Diary of a Lost Soldier in Another World

Chapter 23: The Game Changer

Chapter 23: The Game Changer


Well this is a problem... this guy looks even stronger than before. The demon commander is now wreathed in green flames and the sword is covered in so much fire it looks like the hilt is spewing a sword shaped jet of fire. 


Clutch your borrowed power heroes

Resist or submit

It changes nothing

Your lives are forfeit…


“It say anything useful?” I hear Jacob ask his voice tense.

“More threats.” I reply.

“Jacob try and keep it focused on you, Charlotte your job is to stop Jacob from being hit. I don’t want to chance a hit from that sword. Momo cooldown and get your strength back. I don’t think it’ll be easy to punch through that shield. For now probe him, don’t take any unnecessary risks. Attacks of opportunity only.” I say as the rest affirm their understanding of the plan.

“It’s the last mile, we can do this.” I say as I ready my weapons.

“Agreed, we must not falter.” Ivan said as he hefted his warpick. 

With that the demon commander charged forward and brought his blade down hard on the front liners. They dodged to the side avoiding the strike but a trail of fire followed after the strike. The back lines managed to get out of the way in time but barely. The mages weren’t as fast as the rest so their dodge was a lot closer even though they were further away. 

“Spread out, watch your spacing.” I say as I fire a shot at the demon commander. The bullet shatters on the barrier barely even scratching it. 




The demon commander says as it does a wide slash with it’s sword. Ivan manages to dodge back in time but Jacob had to block it with his shield. The force smashes Jacob back, he goes tumbling back right into the dirt. Volva charges forward and gets off a [Reave] on the Demon’s thigh. The strike hits but all the strike manages to do is carve a gash in the armor. The demon wheels and delivers a kick at Volva. 

[Lux Vitae] Charlotte shouts as a white shield appears in front of Volva. The kick smashes right through the shield but Volva manages to raise her sword in time to block it. However, that kick still had more than enough to knock the sword out of her hand and send her tumbling back into the dirt. The demon raises it’s sword and prepares to deliver a downward slash on Volva.

[Chains of Conviction] Charlotte said as Ivan rushed forward to cover Volva. The chains try to grab onto the demon but they bounce off once they touch the barrier. 

[Throat Piercer] Alfie shouts in panic as she charges forward and stabs her spear right into the back of the demon’s left knee where the armor’s weak. The spear digs in but it barely draws any blood.

[Righteous Advance] Jacob roars as he charges straight at the demon. 

[Lux Vitae] Charlotte shouts as another shield appears in front of Volva.

[Haste] Amethine shouts as Ivan’s movement speeds up. The demon’s sword crashes against Charlotte's white shield but it’s only slowed slightly. That small delay however was all Ivan needed to reach Volva and smash the sword off course. The sword landed a few centimeters to her right but the subsequent fire still set her arm alight. 

[Isha’s Embrace] Charlotte shouted as two green orbs flew out towards Jacob and Volva. The flames on Volva instantly went out when the orb reached her. I charge forward, if I’m going to be useful I need to get inside that barrier. 

Alfie wrenched her spear free from the back of the demon’s knee and Jacob delivered a [Vanguard’s Verdict] right at the back of the knee. His strike draws more blood but I can tell by the amount of blood it’s a flesh wound at best. The demon’s armor was built like a tank…

Like a tank… hang on… I have an idea…


Begone insects


The demon said as it swung it’s blade and forced the rest to retreat. I ducked right under the swing and rolled between the demon’s legs. When I exited the roll I spun and pointed my gun at what looked to be a weak point of the armor near the back of the neck. The portion of the armor had a gorget which formed a metal collar. The purpose was to protect the neck, it made slashing attacks useless as hitting that area would mean going through extra metal. However, sharp angles on metal formed structural weaknesses, curved surfaces were much more durable in terms of material strength. I also assumed that the back armor would be thinner as compared to the frontal one.

