Canon Fodder


We were wrapping up for the night when I got the call. “Ida, what’s up?” I asked. 


He was out of breath as he spoke. “Were you serious before? Would you help me if I needed it?” 

“Absolutely,” I said. Surprised by the call. “What do you need?” 

“I think the Hero Killer is here, in Hosu. I-I thought I saw him. I’m on my way, but I want to be sure that its finished tonight,” he said. Struggling with every word as if they were painful to say. 

“Send me your location,” I said. He sent me an address and I was running down the hall. I found Ryuko before she left for the day. “I need help,” I admitted. 


“What is the matter?” She asked, worry in her voice. 

“A friend of mine is in Hosu. Said that a bunch of bad stuff is going down,” I said. “I need to get there to help, and you’re the only one that can do it quickly.”


“Hosu, that’s a ways away,” she said. 


“Ryuko,” a woman said running up to us. “Nomus were spotted in Hosu. They are asking for all the help they can get.” Ryuko eyed me then looked back to the woman. 

“I am on my way. Send Nejire and Toru there. I will be heading there directly,” she said. “Come on,” she said to me. 


Walking back inside we got to the elevator. Taking it up she asked, “Tell me about this friend.” 

“It’s that buddy who’s brother is Ingenium. He was hurt by the Hero Killer. He thinks the Hero Killer was in Hosu,” I said. I couldn’t remember too much about the Hero Killer. Except he could do something with blood. And while Ida and Midoriya fought him, Nomus attacked the area. “I think he needs help to stop himself from doing something dumb.” 




“Like revenge,” I said. She nodded. 


We were soon out of the elevator and walking to the roof. Once there she began to grow to her dragon form. Her red dress stretching around her torso her arms lengthened. Feet bursting out of her sandals they became clawed with white scales up and down her legs. Her head stretched out while the wings on the back of her head stayed in place. The wings began to grow and turn white dragon wings. Easily growing to a 80 foot wingspan. A white tail shot out from under her dress. Her face lengthened forming into a beak with long rows of teeth. Her hair stayed blonde though. 


“Jump on,” she growled. She didn’t have to tell me twice. Jumping onto her back I held onto her dress as she began to take flight. Pulling my phone out I was sure to take plenty of selfies as she raised in the air. “You should have put your costume on,” she noted, her head turning to look back at me. 

“I have it,” I said. When she looked away I pulled it out of my status screen. Putting it on quickly I had the hood and mask up.

“You hold on well,” she noted as I stood on her back while getting into my pants. 


“I am a born dragon rider!” I yelled back with a smile. She scoffed as we headed to Hosu. It was a city away, but as she sped up I knew it wouldn’t take long. I pulled up my status screen and quest. 



Weston Watanabe


Current Quest:

Defeat Hero Killer


World 1:

High School of the Dead


World 1 Quest:

Save Takagi


World 2:



World 2 Quest:

Bring Kei to Life


World 3:



World 3 Quest:


World 4:

One Piece


World 4 Quest:

Kuja Pirates


World 5:

My Hero Academia


World 5 Quest:

Defeat Hero Killer


Passive Skills:

Memory Meld


World Lasting Physique +


Protagonist Path


Usable Abilities:

Status Screen


World Escape






World Store



Give and Take Quirk



Increased Intellect



Chikyugi Necklace



Seastone Jitte



Doorway ID



Chakra Absorption Scroll



Arm and Leg Weights














My Hero Academia Quest 3: Protagonist's Path

Defeat the Hero Killer



Quirk Evolution



Not too much had changed. But I was looking forward to going up against the Hero Killer. One thing I always hated was how he was portrayed in the manga. Some selfless murderer that targeted heroes because they weren’t as worthy as All Might. I planned to take him down a peg. 


My phone dinged. A message from Midoriya it was simply a pin location with no message attached. The location pin was straight ahead in Hosu. 


“We need to hurry,” I mumbled. I doubted Ryuko heard me, but she sped up. 


