Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 9 - Run, I\\\'ll break it for you

  Chapter 9 Run, I will help you

   Jiang Xia confirmed the video, put the camera aside, and sent a message to Yoko Kinoshita.

   It will take a while for Yoko Kinoshita to get off work.

   So Jiang Xia looked at Yuko Ikezawa bored aside.

   Usually he hacks people with a knife, and he knows it well, and he can even estimate how long the other party will faint.

   But the hit Ikeze Yuko just now was purely a conditioned reflex after she was startled, Jiang Xia wasn’t sure about strength.

   In other words, Ikezawa Yuko may wake up at any time.

  …Although her combat power is very weak, it’s really troublesome to make trouble.

   Jiang Xia thought about it, picked up the scarf dropped by Yuko Ikezawa, and used it to tie the person.

After   , he found another napkin and covered Yuko Ikezawa’s face.

   – Covering a mask indoors, it’s weirdly hot. Jiang Xia wanted to pick it up, but he didn’t want to be seen by Ikezawa Yuko, who might wake up at any time. And now, even if Ikezawa Yuko woke up, she could only see a piece of white cloth.

   Get it done.

   Jiang Xia created a perfect environment for herself, sat down on the sofa again, and waited for Yoko Kinoshita to come back.


  Kinoshita Yoko entered the apartment and saw Jiang Xia’s text message while waiting for the elevator. She was a little surprised.

   To tell the truth, because Jiang Xia never contacted her again after they separated in the car that day, Yoko Kinoshita thought she was being pigeoned.

   Unexpectedly, Jiang Xia remembered this incident and caught people very efficiently.

   Kinoshita Yoko was immediately moved.

   She quickly took the elevator upstairs, entered the living room, and planned to make Jiang Xia a cup of tea, but at this time, Kinoshita Yoko accidentally caught a glimpse of the humanoid creature on the sofa.

   She was stunned. The relieved expression also shattered.

   – On the sofa, lies the “captured stalker”.

   is different from the jio big guy that Yoko Kinoshita thinks. Judging from the stalker’s dress and figure, she seems to be a fashionably dressed woman.

  The woman’s clothes were all wrinkled and looked like they had been beaten, and she lay motionless.

  Especially on the face, there was even a white cloth covered.

   The heart that Yoko Kinoshita had just put down was instantly suspended in the air again.

  Look at this, this stalker…

   is probably dead.

  It is a good thing for young people to be dedicated to their work, but why, how can they kill people…


   Jiang Xia walked to the coffee table, picked up the camera, and was about to hand it to Yoko Kinoshita for her to check.

   Who knows, when he turned around, he saw Yoko Kinoshita looking at him with extremely sad eyes, covering his heart and saying, “Go away, I won’t tell them that I have seen you.”

   Jiang Xia: “…?”

What does    mean, throw it away after use up?

   Kinoshita Yoko didn’t notice the change in Jiang Xia’s eyes.

   She quickly dug out her wallet and pulled out all the cash, the steel dagger in her hand.

   pinched the thickness, maybe because it felt too little, she took out the checkbook and pen again.

  Kinoshita Yoko bit off the cap of the pen, and was about to start writing, but suddenly thoughtfully stopped and muttered:

   “No, you’re underage, right? And what happened today was actually a stalker who entered the house illegally first. Also, I hired you, and you took… a bit extreme measures against her. Rather than running away…”

   Kinoshita Yoko frowned, thinking hard, deeply regretting that she didn’t study the Fa back then.

   “Wait.” Jiang Xia vaguely understood, he pointed to Ikezawa Yuko on the sofa: “She’s not dead yet.”

   Kinoshita Yoko: “?!”

   She was stunned for a while, then walked suspiciously to the sofa and touched the neck of the “corpse”.


   There is a pulse beating.

  …really alive!

  Yoko Kinoshita breathed a sigh of relief, slumped onto the sofa and shook the “corpse”.

   found that she did not push the underage into the sinful abyss of murder, her conscience no longer hurts, so she has the energy to pay attention to more details.

  For example, if you look closely, she has seen this stalker outfit today.

  …Looks like that fierce-tempered colleague.

  Jiang Xia said next to him: “This person is called Yuko Ikezawa, you should know him.” Then, he handed over the camera, “Look at this. I captured something very useful.”

   Kinoshita Yoko took it and checked it carefully.

  At first, the picture was a little scary, Yoko Kinoshita looked at Yuko Ikezawa with a weird look in the camera, and her scalp was numb.

   However, at the end, her eyes have become a little sympathetic – too bad, Ikezawa Yuko is too bad.

   But it must be said, well done.

  Yoko Kinoshita put down the camera, filled out a check at twice the market value of the commission fee, and presented it to Jiang Xia: “Thank you, you’ve been a big help.”

   Jiang Xia did not shirk, and the income from labor should be taken as it should.

   And, to be honest, he wanted something else.

   Jiang Xia glanced at Yoko Kinoshita’s wrist.

   The ghost baby who was climbing there shivered silently, and shivered silently, crawling a little closer to Yoko Kinoshita, hugging her arm tightly.

   Jiang Xia withdrew his hidden desire, took out the videotape, and handed it to Yoko Kinoshita.

  This thing, if you sell it to Yuko Ikezawa’s company or his opponent, it can make a lot of money.

   But this is quite troublesome, and Jiang Xia is not short of money – the organization will occasionally have income, and in addition, Jiang Xia Tongzhi’s parents also left a considerable legacy.

  Kinoshita Yoko looked at the video tape handed over by Jiang Xia, and also thought of the value of this revelation.