[Rapid Fire] I say as I fire at the gorget, the bullet ricochets along the sharp angle, the first hit striking the back plate before bouncing up and hitting the flared metal collar. Sparks fly and the metal tears. Good, I can damage it like this...

“I have an idea, keep this fucker distracted!” I shout as I barely get out of the way of a kick from the demon commander. 

The demon turns as it brings its sword down again towards Volva intent on finishing her off. Ivan barely gets the two of the out of the way with a [Tectonic Propulsion]. Alfie drives her spear into the back of the knee joint again this time drawing more blood. 

The demon commander wheels and delivers an upward slash at Alfie. Charlotte’s shield appears but again the sword just carves right through. The sword hits Alfie’s raised shield and the sword cuts right through and I see Alfie be thrown back as her shield is cut in two. She screams as she clutches her now bleeding stump of an arm. 

I take this moment to let loose another [Rapid Fire] at the gorget and the metal gives way a little more. I see the demon raise it’s sword this time aimed right at Alfie. Then I see Ivan dash forward, [Ferro Smash] Ivan roared as he brought his warpick right into the back of the injured knee. The warpick drives through and sinks all the way to the handle. The demon staggers and buys enough time for Jacob to grab Alfie and retreat. 

Volva, although still burnt, charges again and delivers a slash at the back of the demon’s other knee. That’s it, disable his movement, if we remove his mobility we can dance around him. 

I raise my gun and fire another volley, this time a section of the armor shears off making a small hole. The hole isn’t big enough yet…

The demon staggers and falls heavily on it’s injured leg, I think Ivan’s hit must have broken bone judging by how deep it penetrated. Ivan wrenches his warpick free and bids a hasty retreat as the demon haphazardly swung it’s sword at Ivan. 

Volva and I take this chance to continue our attacks, the damage to the armor is starting to add up. Momo fires a wave of [Firebolts] . It was a good choice, we weren’t breaking through that barrier with the souls of the entire demon army fueling it. I am behind the demon and Volva is off the left. The [Firebolts] were aimed at the head of the demon.  So the use of a spell that creates explosions when there is no risk of friendly fire is effective because the explosion of flame obscures the demon’s vision for a moment. It’s pretty much all she can do considering she's a ranged damage dealer and the enemy is practically invincible against ranged attacks that weren’t inside the barrier. 

The demon raises it’s blade and thrust it into the ground and a ring of fire appears around us. The green flames tower ten meters high trapping us within. Well there goes our retreat path…


Oblivion awaits

Abandon hope…


The demon said as it sinks its blade further into the ground and the flames on his armor roared up stronger than ever before. The demon wrenches it’s blade free and swings at the air in front of it and a wave of green fire flies at the back line. Charlotte brings up another barrier and the fire wave crashes into the barrier. Jacob and Alfie are caught in the fire but Jacob throws up his shield and absorbs most of it. His armor and shield still catch fire but Alfie is spared from the flame.

[Lacerating Cleave] Volva shouts as she brings a heavy slash on the back of the demon’s other knee. The cleave draws blood but the wound is shallow. It seems only Ivan has the power to deal any significant damage to this guy. The demon turns and begins to turn it’s sword towards Volva. 

[Righteous Advance] Jacob says as he shoots forward while still aflame. Charlotte heals him mid dash while Amethine buff’s Ivan with [Haste]. Jacob charges forward trying to draw the demon’s attention. While I fire another volley at the armor and more holes appear. Then one flies through and strikes the flesh. The demon flinches and it swings widely to the right as it turns. The wide swing catches Jacob mid charge, Charlotte’s barrier appears again but the force is too strong and Jacob is smashed back. His shield flying out of his now broken arm. Ivan gets caught by the end of the swing. He manages to summon a last minute [Beryl Ambassador] but the strike still knocks him back into the dirt his body now aflame. 

I barely get out of the way of the fire by throwing myself in the dirt. As I look up I see the demon smash Volva aside with it’s left hand. Charlotte falls to her knees as she reaches her limit. Amethine is close to collapsing as well judging by how she seems to be on wobbly legs. Amethine has been doing most of the healing on Alfie trying to get her arm back.

