Canon Fodder


We woke up to Nejire’s phone ringing. “Hello?” She mumbled. “Yeah, I’ll uh find them.” Hanging up she sighed cuddling up into my shoulder more. She smacked her lips as she stretched a little. 


“Do we need to get up?” I asked. 


“In a minute,” she sighed. I nodded. Pulling the duo closer as we enjoyed the moment. Eventually she groaned and sat up. “Alright. I’ll fall asleep again if we don’t wake up.”


I nodded. Yawning. Poking Toru in the face she tried to bite me. “Wakey wakey,” I said. 


“Let me sleep. Or I’ll haunt you more,” she grumbled. 


Chuckling I kissed her forehead. “That makes me want to wake you more,” I said. “Come on. There’s food.”


That perked her up. Sitting up we were soon out the door. Heading back up the stairs as we woke up from the nap we stayed quiet. We came to find a large group sitting around a table in one of the conference rooms.


Ryuko was at the head of the table. A large spread of sushi set out people gladly took what they wanted as they chatted. When we walked in the group exclaimed happily. 


Nejire sat beside a couple of girls but Ryuko waved for Toru and I to sit beside her. “Everyone, these are the new interns,” Ryuko said. “You might recognize them from the UA 1st year fights.”


“Nejire did well in them too,” one of the girls by her said. Nejire blushed but nodded. 


“She did,” Ryuko said. “And we are all proud of her. But let’s let these 2 introduce themselves.”


“Uh hi I’m Weston Watanabe, my code name is currently Frostwave.”


“Toru Hagakure, Invisible Girl,” she said with a slight bow. 


“Thank you both for joining us,” Ryuko said. “Sorry I’ve been so busy. But we should be good to start training tomorrow.”


“No problem. Nejire was giving us the grand tour,” I said. “So do we just grab what we want…”


“Yes, sorry of course,” Ryuko said. I began using chopsticks to grab all the sushi I could reach. Starved, it wasn’t long until my plate was full.


Chatter was all around the table. Toru and I sat idly eating as we listened. Eventually Ryuko brought us into a conversation she was having with one of the girls. 


“Quite the hype for your Sports Festival this year,” Ryuko said. 


“Is it not normally that busy?” I asked. 


“Sometimes. Usually only when a big name comes around. That kid you beat in the first round. Todoroki. Is the son of Endeavor. Since All Might doesn’t have kids. He’s kind of a celebrity since Endeavor is the number 2 hero.”


“Ohhh yeah, I didn’t think about that,” I said. “Still kicked his ass.”


“You did,” Ryuko laughed. “It was like the final fight was in the first round.”


“I’m sure you did well in your Sports Festival,” I said. “What was it, 2 years ago?” I asked. 


“I’m older than that,” she said with a small smirk. 


“Really? Must be that dragon blood. You don’t look any older than 20,” I said. 


“Ha, watch it Ryuko. This kid is strong and a smooth talker,” one of the ladies said. I noticed then that the table was mostly women. Probably 75%. I was confident I picked the right agency. 


“He already challenged me to a fight,” Ryuko said with a smile. “When shall we?”


“Whenever,” I said. “If I beat you I plan to change my code name to Dragon Slayer.”


“Good luck with that,” one of the other girls said. “Hey, did you hear about the Hero Killer?” She asked Ryuko. 


“What now? He already dodged us. I wouldn’t mind taking another crack at him.”


“He was seen in Hosu the other day. Beat up that hero, Ingenium.”


“We have class with Ingenium’s brother,” I said. Ida was still fresh on my mind. I hoped he didn’t do anything stupid. 


“Ugly stuff. First we get the Villain Slayer. Then he drops off the map and a Hero Killer shows up,” Ryuko said. Finishing her plate of food she began to sip the wine by her side. “What do you think about them, Weston?”


“Uh which?” I asked, unsure why she was being so kind to me. 


“Either,” she said. 


I saw an opportunity. One I hadn’t expected to get so quickly. “Honestly, I hate both.”


“Even the Villain Slayer?” She asked. 


“Especially him,” I said. “He um took…” I pulled my collar away from my neck, pretending to be hot. “I uh need to use the restroom.” Standing up I waved for Toru to stay and walked out the door. Grabbing the set of keys on my way out I double checked there were no cameras. 


Heading down the hall I made a shadow clone. He went to the bathroom while I rushed down the hall to the office of Eiko Tamari. I found the right key after the 3rd. Usually the big ones were master keys, so it wasn’t too hard to find. 


Opening the office I found a stack of mail. Leaving that for now I dug through the drawers of her desk. Eventually finding a tax document with an address and her name on it I stuffed it in my pocket. 


Heading out of the door I locked it and was soon at the bathroom. Releasing the shadow clone we were quickly on our way back to the conference room. I dropped the keys just outside the door and walked in. 


