Diary of a Lost Soldier in Another World

Chapter 38: The Wartable

Chapter 38: The Wartable


When I entered the meeting room I saw a circular table with the Magus Councillors and the Knight Commanders all seated waiting for us. I noticed Filianoreh and the prince were also in attendance. Curiously the king wasn’t here, I guess he didn’t want to watch his own forces go off to fight for an enemy nation.

“Greetings Heroes, I assume that is the Alv we have heard so much about?” knight commander Galter of the Silver Lions asked.

“She is, she has informed us that there is a rift at Alvuan.” I reply calmly.

“Then I suppose there is truly a rift at Alvuan.” Filianoreh said calmly.

“And how exactly did you come to this conclusion dear sister?” the prince asked coldly.

“An Alv princess arriving here of all places, when I first heard of her arrival I decided I wished to speak with her. When I arrived at father’s door I saw the Dark and Light hero there to collect her. The only reason I can think of is that the Alv girl somehow contacted the Heroes and informed them of her presence.” Filianoreh said.

“And how do you propose that message was passed on? Are you suggesting we have a traitor in the castle?” the knight commander of the Amber Wolves said. His tone was dry and condescending, as if he was implying that Filianoreh was spouting rubbish.

“The emerald dream, my good knight commander. The Alvs are able to communicate through dreams. Only those with great potential may enter the emerald dream. To enter the emerald dream requires a close connection to the divine. The heroes are the closest thing to the gods we have in this plane of existence. As for the Alv, well I am sure you are aware that they have fewer generations between each set of heroes.” Anna the Magus Councilor replied calmly as she turned to look at Ella who was standing behind me. Her eyes glinted as she examined her, as usual looking at her like she was this rare specimen.

“May I ask who the Alv contacted through the emerald dream?” Anna asked.

She is asking as if she already knows that it was the emerald dream that was the channel by which Ella contacted us. The look in her eyes told me that she was very sure of her assertion. 

“She contacted me.” I replied cautiously.

“Oh? Now that is very interesting…” Anna said as her eyes lit up.

“What is so interesting?” Galter asked.

“The emerald dream only links individuals who share the same affinity with the divine. Those with the affinity for the light can only meet those with the same affinity. So for the Dark Hero to be contacted that would mean this Alv girl also has an affinity to the Dark God.” Anna explained.

At those words I turned to look at Ella, she stood stock still as she looked around the room fearfully.

“Come now girl, I know the Plagued Healer sired a child in the Alvuan. Are you perhaps his progeny?” Anna asked.

Ella stayed silent refusing to answer, if I were her I wouldn’t answer either. Having ties to the Dark God is not exactly something you advertise in this world…

“You bear the curse no? I can help you alleviate it, if you would just give me proof that you truly have this gift.” Anna said.

Curse? What curse? I looked at Ella and I saw her gaze was wavering. It looks like Anna was right on the mark.

Ella shut her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. When she opened her eyes I saw that her eyes had started to glow red. The white of her eyes are now black and I could see black veins radiating from her eyes. Then Ella shut her eyes and when she reopened them, her eyes were back to normal.

“Hmmm, very interesting… Well a bargain is a bargain. There are two ways to solve your problem, I am sure you are aware of the first method. If you sire a child you will pass the [Dark Mark] onto your child. The other method which I am sure you don’t know is quite simple… kill. When you kill you sate the hunger for a time.” Anna said.

“What is this curse?” I ask as I turn back to Anna.

“Those who share the bloodline of a Dark Hero bear the [Blessing of Dark]. It is a curse of bloodlust and rage, the essence of the Dark God is not kind to mortals. You are part divine Onaga Katsuro as are your compatriots. Your natural abilities make the influence of the Dark trivial to manage, the divine bloodlines all carry significant changes to the personalities of the individuals that carry them.

The Life bloodline usually creates individuals of great compassion and mercy, while those who bear the bloodline of fire tend to have a fiery temper. Naturally they also carry natural affinities for the chosen aspects of the divine as well. You may not be aware but Knight Commander Zorah possesses the [Blessing of Fire], which grants her great power along with a prideful and aggressive personality.” Anna explained.

“Wait but doesn’t the [Blessing of Fire] not apply to all the children? She is the younger sister but Knight Commander Zoren does not possess it.” Charlotte said.