Amethine croaks out one last [Cleanse] on Ivan before she buckles to her knees as well. This is bad… Ivan’s probably still in the fight, but the mages are either ineffective or at their limit. Alfie’s incapacitated and Volva doesn’t have enough power to do any significant damage. I’m not sure if Jacob can keep going as well…

The demon tries to turn but it can’t keep up with my speed thanks to it’s disabled leg. I circle around firing on the move at the ever widening hole.


The flea bites…


The demon growls as it heft’s it’s sword and swings widely. The momentum carries its body as it turns and I barely manage to duck between its legs before I get hacked in half, the blade roaring as it slashes at where I was a moment ago. I’m now prone in between it’s legs as I try to crawl to safety. 

I see a hand reach down in an attempt to grab me and I back pedal out the other way as I fire at the hand. My bullet’s blowing holes in the relatively thinly armoured palm. At this point I’m reduced to crawling on all fours under the demon like a worm. Good thing I have experience crawling on the floor while hiding from giant metal monstrosities…

Then I spot Jacob struggling to his feet, his left arm hanging limply at his side.


I can do this... all day…


Jacob pants as he grips his sword, the demon pauses as he looks at Jacob. This buys enough time to scramble back behind it and I let off another [Rapid Fire] at the now reasonably sized hole. The shots tear the metal further but I just need it a bit wider... 

[Tectonic Propulsion] I hear Ivan shout as he leaps at the back of the demon, his warpick raised. [Ferro Smash] Ivan roars as his warpick rips into the hole I made tearing a large opening. The sound of metal tearing echoes out across the ruined square we are standing in. Ivan now on fire thanks to the flames wreathing the demon decides to go for broke and decides to hold on to the demon. He tries to take another swing at the demon’s back but the demon’s bucks him off and Ivan falls back onto the ground. His body alight with the green demonic flames.

It’s now or never, I conjure up a special satchel I prepared in advance. It was just big enough for me to put six grenades in and I do so as I approach the back of the demon. It’s attention now on Jacob who is screaming as he charges the demon sword raised.

I could see Volva struggling to her feet as she scrabbles in the dirt for her sword that is now lying in the dirt. 

Charlotte has her arm raised pointed at Jacob readying her spell to protect him. 

Alfie grabs her spear with her one hand and hurls it at the head of the demon but it clatters off against the barrier. 

Amethine is struggling to drag her hand up in order to help Ivan.

Ivan struggles to his feet still on fire, only kept alive by the crystal armor around him.

Momo fires a barrage of [Firebolts] one after the other, her robes steaming from the [Arcane Heat]

These kids, who not even a month ago lived in safety now fight with whatever dregs of strength they have left. As for me? I’m still uninjured, able to fight. I am a veteran of two years of ceaseless war and death. How can I do any less?

So I grit my teeth and jump up at the back of the demon. I kick off a small foothold on the armor and I clamber up the back. I reach the hole, now on fire and I look down. As I expected, there's a cavity there. The demon’s armor has a slightly domed design on the front and back. Why is there such a design? Simply put a dome provides slanted armor which makes deflections more likely. The gap also protects the wearer from blunt attacks. If there’s no gap and your chest plate gets hit by a warhammer you probably won’t have any intact ribs left. Same concept as crumple zones in cars I suppose…

I shove my satchel down the gap and as I point my gun down at the satchel I hear a whisper.