When we got to the city there was smoke and flames downtown. It was easy to see where the issue was. Checking the location of the pin Midoriya had sent we slowly got closer and closer. A flying Nomu came out of nowhere, hitting the side of Ryuko. Screeching like a bat the Nomu yelled at her, but she flung it off as she descended. Close enough to my target I jumped off of her back without Ryuko noticing. 


Falling through the air I landed easily on the top of a building and began to run. Chakra moving through my body it was easy work to jump the buildings. I noticed the flame shoot out of the alley ahead. Going through my plan on how to handle this I decided to make an appearance first. 


I landed on the ground behind the Hero Killer. He was a tall man, red cape or scarf at his back, I wasn’t sure which. He had bandages on his body. In black clothes he looked pretty ragged, and I could smell him from 15 feet away. He held a jagged sword, and knifes were placed all over his body. 


“Am I late to the party?” I asked. Stain turned to look at me from the side of his head. 


“Weston!” Midoriya yelled from the opposite side of Stain. Next to him was Shoto Todoroki, the fire and ice man had a ball of flame in his hand. At their feet was Ida and a hero dressed up like a Native American. They might have been Native American for all I knew so I wasn’t about to judge their costume choices. 


“Another one?” Stain growled. Turning to me his face freaked me the hell out. Wearing a bandana with holes cut in it for eyes he wore a cap over his head. His face long and jagged he had no nose whatsoever. 


“You’re Stain? The Hero Killer?” I asked. He growled, his long tongue extending out. “Dude you look like a pale Ninja Turtle. Which one are you…Pick-Ass-O, maybe Jackass Pollock?” He looked at me confused. “Wait, I got another. Monegay,” I said with a laugh. 


Stain turned to me fully then. Anger clear in his face he brandished his weapon. “Weston, be careful,” Shoto said in a monotone voice. “He can freeze you if he licks your blood.”

“Blood? Ew,” I said. Looking around I already had a plan for that. “That’s easy enough to handle though.” Walking to the edge of the alley I found a glass beer bottle. Breaking it against the side of the brick I pointed it at Stain. “You are one sick fucko, Shitstain. I’m gonna kick your ass.” 


Stain growled again and ran at me. I poured chakra in my body. Speeding up I dodged under his sword strike. His other hand pulled out a knife but I whipped out my own. Blocking it I stabbed him in the cheek with the beer bottle. Glass and blood flew everywhere across his face. A large chunk of glass imbedding in his cheek. All the way through to his mouth. My own blood mixed in from the shattered bottle. He yelled out, stepping back as he covered his face. 


“Can’t use your power now,” I said. “Might ingest your own blood.” Stain sneered at me. I mentally thanked Shikamaru for the idea. One of his best fights had been tricking an Akatsuki member into drinking blood. 


“You’re no hero,” Stain spat. 

“Which means you won’t kill me, right?” I asked. “You like to kill only heroes right? But you don’t touch villains.” 


“Heroes are the true scum,” he spat. A crazy look in his eyes. “All they do is-” 

“I don’t give a shit,” I cut off. “I don’t care if some hero touched you when you were a kid, or you were always fucked up. You kill people trying to help. And judge them for being human. Of course they aren’t perfect!” Stain growled again. His long tongue no longer out, afraid to drink his own blood. 

“You hurt my friends.” I pulled out another knife. They were for throwing, but could work for melee combat. I had plenty of knife fighting training back in Naruto World. “You killed innocents. For that you deserve death.” 

“Only All Might can kill me,” he scoffed. “Only he is worthy.” 

“Well, I’ll be sure to give him the opportunity when I kick your ass,” I said. I ran at him. Stain jumped back. Shoto shot a wave of ice at him. Stain dodged easily. Finally Ida stood back up, no longer frozen from Stain’s power. He and Midoriya ran at Stain, but the human-colored ninja turtle jumped out of the way. I jumped after him. Attaching to the wall with Chakra I threw a dagger at him. He blocked it and was falling to the ground as Shoto began to make a hill of ice. 

