Doomsday Rebirth, The Female Partner Turns Over

chapter 462 Shocking the Quartet

Many people suspect that they have read it wrong, because at this time on the farm, you can actually see large tracts of golden rice! With the continuous switching of the screen, crops such as wheat, potatoes, corn, soybeans and so on also appear one after another! Some are just ripe, some have been harvested, and some are still vigorously growing.

Not only did these crops appear on the screen, Bai Zhengli, Fang Jintang, Fang Yuxin and Qian Sen were also present, and there were even some other abilities. In addition to these harvest scenes, the video also deliberately filmed the full granary.

Then, the screen switched again and returned to the conference room where Bai Zhengli was. Facing the camera, he smiled calmly and confidently: “Everyone should have seen the picture just now, but now I want to tell you that with the assistance of Ms. Fang Yuxin, the base research institute has developed the best mutant crops. They not only have a shorter growth period, stronger vitality, but also higher yields than in the past! What you saw just now is only the result of the trial planting of the latest seeds. Some crops have not been harvested, so the final yield data has not yet come, and so on. When the results come out, the yield data per mu will be released, so let’s wait and see.”

Although these seeds are strictly Fang Yuxin’s credit, but if all the credit is put on Fang Yuxin’s head, it will only make Fang Yuxin the target of public criticism! Ordinary people will not believe it, they will only think that there is something tricky in it, but it will cause criticism for Fang Yuxin. And those who believe it will surely realize Fang Yuxin’s specialness!

No matter which of these two results the Bai family and Fang family wanted, they were even more reluctant to completely wipe out Fang Yuxin’s credit, so after deliberation, they added a research institute. Anyway, Qian Sen and the others did study day and night for more than half a year. Even if it fails in the end, this persistence is enough to move and admire!

Bai Zhengli and Fang Jintang didn’t plan to announce this news so early. Who knew that rumors would suddenly spread in the base, or it would be the “food crisis” that is most likely to cause turmoil! Although the stock of grain in the base is not much, because Bai Zhengli has always strictly controlled grain, there will be no “food crisis” for the time being. But right now. It happened that such rumors appeared, and in a very short period of time, they became even more clamorous!

Obviously, this thing is tricky!

Bai Zhengli and Fang Jintang always knew that there would definitely be spies from other bases in the hope base. But I didn’t expect that these people would suddenly attack! In his opinion, the other party deliberately chose such a timing, obviously there is some calculation!

No matter who spread the rumors in the first place, there must have been a lot of people pushing them later. Otherwise, it is impossible to cause such a sensational effect in a short period of time!

So after a hasty discussion, he decided to simply announce the cultivation of excellent seeds. Anyway, the seeds should be promoted. This matter will definitely not be hidden for too long, and if it is announced directly at this time, it can directly ruin the other party’s calculation and catch the other party by surprise!

not to mention. At present, many bases in China have experienced a food crisis. Presumably when the news spreads, other bases will definitely come to buy seeds. Communication between the bases has not been restored yet. The contact is almost all relying on the team to run between the two places, with the current level of occlusion of the news. As long as they don’t take the initiative to send people to spread the news, other bases can only learn the news from “Nails”.

When they can’t help but take the initiative to come to the door, it’s tantamount to not recruiting themselves!

After the video was released, the residents who were still in a state of panic were so excited that they couldn’t even believe what they saw just now!

The base actually… actually cultivated excellent seeds! And that output is simply going to go against the rhythm of the sky!

After confirming the authenticity of the news, everyone no longer panicked, but discussed those excellent seeds in groups of three or five. Some people even wish to volunteer on the farm, just to be able to see the crops on the farm with their own eyes!

In some corners of the Hope Base, many people looked at the contactor in their hands with complex expressions. Thinking of the video they just saw, their eyes instantly lit up, and they subconsciously looked in the direction of the research institute and the farm—if the news just now is true Yes, then hopefully the base will no longer have to worry about lack of food!

As expected by Bai Zhengli and others, this explosive news soon spread throughout China through the efforts of “Nails”! As soon as the news came out, all the other bases that heard the news couldn’t sit still anymore!