“The Blessings of the other seven are weaker than the [Blessing of Dark]. The [Blessing of Dark] has an increased chance of being passed down to the children. Although it should be noted that higher level cap individuals are influenced to a lesser extent as compared to lower level cap individuals. We are unsure why this is the case, but the effects are well documented in our archives.” Anna replied.

“So what does this mean for her?” I ask as I look back at Ella.

“Nothing really, if she is bearing the [Blessing of Dark] now when another Dark Hero has appeared, the mark is probably quite weak. Afterall, even Knight Commander Zorah’s [Blessing of Fire] is very weak as compared to the earlier generations.” Anna said.

“So why bring this up?” I ask, starting to get a bit confused at the line of conversation.

“Just simple academic curiosity.” Anna said with a smile.

I narrow my eyes as I stare at her. This was a very oddly specific line of questioning, does Ella having the [Blessing of Dark] mean something? I’ll have to ask Ella about it later…

“Now I am sure all of this is very fascinating but I believe we have the end of the world to contend with.” the prince said coldly.

“My apologies my prince, it is rare for me to meet such an interesting specimen.” Anna said with a polite nod.

“Yes, very good. Now I wish to ask why are all of you entertaining this insanity? Another rift is appearing in a week's time and some of you here are suggesting we support this endeavour.” the prince said.

“We cannot stop the Heroes from seeking the rift my prince. Unless of course we wish to depart the mortal coil. But before we continue this line of conversation would you heroes like to take a seat?” Galter said as he gestured to four empty chairs.

Looks like the rest will be standing… Well there were alot of knights and mages standing around the room. I guess only the important people get to sit…

So without a word I walked forward and took a seat followed by the rest. As I sat down I noticed that there was a mix of emotions at the table. The knight commander of the Amber Wolves seemed to be fuming along with the prince, the rest were calm as still lake. Judging from the demeanours of those in Filianoreh’s camp I can assume that they have been preparing for this day for a while…

“Now then, I would like to start by saying that my party and I intend to journey to Alvuan. So I assume you would like to offer help? Because if you are trying to persuade us not to go, could you just come out and say it so I can reject you and save time?” I say as I sit down and shoot the prince a look.

“You are aware that a rift will have appeared by the time you return?” the prince said.

“Yes. I expect you will have to handle the rift for about a week until we return.” I reply calmly.

“Why do you insist on aiding these scum when members of your own race are in danger?” the prince asked.

“Because I don’t see the distinction between the races. I’m here to seal rifts not to play racial politics, I did not come here to maintain your status quo.” I replied coldly.

“If you would just reconsider the…” the prince began.

“No.” I replied, cutting him off.

“You can try to stop us if you dare. I heard the Light God takes issue with those that would try to stop us.” I reply and I watch as the prince grit his teeth before looking away.

“Alright then, now is there anything else?” I ask as I turn back to the rest of the table.

“Yes, Alvuan is across the sea, the waters around Alvuan are guarded by a great serpent. I assume you have a method of making the crossing without being devoured?” Knight Commander Galter asked.

“Ella has a way across.” I say as I gesture at Ella who was standing right behind me.

“And how exactly will she accomplish this?” the knight commander of the Amber Wolves asked.

The Amber Wolves are in the Prince’s camp, so it -looks like he wants to obtain vital defence information. If Regus found out how to cross the sea to Alvuan I will bet my last dollar an invasion will be arriving on Alvian shores after the rifts.

“I don’t know.” I reply calmly.

“You don’t know? So you are willing to travel across a sea with a giant serpent prowling the waves without knowing how to prevent yourself from being devoured?” the knight commander asked.

“Yes.” I reply calmly, to a look of bewilderment on the knight commander’s face.

“It is common knowledge the heroes are the only hope for this world. So if we die, everyone dies. Thus Ella would have no incentive to betray us. She stands to gain nothing from killing us.” I say as I look at the knight captain of the Amber Wolves.

“And what of when you return? If they refuse to send you back, the rifts will destroy us. Even if they don’t stop you and delay you, many will die. We are enemies with the Alvs, delaying you to weaken us would no doubt serve their machinations.” the knight commander of Amber Wolves said.

“We are not as despicable as you humans.” Ella spat in response.

The whole room froze as Ella’s voice rang out across the room.

“What did you say? You filthy knife ear.” the knight commander of the Amber Wolves growled in response as his hand reached downwards to the sword on his waist.

