
Chapter 48 2/5

Lily was to the side, her nearly ten foot wide breasts surrounded by an army of alarmed looking teddybears.


A whistling sound came from the sky and Fey yelped as an arrow struck the earth in front of her hooves burying itself deep.


"E-Ella, there's someone shooting at us!"


The elf peered past her side and down at the arrow.


"It's a warning not to move, wait, I think I see the owner."


It was true, some of the trees that formed the impenetrable wall were moving and a number of people were emerging from within the forest and out onto the newly formed sunny plane of grass.


They at first appeared to be made of plants, but as they drew closer Fey realised it was simply that their clothing was made from plants, still living plants it looked like, summery leaves and flowers. They also wore a great number of small colourful flowers in their wavy blonde and extremely long hair that reached down to their rears. The plants reminded Fey of a certain Soulomancer Dryad she had met, but in body they appeared as something elven but more so, with extra long pointed ears emerging from their hair on either side, crystalline blue eyes, and some extraordinarily long legs to round out their gorgeous model like appearance.


They also each carried extremely large and dangerous looking longbows.


One a bit taller than the others stepped forward. She was barefoot and walked on the balls of her feet, her tiptoes, making her long legs seem even longer. To Fey's surprise she held the decapitated head of the human in her raised high hand.


"Adventurers. Your execution for collaboration with the enemy shall not be a kind one. Know thy end and repent with all your soul."


She dropped the head in the dirt and the others around her raised their bows and fired, arrows growing from their palms and nocking into place in front of the strings before being launched across the field directly at Fey.


She cried out and lifted her arms even as Ellaria stepped once then twice and raised her hands, a wave of fire blasting into the air.


The arrows met the fire and most disintegrated to ash but some threaded their way through and Flora screamed as a bolt went through her shoulder and out the other side.


The only reason she didn't take more was because Fey was in the way. The centaur looked down in horror at the arrows sticking from her body, pin cushioning her horse half and upper body. She swayed.




"I- f-fuck, this, really h-hurts…" Fey managed to gather herself enough to fend off unconsciousness then squeezed her eyes shut and surged magic through her own body. 


Her flesh rippled and the sticks of wood, thankfully needle headed and not broad tipped, began to slide out of her body on their own, pushing free until they fell to the grass below. The wounds they left behind quickly and cleanly closed as green light emanated from her skin.


"H-healer, remember?" said Fey, smiling weakly.


"Alright, fuck this," said Flora stepping forward. She grabbed hold of the arrow in her shoulder with her power and snapped it in two, then raised her hands, her eyes becoming bloodshot as she strained.


The attackers let out cries of surprise as they began to lift into the air, rising higher and higher, past five then six storeys into the air.


The gnome fell to one knee under the magical strain and gasped, blood flecking on her lip as she shook, her body failing.


She almost made them reach higher still but the tallest of the elf-like attackers twisted in mid air, drawing her bow and smoothly nocking before firing. A red scarfed teddy bear tackled Flora from the side, sending her rolling. In her place the teddy bear took the arrow through the neck, pinning it to the ground.


But with Flora no longer holding them up the elf-like attackers found themselves falling, falling from great height. Cries of alarm filled the air as they rocketed downward about to hit the ground hard enough to kill. 


And they would have, but then bushes and saplings suddenly erupted from the earth, huge amounts of thick heavy foliage.


The falling elf-like women crashed into it hard, leaves exploding into the air around them, brutal meaty thumps filling the air one after the other as bodies met ground unseen.


The band took their breath, staring at the foliage as Fey darted forward to heal Flora.


"I think it's over, there's no way they survived…"


The red scarfed teddy bear that had been pinned by the arrow struggled up with the arrow still in its neck. It turned awkwardly as the lengthy longbow bolt swung around with it.


Behind the bear came a number of other bears, strangely they were stuck together in groups of four or more, skewered through their bodies by arrows. Apparently a few of the arrows had gotten through to Lily too, although thankfully her golems had managed to save her by sacrificing themselves.


"Who the hell was that?!" cried Flora, flapping away Fey's healing hands. "The most moronic elves to have ever existed ever?"


"They looked a bit dryadish, but not green," said Fey. double checking Lily for injury.