Katsuro please don’t…


I hear Charlotte whisper in my ear, I freeze and instinctively look over my shoulder. Then I feel a large hand grab onto me. I feel myself being pulled up and I realise my mistake. I look down and see I still have a shot at the satchel since the demon is pulling me up over it’s head. I have one chance…


[The Scarlet Harvest] 


I hiss as time stops and I lock onto the satchel. I lock half my shots on the satchel and the other half right at the demon’s back. If I can see the satchel that also means I’m right in the kill zone of the explosion. I’m not sure how these grenades will behave when clustered together like that but I’m out of options. So I fire…

I see the fireball and I raise my arm in an attempt to shield my face. I feel the force of the explosion hit me. The force of the six grenades going off in that enclosed space turns the armor into the barrel of a gun, a barrel I’m staring down…

I feel the hand let go and I’m thrown back in front of the demon. In a moment I landed hard on the ground. I end up on my back, I feel blood rise up from the back of my throat, I can’t breathe…

I think some of the shrapnel hit my throat. I raise my head as my vision starts to tunnel and I see the demon falling forward. The glow in its body was gone and the green flames extinguished.


Very daring Dark Champion

The Dark God chose well…


I hear the feminine voice say as I start to feel my body go cold. It takes a few minutes for someone to pass out from lack of oxygen. If my body is going cold it probably means something vital got hit and I’m bleeding out…


Your victory today means nothing

Savour your victory Dark Champion

We will be waiting…


The voice finishes as I feel my head thud against the ground I look up at the blue sky and I hear Charlotte shout.




Then I’m back in that endless black world. I look up and as I expected that pair of red eyes is looking down at me. So I guess I’m not dead then…


Back so soon?


The Dark God asked with a chuckle.

“So I’m not dead I suppose.” I say as I look up at that pair of red eyes.


No, not yet anyway

Although you really like being a martyr don’t you?

Maybe if you die they’ll make a religion out of you

The Cult of Katsuro

Has a nice ring to it…


The dark god said with another laugh. Very funny, ironic how a god is making fun of religion.

“I guess I’ll be here for awhile…” I say as I take a seat on the black floor. The mages don’t have the strength left to get us all of us back on our feet. The best they can do is to stabilise us and wait for themselves to recover. 


Of course not

That little pink haired pet of yours has that potion remember?


“Right… so what do you want to talk about?” I ask as I look back up. The last time this guy wanted a chat, I suspect this time will be more or less the same. I doubt I end up here everytime I’m knocked out…


Oh I just wanted to check in on my favourite pawn

You are by far the most entertaining I’ve chosen


“Entertaining?” I ask, raising an eyebrow.


Every past set of heroes usually retreated and slowly carved their way to the rifts

None so far had the guts to charge the first rift like that

They usually leveled up quite a bit more before they fought the first Rift

Did you know that the demon you fought was level 20?


The god said with a laugh. That explains why that fight was so hard, we were around level 15. If the past heroes were like the other three then they would definitely be screwed. Not to say Charlotte, Ivan and Jacob were bad fighters. They were excellent actually, they’ve only been here for a month and they were doing extremely well. 

Their problem was a lack of experience not a lack of talent or courage. Then again if what the Dark God said was true my “Experience” may have nearly gotten them killed…


I’m not complaining

You are very entertaining to watch

I look forward to what you will do next?

Although I am surprised you haven’t bedded the blonde one yet

I can tell you she is very willing

You just need ask and she would spread her legs for you


“Right, because you are the god of love and romance.” I reply dryly.


Who said anything about romance

The Life God may rule love 

But I rule sin and temptation

Nothing shakes restraint like the realisation that finality approaches

The mortals may try to deny my existence

But all roads end

And at the end of that road they find me


“So what? I just walk up to Charlotte, ask if she wants to fuck and you think she’ll just say yes? Fuck off.” I say coldly.


Let me tell you a little story

You might have heard of it

A naive little girl feels pity for a wounded mutt

The mutt so often abused sees the light and is blinded by it

The naive girl in unfamiliar world relies on the mutt more and more

The poor girl sees death, suffering, horror and she clings to the mutt

The mutt makes her feel safe…

For the mutt for all it’s flaws is powerful and all naivety has been burned from it

A perfect warhound in a cruel and unforgiving world

So the girl who feels pity and fear, confuses it for love

And the mutt?

Well the mutt is drawn to the light like a moth to a flame…


“Nice story, you the god of bad novels too?” I reply with a scowl.


