Cursed Explorer of the Arcana

Chapter 51 - How Time Flies III.

19695 The 2nd Spring

Once again Martha is guiding me through the winding streets of Granhall passing some intriguing shops and food stalls employing some sort of witchcraft to make the smell literally drag you to the counter by your nose. It’s my weakness but not today, today is more special than any juicy… mouthwatering slab of perfectly grilled… NO, BAD, move!

It's been three years, and finally, the time has passed. It was quite bearable really, I made friends and learned a lot of things I wouldn’t have been able to otherwise. Logically speaking was it worth it? Absolutely. If I had an actual choice back when the shadows came and Bennett basically trapped me into coming with him would my choice be the same? No, not a chance.

Our path doesn’t take us toward the forest, or the market, or the stables, or any place I’m familiar with, instead, we arrive at a normal-looking restaurant. The old hag barges in without wasting any word on the poor waiter at the door, marching straight toward what looks like a private room. As we draw closer to the door I feel my legs weaken and my heart beat so erratically that I fear I might pass out before making it to our destination.

Time seems to grind to a halt as Martha swings the door open and my eyes land on… they meet… I-I… it’s Mom and Dad. It’s not a surprise or anything, I counted the days and even got excused from the morning exercises to come here, and still, the emotions are too much.

After a few seconds of all three of us just staring with eyes so wide they might pop out any second and some nasty moisture gathering in their corners Mom breaks the stalemate. She throws the table and chair she’s sitting on aside as she pounces on me with the agility of a feral cat yet my instincts I’ve honed for years stay completely silent. I want this, no, need this.

She strangles me in a hug, her arms strong yet delicate, her body trembling like if she let go of me now she’d never see me again. I don’t hold back either, crying into her bosom and clawing at her back, only now faced with the amount of repressed pain caused by our distance, the emotions forced into a corner to grow and fester.

Now, the barriers holding those feelings back are utterly broken.

Dad walks over with measured yet hasty steps and scoops his family up to just… sit there in a jumbled crying mess of warmth. It’s nice, like a warm meal after a tiring day, a very long day, and a much-needed meal. It doesn’t take long for my breathing to calm a little and my thoughts of sorrow to be replaced with stories waiting to be told.

I feel safe here, in their arms, safer than any other place in this wide world and crying won't bring back the time we’ve lost. Besides I cried enough during my three years here, it’s starting to really get on my nerves, stupid tears. I don’t want Mom and Dad to sob and sniff either, they should smile, they have me, we have everything we need.

“You’ve grown even prettier than your mother,” Dad whispers gently to which the woman in question only growls. “Don’t be like that honey, we’re both stunning it was inevitable.” A collective chuckle finally manages to pull the veil of depression off the three of us ever so slightly. “But don’t worry if even a single boy tries anything funny I’ll break their limbs slowly and meticulously.” I keep giggling although whether he was joking or not I can't tell. It’s funny either way.

Not to sound vain or anything but he’s right, I’m pretty as hell. Right now a mirror might beg to differ with my puffy red eyes and snot-covered face but I can confidently say I’m up there in general.

I’ve entered my teens and despite always being taller than average, my growth slowed down a tiny bit in these three years. Most kids my age overtook my height except for the shorter races and elves like Kayla so I guess it might have something to do with that elven blood in me.

Will I look small even as an adult? I doubt it, I just need a year or two more to reach my full potential. Will I live a lot longer? Yeah, probably.

My hair remained light gold and my emerald eyes have lost none of their luster. I still lack the head-turning curves Mom always promised I’d inherit one day and what she considered the greatest treasure of our family. Maybe one day…

“Just wait a little more sweetie, when you grow older Mom will show every trick in her arsenal,” The ruler of our house… that is no more, has a different plan for my future. “and even your father won't be able to fight off the armies of suitors coming after you.” She giggles which sounds more like a purr.

“Stop it, no gross stuff.” I hiss, only now remembering Martha should be around here somewhere. After rubbing all the tears and snot into the clothes right in my face I pull back and take a proper look at my family. “I know I got even prettier but you both look miserable, did Dad cook?” My voice is a little nasal but the joke comes true, although this time my laugh isn’t all that genuine.

