DxD: Matsuda!

Radical Catalyst Ravel!


     While Akeno was sending all of the magician applications to the house, we told Azazel everything we learned. Ravel was looking worried and I did something out of my comfort zone... I pulled her into my lap to help calm her. Koneko seeing Ravel was worried about her family, did not try to bother her for now.

     I ask Azazel,"Do you think the rogue magicians have anything to do with the vampires coming to visit on Wednesday night?"

     Azazel shakes his head,"No pure blood vampires won't work with humans to deal with devils... My guess is that this is a Khaos brigade plot of some sort. We will just have to double check our defenses and stay close to Ravel at all times, to make sure she stays safe. Fortunately she has Gasper, Mittelt, Ruruko, and Koneko around her in class so she is good in school." Why is it the moment she becomes my fiance she gets targeted by enemy's? Is my karma that huge to implicate her due to being with me?

     I tell Ravel who is in my lap,"For now I want you to stop doing devil contracts and always be with someone from the Gremory, alright? When we get home I want you to call your mother and tell her you're OK, that will help her be at ease as well as helping you..."

     She smiled and said,"Thank you for caring Matsuda, I knew I did not choose wrongly!" Looks like she is better.....

     After all the documents were sent we all went home together on foot. Everyone is off work for the next two days to sort the individual contract request since this is important.

     For the entire night we all pitched in and sorted everyone's stacks. The devils in the house that already had contracts helped others with their own sorting. Kuroka took her sister off for training and to help her find a magician that was right for her. Le Fay helped everyone to go through and filter out the trash from everyone stacks since she is part of Golden Dawn.

     Coriana and Yubelluna are both in my office going through my countless piles of trash. Yubelluna sighs and says,"Your request amount is this bad because of all your achievements and background. From your metamorphosis to a pure-blood to a reincarnate and your spell mastery. The fact you are married to so many powerful women.... And what I mentioned is only the tip of the iceberg! This mage here wants to work with you for your ability to manipulate the earth and minerals... sigh, you are an outstanding master!"

     Coriana adds,"It was even leaked how you unlocked my devil heritage, and the fact you single-handedly waved off hundreds of grim reapers like moths. The magicians want to study your secrets with fervor. To even beat out your wife Rias on request is just how important the human mages find you."

     While throwing documents to the side I tell them,"Suck up time is over ladies, my ego is too big already!" The two giggle at my expression.

     After two hours of work we had a stack of about 20 individuals who might be worthy magicians, but honestly I am not feeling this part of my work. I do have to admit there were some super sexy witches in there but I don't want those kinds of girls in my life. However I am giving the hot stack to Issei to pine over, ha-ha!

     So lately the girls have started to rotate a sleeping schedule with me and about two to three girls will sleep with me in my bed most nights. Rias always gets at least one night a week no matter what. Well I can understand that for many reasons. One this was her house in the first place. Second, she is my wife! Third she is cute as fuck when she feels needy. plus she is easy to please. I have to face it, she is a pretty good wife to have regardless of what I thought of her in the beginning. Basically she is a woman I won't regret being with in five thousand years!

     They don't tell me in advance who will come so its always a surprise now. Plus it seems the girls trade their spots to one another if its inconvenient but they keep it fair. The weekends are my choice where I sleep, like when I go to my mom and dad with the Sitri girls. That's how I ended up with Asia and Irina together. And since Phis and I do not have a romantic relationship none of the girls count her. She stays out of the way most of the time.

     I had a bath with the guys and Issei's crying face when he saw all the hot witches he can't contract with really made me laugh! Saji came to join us for the guys' bath night. We too have made it a thing for the guys to do something like this once a week if possible. Women are incredible but hanging with the guys is good too!

     So I am laying in bed trying to guess who will join me tonight and when the two women came in with blushes on their faces I realized I did not get a guessing gold-finger! The two girls were... Ravel and Siris!

     Ravel had her hair down and not done up in her twin tails, and she was wearing my old soccer jersey! She was in full blush mode and looked like she might run at any moment!

     Siris had her top not and braids pulled down and had her hair in a single Akeno style pony tail, and was wearing a white see-through teddy and panties! She too had a look of trying to face her enemy on the battlefield with no retreat clearly in her eyes. I have this feeling she has been working hard to bring herself to get to this point. honestly I thought she would have ambushed me like Xenovia would weeks ago.

     Ravel timidly says,"Koneko let me come tonight in her spot if you will have me? I hope you don't mind that I have been sleeping in your shirts...."