What does short growth period, strong vitality and high yield crop seeds mean? It means that as long as there are no accidents, with such seeds, there is no need to worry about the food crisis!

Due to the arrival of the apocalypse, large tracts of arable land have been directly abandoned. Although there are fewer and fewer zombies, many bases are expanding as much as possible in order to have more arable land and housing. However, due to the impact of zombie virus on crops, ordinary plants without mutation have very weak vitality, and their yields are much lower than in peacetime, while mutated varieties always have long growth periods, weak vitality, and extremely low yields. It has to be frustrating.

Even though they have expanded their arable land as much as possible, their harvest is not good at all without good seeds!

Just to be able to solve the “food crisis”, all the bases with some strength are trying to cultivate excellent seeds that meet their expectations, but unfortunately those people’s progress is not as good as Qian Sen’s, and they have been busy for more than half a year and have not been able to develop a seed. The better results are still hard at work in various research institutes!

High expectations were originally placed on the Beishi base. Before the end of the world, Beishi gathered the most cutting-edge scientific and technological talents in the country. After the end of the world, the foundation of Beishi base is higher than other bases. Before this news came out, other bases also regarded Beishi Base as a “life-saving grass”, who knew that such a divine development would appear!

The seeds they were looking forward to were researched, but they were not researched by Beishi Base, but the Hope Base in Long Province! This news is really shocking! But after the shock comes urgency and excitement!

no! They must feel hopeful that the base can get this seed soon!

After the initial surprise, the sober person immediately understands what to do. Even Qiu Yiming and Chu Li, who were busy pushing each other out of the Beishi Base, temporarily put aside their prejudices and met directly to discuss how to get the newly cultivated seeds from the Hope Base.

And several bases that had already cooperated with the Hope Base even arranged a convoy and rushed to the Hope Base with sincerity after getting the news. Among them, including Changhe Base.

The leader of the Changhe Base, Wang Quan, was underwhelmed by the intelligence officers under his command. So that I got the wrong news, I thought I hoped the base was just like this, and deliberately took people to “take advantage”, but I didn’t know that the advantage was not taken in the end, but I signed countless contracts under the design of Fang Jintang and Bai Zhengli, two old foxes. Make him depressed!

However, I was depressed and depressed, since I cooperated with the Hope Base. The development of Changhe Base is eye-catching. Anyone who is not blind can see it. Changhe Base has been developing since it cooperated with Hope Base, and it is developing well!

Although Wang Quan occasionally felt depressed that he was slaughtered by Bai Zhengli and Fang Jintang, he would not be really angry. After all, Changhe Base has indeed benefited.

After hearing the news of the elite seed this time, he was immediately moved, and he didn’t even want to wait for a moment. After counting the manpower, he went straight to the road!

along the way. Wang Quan is not very worried, just relying on the “friendship” between Changhe Base and Hope Base. Why do Bai Zhengli and Fang Jintang have to give him some face this time?

He is not the only one who has the same idea. As long as they have cooperated with the Hope Base, almost all of them have the same idea. After all, the two old foxes Bai Zhengli and Fang Jintang from Hope Base gave him a slap in the face last time. I have to give them some compensation this time, right?

However, the people at the Hope Base obviously didn’t think so. When Wang Quan arrived at the Hope Base, there were already people from other bases. There are many people sent from these bases. Therefore, in order to solve the accommodation problem, each team is only allowed to enter the Hope Base with a maximum of 10 people.

This is also impossible. Too many people came, and if they were all put in, it would be difficult to entertain and monitor them.

However, just when I hoped that the base would become more and more lively, Fang Yuxin and Bai Ye never showed up. Although she made those seeds, she didn’t feel that the people who came from other bases had anything to do with her. Moreover, she estimated that Fang Yuyang’s retreat for so long should be almost over, and it is estimated that it will be out soon. She doesn’t want anything to happen at this juncture.

However, just when she felt that this seed transaction had nothing to do with her, Fang Jintang suddenly sent her a message – Qiu Yiming came to the Hope Base in person!