Midoriya and Ida running at us from the hill of ice I dropped down. Pretending to catch my breath as I made a shadow clone to leave there. Quickly disappearing down the alley I looped around to the other side. Casting a Transformation Jutsu to that of Kakashi I came back into the alley as Midoriya and Ida hit Stain with all they had. I was soon running up the wall toward the 3 of them. 

Moving past them I grabbed Stain out of the air as my clone yelled and threw a knife at me. He tried to give chase but was then catching Ida and Midoriya while I ran away with the knocked out Stain. Getting to the roof I quickly searched Stain for more weapons. He had an amazing amount. Tossing them on the rooftop I began to run us across the roof. 


Jumping to another roof I made some distance between my shadow clone and classmates. As I landed on another building top Stain began to stir, but pretended to be asleep. I threw him into the roof access hatch hard. 


Soon back on his feet he hissed as he stared at me. On all 4s like an animal ready to strike I put on my best bored Kakashi glare. “Who the fuck are you?” Stain asked. It had only been a day since I gave the journalist the video of me killing the face changer. I doubted many knew my face. 


“I am the Villain Slayer,” I said. Stain visibly shook in rage. 


“You-why?” He asked. “We kill who must be killed.” 


“I kill villains,” I said. “Heroes don’t have to die.” I heard the whirr of a helicopter as it began to get closer. “You go out of your way to make citizens lives harder. They are scared enough as it is, and you kill those they look up to.” 


“Look up to? None of them are worthy!” Stain growled, his deranged look back. The blood on the side of his face had dried, but I wasn’t scared about him having any more blades. “They all do it for money, fame, glory. No noble cause among them.”

“So what?” I asked. “Should the only heroes live on the streets like you? Not paid for the work they do?” I pulled my Seastone Jitte out of my status screen. It had been a long time since I held it. Pushing water chakra into it I sharpened it into a blade, as thin as I could. Putting my finger in the fork of the Jitte I began to spin the weapon. Ready to use it after so long. 


“You only know about All Might because he is the strongest. There are weak heroes all around. People with the same creed as the number 1. All of those you have killed had the potential to become like them. But no. You wanted to strike them down. Take out your own misguided anger because you can’t be like All Might.” He jerked as if struck. 


“I wish we could have fought when you were fully rested. But either way, it will end the same,” I said. The helicopter was next to us, a camera pointed at us as I ran at Stain. He did something I had to respect. Standing still he simply smiled as my Jitte sliced off his head. I couldn’t help at that point to feel bad for the guy. I think deep down he knew he was broken, simply glad to be done with whatever pain he had dealt with. 


I leaned over his dead body. His mouth still smiling. I wanted to try to honor him in some way. He was right, heroes weren’t perfect. But no one was. That’s why I decided to take on the mantle of ending them. Shidou, in High School of the Dead, had awoken something in me. Some people deserved to die. I only wished Stain had channeled that anger somewhere else. 


The helicopter moving closer I dropped the water and stored my Jitte. Running away I jumped down. After a few blocks I transformed into an elderly woman. Walking slowly I eventually came to the line of heroes trying to escort people away from the fire. My shadow clone was there. He ended as I got rid of the facade and his memories told me all I needed to know. 


Midoriya, Shoto, my clone, and Ida had grabbed the hero called Native and ran into some heroes. In our costumes we were directed to help. We gave our report to the police. Midoriya, Ida, and Native had injuries and were taken to a local hospital. Shoto and I were directed to help. 


“Where the hell were you?!” Ryuko yelled as she walked up. 


“I fell off your back when that winged Nomu hit you,” I said. 

“God dang it kid, I called!” She said. I pulled out my phone but it had been busted somehow. 


“Sorry,” I said. She noticed the phone and frowned. 


“Let’s get this handled, and you are telling me how you survived, and where you have been,” she said. I nodded. Ryuko walked away, talking with Endeavor. I hid a smile, but noticed I had some notifications. I began to inwardly curse as I read them. 

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