Ellaria shook her head, "Not Dryads, Nymphs. Dryads manage entire forests, Nymphs simply live within them as any other. I can only think we have stumbled onto their territory, although why so aggressive..."


An arrow suddenly shot from the foliage and snapped past Ellaria's face.


"They're still alive!?" cried Flora.


"Quickly! Everyone get behind me! I can burn the arrows away!" cried Ellaria as arrows fell around them.


They scrambled behind the elf as more arrows came from the foliage which Ellaria promptly met with fire.


The foliage moved and the larger nymph stepped free, one arm slung around another nymph to keep herself upright as she clearly had a broken leg.


She snarled her fury seeing the band and raised her hand.



The other nymphs followed her call with a yell of their own and burst from the bushes, drawing bows and firing even as they ran forward.


"Wh-what do we do Ella! I'm too weak to fight properly and Flora is on the verge of blacking out!"


"Oh that's very simple, I am going to burn them all to death." said the elf with a snarl as dozens of different fireballs bloomed to life around her, her spark spewing hair lifting into the air as her eyes filled with fire.


This new fire took down the arrows with ease, each arrow shot being met with a countering fireball that burned so fiercely that the wood turned to ashen dust and blew away in the breeze.


That didn't slow the nymphs who lifted their hands, spears rapidly growing from their palms to be grasped. They screamed their fury and lunged for Ellaria even as a wall of flame roared to life in front of them, a sheet of heavy impenetrable fire that the nymphs crashed directly into. 


They came away screaming, partially on fire, their clothes burning, the spears ash. 


The fire parted and Ellaria strode through, a death goddess of flame, the grass blackening and burning under her feet as the very air boiled in her presence. She lifted a hand to end the screaming writhing nymphs, fatal flames haloing around her fingers.




She paused, turning to see the taller nymph holding her bow up, an arrow nocked. It was different than the others, this arrow glowed gold.


"Why should I? You came to kill us. It is not my problem if you in turn find your deaths. Especially as you nearly murdered two of my bandmates."


She turned back to the burning nymphs and began to bathe them in fresh fire when the taller nymph fired her longbow.


Ellaria, expecting the attack, snapped her other hand out and a wave of fire shot from her palm, a wave that blocked the arrow, burning it.


Or atleast that was what should have happened, instead the fire spread around it letting it through.


"Ella!" cried Fey seeing the arrow headed straight for her chest. She grabbed hold of the elf with all she had, ripping her off her feet and into her arms.


The arrow came on and with a thud hit home.


The fires died to nothing around them, even the burning nymphs extinguished, left whimpering on the grass, their skin redded and crisped.


Fey looked down, her heart in her mouth to find…


Ellaria looking worried.


"Are you okay? Are you okay?!"


Yes, but it's- it's-" a look of real fear appeared in the elf's eyes as they moved from Fey down to her hip. 


The arrow was there, sticking out of the dimensional bag on her belt.


The dimensional bag making a sound like a boiling kettle getting louder and louder. 


The dimensional bag with its seams and stitches breaking apart, 


The dimensional bag spilling haywire magical light and vibrating violently.


"Ah," said Fey.


The bag exploded.


Fey didn't even have time to scream as a literal geyser of eggs launched her skywards tumbling her completely out of control.


She found her breath on the downward fall and screamed as she came down on a violent tsunami of eggs rolling across the field, bouncing and clattering against each other, an unimaginable number of eggs, rolling and falling across itself as it roared forward.


There was no balance or stability to be found in the chaos, only eggs, and some of the other things that had been in the dimensional bag, a sack of potatoes, a few cauldrons, all came bouncing past the flailing centaur. She thought she caught sight of a screaming Lily at one point, her bears riding her breasts like a ship, but then she sank below the waves never to be seen again. 


The wall of trees was nearing with incredible speed as Fey caught sight of a table, to her shock she spotted Ellaria hanging onto it for dear life, the elf clutching at the table legs and half surfing the thing at dangerous speeds. 


Unfortuantely she and Fey had zero control over their direction and Fey could do nothing but watch in terror as the egg tsunami brutally crashed home agaisnt the wall of trees with a groundshaking boom and immediately washed back the other way, 


Ellaria vanished from sight amongst the eggs as the table shattered, appeared, then appeared again within arms reach.


Fey panicking reached out with all the desperate strength she could and latched onto the elf, drawing her into an embrace as the endless clattering roar rolled back the way it had come, back over itself and down.


