DxD: Matsuda!

Off to Romania!

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     After Rudiger Rosenkreutz brought the three of us back to the ORC room he then thanked me again and rushed back to be with his son.

     Roygun with her wavy pink hair and elegant smile then says to me,"Well this was not the supper I was hoping for, but learning more about Matsuda Gremory was an eye opening meeting. I am glad you accepted my request. Next time we meet, let us have a cozy meal and get to know one another better."

     I tell her,"Well just do me a favor and just like them, don't tell anyone I did this for free, or too many devils will cry like little bitches. I just could not let that poor child die like that..... I can't help every child in the world, but I can't ignore the one child who had no hope in front of me."

     Seeing me in my high-school uniform, Roygun smiles and asks me,"Before I go, can you briefly show me around your human school. I always wished I could walk the halls with the children." Her request is truthful, but I feel she is like a child molester wanting to walk around a preschool....

     So like a good host I walk side by side with Roygun with Yubelluna walking behind me like a Queen would. We see the majority of the facilities and I show her my class and sit at my desk because she seems really excited for some reason?!

     Roygun sits at the desk next to me and asks a question,"What is your opinion about the rating games Lord Gremory?" Huh she seems to be serious about it...

     I think about my answer knowing she is ranked 2nd and tell her,"I love the idea of the game, but it is unfortunate that the majority of it is just fake! It is like the human world's Pro-Wrestling matches... it's fake and scripted. So the winners and losers are all put there by outside the game. So I don't care for the politics behind it. When I participate just like my game with the Sitri, I will smash my opponents even if someone asks me to forfeit I won't!" That is how I feel after all.

     Roygun smiles at my probably naive answer but says,"So if your team faced mine and I offered to be married to you if you lost, would you lose?" She does not mean it my gear tells me but she is curious about my answer.

     I proudly declare,"If I lost to you then I would not be qualified to be married to you! I need to protect my wife and not be a loser! I only wish to dominate the game so I can live a peaceful life. Devils respect power not tricks. I will in the near future go professional." I have a glint of certainty in my eyes now!

     Roygun puts on a playful smile at my answer and says,"Well hurry and get to the top fast, so I can have a match against you."

     I shake my head no and explain,"My powers still have not told me what you guys face, but I know the rankings will change in a sad way. The only thing I know is I will join the even bigger tournament that is higher than the devils rating game. I don't know all the details but I plan on winning that one." I do remember my buddy telling me that there is an ALL factions rating game by my senior year and anyone can enter! I will not miss that one for sure.

     Roygun seeing the certainty in my face was made speechless. What I just said was impossible right? After a while she gets her thoughts in order.

     Roygun finally asks,"This rating game you speak of is even bigger than what we play?" I can tell her heart is beating in excitement.

     I nod then say,"Even Gods can participate in that one. And the best part... There is no cheating like in the devils game!" I now see complicated looks in her eyes now? I guess she must be one of the cheating nobles and now she feels she won't be able to do it in the new game.

     She asks,"Do you know how I can get into the future tournament you are going to join?" She seems sad now.

      I pull off the band-aid and say,"Sorry Lady Belphegor, but your fate and mine are not tied together and I can't give you advice on what you should do. However, if you get into the tournament, I won't hold back!" I just grin at her.

      I walk her back to the Occult Research Club and she sets up her teleportation magic and then is ready to leave.

     As Roygun begins to vanish she leaves her parting words,"I have always thought young high-school boys are the cutest~♪!" Shit my gear gave me stranger danger vibes when she left! her smile was very ominous!

     Yubelluna, holding back her jealousy for too long says to me,"Matsuda, don't have thoughts of that woman, I have heard she hungers for young human boys. I don't think a frivolous woman like that deserves your attention. Let me help you get rid of those lustful desires Matsuda!"

     And for the next half hour she indeed made me forget all about... What's her name?! Then I was brought home in my very happy Queens Viper.

     For the rest of the school week I indeed made sure to keep my obligations with my girls. I met and had to fight with Yura's father to prove I was man enough for his girl... Yes I held back and made it seem close. Well Yura rewarded me heavily for going easy on her dad to let him save face. That night I stayed at her home and we acted like a married couple with her family.

     As far as Dianna and Donna were concerned I am taking it very slow getting to know those girls. I basically am having lunch with them and a few of my other girls so they can warm up to each other. I also told the twins to kick Roshi in the balls when he gets close to them, ha-ha I am a dick right?

     On Thursday night I was very concerned because I did not get my daily call from Rias, Akeno, and Kiba. We are also not able to contact them. It would seem that all communication in the region where they are is being blocked. To stress me out even more, I received a communication from Grayfia that the higher ups in the government came to speak with her about her brother. She told them everything she knew and they told her she is to be under house arrest for the future till matters are cleared up. Both Grayfia and I expected this so we are not bothered.