No need to make it personal

Mortals seek to sire children when they think the end draws near

But you are aware of this

After all every woman that has ever warmed your bed has done so on the eve of a battle

It’s how you mortals designed

A biological marker in your construction designed to ensure propagation

I am sure after today you will be getting some requests

I wonder what you will do?


“We aren’t animals, we have this thing called restraint. Not sure if you heard of it.” I say through gritted teeth.


How very Japanese of you

A culture built on discipline, pride and restraint

I love a culture like that, everyone of you like a cable pulled taut

It is quite the show when the cable snaps…


The Dark God says with another laugh. 

“Weaker men break, I am not so easily snapped.” I reply.


Oh I know you won’t break my champion

A snapped cable is useless

Afterall you are a wolf among sheep

That’s why I chose you

You may resent your fate, but it is a fate you are very suited for

Know this my champion

The seven rule half of creation

But I rule the other half

When there is light there is shadow

When the light is gone, darkness endures

When lives end, death comes

When virtue falters, sin rises

When sanity shatters, madness reigns

And when peace dies, only war remains

I am the end of all things

And you Dark Champion…

You are my harbinger…


“What do you want me to do?” I ask again, I have asked this question again and again. Never have I gotten an answer, maybe I am going mad…

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting something different to happen…


You will do exactly what I want you to do

You are my puppet 

I pull your strings and you dance

I have been pulling your strings all this time

You just never knew it

Don’t worry Dark Champion you will do exactly what I want you to do…


With those words I feel the floor fall away and I am once again hurled back into reality. I feel my eyes snap open as I feel some cold liquid splash onto my face.

I cough and sputter, when I wipe the liquid out of my eyes I look up to see Bovarian staring down at me.

“Told you that would wake him up.” I hear him say with a smirk.

I sit up and feel someone pull me into an embrace. I see gold as I feel Charlotte’s hair against my cheek.

“Please stop doing that…” Charlotte said shakily into my ear.

“Sorry… didn’t feel like I had a choice there.” I say as I return the embrace.

“If you can walk, kid I suggest you get up, there’s something that needs all of your attention.” Bovarian said nonchalantly as he looked over to the side.

Hearing this I extract myself from Charlotte’s embrace and I get to my feet. I’m not as tired as I thought, well I did use less skills this time considering that damn barrier stopped me from using most of my skills. I look over to where the Rift was and I see four small glowing crystals floating in the air.

“What are those?” I ask.

“The legends say a sealed Rift produces essences for each hero, the hero can absorb the essences for power.” Davis said from behind me.

I opened up my stats interface and I saw I was still level 15. 

“If all of you are here and we absorb the essences won’t that be a problem?” I ask.

“The legends say the essences appear once the demon is defeated and the Rift slams shut. So the essences are already locked in. Once you consume them, the exp and your [Heroes Sworn] will automatically be allocated.” Davis explained.

“Alright then, let’s go.” I say as I look around at the rest. 

They nod and we begin walking over. I take a look at the rest of my party. Alfie's arm is back but her shield is destroyed so she only carries her spear. Everyone looks more less healed up even if our equipment is a wreck. I looked back at where the Rift was and I saw the armor was still there. The armor was now empty with the body turned to ash, the helmet had disconnected from the rest of the armor due to absence of the body. 

When we got closer I started to hear the whispering emanating from the essences. The four essences were crystals glowing in different colours. White for light, green for life, brown for earth and dark purple for dark.

“I assume we each have to take our own?” I say.

“Yeah most likely.” Jacob said as he peered at his essence crystal.

“Alright let's do it then…” I say as I reach out and grab the crystal. 

Immediately I hear that voice followed by a display pop up before my eyes.


