Canon Fodder


The next day everyone was a little more talkative as I entered. There had been introductions between the kids which opened conversations allowing them to get to know one another better. I sat down in my spot between Toru and Tsuyu. “Weston, did you hear about the Villain Slayer?” Tsuyu asked. 

“A villain named Slayer? I did not. No TV at my place yet,” I admitted. 

“No TV?” She asked, shocked by that more than the Villain Slayer.

“I moved into a room at the school yesterday,” I said. “I don’t have much of anything.” 

“You live here, and you were almost late for class?” Toru asked. 


“I am a delicate flower,” I said. “If I don’t get a solid 3 or 4 hours of sleep then I am useless the next day.” 

“I don’t know if you’re joking or not,” she said. 

“Guess you’ll have to find out with your own eyes,” I said, giving her a wink. It took her more than a moment to understand what I was implying. Tsuyu laughed as she got it. “So what about this villain named Slayer?” 

“No, his name is Villain Slayer. He killed a villain. He was on the news last night. Some masked guy killed this villain that slipped through the cracks. Said he was going to kill his accomplices too,” Tsuyu said. 


“Sounds like a bad guy,” I said. I had to play the role of Bruce Wayne. Critical of my dark side’s persona. Granted I was the opposite of Batman, or half Batman. I only lost a mom, not my dad too. 


“I don’t know,” Momo said, interrupting our conversation from behind me. “Supposedly solved an old rape and a few murders. The girl they raped came forward and identified the other guys that attacked her when the guy confessed.” 


“Slayers are never good,” I said. “You’ll get copycats soon enough.” 

“Is that so bad?” Toru asked. 


“Where is this guy’s proof?” I asked. “Will others that want revenge require proof? There is a reason it’s best to let the justice system do it’s job.” 

“Yeah they interviewed a guy that agreed with you,” Momo said. “But there are already websites made for the guy. People are submitting stories of bad things villains have done to them.” 

“Really?” I couldn’t help but ask. I didn’t want to become Batman, but if I had to live in this world it might be good to make it a little better. Help more people get closure like the old me never had. I would have to think on how to get access to the website without leading back to me. 


“Weston Watanabe?” A voice asked from the door. I looked over to see the detective I had impersonated the other day. My eyes widened as I worried that they somehow caught me already. 


“Uh yeah?” I asked. 


“Do you have a moment to talk?” The detective asked. 

“Uhh can I ask who you are?” I asked. Aizawa walked into the classroom. 

“Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi,” Aizawa said. “Can I ask what this is concerning?” 


“Since it is an ongoing investigation, I am afraid not,” the detective said with a frown. “Should only take a few minutes.” Aizawa frowned but looking at me he nodded. I got up and followed the detective out. My heart pounding, I was ready to run. It sucked I was already kicked out of My Hero Academia, but maybe I could come back when I was stronger. 

The detective walked me to a small room where All Might was waiting. “Fuck,” I whispered. They had sent in the big guns. Sweat poured down my face as I was directed to sit down. 


“You’re not in trouble or anything,” the detective said when he saw my face. 

“Uhh sure,” I said. 

“No um, have you seen the news on the Villain Slayer?” He asked. I shook my head slowly. “He killed a man. But the man killed confessed to a crime that ended in the death of your mother. We had him on the suspect list. But I wanted to let you know, it was him, and he is now dead.” I calmed my heart. Breathing out slowly I completely forgot that the police didn’t know I knew that he killed her. Of course they would notify next of kin when they caught a murderer. Or found out they were dead. 


“I’m sure this is very troubling, young Weston,” All Might said in his deep voice. I jumped, kind of seeing him for the first time. Huge muscles, red, blue, while, and gold suit, blonde hair, deep eye sockets that cast a shadow on his eyes, perfect smile. He really was the peak of heroes.

“Uh yeah,” I said. “I always wondered.” 