The people at the table stared at me. I knew Toru had probably told them why I didn’t like the Slayer. Which was good, no one followed. I nodded to them and sat back down. 


Playing dumb I asked, “who died?” They looked around awkwardly but were soon back to eating and sipping their drinks. 


“So what’s the plan for the week?” I asked Ryuko. 


“Not much. We will spar in the morning. Patrol. Spar. Patrol. Spar. And that’s about it. I want to test both of you,” Ryuko said. 


“Sounds fun. Anything we should know?”


“Yes, don’t use your quirks outside of this building,” she said. 


“Why’s that?”


“Because you’re not authorized to,” she said. “Neither of you have hero licenses. You aren’t permitted to use your quirks to harm or apprehend anyone. When we patrol, me or Nejire will do all the work. If it comes to that,” she said. 


“What happens if we do use our quirks?” I asked. 


“You could be arrested,” she said. “Disciplined. Hell, even I would get in trouble.”


“Dang, Toru I’ll miss you,” I said. “Sucks you can’t stop using yours. But them's the rules.”


“Oh my god. You’re so predictable. How did I know you’d turn this around on me somehow?” Toru asked. 


“I don’t make the rules. Ryuko, call the police. This one can’t stop using her powers. She looks like a biter too. I bet she has drugs hidden on her somewhere. She’s the perfect smuggler.”


“You’re the law breaker,” Toru spat. “Don’t think I haven’t noticed it gets colder around you. What? So girls start nipping out?”


“I would never,” I said, slowly raising the temperature back up around us. “Not in a million, okay fine you caught me. How long have you known?”


“Days,” she said. “About the time you started carrying an extra hoodie with you.”


“That was for your benefit not mine. You nudist. We can’t go a day without you stripping naked in front of the whole class,” I shot back. 


“Why do you always do that?” She groaned. “You have to embarrass me in front of a group of strangers daily. I swear. It’s part of my quirk,” she said to the other people at the table staring at us. 


“My god, you 2 are so cute,” Ryuko said with a big smile. “I think I’ll like having you both around.”


“He gets old fast,” Toru said. “The other day he had the nerve to try to pants me.”


“Would that be considered sexual harassment here?” I asked. “I mean it’s not like you can see anything.”


“Yes, yes it would,” Ryuko said with a long grin on the side of her mouth as she stared at me. “Looks like we need to have an HR orientation first thing in the morning.”


“As long as you make my old ghost pal do it too,” I said pointing to Toru. “The first time I met her was in the men’s bathroom. Who knows what she was doing in there.”


“That was you. And it was the women’s. I swear to god I’m going to beat you up if you don’t stop telling lies like this.”


“Make her go through workplace violence training too. I told you about the biting right? You can’t see them because she’s invisible but they’re very sharp. I call her the Ghosthound. I had one under my…”




Toru groaned as I pushed her into the wall. “I fucking hate you,” she grumbled as my dick dug into her inner thigh. 


“That sucks, cus I love you,” I said, my mouth back on hers. She moaned loudly but pulled the hair at the back of my head. 


“You love me?” She clarified. I couldn’t see her face. But as I thought back to my last sentence I realized that's what I said.  


“Huh,” I said. “Guess I do.” I moved forward to kiss her again but she pulled harder on my hair. “Ow.”


“You seriously love me?” She asked. Her face became visible. Not the short burst that sporadically happened when she felt like it, but it lingered. Blinking her big eyes at me as she locked eyes with me. 


“Of course,” I said. “I can’t explain it. I kind of just click with you. I thought it was obvious.”


There were a few tears in her eyes. “I love you too,” she said. A smile on her lips as she looked up into my eyes. 


“I know,” I said. “You’d have to to put up with me. But it’s good to hear.” She stayed visible. I kissed her again. My hand reaching between us she moaned as my fingers reached into her shorts. She began to pant. 


Nibbling her neck I whispered, “I love spending time with you. Making you laugh. Making you feel special. I wake up looking forward to seeing you.” I looked up. “And for once I actually am seeing you.” It was the longest she consciously stayed visible. She blushed. Her mouth in a wide smile as my fingers played with her pussy. 


“I fell for you the first day we met,” she said. Shivering as I explored without chakra. “I kept waiting for you to call between our test and acceptance letters.”


“I’m sorry,” I said with a frown. “I was busy. Can you forgive me?” I began to channel chakra in my fingertips. She nodded. Her mouth soon took an O shape as I sped up. It didn’t take long for her to cum. Her pussy drenched as my fingers simply explored her lower lips. 


“I want you inside me,” she said. 


“Should we try anal?” I asked with a wolfish grin. 


“Fuck no,” she spat immediately. “You hurt enough.”


“Look at you. Cursing. Am I a bad influence?” 


