Cursed Explorer of the Arcana

Chapter 45 - Soulscape Visit

Morning drills… the new bane of my existence. I thought Mom and Dad were ruthless whenever it came to sprinting in the backyard or running obstacle courses to improve my stamina and coordination but I was so wrong.

My legs feel like falling off and without cooling myself with ice magic I might’ve melted already to my aching muscles protesting for rest. I'm sprawled out on the ground, gasping for air and secretly gathering water from the obstacle course while also cleaning it to quench my thirst.

My clothes are just as drenched in sweat as they’re dirty, sticking to my skin and making me all itchy, AND to top it off my hair is a mess, full of dust and sticking to my face.

I didn’t slack off because even while putting my back into it I was barely second to last. I don’t know if it is because I’m the youngest or I have the lowest level or because others are more used to this treatment or maybe a combination of all three however I was so outclassed it’s not even funny.

To top it off every time I felt like it was all just a useless struggle an instructor popped up beside me and started the belittling spree that got me pissed enough to make me spit my lungs out just to prove him wrong. I’ll have to think of a way to thank them for that.

“After your dash in the forest, I really thought you’d run circles around the others.” Victor's cheeky smile enters my vision. “Wanna have a bet-”

“No, fuck off.” I’m not tired enough not to flip him off. Cheeky bastard knows I’m always up for a challenge but I’m not stupid.

“Wanna take a bath before breakfast?” Kayla crouches down next to me, breathing almost normally and barely any sweat on her face.

“Get up already, that was only round two!” And why the fuck are you even here huh, short red prick?

It’s only been a day since Martha’s first attempt at forging an actual team out of us and I already can’t get rid of these three. Still not friends though. I know friendships can be born in mere minutes and it’s all not that complicated but I already had my friends.

They were weird, stupid, goofy and got us into all kinds of trouble but they were my friends and I want them more than anyone. I know it’s not fair and other than August these guys are pretty decent all things considered but I don’t care, life is not fair. Maybe with time though…

“Round three kids!” Comes the command.

“No fucking way.” Is all I manage to say before the instructors start shouting at me to pick up the slack.


The day goes by as it’s supposed to without any hiccups. Meal, a mindnumbing lesson about numbers and the curse upon this word called math. How can there ever be almost two hundred apples on a tree with two and a half new ones growing every day?

I almost jumped up and fist-pumped when that lesson came to an end. Not just because it was outright torture, no, it signaled the start of the afternoon practice and the time window to get the last two levels for Mana Blade.

Infuriatingly, even after my stellar fight in a three versus one, I was still barred from participating in the proper dueling session and had to sit it out like a child. Or I was supposed to. I had a Skill to work on and no more patience to work with so even after warnings and pleas I just kept going until the beautiful message finally arrived.

[The Class Skill [Mana Blade] has reached lvl 18.]

“Yes, yes, yes.” My happy little tip-tap dance draws a few questioning looks but I couldn’t care less. “Martha-”

“Just go! See you in the morning.” She waves, without any explanations needed.

Needless to say, I’ve been bugging her about my Class up every waking moment, asking about stuff and more training time. Heh, I almost feel diligent.

General Skills:

Savant lvl 18

Identify lvl 18

Running lvl 16

Dodging lvl 18

Pain Tolerance lvl 5

Premonition lvl 18

Stamina lvl 13

Quick Witted lvl 18

Serene Spellcrafting lvl 18

I. Class: Inept Magus - Arcane lvl 18

Arcane Mastery lvl 18

Mana Bolt lvl 18

Mana Shield lvl 18

Investigate Anomaly lvl 10

Mana Spear lvl 18

Mana Blade lvl 18

It’s still irking me to see Investigate Anomaly standing out like that, not being maxed out, but Martha waived my concerns by simply telling me I shouldn’t be greedy. Maxed Skills help, yes but putting in all the work does not guarantee the results. I’m already aiming for a Class that does something nice, something special with my four other mana weapon Skills, or so Martha hopes. ‘Don’t worry about that one.’ Is actually what she said and it did little to reassure me.

The only reason I’m not pushing it is because leveling up that one is a real hassle. I mean, I did accidentally earn quite a few levels in it, it's just… I doubt I can repeat that any time I want.

Okay, it’s mostly impatience.

After dashing back to my room, skipping both breakfast and a bath I throw my training uniform on the ground and flop into my bed.

“Time to get that Class and climb the rankings.”

[Your class [Inept Magus - Arcane] has reached lvl 18. Class advancement is now available, would you like to start the class up?]




The moment I confirm my choice sleep claims me in the blink of an eye. Instant sleep basically. Before I know the familiar rumbling of the waves on the sandy beach reaches my ears and I realize I need to open my eyes to make the darkness go away.

It’s still the beach but not the same beach. No more golden sand and smooth azure waves meeting rhythmically, instead it’s rocky, dark, and murky. It all seems wild and angry. There’s no cat either, thankfully, only a myriad of shells adorning the once beautiful landscape.