     I really want to go back in-time to past Matsuda who blitzed this poor girl cruelly and smack him hard..... Due to my preconceptions from the anime, I truly did not understand that she is a kind and lovely woman. Sigh, I really thought coming to a world of anime would be easy. Those fan-fictions can't capture how these women change and are different from what some producer in a company makes them.

     Siris bows and says,"Master, I want to give you my everything and be your Knight forever! Please accept this unworthy warrior?" My gear sees her nervousness and insecurities for feeling she is not womanly enough for me, she is wrong however.... I like athletic women and the warrior type like Xenovia.

     I smile at the two and say,"I am not letting my Ravel go since you are my wife to be. Oh and Ravel, I think seeing you in my shirt is really nice, you're the first to do that!" Yes, that is screaming 'I am yours'!

     I look at Siris and tell her,"Your wrong! You are very worthy, actually its me who does not deserve you girls. I have felt so much love from all of you. You especially have never hidden your desire but controlled it and made it your determination. I only have one request for you Siris.... When we are not in formal times, please call me anything informal, not master, lord, or King. Just call me Mat or some pet name you like. But if you crawl into my bed I won't let you go forever?! Is that OK with you?"

     Ravel, looking relieved, crawls to my side and hugs my neck and I can feel there is no bra under my jersey she is wearing. She then says,"For so long I wanted to hold you Mat. I thought you would never accept me... sniff."

     I remember Coriana looking disappointed in me for not accepting her before. I think I need to never second guess Coriana, she seems to ALWAYS be right about me. Ravel seems to have moved my heart once I stopped avoiding her. I will make it up to her by being a good husband then. I know the Phenex only wanted her to be with me for the connection, but I can tell she wants me for her feelings....

     I pick up her chin and give her a gentle kiss on her lips to calm her heart, I have not really done this with her before and just kiss her forehead like a child, now I want to let her know I accept her as a woman.

     Siris has now climbed into the bed and is sitting an inch away from me not knowing the best way to break the ice. So while Ravel hugs me and calms down I reach for Siris hand and hold it entwining our fingers and say,"No rush, it's more important to move at your own speed and just do what feels right. You girls don't even have to go all the way tonight. We can just sleep holding each-other, we will be together for a very long time after all."

     Siris looks at Ravel and asks,"Lady Ravel, may I go first?" She asked her fellow bed mate and Ravel nodded yes and let me go to lay besides me blushing. Then Siris gently pushed my shoulder back and said,"M-Mat, I know we'll be together for a long time, but I don't want to regret not living in the moment. If the world was to end tomorrow, I want to know I lived today! I will be happy now!" She then removes her small amount of clothing fast and then pulls off my boxers with little finesse like a soldier attacking.... Cute!

     She crawls over me and looks me in the eyes and then kisses me.... It seems she has kissed before due to not being super clumsy, but I don't care about her past. I will accept her no matter her background, hell I don't even want to know. If she is willing to only be with me I am OK with it. I can tell now that she doesn't have a lot of experience in the actual act now that it's been a few minutes so I roll on top of her and explore her better.

     After a few more minutes I place myself at the entrance and look into her eyes and she nods...... Siris has now officially become my responsibility. She finally has shown me a smile that she usually hides due to her past. I can tell she is happy to be accepted into my family, well that and her hand is on her full abdomen. She and I only engage in a single round because I don't want Ravel to feel neglected. However I see that Ravel while blushing was secretly taking notes on what to do.

     I clean the two of us up and then I lay in-between the two girls and bring Ravel into a hug and pull her partially onto my chest so she is looking at me. I tell her,"We can just snuggle if you like no rush my dear." I can tell she is confused if we should be together now or not. Her noble lady upbringing and her dreams of finding a prince charming hero are colliding. She sees the smile on Siris face and thinks.

     Ravel asks me a serious question,"You and Koneko really do make love don't you?" My gear tells me she is serious and to answer her honestly, so I nod yes.

     She pulls off her jersey and white panties and lays next to me,"Husband please be gentle with me for our first time. I am ready now!" Well I am not going to be a dense protagonist and try to tell her to wait. I just climb on top of my brave girl and also kiss her all over to relax her. My loli core is really working on overdrive right now and my little brother is actually in pain because I am taking my time with Ravel's body..... It is a crime for a small woman to have such a sinful proportion!

     I can no longer hold back and while kissing her I use my bedroom arts to reduce the pain and increase her sensation and fully enter my new wife! Due to her inexperience and too much foreplay, She and I crossed the finish-line in under a minute! When we both came, something weird happened again........... Damn why is my visor appearing now!!!!!!



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