Capture Target

Chapter 74 — Y3: END

A special thanks to all my subscribers, especially those at rank [A]!  User#f2d0baad, User#6c53ee46, User#646966cb,  Nemesis01, Teacher, Ilwan and Yuria!

And my apologies for this being a day late!  Had a stomach issue yesterday, and couldn't get through editing the latest chapter on scribblehub.  Next chapter will be tomorrow as usual!

Hrmph… are my breasts a bit bigger…?

No, I’m not making a joke!  I’m asking a serious question!

Look, the rules of slut-dom don’t work here like they do in MISSY.  Here? Too much or too little food can result in physical changes of the body, instead of merely changing if you're hungry or not.  And my bust size is perfect!

It is highly calculated for the best ratio of jiggles, size, weight, softness, and get-in-the-way-ness!

Even one millimeter larger or smaller ruins the entire equation!

Why are you -- Oh.  You think I’m joking, don’t you?

You think I don’t have calculations for this?

…Well fine then.  You just wait right there.

Okay!  So!

These folders have my calculations.  These papers are the variable definitions.  And these graphs show the ratios as they relate to one another!

Ugh.  Yes, I could just have one graph that has all of the variables on them at once.  But then it gets messy, and hard to understand.  It takes time to understand an equation properly -- that’s why proper proofs are so important in the weirder areas of math -- and having them split out like this really helps you understand things.

Like right here!  How size and get-in-the-way-ness relate!  It’s not actually a linear relationship!  It’s an exponential decaying relationship!

Roughly speaking, at least.

It starts out with no obstruction, then it rapidly grows, but then it tapers off into an exponential decay -- until it reaches another threshold, and then grows from there.

It caps out around the time that you can not move your body due to their size and weight, but in theory I could push further forward by calculating what kind of machinery and infrastructure would be required for the individual to live a mostly-normal life…

Obviously I had to!

This isn’t mere guesswork!

This is slut science!

If I go to the point of making these equations and graphs, you’re damn sure that I’m going to see how they all relate to the most extreme values I can calculate.

Otherwise, what’s the point of it?!

I wanted optimal titties.  And I got optimal titties.

…Hey, are you falling asleep?!

Wake up!

I had to deal with your stupid morality lectures, you’re going to sit there and learn about the fascinating differences in breast size, attractiveness and feasibility as they grow or shrink on a person's body, as related to the rest of their appearance!

…And so, in summary, this is the optimal breast size for one of my height and obvious wanton-ness.

In other words, the size that I might be veering off from, so, I ask you again… and you better take the question seriously this time...

…Do you think my breasts are bigger?

…Are you sure?

Phew!  That’s a relief.

I don’t need to cut back on tasty tasty food~

Oh!  Right.  Storytime!

So, the orgy happened, and it was fun.

…Look, if you want me to go into detail of how many cocks I can fit in my cum-hungry slut-holes, I will happily get out the graphs I have for that.



Because it happened several times before the end of the year.

Oh, don’t misunderstand, Omori got her [Fallen Angel Womb Tattoo] during the first one.  The full list of effects it gave her -- hooo boy.  Okay.  Let me give you the short list or we’ll be here all night.

Corruption stat raised and fixed at 'maximum'.

Stacking pregnancies.  If she’s pregnant, and would get pregnant again if not for being so, she’ll just get pregnant right after the first one finishes.  This can stack up to ten times -- and it will continue to stack up to ten times if you keep having sex in between births!

Permanently active pheromones that encourage men to fuck you right then and there.

Locking your mental state into one that is happy to be fucked by anybody, anytime, for any reason.

And more!

…Yeah, she became even more dedicated to sexual depravity after obtaining it.  She started up weekly orgies with the bulls from Farmland.

The scheduling nightmares she had from doing so… bluuuuu-u-uuugh.  I don’t envy her.

My precious puppy Brutus was growing up strong, as well!  Standing on all four, he was up to my knees!  Everybody was adapting, I was avoiding Takeo… even Yuu was relaxing after the chaos that was year three.

And eventually, it was time for me to return home for a month.

It was… well, okay, there was the ninja maid that was there, but I’ll cover her later.  It’s more important, I think, to cover my family first.

It’s been a while since I talked about them in detail, so as a quick refresher…

My mother was an eager slut.  Lady Liliana Ambrosia, she stood at five feet tall with a thigh gap and nearly obscene breasts… but mine were just a bit bigger than hers that time!  Yes!

My father, Lord Oberon Ambrosia, was built like a brick.  Tall and muscled, with clear control over his surroundings and deep, manly voice.

Lords Jonathan and Ryan Ambrosia were my older and younger brothers, respectively.  The former is tall, the latter is short, they are both very hot and both very annoying in how they tease me.

…At least they fuck me rather well.

Not as well as my mother gets fucked by Shimizu, from what I’ve heard, but still!

And then, finally, my little sister:  Lady Jessica Ambrosia.

This is where things get a bit important, and a bit weird.

See, Jessica Ambrosia looked identical to my younger sister from this world.  Voice was exactly the same too.

Her first name, also Jessica, was my only sibling in my ‘first life’.  After a few unpleasant incidents when she was younger, she latched onto me and our parents with a desperate grip.  She got better over time, but I was always fond of her because of that.

In this life, that translated to me always being softer on this Jessica.

They were both a touch shirt with lovely curves, and long blond hair that had a slight wave to it.

…But their personalities couldn’t have been any more different.

‘First life’ Jessica was a touch cold most of the time, and had a wicked sense of humor.

‘Second life’ Jessica was much warmer, much softer, and much more eager to please in general.