When Fang Yuxin received this news, the whole person was a little shocked. At the same time of shock, there is also some confusion. Since leaving the business base, she and Qiu Yiming have not seen each other for a long time. Although she happened to meet Qiu Yiming and arrived at the Beishi base when she was at the Beishi base before, but the two sides didn’t have direct contact, and naturally they didn’t have much deep feelings.

Now, Fang Jintang told her that Qiu Yiming had come to the Hope Base! Fang Yuxin felt a little uncomfortable in an instant. She intuited that Qiu Yiming was here for her this time. Fang Yuxin couldn’t help sneering just thinking of the good seeds that were released not long ago.

After Qiu Yiming arrived at the Beishi base, he took over the precarious White Wolf mercenary group. With his own means, he withstood Zhao Qiankun’s suppression and calculations, and he just let the mercenary group renamed “Thunder” develop into a mercenary group that can cooperate with Qiankun’s mercenaries. The forces of the Corps to contend against!

It can be seen from this incident that Qiu Yiming is a very capable person! Such a person, Fang Yuxin can’t believe that he only learned about her news! After all, her identity is no secret at Hope Base!

Qiu Yiming has been in charge of the White Wolf Mercenary Corps for more than half a year or even nearly a year. Even if he was struggling at first, he couldn’t open his hands to investigate other bases, but later he had completely controlled the renamed Thunder Mercenary. The regiment has the strength to fight against Zhao Qiankun. If Qiu Yiming didn’t know she was at the Hope Base at that time, Fang Yuxin wouldn’t believe it!

But at that time, he didn’t come here on purpose, but he personally came to the door during the extremely sensitive period of “hoping the base to cultivate a good seed”. Fang Yuxin couldn’t think much about it at all!

Bai Ye was not in a good mood after learning the news, so he sneered in front of Fang Yuxin: “Xinxin, I think the surname Qiu is definitely not at ease this time, we have to be careful!” It’s not good-looking, and his eyes stared at Fang Yuxin when he spoke, obviously very nervous.

Fang Yuxin didn’t know what he was nervous about, but she still asked deliberately, “Oh? What do you think he’s here for this time?”

Bai Ye was very displeased with Qiu Yiming at first, but because of Fang Yuxin’s relationship, he hated Qiu Yiming even more. : “This person has always been unprofitable and does not get up early, and always likes to pester people by unscrupulous means before reaching his goals.

Xinxin, you may not know that there was an accident in Beishi Base not long ago. Zhao Qiankun was betrayed by the woman he liked and his confidants, and Qiu Yiming also stepped in. In the end, although Zhao Qiankun was lucky not to die, he didn’t know how to escape. Wherever it went, it disappeared without a trace. Because of this, the Qiankun mercenary group almost fell apart, and many people went directly to Qiu Yiming’s Thunder mercenary group, and the rest of the Qiankun mercenary group was taken over by a man named Chu Li.

Although this person has some skills, Qiu Yiming is a high-level chess player. The Qiankun Mercenary Group has not yet recovered, and has been suppressed by the Thunder Mercenary Group! However, this person’s ambition is not small, it is absolutely impossible to subdue under Qiu Yiming willingly, so he will definitely find a way to counterattack! At this time, Qiu Yiming did not sit in the Beishi base, but went to the Hope base. There could only be one reason, that is, he felt that coming to the Hope base would bring him greater benefits than staying in the Beishi base! ”

Although Bai Ye’s remarks brought serious feelings, and it can be said that there is a great prejudice against Qiu Yiming, Fang Yuxin still has to say that Bai Ye’s analysis of Qiu Yiming is really right!

According to Bai Ye, although Zhao Qiankun’s life and death are unknown, the current Beishi base is still wrestling between the Thunder Mercenary Corps and the Qiankun Mercenary Corps. Qiu Yiming’s departure gave Chu Li a chance to fight back! He didn’t come early or late, but he chose to come at this time. Even if good breeds were important, Fang Yuxin still felt that Qiu Yiming’s coming this time was definitely not just for good breeds.

Sure enough, before she and Bai Ye finished analyzing, Qiu Yiming took the initiative to contact her. (To be continued)

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