     And now it is currently Friday at school and while Issei and I sent our familiars to class for us, we are sitting in the ORC room waiting for our guest to show up.

     Benemue is currently sitting at my side due to making a surprise visit. So like a good husband I just hold her on the couch and listen to all of her complaints from work. She is currently 4 months pregnant and still looks like she is barely pregnant at all?!

     I tell Benemue,"Issei and I are going to let our best friend know what's up with us... Will you show him your wings when its time?"

     Benemue pouts,"You want to tell your pervert human friend about the supernatural... I might play along if you give me a good shoulder rub afterwards....." She crosses her arms under her massive breast and looks to the side like she won't budge.

     I see Issei snickering at how I was pushed around by my women, and I tell her,"Benemue my dear even though I have Restored you.. I would love to make your shoulders feel better! Please give me this honor!" Operation, suck up is successful and she now has a huge smile on her face.

     At that time a confused Motohama and Sona came into the room. When Motohama sees both me and Issei on two separate couches and the super hot purple-haired woman he has seen once before he looks bewildered. Sona then sits at my side and greets the other woman in the room. Ah yes these two had worked closely to install the artificial gears so they are very friendly now.

     I point to the couch opposite of where I am sitting and tell him,"Motohama have a seat, we need to talk like brothers!"

     Issei tells him,"Matsuda and I want to come clean about a few things with you. About why we have been acting funny since we joined high school."

     Motohama looks serious due to our expressions and says,"This must have something to do with why on the way here I saw you two in your classrooms but you were here instead before I got here?" Issei and I both nod, and Motohama takes a deep breath.

     I start with the classic,"The first thing you should know is..... The supernatural world you have seen in movies and books and in the bible is a real thing." I then pull out a magic flyer and let it float to Motohama. He in a daze takes it from the air and looks at it. Naturally it is the summon flyer we use for work.

     I explain,"This is a devil summoning flyer, when you use it a devil will come to grant you your wishes for an equal price that must be paid."

     Issei then says,"The me and him you saw in class are creatures called familiars that use shape-change magic to impersonate us. like in that one Bleach anime we used to watch when the stuffed animal would take the main characters place in school"

     Motohama says,"Are you guys Soul Reapers?!" His glasses glint in excitement. The two women at my sides try to hold their smiles.

     I shake my head and say,"No, I turned into a devil and Issei has turned into a dragon." Our friend's eyes open wide and he looks at the two of us back and forth.

     Issei puts a thumb up and lets out his dragon wings and says,"I was once a devil but when I died I became a dragon instead! And I am like a superhero now too!" His dragon wings do look cool.

     I stand up and then extend my devil wings and say,"This is my true form as a devil. I know this must be a shock right?"

     Motohama to our surprise stands up with a big smile and says,"So what you're saying is.... Can you grant me wishes?!" His smile is creeping me out!

     I say,"You're taking this a little too well Motohama?" My eye is twitching how this guy just accepts this so freaking easy!

     Motohama waves his hand in dismissive gestures,"Are you kidding me! you have just proven to me that all of our 8th grade dreams are real! I am so happy that I could cry. Um but why are they not freaking out?" Issei and I put our wings away and I turned to the smiling girls.

     I point to Sona and tell him,"Her real name is Sona Sitri and she is my wife, also she too is a devil from hell." Sona keeps her calm demeanor and extends her wings then retracts them, her glasses shine in pride at my words of me declaring her as my wife. "And next to her is Benemue, a fallen angel who also lives in the underworld. She is my wife and has my child. She was once an angel from heaven." She too extended her fallen ten wings and then retracted them.

     Motohama, almost drooling, asks,"So you sold your soul to the devil and got your massive hot harem?!" His glasses are glowing now! how can that happen if he is normal... Must be a hallucination of mine!

     I chop the top of his head and tell him,"Let what we told you sink in for a few days and we will tell you more next week, and don't tell anyone including your girlfriends alright?" I see him clutching the summon flyer and tell him,"The devils you summon with that will not do anything sexual with you! If you ask anything over the top they will turn you into a woman, got it?!" Motohama shakes his happy face up and down repeatedly.

     After a few more warnings and small questions he had, we sent him off and we went back to our normal activities for the school-day. That went better than we thought it would.

     That night my bed partners were Murayama, Xenovia, and Koneko. Murayama of course due to her demonic power training could not have her belly filled but I have plenty of affection in other-ways. About two hours in while we were playing patty-cake, Coriana came into the room with news for us.

      Coriana came to report the most recent news,“Just now we got a message from Azazel. Apparently the situation in the vampire territory has changed for the worse. He is requesting to summon you to Romania!”

     All of us got up fast and got ready to follow Coriana, I am just hoping my family is safe!


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