“I would advise not to get off topic, we are on a time limit.” I say as I pull Danse Macabre and calmly put it on the table. I saw the knight commander of the Amber Wolves look down at my gun and he placed his hand back on the table.

“Come now, we are all here to discuss the best plan of action for the good of the nation. We are all allies here, there is no need for such distasteful displays.” Filianoreh said gracefully and I sensed the tension on the table start to ebb.

“Indeed Dorian, the heroes are determined to journey to Alvuan, I propose we do everything in our power to aid them so that they may return quickly.” Knight Commander Zoren said as he turned to the Knight Commander of the Amber Wolves.

“Are you perhaps suggesting we found the Divine Regiments?” Dorian the knight commander of the Amber Wolves asked.

“Divine Regiments?” I ask.

“In the past the heroes had personal units of soldiers in addition to their attendants. These units were enhanced by their heroes. For example the past Light Hero had a unit that specialised in front line combat, they received buffs to their durability and morale. It is unclear when such a unit is supposed to be formed, in the past the heroes just suddenly requested such a unit be formed. Later examination revealed their chosen soldiers were enhanced in certain ways.” Knight Commander Zoren explained.

“The units primarily served as a way to carve a path to the rifts for the heroes, as the rifts grow stronger the average mortal will begin to lose its effectiveness against the demon hordes.” Knight Commander Galter added.

“If these soldiers enter the zone around the rift won’t they become our attendants?” Jacob asked.

“Yes, that is also something we are not clear on. All we know is that the heroes suddenly requested that the units be formed. We assume you will know when the time is right when the time comes.” Knight Commander Galter replied.

“Then why form the regiments now?” Ivan asked.

“I feel it might be good for the heroes to get accustomed to fighting alongside your own personal units. It might better inform your choices for your units when the time comes.” Knight Commander Galter replied.

“Well any command experience is good, I was wondering how we were going to get to the rifts later down the line. If the demons start getting close to level 100 the average soldiers here just aren’t going to cut it. If the power disparity gets too large we might as well start throwing civilians at the demons since it won’t make much of a difference between your average peasant and a guardsmen.” I replied. 

“Yes the rifts are seemingly designed to an extent, we have determined that the rifts are split into three phases. The regiments come into play at the beginning of phase two.” Anna said.

“What are the characteristics of these phases?” Charlotte asked.

“The first phase usually occurs in the first few rifts, these are easily handled with just the heroes and their attendants. The damage in phase one is usually limited with only localised damage, at this phase the strongest individuals native to this world could still defeat the demon lords considering individuals like knight commander Zorah are around level 40 to 45. The only issue is that normal mortals cannot seal the rifts, which is why the heroes are essential. 

Phase two is the point where the denizens of this world can no longer contest the demon lords. It is at this point where the attendants and the Divine Regiments start to play a larger role. The strategy at this phase for the rest of us would be to try and contain the damage to the best of our ability. According to the records it is also at this stage where cities start to fall to the demons. The economy starts to struggle and supplies start to run low.

Phase three is at the final two rifts, at this point the people of this world can do barely anything to the demons. At this stage all hopes now lie upon you heroes and those supporting you. This is where entire swathes of territory are lost. Sealing of the final two rifts becomes a grinding conflict taking weeks. At this point there are usually multiple rifts open at a time, entire sections of the population must be sacrificed to buy time for the heroes to seal the final two rifts. 

At this stage the damage is usually catastrophic, by the end of the last set of Rifts Regus lost almost 30% of its civilian population. But by this point you heroes will be more divine than mortal. Your powers will be greater than any mortal by far. You will have the power to single handedly slaughter armies and end nations.” Anna said gravely.

“Were the other races involved in the war last time?” I asked.

“Of course we were! Alven blood was spilled right outside the walls of this city.” Ella replied.

“What nonsense are you spouting? Regus defeated the Rifts single handedly in the past. All of you scum just stood by and watched as we bled and died for you. The heroes came to your lands, sealed your Rifts and all of you stood by and watched as we beat the demons back.” the prince spat in reply.

“How dare you!” Ellla replied as I saw her pretty face twist in anger at the prince’s words.

“ENOUGH!” I roar, silencing the pair of them. I have no interest in entertaining a discussion that devolves into a shouting match.