   She picked up the checkbook again and asked the fake paparazzi in front of her: “I can’t take it for nothing. What price do you usually sell this kind of news?”

   “Send it to you.” Jiang Xia waved his hand casually, “This is the information I got in the process of handling your entrustment. I won’t sell it to a second company. How to use it is your business.”

   Kinoshita Yoko was moved again.

  —She didn’t read the wrong person, this is indeed a very good boy who is very saved!

   However, the additional money must still be given.

   Jiang Xia refused to speak, so Kinoshita Yoko decided to ask her agent.

   By the way, ask the agent to come over and help deal with the stalker.

   While she was on the phone. Jiang Xia took out a tablet-sized self-made screen from his bag, with several surveillance images connected to it.

   He clicked on one of them and zoomed in to take a look.


  Kinoshita Yoko finished calling the manager, and suddenly remembered that it was lunch time.

   Thinking about how long Jiang Xia had been at her house in order to squat, she hurriedly got up: “You haven’t eaten yet, I’ll go make you something to eat.”

   Jiang Xia looked at the door: “Don’t rush to eat, there is one more.”

   “Also…” Kinoshita Yoko was originally smiling.

   After two seconds, she suddenly realized that “there is one more” refers to a stalker, and her face turned pale: “There is another one?!”

   Jiang Xia nodded: “Well, yes…”

   He just wanted to say “It’s a very fat man”, so that Yoko Kinoshita guessed that it was her ex-boyfriend and prepared herself in advance.

   But at this moment, Jiang Xia made a move and noticed that next to him, Yuko Ikezawa’s head was slightly tilted towards him.

  …It’s like hearing a topic of interest and subconsciously “listening”.

   Jiang Xia silently stared at the mask: “…”

   Mental quality is really incredible. In this situation, I still want to pretend to sleep and listen to gossip.

   He stopped talking, got up and walked towards Ikezawa Yuko.

  Ikezawa Yuko was still trying to eavesdrop on her ears.

   At this time, when she heard that Jiang Xia suddenly stopped talking, she panicked, realized that the situation was not good, and shrunk into the sofa.

   However, this level of escape obviously has no effect.

   Jiang Xia went down with one hand, and Ike Ze Yuko felt a pain in the side of the neck, and fell into a drowsiness again.

   Jiang Xia withdrew his hand in satisfaction.

   This time, he did it in a very rational way, and could estimate how long Yuko Ikezawa would sleep.

   Finally, there is no need to keep her from waking up all the time.

   Kinoshita Yoko watched the whole process in a daze.

   At the beginning, she was also frightened by the existence of the “second stalker”, and her face turned white.

   But at this moment, seeing Jiang Xia’s neat movements, he suddenly felt that the stalker was just like that.


  Kinoshita Yoko calmed down and looked at Jiang Xia, wanting to hear him continue the topic just now.

   However, Jiang Xia did not speak.

   He silently walked to the entrance, stuck it behind the door and listened, then suddenly opened the door.

  Across the door, there is a fat man who is also lying on the door eavesdropping.

   As soon as Jiang Xia opened the door, he had no support and staggered forward.

   Before he could regain his senses, Jiang Xia grabbed the neckline again and threw him across his shoulders into the entrance.

   Then the door clicks and locks.

  Stalker No. 2 fell stunned, and his back hurt a lot. He looked at the ceiling lamp in Yoko Kinoshita’s house and couldn’t stand up for a long time.

   Jiang Xia locked the door, turned around, and kicked him with his toes as a sign of urgency, but found that Stalker 2 had no intention of getting up.

   So Jiang Xia had no choice but to bend over and grab his neckline, dragging him all the way to the living room with a little effort. Put it in front of Kinoshita Yoko – mainly the ghost baby.

  Gui Ying snorted as expected, and seemed to be scolding the street. He was probably unhappy to see his father being dropped and dragged.

After calling   , it continued to hold Yoko Kinoshita’s arm tightly and looked at her, hoping that his mother would condemn the savage paparazzi in front of him and let him experience the deep love between his parents.

   But things are completely different from what it thought.

  Kinoshita Yoko looked at the man under her feet, with only fear, disgust, sadness, and an indescribable hatred in her eyes.

  Stalker No.2 looked at her with a look of “reconciliation”, and while screaming “Yoko”, he extended Erkang’s hand to her.

   Kinoshita Yoko was agitated, and subconsciously hid behind Jiang Xia.

   Then she nervously took out her phone, called her agent again, and asked when she would be there.

  The agent has already gone downstairs and brought a few bodyguards.

   She received a call and went upstairs anxiously.

   After entering the living room, the agent looked at Jiang Xia, and at the two stalkers who were so miserable. After a moment of hesitation, the bodyguards were left outside the door.

  These things today, the less people know about them, the better.

  …Since Jiang Xia has been involved, why not let him be present and replace the bodyguard.

   After all, this ex-boyfriend on the ground is also a heavyweight man of two or three hundred pounds, heavier than her and Yoko combined.

   If he really gave up his life, he could kill them both just by weight.

   If there is no one around, the manager would not dare to bring Yoko Kinoshita to line up with him alone.

   One play for three people.

   Jiang Xia took two steps back, away from the battlefield, and sat on the sofa silently watching.

   He learned a lot of his past through false “prediction”, and accepted the current trend well.

   But the ghost baby is not very good.

   Under the gaze of Ghost Baby Pupil Earthquake, a long-standing entanglement was brought to the surface.

   Push your book()



   (end of this chapter)

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