~ Whispering Rift Essence consumed ~


~ Level Up ~

~ Level Up ~

~ Level Up ~

~ Level Up ~

~ Level Up ~

~ Level Up ~

~ Level Up ~

~ Level Up ~

~ Level Up ~

~ Level Up ~




☠ ═╬═════════════════════════════════════════════════╬═ ☠


~ Weapon Tree unlocked ~


+ 2 [Weapon Points]

+ 20 [Rift Points] 


☠ ═╬═════════════════════════════════════════════════╬═ ☠


Woah… that's a big skill tree. So each of these boxes is a new weapon? Some of them might be direct upgrades to existing weapons while others might be completely new weapons. 

It looks like the [Weapon Points] can be used to unlock new weapons. Which means of the three I can choose two, or save one and go up the tree… I should see what the weapons are first I suppose.


☠ ═╬═════════════════════════════════════════════════╬═ ☠


Weapon: Simuna’s Regards

Class: Rifle

Fire Type: Bolt Action

Damage: 1000

Magazine: 5

Recharge Time: 10 seconds

Equip Bonus: [Kinetic Shatter]

+ 20% [Global Resistance Penetration]

+ 50% [Damage Dealt]


Weapon: Thousand Cuts

Class: Submachine Gun

Fire Type: Fully Automatic 

Damage: 80

Magazine: 30

Recharge Time: 5 seconds

Equip Bonus: [Screaming Suppression]

Shots that land within 1 metre of the target inflicts [Fear I]



Weapon: Trench Sweeper

Class: Shotgun

Fire Type: Pump Action / Slam Fire

Damage: 40 x 20

Magazine: 8

Recharge Time: 7 seconds


Equip Bonus: [Grievous Wounds]

+ 10% [Damage Dealt] to [Flesh]

Shots cause [Blighted Wounds]

[Blighted Wounds] causes - 30% [Healing] on affected wounds


☠ ═╬═════════════════════════════════════════════════╬═ ☠


Well that gives quite a few tactical options, but judging from the skill tree, the fact that I’m level 25 out of 150 and I’ve only gotten 2 [Weapon Points] I suspect I won’t be able to unlock all of them. Which means the point allocation will be important in the long run. 

I look over at the rest and see them staring intently into the space in front of them, I think they are looking at a similarly confusing decision.

“Hey, you guys got this giant skill tree too?” I ask.

“Yes, don’t really know what to choose honestly.” Charlotte said as she furrowed her brow.

“I think we should choose later, we need to sit down and plan out our abilities. A strategy meeting will help us make sure we don’t pick the wrong things.” I say.

“Yes, I think that would be wise.” Ivan replied with a nod.

“Alright then, let’s decide later.” Charlotte said as she looked away from the space in front of her.

Ok now then… what the hell is [Rift Points]? As that thought crosses my mind I see the display in front of me change and an explanation appears in front of my eyes.


☠ ═╬═════════════════════════════════════════════════╬═ ☠


[Rift Points]

[Rift Points] are a unique point granted to the [Dark Champion] when a Rift is sealed. 

[Rift Points] can be consumed to increase the level cap of any individual other than the [Dark Champion]. 

[Rift Points] can also be used to increase the current level of the individual without increasing their level cap.


☠ ═╬═════════════════════════════════════════════════╬═ ☠


What the fuck?


I can give someone twenty levels to their level cap right now? This whole world’s system is built on your level cap… Filianoreh wants my child so badly if I ask her to bed she would tear her clothes off on the spot… 

This is only the first Rift, what if the later Rifts give more than twenty Rift Points?

I can make someone a king…

I can make some random peasant a noble…

I can build an army with this…

An army loyal to me, because I hold the key to power…

If I have enough points I can make some random schmuck on the street as strong as a hero…


This is very dangerous…

I can change the rules…

No, we aren’t even playing the same game anymore…


Hey guys so this wraps up the first rift. There will be a few more chapters until the first Arc/Volume ends. So it’s here where I would like to ask what do you think of the fight overall? Was it engaging or just a dry read? I’ll put a poll at the bottom for ease of use for those that don’t comment. I’m a business student so I like my data.

Anyway feel free to leave a comment or fav if you enjoyed it. I always like hearing from you guys so see you in the next chapter!

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