“Anna, you say the mages are the keepers of knowledge right? What’s the truth?” I asked as I turned to face the Mage Councillors.

“Regus defeated the rifts singlehandedly…” Anna said as I saw Ella’s face turn purple in rage and the prince let out a smug smile.

“Or so the church would like us to believe…” Anna said with a small smirk and I saw the prince’s smug smile fade.

“But we aren’t the only ones to know this, right my lords?” Anna said as she turned to face the knight commanders. 

“Regus did not defeat the Rifts alone, we have extensive records of the past Rifts. We have not revealed this information as we did not wish to get in conflict with the Church of the Seven. This information is also only available to the upper echelons of our order.” Knight Commander Galter said.

“So you just kept all of this to yourself? You rather watch the rest of this nation live a lie than get into an argument?” Jacob asked.

“It’s not that simple…” Charlotte replied as she turned to face Jacob.

“The Knight Orders from what I can tell are not organisations that are designed to safeguard a nation or their rulers. They exist to fight the Rifts.” Charlotte stated as she gave the knight commanders a questioning look.

“That was the original purpose of the knight orders, but thus far only Silver Lions, Grey Eagles, Amber Wolves and Scarlet Dragons remain as heirs of that original mission. The other lesser orders are all formed by Regus, they are pawns in the crown’s games. We must stay in the ruling authorities' good graces if we are to continue to serve our purpose.” Knight Commander Dorian said as he calmly took a sip of wine.

“We have a policy of non interference with the nation that is currently in power in this world. There was once a time when an Alv was knight commander of the Scarlet Dragons.” said Knight Commander Zoren. 

Well that was certainly an interesting tidbit of information…

“Which knight order is currently the oldest?” I ask as I look around the table.

“We do now know which is the oldest, we do know the Amber Wolves is the youngest knight order of the four. As for the rest, the exact time or origin is unclear. The Silver Lions, Grey Eagles and Scarlet Dragons all have histories spanning at least one and a half thousand years.” Knight Commander Galter said.

“The Dark Heroes appear every three to six rifts, so one appears to come along every 600 to 1200 years. The Silver Lions, Grey Eagles and Scarlet Dragons all predate the last Dark Hero that arrived 1000 years ago.” Knight Commander Zoren explained.

“Why do you know the Amber Wolves are the youngest of the four?” Charlotte asked.

“Because we know their time of origin. They were formed after the arrival of the last Dark Hero, the Plagued Healer. They were formed from the ashes of an older order that decided to stand against the last Dark Hero. They rebelled against the new rulers of this world, they wished for greater autonomy and they wished to negotiate for terms since they knew they could not beat the heroes in direct warfare. But the Plagued Healer like all Dark Heroes was not very merciful.” Anna explained as the other knight commanders turned to face her.

“You are very well informed, Councillor. The knight orders guard the knowledge of our origins very jealously.” Knight Commander Dorian said.

“Do not forget my good Knight Commander that the Magus Council predates multiple Dark Heroes. We have archives far surpassing your own.” Anna replied calmly.

This world is interesting to say the least. With a time tabled apocalypse every two hundred years and the Dark Heroes that show up to end nations, the people of this world have found interesting ways to survive…

Usually in a nation state the organisations within the nation's governance treat the state as something that will last eternally. Here however, some of the pieces of the nation are organised in the manner that assumes that the nation will fall at some point.

It would be like the army having a contingency plan for the fall of the nation and the plan focuses not on resisting the opposing forces but rather on how the army as an organisation will survive under the new regime. Yeah sure there are some corrupt military forces here and there who stick around after the fall of a nation but that is certainly not the norm. Even then usually the governments are weak and no one really expects them to last. Here however, we have nations that have lasted for hundreds of years and the main military forces here are perfectly willing to switch sides.

I guess loyalty is hard to come by here…

“So what is the plan? I assume you want to send some of your forces with us to Alvuan.” I say as I look back over the table.

“Won’t that be a problem? I doubt the Alvs would be willing to allow the soldiers of a hostile nation into their territory.” Charlotte said as she turned her gaze to Ella.

“It is unlikely my people would be willing.” Ella replied.

“We are going to have to learn to work together. If the past Rifts have been sealed by the other races working together it would be safe to assume we would need to do the same this time.” I say.

“That is correct Dark Hero, the denizens of this world will need to work together to buy time for the Heroes to get to the Rifts. If the area around the Rift becomes too overrun with demons you the heroes will never be able to even reach the Rift.” Anna said.