“I know it may be a shock, so I don’t want to take too much of your time,” the detective said. “But I do have to ask. Where were you 2 nights ago.” 

“Training?” I said. “I couldn’t sleep the other night because class started yesterday. Sorry. My dad works late too, I didn’t see him either.”

“I was at your father’s already,” the detective said. “He let me know you were living here.”

“Um how did he take the news?” I asked. 


“I don’t know his normal attitude. But he appeared happy to know,” the detective admitted. 

“Weston, if you need to take a day to spend with him, we would understand,” All Might said.

“Uh no,” I said. “I’ve worked too hard to get here. Not going to skip now. Can I go?” They both nodded. When I stepped out I worried All Might had super hearing so I waited until I was closer to the classroom to exhale slowly. I wasn’t too worried about taking the detective, but against All Might I wasn’t totally confident I could get away. He was weakened, but still had strength. 

Once I had calmed down I walked into the room. I drew all eyes but sat in my seat. Aizawa acted like nothing was happening. Continuing to talk about one thing or another it wasn’t long until All Might burst in the door. 


“It is I! All Might!” He yelled coming in the door. Aizawa had a bored look on his face somehow. 

“What are you doing?” the teacher asked as the class freaked out about All Might being there.

“I missed our Foundational Hero Studies class yesterday!” All Might yelled with a laugh. “We will have to cut into your class to get it done.” 

Aizawa sighed. “Fine.” Moving to his chair he pulled the chords of his hoodie to make it scrunch up and cover his face. He sat down and was soon asleep. 


“Hello students. Again I am sorry for missing our class yesterday. Our Foundation Hero Studies class will be for building up your Hero Foundation through various trials throughout the year. I am not much for going slow. So today we will be competing in a fight!” Cheers went out through the room. 

We were soon escorted out by him. Off to our lockers we had been instructed to bring our costumes and store them there the day before. I pulled mine out with a smile. While these people put on fancy clothes, I was more inspired by Aizawa. 

A black hoodie, black pants, utility belt, and combat boots was all I wore. The black was broken up by the turned right heart of the Watanabe. Like sakura blossoms they moved from my abs up my side, and from my inner thigh to upper. Blossoms in the wind. 


“Hearts?” Bakugo asked with a laugh. 


I looked down. “Stars, and horseshoes, clovers, and balloons,” I couldn’t help but finish. I turned to him. “What? I sewed them on myself.” 

“Yeah but not very threatening,” the purple pimple head said. 

“And your diaper is?” I asked, pointing to the white trousers he was wearing. “Trust me, you don’t want to see me with a heart on,” I said. Pulling my Chikyugi Necklace out from my hoodie I wore it with pride as I walked out. There was some snickering behind me, but they hadn’t seen me in all my glory. 


I found Toru from her gloves. I was getting a better idea where she was looking by the position of her hands. In all honesty she was great training for fighting an Uchiha. Since I couldn’t look at their hands or face it would be good to study her feet movements. 

“Hearts really are your symbol, huh?” She asked. 


“What can I say? I love love,” I said. She giggled cutely again, covering her mouth with her gloves. “Your gloves are very pretty,” I said. “Maybe you could use a heart on them.” I wondered if people were getting my hard on jokes. 


“No thank you,” she said. “Nice and simple is my way.” 


“Of course. You’re very transparent,” I said.

“You know, those stopped being funny a while ago,” she said. 

“So you admit you did find them funny?” I asked. 


“My god, you need to stop flirting,” Momo said as she walked up. Her costume showed plenty of cleavage and skin as she walked up. 


Toru stammered. I did not. “No, it’s fun,” I said. “Jealous?” 

“Ha,” she laughed. “I have more important things to do than flirt.”

“Well you’re doing a great job of flirting without meaning to. Ol’ purple pimple there is practically drooling himself to death,” I said pointing to the annoying grape guy as he stared at Momo’s open clothes. 