“This is not how I remember the Azure Shore. How can something imaginary be this messy...” Then it hits me. “Oh, it’s me.”

The environment, options, weather… everything mirrors the user's soul and right now it’s stormy inside. I have to say, it’s been worse about a week ago, soon after the shadows struck. Everything felt so empty and meaningless back then…

“Can’t I just imagine this place to look nice?” Talking to myself inside my own head is maybe even more bonkers than normal, huh?

I still give redecorating this place a try.

Jackshit happens.

“Oh well, then let’s see what we’ve got.”

[Blue Arsonist - Fire] [Galemancer - Wind] [The Bane of Dinner - Life] [Shocking Troublemaker - Lightning] [Divine Kindle - Fire] [Natural Spark - Lightning] [Vibrant Forest Breeze - Wind] [Wielder of the Arcane - Arcane] [Mystique Seeker - Arcane] [Ground Shaper - Earth] [Budding Natural Disaster - Arcane] [Bug Devouring Flames - Fire] [Naturalborn Escapist - Wind] [Shepherd of Fire- Fire] [Juvenile Grouch - Fire] Okay, quite the colorful mix. I see some very pretty shells with nice and bright colors and a few… questionable ones. Let’s just run through them one by one.

[Blue Arsonist - Fire]

The description is exactly what one would assume a Class called arsonist would do, burn indiscriminately. This one was born from my attempt to make hotter flames and mirrors the amount of control I have over them. Not a lot. Blasting devastating fire everywhere… yeah, not my style, no elegance. Decent stat points tho.

[ +3 Free Points, +5 Intelligence,+3 Focus, +5 Mana, +4 Willpower per level]

Not bad at all.

[Galemancer - Wind]

Maybe I’ve been using wind magic a bit too much recently. This simple almost translucent shell weighs almost nothing. That’s also how much interest I have in this Class, probably worse than my current one.

[The Bane of Dinner - Life]

This isn’t here, we don’t talk about this one.

[Shocking Troublemaker - Lightning]

One for shocking the hell out of August, huh? And what do you mean troublemaker? Trouble finds me without missing a beat, there’s no need to make it. I like the lightning element but this is more of a really close-range, hand-to-hand class.

The next plate shouts hol~y. Its incredibly intricate design and a soothing yet fierce white light shining from within make it the most eye-catching yet the feeling it gives is somehow distant and incredibly cold.

[Divine Kindle - Fire]

Now this one… This is a real prize.

Requirement: You woke the interest of Althea, Goddess of Justice, with your blazing flames and strong will to always speak up when injustice strikes you.

Be the young bearer of Althea’s holy flame to cleanse the unjust and sinful from the face of Aelion. Be judge, jury and executioner, pure as the white flame you carry but merciless like its heat against those who deserve no salvation. Be the blade of the Goddess, be her arm that reaches far and wide, and the bailiff to bring her will to those hiding from justice.

[ +2 Free Points, +3 Speed, +3 Endurance, +6 Intelligence, +5 Focus, +6 Mana, +5 Willpower, +2 Fortitude per level]

Okay, this is ridiculously good. The stats are insane and the description hints at devastating firepower and the support from one of the Primal Gods. An absolute jackpot.

There’s just one slight problem. While at the previous class-up, I was uncertain whether I would be influenced or not, in this case… it's beyond doubt. It’s literally written right there.

Sure, she’s a ‘good’ God but what if I don’t want to be that good all my life? What if I have to make decisions I don’t want to in the name of justice, like… will this even allow me to just kill the old bastard?

A pass for now.

[Natural Spark - Lightning]

Requirements: A spark of energy born from a spark of genius, above just merely using the lightning. Arcane Mastery lvl 18, 45 Mana, 50 Focus

Uuuh, I like those requirements, accurate stuff. Let’s see… does the zap, high control, mediocre Skills.

[ +2 Free Points, +4 Intelligence, +4 Focus, +4 Mana, +4 Willpower per level]

Eh, okay stats at best. Flattering… next!

[Vibrant Forest Breeze - Wind]

Yeah, yeah, using wind magic to traverse the woodlands, climbing trees and all that… Damn, my achievements only amount to this much? A meh quality Class focused on running in a forest.

“Okay, this one should be nice.” I move on to the next shell.

[Wielder of the Arcane- Arcane]

A simple plate, smooth, solid, colorless.

One of the main contenders right from the start. However, what does the wielder actually mean here?

Requirement: A wielder of magic in search of the truth behind mana. Arcane Mastery lvl 18, Mana Shield lvl 18, Mana Bolt lvl 18, Mana Blade lvl 18, Mana, Spear lvl 18, 60 Willpower, 45 Mana, 60 Focus

Holy, those are some strict requirements. I mean the divine one is objectively harder but this one is…longer?

You shape the elements in your surroundings to best suit your style. Make any constructs or projectiles, shields or weapons to your liking. Never to be countered, never to be put on the back foot, be a walking arsenal with the elements under your belt like a bottomless weapon rack of murderous magic.