“Then perhaps a small force would be suitable? If humans fight to defend Alven land it would lessen the animosity between humans and Alvs. If the force was small it would also pose a small threat to the Alvs which means they would be more willing to cooperate.” Charlotte suggested.

“Would that work Ella?” I ask as I turn to face Ella.

“It might… but it would be difficult. We Alv have long memories, there are many alive who lost loved ones to the wars with Regus a hundred years ago.” Ella replied.

“We will just have to persuade them.” I say.

“And if we can’t persuade them?” Ivan asked.

“We threaten them.” I reply calmly.

“Threaten us?” Ella asked aghast.

“Everything has a price Ella, if your people want me to risk my neck to save your civilization, I will need something in return. If you won’t offer anything then I will go help someone who can offer something.” I replied as I saw Ella bite her lip as her eyes shifted downwards.

“I suggest you try to persuade your people the best you can. If the Alvs don’t help or break their promises after the fact there will undoubtedly be trouble in the future. If the other races agree to help and the Alvs are the only ones who don't, how will that look?” Ivan said as he cast a glance at Ella.

“We can discuss the finer details when we get there, who knows the Alvs might just agree.” I say.

As I say this in a show of uncharacteristic optimism I feel Charlotte give me a funny look. Yeah I know blind optimism isn’t my style and it isn’t honestly. But I’m not moving on blind optimism, after the Rifts are over we will be so powerful no one can stop us. 

My personal research and my discussion with Charlotte have revealed that Alvuan was actually snapped off from the mainland using Alven magic. However a good portion of their territory still remained on the mainland, a large swathe of their forest is currently held by Regus...

From what Charlotte could tell from the map, the Alvs only managed to snap off about half their territory. We could offer to give them back the rest of their territory… but I can’t say that here, not with the prince sitting right there…

The more I think about it the more I think Charlotte is going to end up in the golden chair… yeah sure if Filianoreh ends up as queen and she turns out to be a reasonable and just ruler then great. But somehow I get the feeling all of that isn’t going to work out… 

Filianoreh just doesn’t strike me as the kind and compassionate type. In fact she strikes me as a Machiavellian ruler, the kind of ruler that will do cruel and ruthless things for the betterment of the kingdom. A lot of people are going to be crushed under her rule when she takes over…

When that happens I doubt the rest will be able to just look the other way, Jacob and Charlotte definitely won’t stand for it. I’ll probably just deal with it, sacrificing the few for the many is basically my life’s motto at this point. As for Ivan… I’m not so sure about him. I feel like he would be against racism considering his relationship with Volva. 

However, a Machiavellian style ruler will be unwilling to show weakness. Also since Regus is currently the oppressor, the best chance for peace would be for Filianoreh to extend the olive branch first. Honestly, I just don’t see her doing it, Charlotte would, but FIlianoreh most likely won’t. Not only that, Filianoreh only promised to end slavery, she never said anything about not implementing racist policies…

“So how many are you thinking of sending?” I ask as I look back across the table.

“We suggest sending a force that would be too small to threaten the Alvs. Just enough to ensure your personal safety.” Knight Commander Galter said.

“Our personal safety?” Charlotte asked.

“In the event the battle is lost, we need to have a plan to get all of you out of the Alvuan. Although an alliance with the Alv’s would be prudent, we cannot lose you heroes. When the Rifts are here all other lives are expendable. So if the worst should come to pass, we will need to have soldiers on hand to evacuate all of you.” Knight Commander Galter said.

“Our tactical assessments put the Alv’s as having approximately 50 000 soldiers available. Thus any number under a 1000 men should be suitable.” Knight Commander Zoren said.

At those words I sensed a twitch from Ella and I could feel the unease creep out from her. I guess their assessment must be close to the mark. Now that I think about it, the Scarlet Dragons home base of Valouran is really close to Alven lands. I’m guessing the Scarlet Dragons have the most experience fighting the Alvs so it would make sense that they would have quite a bit of information on the Alvs. Afterall, they say battles are won by soldiers but wars are won with information and strategy.

“We are thinking of 200 knights from each of our four orders and a 200 mages would be a good number.” Knight Commander Galter said.

“I will not send my men into this insanity, the Amber Wolves will die for knife ears when hell freezes over.” the Knight Commander of the Amber Wolves said.