Frankly I wasn’t thinking much of it until around that time, in the last month of the third year, when I was chatting with my mother with Brutus begging for pets and ear scritches from her.  Mom commented that it was great I was getting into the ‘family spirit’, since I had only ever been close to Jessica before.

…Now putting that comment of family spirit aside, for now, I asked her what she meant.  Because my memories of before I arrived in that world were… incomplete?  Foggy?  Undefined, I suppose one could say.  I had assumed that I ‘used to be’ just a normal sister to everybody.


No, I was not.

I was, essentially, a nearly emotionless doll that played the part of a human… except when it came to Jessica.

When it came to her, I, occasionally, showed some actual human life behind my dead eyes, and did things of my own initiative to help her out.

This is why she was so close to me, personally -- because she was the only one that I would pay attention to.  The only one I would interact with on a level beyond what came down to ‘mere obedience’.

…Actually, in retrospect, that explains why my brothers gave me such a hard time when I first ‘met’ them.  I was acting completely differently from normal.  …Huuuuuh…

Hm?  Oh, right.  ‘Family spirit’.  Um.


Liliana Ambrosia was a grade-A classic MISSY slut.

So when I showed up with wider hips, milky cow tits, and a ‘pet monster’ that seemed oddly attached to me despite it being part of a monster genus that, almost universally, only liked its family?

She, uh.

She figured it out pretty quickly.

That, you know.

…Th-that Brutus was my kid.



Look, it’s still embarrassing to think about, okay?!

I still remember when I realized what she was talking about.  I froze solid, hand in mid-air, eyes wide and heart beating a mile a minute.  I could feel myself starting to get wet despite everything else as I slowly turned to look at my mothers smiling, understanding face.

And then she said, “Aren’t monsters so fun, dear?”

…And I, uh.

…I-I said ‘yes’.

She then immediately kissed me full on the lips, and pushed me into the bed we were sitting on for some ‘fun’.

It was…

…Look, you think I’m bad?

I’m not bad.

I can at least pretend to be sane.

My mother?

She started by teaching me the ‘best ways to masturbate’, then went on to ‘how to live life with a sex addiction’, and she gave me a three day long lecture on the best ways to, while remaining sneaky and healthy, get away with monster sex!

Actually -- huh…

…Thinking back, those lessons were actually really helpful… Not all of them, sure, but…


…I’m going to have to remember this if I ever have my own slut daughter…

So.  Zaylee the ninja maid.  

Remember the end of the second year?  With all of the maids?

Yeah, apparently, one of them decided that they wanted to follow me.

I… I don’t quite get it?

I didn’t do that much.  Oh don’t look at me like that, I didn’t.  Yes, I did the ‘critical step’, but that was it.  Frankly, if I really wanted to ‘just help’, instead of getting that Atlantean Key, I would have found some way to alert the royalty.  On top of that, I didn’t help them out after we were all freed, I let the kings take care of that.  Sure, I did, technically, stop the alchemical nonsense that was brainwashing us, but that’s about it.

But lo and behold, Zaylee the maid decided, on her own, that she wanted to serve me for -- uh -- however long I wanted her to.

So basically for life?  Unless I let her go, or, uh, ‘gave’ her to somebody else?

I don’t -- I still don’t really get it.  Oh, she told me the details, don’t get me wrong.

She was a ninja, she got caught, she got brainwashed, now her ninja clan thinks she’s dead and she can’t go back at risk of becoming actually dead, and wants to serve me?

I just…

I’m sorry, it just sounds so stupid!  Ninja clan?!  What?!  I mean, yes, her story did check out.  The kings made sure of that before sending her to my family’s place.  But still!  Come on!

They think she’s dead so therefore she can’t go back?  Where’s the logic in that?!

And now, after being brainwashed into being a loyal maid, she wants her cover to be that of -- a maid.

For a capital-s Slut.

I just -- am I going crazy here?  Does this actually make sense to you?

Oh thank the goddesses, I thought I was the only one.

Zaylee stood at roughly five foot three inches, and had a lean, toned body.  She had a small scar that nicked one of her ears, and short black hair that she kept in a tight ponytail.  Her breasts were bigger than they should be for somebody that athletic, but not particularly ‘large’.  Her maid outfit was covered in frills which she used to -- uh --

…Hide.  Knives.

A lot of knives.

It was.  Kinda scary, actually, to realize how many knives she had on her…

…At least now I had a ninja maid?  …Yay?

I think that’s just about it… Oh, wait!  No, it’s not!

There’s one last thing to cover.

Year three put me through quite a number of physical changes.  From the cybernetics to the blessings to the pregnancies, all of those had left their mark on my body.

Soooo let me see about updating the stat sheets!

At least, you know.

Those that are relevant.

…There.  Is this good?


Sooo… yeah!  That was year three.

By the time I had to return, I had spent three whole years in the reality of MISSY.  I had gone through a lot of changes, and things had started getting rather… weird.

That was only going to get worse in year four.

Which kinda makes sense, when you think about it.

In year four, it's your past and your future that are getting changed, after all.

I hate fixing formats between different sites.

I use google documents to write and edit in; from there, I copy the entire document and paste it into scribblehub and/or subscribestar.  But inevitably there's weird nonsense that needs to be fixed.  Like, for some reason, some of the bullet points in the 'stat sheets' weren't copied over as bulleted?  And instead as just a random sentence all the way to the left?  That was italicize for some reason?

I do not get it.

I do not like it.


For those curious, the previous chapter with a stat sheet was chapter 44, in Year 2.  The next one will be near the start of Year 5.

Speaking of years, this is the end of year 3!  Hooray!  Up next comes Year 4, which is a doozy, and then Year 5, where everything -- uh --


Were nothing goes wrong!


Let's go with that.

See you then~

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