Fey squeezed her eyes shut as everything became roaring eggs, able to do nothing but survive under the deluge.


It was truly total obliteration via egg.


But at last, the eggs came to a stop.


Fey held Ellaria close as she shoved and pushed the eggs that were over her away, sunlight breaking over her head as she freed herself. She came out on a steep slope of eggs and slipped down with a yelp, coming down on a spot of grass somehow mostly clear of eggs.


She had survived. Although she had zero clue about any of the others, that is apart from Ellaria who she held.


She glanced down to check on her to see if she needed healing… and found herself looking at wavy blonde hair.


She blinked.


This… wasn't Ellaria who she held between her breasts.


It was one of the nymphs.


A muffled groan came from the nymph, her voice vibrating against her chest.


She had one of the bad guys buried in her freaking cleavage! Fey really wasn't sure what to do about that. It was probably a bad thing right? Right?!


Trying not to move too quickly she peered down at the nymph's body.


Her leg was quite clearly broken, snapped at the shin and pointing off at an angle that was hard to look at. It also meant the whimpering sounds coming from between her breasts were sounds of pain.


Fey sighed. Really, this was not the kind of situation a healer liked being put in. She couldn't leave this nymph woman in agony, she just couldn't, because she was a healer. But she was still the enemy. But she didn't have a choice, because she was a healer.


Feeling quite resigned she lifted a hand and allowed her healing magic to flow into the Nymph's body.


The leg quickly snapped back into place with a grizzly wet click as the nymph stiffened in her arms, leg already being made whole. The sound of several snapped ribs popping back into place and what was probably a dislocated arm too followed after the leg and finally all polished off by healing up any scars or bruises, even old ones, of which there appeared to be many. The nymph was made healthier than she had been when Fey had first seen her.


"If you try and hurt me or my friends again I'm going to squish you, just so you know."


The Nymphs head lifted, an expression of utter confusion on her face as she looked up at Fey from between her breasts, beautiful blue eyes rounded in shock, a few strands of blonde hair lying loose over her flushed cheeks, lips slightly parted.


"D-Did you just heal me?"


"Yeah. You don't have to thank me."




Fey sighed, "Because I'm a healer, but also because we're probably not who you think we are. You pretty clearly think we were with others who did something bad." She shrugged. "But we aren't."


The nymph considered this. But then shook her head and pulled away, disentangling herself from Fey's arms and front legs and sitting up on her horse chest. She froze as something very large and very hot and very heavy touched up against her from behind. 


She looked over her shoulder to find an absolutely enormous horse cock pressed against her rear.


"Wh-what the fuck is that?!"


"M-my pe- my thingy. Don't worry it won't bite."


"Why is it so large?" boggled the nymph staring at the gently twitching thing.


Fey scratched her cheek. "Well, would you believe all these eggs are from girls I've uhm, s-slept with?"


An expression of fury appeared on the Nymph's face and she stiffly and haughtily rolled off Fey's barrel and stood up on the grass.


"You started to acquire some modicum of trust, but then to throw it all away on an outrageous lie? I do not understand you."


"It's true!" said Fey, scrambling to her feet, "I have a big thingy because I'm just that, uhm, p-productive?"


"Centaurs do not lay eggs. Stop lying."


"Well they didn't come from centaurs, they came from multiple species-" Fey paused as the Nymph visibly became more and more angry, "But maybe we can talk about this later, my bandmates and your comrades are buried in the eggs! And some of them are likely to be injured, we need to find them so I can heal them right?"


The nymph's brow twitched but she finally nodded.


"If you are willing to heal my family then I shall agree to help you find your… band mates."


Fey nodded in agreement and offered the nymph her hand. 




The nymph, clearly with great difficulty, took it and shook it.


"Fine. Truce."


They let their hands drop and turned to look around.


It didn't look very promising, hills and dunes of eggs lay around them, an unimaginable quantity of eggs.


"...Where do we start?"


The nymph rolled her eyes and lifted a finger to tap at one of her long ears.


"I can hear muffled noises. Here." She pointed straight ahead at a wall of eggs.


Fey set out immediately, practically charging into the egg wall she scooped eggs free hand over hand, putting to use her still decent strength despite being suppressed to pull away dozens of eggs.