They look skinny, with sunken faces, and pale skin, their healthy warrior bodies regressed into something akin to drug addicts in the dark alleys. Their hair is a disheveled mess without luster as if they’ve utterly given up any form of self-care since I left. Their eyes seemed like those of a dead fish before they saw me but turned into wet gleaming gems at my sight.

I wouldn’t say I had it easy during my time here with all my tasks revolving around combat and risk and the people being mean in general. Even during my journey here, I had more close calls with Malor than my entire nine years before that stupid cat gave me this Blessing.

I know soldiers aren’t paid to act cutesy and babysit us not to mention the kids who used to be literal slum dwellers willing to shit in your food just to get you sick and reduce competition. Not the nicest environment but I was never the one in danger here, I was the danger.

“It’s good to have you back,” I rebury myself into my parents' arms just for the sake of it and whisper into their clothes. “I’ve been fed well, and exercised a lot, and made some friends, even earned some money… Everyone here is either a bit bossy, grumpy or just mean but nothing off the charts, probably even better than on washing days back home. Maybe some new clothes would be nice.” I drop the hint because I sure as hell won't waste my hard-earned coins on some stupid rags. Not even the really pretty ones. “Oh and hear this…”


My story time has been going on for hours now probably yet none of us seem bored or bothered and my mouth could do this all day. I just kept on ranting, telling them everything no matter how insignificant it might sound or be it good or bad. I just want them to hear me, listen to me, tell them about the world I learned from Martha, our little brawls in the mess hall, and how Victor taught me the way of lockpicking.

The parts where I almost got eaten or poisoned myself with mana, or where the shadows came after us, or the countless incidents during duels… yeah, I conveniently forgot to mention those. I managed to escape the grasp of Malor no thanks to luck, however I’d rather choose any enemy I faced until now than Mom.

My parents just listen, that’s all they need to do, it’s all I need. Their eyes and smiles tell me everything I need to know and only the slightest movements of their eyebrows betray any emotions. I know they aren’t paying attention, not to my stories at least but I’ll take the attention anyway.

Our family time goes uninterrupted as no person enters our little private room, however our bellies, especially mine, clearly notice the passing of time and loudly demand our attention. I found it weird how not even a waiter, let alone Martha, tried to enter for hours but I guess it’s the old hag’s doing.

She’s the only instructor with even the tiniest bit of common sense, something the others seem to have lost either due to their age or the amount of life-and-death situations they had to cope with. Weird old people.

Dad leaves to arrange the food and arrives unnaturally fast, like, less than a minute later with a veritable feast. Nice move Martha, big cookie points.

There’s no yapping between bites as it is the old family tradition, we just throw glances at each other, smiling happily every time our eyes meet. The grilled meat, cheese and vegetables look mouth-watering yet every bite feels bland, the sensation of taste dwarfed by the storm of emotions raging in my heart. The best meal I had in years.

Right about when all of our plates are emptied and the first satisfied sighs escape our mouths the door opens again and Martha walks in carefully as if not to interrupt anything important. I know it's just a farce, she must be able to sense everything happening in the building.

“I hope you enjoyed your meal and seeing as you’ve finished, I’d like to introduce myself. It's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Martha, Elyssia’s caretaker.” She gives a curt nod. “It’s new to me, you know, to greet the parents of any child I guide since in most cases they’re orphans in search of power or a place to belong. I’ll try my best.” She adds with a professional smile.

In a sense, I feared this meeting, between anyone from the Fist and my parents. The mercenary order can try to claim the moral high ground as much as they want but at the end of the day what they did was just kidnapping with extra steps. I can’t say I’ve forgiven them because I haven’t, but at the same time, I’ve seen what could’ve happened without Bennett appearing that fateful night. The necessary evil, that’s what they are.

A grudge is fine but at the end of the day, they weren’t the ones who sent the shadows after me, who killed a bunch of people in my hometown, and who murdered an innocent boy.

