DxD: Matsuda!

Crap! I ran out of Sacrificial Virgins!


     It was early the next morning and our group had gone to the training hall to test out my new vampire form and abilities. It was pretty bad-ass but there were two really sad people after we tested things!

     Well apparently different races provide better and worse benefits, and everyone tastes different. I could only describe everyone as food! Well why the two individuals are sad is, apparently my best power boost comes from virgin blood. So both Irina and I are hugging due to the fact other than Le Fay, she is the only virgin left! I-I ate up my last virgins last night!!

     Akeno puts her hand over her mouth and rubs it in,"Ufufu, you're such a beast and ate up all your power-ups! Such a hungry boy..."

     I say to her,"I don't want to hear you lecture me when you wet your panties when I suck your blood, if I sucked your blood in public I would get an even worse rap than Issei!"

     Rias sighs,"If Irina is not around or you sink your fingers into her, we should look for a dedicated virgin for your powers.... Well we can fix this with your new Pawn Pieces you just received. Try not to sleep with your next Pawn, Fufufu!" Currently the only Pawn I have in my peerage is Ingvild the others are under Rias so I currently have three unused Pawn pieces.

     There are currently two types of girls in the Underground right now.. The first group is amused at my situation of having almost no virgins to drink from, and the other group is the girls that wished they had their virginity back to be my number one blood bag!

     Ravel and Koneko get evil grins and whisper into one another's ears then Koneko says,"If she is still a virgin, why not grab that fallen angel Loli! Just keep your happy nuts out of her!" My gear tells me she just does not want me to sleep with Mittelt. Good idea though!

     Azazel who rushed over this morning to watch the testing says,"The problem with that is she won't always be around like Irina would, and Irina would give him more power since she is an angel. His best option is to find a new Pawn that can withstand his charms. Also Matsuda I want to get more of your blood, when I tested it before it was for Gasper who is a day-walker and your compatibility was great, but I think you would benefit a non-day-walker more?!" So I let him do the testing and he teleported the sample to the Moon fallen angel.

     Irina who looks like she will cry said,"Darling let me find you a devil! I don't want to be your designated virgin.... I finally got my man and now I don't want to be without our baby! Lord Michael give me strength to endure for Matsuda! Amen." I tightly hug her because I am amused that an angel of all creatures is desperate to throw her virginity to a devil, this is kinda funny! Also I don't think Michael can help you with that prayer!

     Honestly I was super impressed with my fog and bat dispersing ability! Plus the darkness power works wonders with my light powers. Finally I will probably never ever turn someone into a vampire, the loss of free will disgust me to my core.

     While I was thinking of my power Azazel said something nuts,"You know we could ask Mittelt if she wants to become your devil Pawn? After all, even devils like Ravel and Coriana can be a piece?! Actually this is only possible because she has not died, and she needs to be willing? This could be interesting?!" But Azazel did not notice that I actually want to sleep with that tiny woman!!! This is bad for my heart! Wait, I don't need a huge power boost from virgin blood right? She and I can just pretend right?

     Azazel then said,"It also works well with Akeno so there should be no problem. I think this is interesting." Shit I have to call her from the bathroom and tell her to say no, or they will make her stay a virgin forever! Shit even Ruruko will grow over time and Mittelt would be my only eternal Loli right? This is catastrophic!

     I say,"Let's not rush anything alright!" I got glared at by Koneko!

     Ravel says with a charming smile,"I agree with sister Koneko that this is an incredible choice, nothing more powerful for Matsuda than a Loli virgin to take a bite out of right?" Koneko just nods with agreement!

     Well breakfast came and went, I sent off my teacher wives and sent Azazel off with a mental curse that his sports-car will explode before he gets to school!

     On our way walking with our large ass group Motohama and his freshman girls joined us and I got the stink eye from those two girls again, ya I am done with them so let's fix them good! Maybe I will get Roshi to get sensitive shots of them.... Ya some blackmail to make them behave! I only tolerate their attitudes due to them being my friends' girlfriends!

     Motohama put his arm around my neck then punched me in the stomach and I pretend to be hurt,"Fuck Brosiff whats your deal brother?!" I put on the stupid look, well I really don't know what I did?

     Motohama with an angry voice says,"My girls say you hooked up with that Ravel girl? What's the deal man, the Loli's are mine damn it!!!!"

     Issei shakes his head and tells Motohama,"It's too late brother, I think the buns are in the oven already, I hate Matsuda's dog-shit luck!" Issei fake cries!

     Motohama cry's out and says,"Issei lets bury that bastard! He is dead to me!"

     I yell at the two buffoons,"Fuck Motohama you got two damn freshman Loli's and Issei you got four big breasted hotties! So go fuck yourselves sideways ass holes!"

     Issei pouts,"Shit bro I think your harem is like 25 women strong with milfs, life is not fair!" Issei then looks back at the dead man on the ground crying....

     I say to Issei and the girls,"Just leave him jealousy is contagious!" Motohama's hoe's drag him to school.

     When we arrive at school everyone splits off to go their own way and Sona pulls me to the side to tell me something. She tells me,"I successfully recruited a new knight and strong Pawn! Also my dear, we won't be available to be together this week due to my peerage getting artificial Sacred Gears, sorry."

     I kiss her and then told her and Tsubaki about my new Satan Gold Vampire form that was unlocked and now I was on the virgin hunt. yes the two gave me a funny look when I was forced to explain how everyone but Irina had been taken by me already. Sona just rolled her eyes at me and some of the other girls who joined in started to make fun of me.

     Yura says to me,"Sorry I can't make it this week, so can we do it after my upgrade?" I just kiss her and wink and nod yes!

     So after the Sitri hazing I received for looking for virgins, I made my way to class.

     Before I walk into class, a senior girl I know all too well, walks up to me and asks,"Which one is me and which one is my sister?" Donna Daniels holds up two scantily clad pictures of her sister and not herself. This must be a trick for my fucking turtle.

     "They are both pictures of your sister, Dianna and they are nice ones too!" I give my thoughts on what she is wearing, which is not much, cough!

     Donna puts the pictures in my jacket pocket and says,"You are amazing! Not even our mom and dad can do it every time. Matsuda, I know it was your replacement before, but will you take us two sisters out sometime? Oh and we were happy you came to that show!" She winks at me.

     I sigh in my mind and I really want to reject her right here and now.... But they are fucking identical twins! I just smile and say,"My schedule gets hectic so let me get your contact info, and I will try and make time in the next two weeks to hang out with you girls. I do have a mansion that you can come and visit now that you know who I am. That would be more likely than my family letting me go out. But I can try other-things as well."

     She gets a big smile on her face and says,"Aika invited me over but I did not want to come till I was invited by you, so my sister and I will summon her sometime and make plans! By cutie!" She entered her and her sister's info into my phone then rushed off to class. Huh? I wonder if those two are virgins?! Nope they would not stay virgins for long... Vampires suck!

For those that did not like how Raynare killed Matsuda way back when, this wiki info is what inspired his death!

     Fallen Angels have the ability of flight via their feathered wings, their wings have also been shown to retract into their backs as if they've completely disappeared. The Fallen Angels can use the feathers of their wings as projectiles to pierce their opponents, with the feathers being as hard as steel and are also capable of using their wings for both offense and defense.



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