She felt a bit bad about her rough treatment of the things, but an egg tsunami had put to rest any doubts she had about their invincibility.


Soon she was starting to hear noises too and then spotted a small waving hand.


She took hold of it and backed up, using the great torque of her centaur body to haul the person free from the egg mountain.


An auburn haired head came free and then a bruised face with a gasp, and then the mountain started to disintegrate as a massive pair of breasts were hauled out onto the grass, teddy bears falling around them as they were freed from the eggs.


"Fey!" cried Lily joyfully.


"Lily!" cried Fey back. 


They hugged awkwardly with their size difference as the Nymph looked on at them.


"This one with the hugely enlarged chest. She is one of the reasons why we suspect you of collaborating with the enemy."


"Uh, she is?"


"I am?"


"Yes, one of those with the enemy who attacked us was like this one."


The two stared at the nymph then at each other.


"Someone you did it with Fey? But who could that be?"


Fey tried to think about every girl she had slept with. It was clearly a hopeless endeavour and she quickly gave up.


"I don't know who that could be but if they are like Lily here then I must have had s-sex with them at some point, and filled them with eggs like these."


"This nonsense again."


"It's true!" said Lily. She held up the yellow speckled egg she had been holding at the campfire, pulling it from her cleavage, the one kept outside of the dimensional bag. 


"This egg came out of me!"


The nymph looked at the egg, then at the otterkin. The egg was something like twenty to twenty five inches tall when stood up. Lily was a little over two and a half feet tall meaning that the egg was over half her height.


Admittedly the otterkin was properly bottom-heavy with huuugely flared and broad hips with a thick tail and rear, but it was hard to imagine such a large egg coming out of her, even if her breasts defied anything that the nymph had ever thought possible.


"I do not believe it."


"I promise it's true!" said Lily earnestly, holding the egg up. Her blue eyed expression framed with dark brunette hair seemed to innocently believe it to, and the nymph hesitated.


"I birthed this egg, I didn't carry around all that weight for nothing! I made this egg! me!"


"Yeah, she made that egg," agreed Fey with the confident Lily.


"Even if I believed this absurd nonsense it tells me nothing, reproduction between species is literally impossible, if anything all you've done is some twisted magic to yourselves and created stone or dead and lifeless eggs. Gods this is so stupid. Look I am a nymph, we have an affinity for life as any true people of the forest do so I can see for myself."


She let out an exasperated sigh and slapped a hand down on top of the egg. A surge of light flashed from her hand and the nymph froze.


"...This is… alive…"


"Told you!"


She snatched her hand back.


"Still, I do not believe you, interspecies reproduction is impossible, and in any case neither of you are reptilian or avian! You stole these eggs from..." she looked around at the sheer number. "From a huge number of mothers… somehow."


"Do you really believe that?" said Fey.


The nymph hesitated but shook her head. "This.. this is a waste of time, we need to be searching for our comrades, now come, I can hear someone trapped beneath the eggs."


The nymph stalked away, and after a moment of glancing at each other Lily and Fey followed.


They found her pulling down eggs from a mound and after some work the limp form of a nymph was pulled free. She was quite severely burned on her front, her flesh red and cracked and weeping blood, her leafy clothing cinders.


The tall nymph looked down at her in dismay.


"My sister… what have you done to my sister…"


"Hey, do you have any idea how many arrows you put in me? I checked and one of them nearly pierced my heart you know. If anything this is getting off lightly considering how pissed you made our captain."


"She's not kidding," muttered Lily, "Our captain is terrifying sometimes."


"Your lot has ended my kind. There is no punishment great enough to be exacted upon on you."


Fey raised an eyebrow hearing that but sat down and carefully ran her hands over the nymph. Her skin eased back from the red raw burns, shedding the dead skin as fresh new skin was formed beneath. In moments the nymph was as she had been, better perhaps as Fey sensed several older injuries, some quite severe. She looked over her work feeling quite pleased. It wasn't that long ago that she would have had trouble healing burns, leaving the skin pink and sensitive, but she had improved and leveled to such a degree that it was impossible to tell the nymph had ever been on fire.


She brushed hair from the nymph's face and they blinked awake, saw Fey, and shrunk back in alarm.


"It's okay Liluth, we're under a flag of truce for the moment."


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