“The worst. Now get naked and stick your dick in me, lover,” she said. 


“Ew don’t say that.”


“What? Lover? Now I just want to say it more,” she said with a big smile as I took her to the bed. “Lover lover lover.”


“This is why I love you,” I said. “Now shut up or I’ll make it hurt instead of feel good.” She whimpered. Shutting her lips. I chuckled. Kissing her I pulled down her skirt and was began sliding in her puffy lower lips. She groaned happily as the chakra made her cum instantly. Screaming my name she was more turned on than usual since I admitted my feelings for her. 


Love was a weird thing. I’d spent weeks with Reina and Hina. And honestly I did love them. But I’d spent a couple of months in the worlds. It wasn’t till recently that I felt completely comfortable with a girl. 


Toru and I had some weird chemistry that I couldn’t put my finger on and didn’t want to fight. Each day with her was better than the last. Teasing her. Joking around. Of all the worlds I had around me, I was fine just being with her. We had connected on a level that I hadn’t felt in a long time. 


Maybe it was this world's Weston. Influencing me. But I felt something for her. Something I had been fighting. Only now, when I blurted it out, could I accept it. 


She came easily and quickly. Yelling my name louder with each thrust as we ignored the fact that we were in a strange place. Simply being together in the moment. 


The bed creaked under my onslaught of her. She wrapped her legs around me. Kidding my chest. Buying it when she came. She really did have sharp teeth. But I wasn’t gentle with her either. Toru had hidden bruises and Vickie’s all over her body. 


I came in her. She was on the pill now so I wasn't too worried. MHA medicine was better than the 21st century so she had gotten the protection and we were good to do it the next day without risk. 


She moaned in my mouth as I kept pushing into her. Giving her every drop of cum I had. She sighed happily as I held her. 


Then we were interrupted by the door opening. It was Nejire. Unsurprisingly she was wearing very little. Simple panties and a bra as she walked in. 


“Mind if I join?” She asked nervously. 


I looked at Toru. She shrugged. Kissing her on the lips I sat up, pulling out of her she shivered and sat up to watch. 


“We don’t mind, as long as you tell us why you’ve been acting this way,” I said. 


Nejire frowned. “I don’t know,” she admitted. “I don’t do this much. Just sports festivals and big events. I get the itch after fights. Then you said you didn’t want me to be with others. And I said sure. And I didn’t think…I’d actually enjoy it that much.” She nervously wrung her hands together as she looked to the ground.


“So what? You got scared?”


“I got annoyed,” she said angrily. “You’re a first year. I shouldn’t be all nervous around you. I’ve been using separate hallways to avoid seeing either of you.”


“You don’t have to join us,” I said. “If you’re not interested-“


“I am,” she said. “Which is freaking me out.” She walked a little closer. Her hands covering her chest as she did. “I’m supposed to graduate this year. I shouldn’t be thinking about this. It was supposed to be a one and done thing.”


“But you’re here so you don’t want it to be,” I said. She frowned but nodded. “It’s fine to not know, Nejire.” I reached out. She took my hand as I pulled her to me. “How about if you get the urge. You come to us. And we will be here for you. But I warn you. If you go to anyone else. I won’t be interested anymore. You pick me or you pick other people. Not in between. I’m selfish. And I don’t share.”


“Are you sure you’re a first year?” She asked as she rolled her eyes. 


“Pretty sure,” I said. I looked down to Toru. “Again?” She shook her head. She was happy to watch. 


“Alright. So do you agree to my conditions?” I asked Nejire. 


“Fine, but I have a few of my own.” I nodded. “No telling anyone.”


“Deal. Any others?”


“If I think of them later. Yes.”


“Fair enough. I have a rule then. No more hesitation. You join or you don't, it's up to you. You’re lucky my girlfriend likes to watch. But if we can’t count on you. She may find someone else she likes.”


“This is so weird,” Neijire groaned. “Fine. Just-just fuck me already.”


I looked to Toru. “Do it. Take her ass.”


I gave Nejire a hopeful stare. She looked down at my dick. “Let’s um, warm up to that.”


“Okay,” I said. A big smile on my face as I was moving my hand into her white panties. She came almost instantly from the chakra. 


“Fuck,” she grunted. Her fingers dug into my arm as she held onto it. Her body shaking as her eyes fluttered, her lips cracked into a smile. “I don’t know what you’re doing. But keep doing it.”


“Can do,” I said. Moving around behind her I dropped her panties but then dove in from the back. She gasped, taking my full length in a drawn out thrust. 


Her body cumming again I started fucking her while we stood. Her tits and ass bouncing with every thrust she became a moaning mess. Toru playing with herself as she watched I finally had my Reina and Hina of this world. Taking them for all they had as I practiced my lust chakra. Making them cry out louder as I came into them as far and much as possible. 

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