“My name Is Lucious and this is my wife Luna.” Dad walks over for a handshake. “We greatly appreciate what you did for our daughter… raising her in our stead, keeping her safe and putting up with her…faults.” Dad glances at me as he says that.

“Hey!” I demand indignantly.

“Indeed, she must’ve been a handful. How many times did she almost die?” Mom asks with a flat smile.

The one topic I tried to avoid the entire conversation… did I make it too obvious? I try to slowly slide under the table, hoping to disappear from the room entirely before the lid gets off from the jar of secrets.

“What dying? I just practiced with the others.” I shoot my shot, a weak effort yet still more than nothing.

Mom just tilts her head, ignoring my comment.

“Hmm, during these three years…” Martha taps her chin. “I’d say it was around seven or maybe eight.”

“Times?” Dad nearly shouts, hearing the ridiculously overinflated number. "Shouldn't you be protecting her? How did she even find herself in such danger?"

“No, it can’t be more than five! The one against the locusts, and with the magma and against Hugo don’t count!” I retort.

“That’s still at least four and yes they do. Were you close to dying at the time?” Martha tilts her head, a tiny mischievous smile on her elderly face. I nod reluctantly under the combined force of parental glare. “That makes them count. And let me ease your minds, almost every time she was in danger she brought it upon herself. We would never have allowed grave harm to befall her but facing such dangers is part and parcel of growing stronger as a combatant; as martial classholders yourselves wouldn't you agree?" She masterfully tries to appease my parents.

“She is still here so I'll have to take your word for that, especially if she was tempting death which I can imagine." Mom looks at me with a menacing smile. "You hear that Eli? Something this important might’ve accidentally slipped from your story. Do you mind sharing those events now? Or do you need help to loosen your tongue?”

That smile is a trap, I’ve learned that long ago, and I’ve also kinda missed it. Still, in situations like this, comply or bear the consequences.

“Yeah, so first there was that fight with the boar in the forest… I handled that well and just got a little bruised, that's it. Then the battle between Bennett and that kidnapper, they were a few hundred,” I try to whisper the number. “levels above me, but…”

“Oh no young lady, we’re not glossing over those details so easily! Details, properly, now.” Even Dad puts his foot down.

I’m surrounded on all sides, my last stand shall be glorious.


The interrogation was ruthless, they jumped at every little inconsistency and noticed every hidden fact every tidbit of obfuscated information; wherever I was about to get away with something Martha chimed in only to rat on me. They’re teamed up against me, 1300 levels worth of adults against a poor little girl, taking me apart bit by bit.

By the time they were finished with me, I wanted to cry again from the mental abuse… poor defenseless me. sob sob.

“As much as I enjoyed this conversation and getting to know you I had one other reason behind accompanying your daughter.” Martha’s demeanor has been so different since she entered her room compared to how she acts back in the Fort. Refined is probably the best word to use. “I’ve been informed of some considerable…” Oh, she looks pissed, it’s barely noticeable but I’ve been around her for years now, I can tell. “short-sightedness on our end the last time one of my colleagues spoke to you.” Ah, so it’s Bennett. “Our plans for Elyssia extend beyond simple training and protection, including a much greater opportunity."

“WHAT?!” Yep, Mom reacts just the way I expected her to. “It’s been three years why can’t she return-”

“Allow me to finish, please.” I’ve been taught how to say please properly and this one from Martha had way too much authority and pressure behind it. It sounded more like shut your damn mouth. “Elyssia is still very much in danger, in fact, we caught quite suspicious elements aiming for her and her friends.” Nice, they killed more of those bastards. “She needs our protection but more importantly we’d like to send her away for further education. To Sereban, to the Academy of Sereban.”

I never understood why this Academy is so special besides having the Empire’s capital in its name. Okay, that does sound pretty significant but still. My parents on the other hand seem absolutely baffled by the news and even Mom’s ire disappears like a fart in a hurricane.

“As a renowned establishment within the Empire with a long and storied history, the Academy grants us the privilege of sending six outstanding talents to study in the greatest learning institute in the entirety of Eborden. Some would argue that the Highreef Institute in the Republic or the Federation’s Astaraban are superior but I’m not really concerned over the debate. I’m more interested in your opinions.” She looks at my parents enthusiastically.

