to offer our services to your House." Wow she put on a really smug smile on her face because even Rias cant complain about her being here? Damn, I thought Mittelt was only cute and proud. But now I see she plays dirty to get what she wants! My Gear is telling me what she wants and I feel even more nervous now!

     My new familiar, best friend, and clueless ass-hole makes things worse for me by saying,"Hi Mittelt, remember me? Nice, does this mean I can get into the titty bar for free?!" SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!, I hear the sound of justice coming from Kris's fan!

     I just own my crime and say,"Everyone please meet Mittelt, she works for Azazel and some of you met her back in the church battle. She was not directly responsible for Yuuma's actions and Azazel has cleared her of crimes. We met when father Odin first came to take me to the gentlemen's club and Rose was there too. She and I are in fact friends. We have not done anything inexcusable....... But she has been a good friend to me. Please only be mad at me and not her." I just put on a defeated smile.

     Kalawarna says,"I know, she has told me everything, but if your friends with someone don't hide them, get it!" She is giving me that boss-lady smile that makes me nod my head yes. My gear also tells me she knows about the kissing due to Mittelt looking guilty.

     Rias throws her jealous side on the back burner and puts on her 'lets do business' side, smiles and tells Mittelt,"Sacred Gears? Well then come with me and Akeno and let's talk business...." Why do I think Mittelt made a mistake trying to do business with Rias?!


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