Okay, so wielder as in weapons.

[ +2 Free Points, +1 Speed, +3 Intelligence, +5 Focus, +4 Mana, +5 Willpower per level]

A lot weaker numbers-wise, yet I’d much rather take this over being a God’s devout yet involuntary dog.

“No offense, Goddess, just personal preference really.” I shout even though nobody can probably hear it but just to make sure.

This class itself feels like the thing Martha talked about, the Skill combo… something. Anyway, the reason I worked my ass off to max out all those Skills was for this option right here. To the top of the list for now.

[Mystique Seeker - Arcane]

Requirements: A groundbreaking discovery in the field of mana. Investigate Anomaly lvl 9, 40 Intelligence, 40 Mana

Discovering the mysteries of Aelion is a noble and difficult journey either leading to a nameless and empty death or immortality as your feat lives on. The search will be difficult as mana is very reluctant to part with its secrets but at the end of the long journey, a treasure like no other awaits.

This, this is the type of Class I would pick if our house never got robbed and the shadows never tried to kidnap me. I know, it’s a lot of ifs but… adventure and magic, the only thing missing is tinkering to complete the list of everything I’ve ever wanted to do. Now there’s fighting added to the list, albeit involuntarily.

[ +2 Free Points, +2 Speed, +2 Endurance, +2 Intelligence, +2 Focus, +5 Mana, +5 Willpower per level]

[Ground Shaper - Earth]

Another super basic Class that’s worse than my current one.

[Budding Natural Disaster - Arcane]

Requirement: Arcane Mastery lvl 18, Mana Bolt lvl 18, 40 Intelligence, 40 Mana

The elements of nature bend to your will. Wherever you walk the land is reshaped, reborn, or devastated depending only on your whims. Use the inexhaustible and uncontrolled power of nature to force your will onto your surroundings.

[+2 Free Points, +6 Intelligence, +4 Focus +6 Mana, +4 Willpower per level]

This feels like a proper Mage Class, in a traditional sense. Throwing huge spells and destroying things so your team only needs to protect you and you can kill everything… I quite like it actually. They can’t beat you if there’s nothing left of them to hit you at the end of the day. To the top of the list it goes, right beside Wielder of the Arcane.

Only a few to go, good ones.

[Bug Devouring Flames - Fire]

Requirement: A devourer consumed by the ever-hungry flames. Arcane Mastery lvl 18, 40 Intelligence, 40 Mana

Ah, it's one of those specialized Classes that seems awesome at the start, but then you realize they’re basically garbage against anything other than that one specific enemy in the description.

[Naturalborn Escapist - Wind]

Requirements: A cunning plan, clever execution, and the guts to go through with it even when everything goes south. Arcane Mastery lvl 18, Running lvl 15

Cute but I don’t really care about a rouge Class. Switching not only elements but even professions is a bit too much. Not that I’d easily part with my dear arcane magic. It’s too handy, especially now that I can use five elements.

[Shepherd of Fire - Fire]

“And you must be…”

Requirements: A passion for fire hotter than the flames themselves. Control over the primordial fire. Arcane Mastery lvl 18, Mana Bolt lvl 18, Quick Witted lvl 18

Yup, that’s the stuff.

The blazing fire makes flames out of everything thrown into it and so you’ve thrown yourself into the fire to become one and burn even brighter. Bring forth the blazing passion raging inside you and coat your world in a myriad of flames as colorful as your spirit.

Ahhh, this one is just spot on.

[+2 Free Points, +10 Intelligence, +4 Focus +10 Mana, +6 Willpower per level]

And even the attributes… This one is just not fair, it has everything.

[Juvenile Grouch - Fire]

“Hey, I’m not even… screw you!” I throw the shell back to the waves. “You’re not even worth considering.”

Now, what should we pick? Yes, that was a royal we.

[Blue Arsonist - Fire] [Divine Kindle - Fire] [Wielder of the Arcane - Arcane] [Mystique Seeker - Arcane] [Budding Natural Disaster - Arcane] [Shepherd of Fire - Fire]

These are the only choices I’d ever consider. Although it’s easy to dump a few right away.

Let’s start with the most painful one first. Fire… I can spew blue flames even without a dedicated Class and as much as I like fire when it comes to destroying things I would rather use anything else to kill. Burning things alive just doesn’t sit well with me… maybe I’m just picky.

This crosses out two of the most potent ones but if I ever had to settle on a single element over arcane then it’d be lightning, it’s much cooler.

The other weak contestant is the Mystique Seeker obviously. For me, peace is not an option so a research Class would only turn me into a deadweight.

That leaves these three. [Divine Kindle - Fire] [Wielder of the Arcane - Arcane] [Budding Natural Disaster - Arcane]

Divine Kindle is obviously the strongest by far, while Budding Natural Disaster is a textbook Mage Class that would boost my damage to the moons… Not an easy pick.

“Arrrggghhh!” I groan. “Martha better be right.”

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