What about me? Isn’t this about my future, hello? I’m not sure I’m on board. I've just gotten used to this place, made some new friends, and reunited with my parents and you want to send me away, again?

“As commoners, we only ever dreamt of sending Eli to Sereban,” Dad starts slowly. “we knew she could achieve great things but there was only so much we could give her. An ordinary life, that’s what we hoped for before she turned nine…” No need to look so sad, I was okay with what we had Dad.

“We’d love for her to go, but I fear we would not be able to cover her tuition.” Mom adds. “We’re just ordinary people and-”

“By the Abyss just say yes,” I huff because my parents are acting weird. They’re all moppy and polite, way too different from their usual joking and energetic selves. “I’m pretty sure the Fist will cover the tab because they need me there much more than I need this opportunity. I have some conditions though.” I add, donning my business face.

Well, I already knew I’d be glorified advertisement and that my squad would be the one sent on this distinguished romp for years now… I’m okay with it really. Sounds more interesting than anything I can come up with and more importantly Mom and Dad seem pretty happy about it.

“First, can they come along?” I glance at my parents before returning my gaze to Martha.

“I see no problem with them living in the city however the Academy operates behind closed doors and the students are only allowed to step outside of campus grounds at the end of every month to help them focus on their studies. It’s a boarding school, so you'll only spend at most a week together every three months.” Martha explains.

A bit bothersome but I’d rather see them every few months rather than three damn years.

“What would I learn there?” I ask just to make sure.

“It’s up to you.” Martha shrugs. “Only a few subjects are compulsory and the rest of your schedule is up to you. With that said I’d encourage you to study diligently instead of wasting this opportunity. There are some brilliant old farts there, you’d be surprised about the things they can teach.”

Okay, even more arguments for going to the Academy… One last thing.

“What about my expenses?” I test the waters.

“I know where you’re going with this, I would do the same, so let’s not waste each other’s time. I’m authorized to fund your entire tuition plus two gold per month. I won’t give you all of that because it would seem like you beat me in haggling so how about one gold and sixty silver?” She offers.

Her reasoning seems fine, and the money would allow me to buy a lot of nice things. Clothes, food, sweets? Heh, she thinks too little of me.

“Two gold thirty silver.” I make my counteroffer. “You know me well but raising me was a double-edged sword. I feel as if you've been authorized to give out three gold, at minimum, and are about to rob me blind here just for the fun of it. Give in and I’ll beat them up till their moms won’t recognize them.” I say with a vicious grin.

“Eli!” Dad reprimands.

I ignore him for now, raising an eyebrow at Martha, waiting for her reaction.

“Hah, fine have it your way.” She shrugs. “You really did grow quite a bit to realize it was a trick. A good mercenary would survive on just a few silvers per month, you know?” She holds her hand out to seal the deal.

I’m about to bask in the glory due to the victor when my intuition screams at me, something’s very wrong here. Very wrong. However, before I can backpedal Martha snatches my hand with cold eyes.

“Looks like we have a deal.” She declares and pulls me closer.

“Nuh-uh, forcing me into a handshake doesn’t count!”

“You were raising the hand yourself. Why wouldn’t you take such a good offer?” She asks innocently.

“Cut the crap old hag,” I hiss. “lying through your teeth. You run a tough bargain but can’t you go easier on me.” She obviously attempted to play me, again. So I switch into cute and vulnerable mode. “Please, Grandma?”

She’s stunned for a moment so I go for the hug. Mom spits out the water she was just drinking and Dad blinks like he saw a dragon. Now for the finishing move.

I look up at Martha with a big teary eye and blink pleadingly. “Please?”

Her brain must’ve stopped working, with even breathing turning into an unnecessary function.

“Five?” It is the only thing that leaves her mouth.

“Deal!” I shout and hug her tighter.

I’m gonna get extra laps next morning but securing my funds is a priority. I flash a victorious grin toward my parents who are at a loss for words over my shameless tactics.

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