“Hmm, disappointing but not unexpected.” Anna replied calmly.

“Good sir, we cannot afford to be divided now.” Charlotte said.

“I apologise Lady Charlotte but I cannot in good faith send my own men to die for the enemy.” the Knight Commander of the Amber Wolves replied curtly.

“Charlotte enough.” I say cutting her retort off.

“I can respect a leader not wishing to risk his own men for a cause he doesn’t believe in. I can’t force your cooperation but if you start obstructing us then we are going to have a problem.” I say calmly at the Knight Commander of the Amber Wolves. I see his eyes narrow and his lips curl in displeasure at my words.

“Is that a threat?” the Knight Commander asked coldly.

“No, it’s not a threat, it’s advice. After the next two Rifts I will be stronger than anyone in Regus. By the time the Rifts are over as far as this world is concerned I will be a wolf among sheep. When that happens I will start tying off loose ends. So I suggest you choose your sides carefully.” I reply calmly.

“This world is not yours yet, Dark Hero.” the Knight Commander replied. 

“A man cannot own a world, a leader is nothing without those who follow him. If I do end up running this place it is because everyone else gave this world to me. Besides, I have no interest in the crown, I may turn it down anyway. But if there is one thing I know, it is that might makes right and to the victor goes the spoils. So I advise you again to pick your sides very carefully.” I reply again, this time I notice he looks around at the rest of the table. 

Funnily enough everyone else wasn’t looking at me, the one who was making the “threat”, they were looking at the Knight Commander, the one refusing to lend aid. He scowled as he looked away, refusing to say another word.

“Now then, so that leaves 600 knights will that be a problem?” I say as I look over at the table. 

“I do not feel the Scarlet Dragons should go as well… my people do not look kindly upon the Blood Knights...” Ella said softly from behind me.

“Blood knights?” Jacob asked.

“That is what our people call the Scarlet Dragon’s knight order. Any Alv alive knows the armor and heraldry of the Blood Knights. They led the campaign that drove us out of most of our lands a century ago.” Ella said.

“So the splitting of the land was a rather recent thing.” I say as I turn back to face her.

“Yes, the persecution of the races began about a century ago. Tensions between the races have always been present but Regus began a campaign of annexation against the other races when relations broke down. They used the divisions between the other races to divide us and conquer us one by one. The human’s historical presence in the centre of the continent also ensured that the other races couldn’t band together as we were cut off from the other races.” Ella said.

“A quick question, how did the Alvs manage to tear Alvuan from the rest of the continent?” Anna asked almost nonchalantly. I looked at her and saw her eyes alight with the same academic curiosity that’s always present when some obscure knowledge comes up.

I felt Ella tense up at the question, well this is a normal reaction considering Regus and the Alvs have been at war for a hundred years. Knowledge like this would definitely be considered a national secret…

“Let’s see if the Alvs are even willing to negotiate before we start prying into sensitive topics shall we?” I say with a tone that clearly indicates that this line of conversation is over.

“As you wish Dark Hero.” Anna replied with a smile and nod.

“So if we want the Alvs on our side, we can’t bring the Scarlet Dragons. That leaves 400 knights, can the Silver Lions and the Grey Eagles make up the difference?” I ask as I look over to Dorian and Galter.

“Unlikely, our forces are stretched thin trying to guard the vast territory of Regus. I think we can supplement another 50 each to bring it up to 500 total knights.” Galter replied as Dorian silently nodded in response to his statement.

“Ok so that’s 500 knights, 200 mages, I guess we can bring the Bronze Bulls along, they’re 300 strong so that brings us to about 800. I’m guessing since mercenaries fight for coins and not nations they wouldn’t be that much of a problem?” I say as I turn back to look at Ella.

“Well… not really…” Ella said softly.

“Meaning?” I ask.

“We Alvs do not approve of fighting for gold, we view it as dishonourable. So we do not trust mercenaries because we think they have fickle loyalties.” Ella replied hesitantly.

“But they will seem like a lesser threat right? You won’t be as threatened by their presence.” I say.

“Well… yes…” Ella replied.

“It is better to have prejudice on moral grounds rather than fear based on potential threat and aggression.” Charlotte said.

“Ok so we add the Bronze Bulls in. Now that leaves me with the last question, what do we do about healers? I assume the Church wouldn’t want to help us?” I say as I recall what I read about the Church of the Seven being very fond of human supremacy rhetoric.

“I doubt they would be very keen.” Filianoreh said airily.

“The Alvs are capable healers, they are all adherents to the God of Life and Water. I am sure your people can handle the healing of our soldiers.” Dorian said as he looked at Ella.

“We Alvs are capable healers, we have to since we reproduce so slowly. Every life is precious.” Ella replied.

I notice she never said the Alvs would heal the wounded, she just said they could, they never said they would. Well I’ll have to see how it goes…

In the back of my mind I wonder if Charlotte’s optimism was rubbing off on me. Trusting the good faith of others really isn’t my style. But then again what else can I do at this stage? Single use bodies to throw at the demons is still better than no bodies…

“Ok so we send 800 soldiers with us to Alvuan, now then how do we get there exactly?” I ask.

“I believe my house can help with that Dark Hero. We are the house with the largest fleet, my house can easily ferry you across the seas.” Jerome said.

“Alright, that's settled. Is there anything else?” I ask as I look over at everyone at the table. After a few moments of silence I nodded and stood up. 

“When can your forces be ready to leave?” I ask as I look at the knight commanders.

“They are ready now, we can leave within the hour.” Dorian replied.

“Good, I’ll meet you all at the gates of the palace in an hour then.” I say with a nod.

Later as everyone got up to leave, I told the rest I needed to speak to someone and peeled away from the group. I waited for the Mage Councillors to break away from the group and I approached them with one last question in my head.

“Mage Councillor Anna, a word please.” I say as I see the eight women all turn to face me.

When the two of us were alone I saw her give me an almost knowing look. Does she know what I’m going to ask?

“Lady Anna, there is something on my mind that I wanted to ask you.” I say as I see a small smile appear on her face.

“The next rift will be near Marineburg.” Anna replied with a sly smile as she answered my question before I even asked.

“Have you told anyone this?”  I ask as I narrow my eyes.

“Only Princess Filianoreh.” Anna replied with another small smile.

“You haven’t told the knight orders?” I ask.

“Of course, tell me Dark Hero, do you think the house of Orien would be so willing to lend you ships if the next Rift will be on their doorstep.” Anna said with an eyebrow raised.

“The great game is always being played, Dark Hero. Don’t you know? Dire machinations are the national sport of Regus…” Anna said as she quoted what I said to Ophelia that night at the ball.

“Are you spying on me?” I ask as I narrow my eyes.

“Who isn’t being spied on in this palace, Onaga Katsuro? If you find someone like that please let me know.” Anna said with another smirk.

“Does operational cohesion mean nothing to you? Do they know that you mages can predict where the rifts are?” I ask this as I start thinking of the long term ramifications.

I know I’m not the most honest person, I mean in the Art of War it does say all war is deception but I generally try to look out for allies. I can be ruthless sure, I know you sometimes have to sacrifice some under your command to win but I draw the line at blatantly throwing your allies under the bus. I mean how do you expect to lead when your soldier starts questioning if you are going to use them as cannon fodder? There is a reason why I always lead the charge back in Sapporo, my motto is I don’t ask anyone to do anything I wouldn’t do myself.

“Only Princess Filianoreh knows we can predict the Rifts and honestly our prediction just gives a very general area. The knight orders only know what the Princess tells them. All war is deception, afterall.” Anna replied.

Somehow I doubt even that is true, everyone in this world is a liar…

“I’m surprised you guys know what the Art of War is.” I say as I raise an eyebrow.

“Art of War?” Anna asked and for the first time I saw a confused expression appear on her face.

“It’s an old classic written by a master strategist from my world. That quote, all war is deception, it’s a quote from that book.” I say.

“Oh, I was not aware of such a text. Do you have any more ancient words of wisdom?” Anna asked curiously.

Well I guess this is a good opportunity for some subtle threats considering it’s plainly obvious friend and foe can turn on a dime in this world…


The opportunity to defeat the enemy is provided by the enemy themselves

And opportunities multiply as they are seized

So let your plans be be dark and impenetrable as night

And when you move…

Fall like a thunderbolt…

Hey guys, it’s been awhile but exams are finally over. So the chapters will be resuming at a much faster rate. Hope you liked this chapter, I’ve made some interesting twists with the Alv’s hope you guys will like what’s coming.

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