Momo pulled a gun out of her skin pointing it at him without hesitation. “Eyes somewhere else perv,” she said. The short guy jumped and turned around quickly. 


“Nicely done,” I said. “What else you got in there?” 


“Everything,” she said. “That’s my quirk. I can create anything I understand.” 

“So you understand a gun?” I asked. She nodded. “Does it work?” 

“If I put enough thought into it.” She crushed the gun in her hand. “This was just a shell to scare off people like that.”

“Why the skin then?” I asked. 

“The more skin showing, the bigger items I can make,” she admitted. 


“Well I for one appreciate your quirk,” I said. There was a moment of silence, then I realized what she wanted. “Oh, right. My um quirk allows me to make stuff hot and cold.” 


“What? That’s it?” She asked. “What about the weights?” 

“I do a lot of roadword,” I said. “My quirk isn’t that strong yet, but my body is.” 


“You think that will help you in a fight?” She asked. 


“Hmm maybe,” I said. “Should we bet on it?” 

“No, I don’t bet,” she said. 

“Too bad,” I said. “Sorry Toru, I don’t mean to make you jealous.” She had her fists clenched at her side as she acted like she wasn’t looking at us. 

“I-I’m not jealous,” she spat. 

“It’s okay, you have my full attention,” I said walking up to her. 


“Stop looking at my chest,” she said. 

“I’m not,” I said with a laugh. “There is this interesting brick right in my line of sight.” 

“I’m going to hit you again,” she said. 

“Good, I probably deserve it,” I said. “Dammit, sorry Momo looks like I can’t help the flirting.” She chuckled beside us. 


“What do you think we will have to do?” Momo asked. 

“I’m betting we will find out soon enough,” I said as All Might walked up. 


All Might explained the exercise. We were to draw lots for our groups. There would be 2 villains and 2 heroes going against one another. The villains would have a ‘bomb’ in a building. The heroes would have to simply touch the bomb to disarm it. The heroes or villains could capture one another to win as well. We would each have 10 minutes to do the job. If nothing happened then the villains automatically won. 


It was as I remembered. Midoriya and Bakugo went up against one another in the first match. All Might and the rest of the class sat in a room watching the whole thing from hidden cameras. The 2 teams were wearing earpieces to talk to their partners. We were tuned in to hear their conversations. 


I hung around Momo, Toru, and Tsuyu. Midoriya talked about his past with Bakugo. Basically they were best friends but Bakugo hated Midoriya for not having a quirk. No one really questioned why he had one now. But I knew it was because All Might gifted Midoriya his power.

“When do you think they’ll kiss?” I asked. 

“You think?” Momo asked. “That explosion guy seems pretty pissed.”

“That’s who he is. Very…explosive,” I said.

Momo rolled her eyes but Tsuyu laughed at least. “I think it’s sweet,” Toru said. “They can be friends again.” 


“Maybe, I wouldn’t forgive anyone that treated me in the way the Bakugo guy treats Midoriya.”


“No guy friends?” Momo asked. 

“Not really. Well there is one,” I said. I kind of considered Naruto one, but I did steal his future wife. That friendship was up in the air at this time. “I had one a long time ago.” Talking about my original childhood I left it at that. I didn’t need to bring that up. 


There was an explosive finale as they fought. We were quiet for a bit. “Wha-What did that detective want to talk to you about earlier?” Toru asked nervously. 


“Oh right, I forgot,” I said. “He told me…you know that guy the Villain Slayer killed?” They nodded. “He killed my mom.” There was a stunned silence from the girls. “Happened during a bank robbery. Years ago now.” I let out a long sigh. Feeling pain from it but pushing the feeling away. “Always wondered who did it. Guess I know now,” I said. Feeling more than I thought I would saying it outloud, I walked away from them. I hid a smile on my face. The old me really wanted the guy dead. It was hard to act sad about it. 


The fight ended, All Might did a review on the pros and cons of the fight, then drew for the next fighters. This time Toru and I were heroes. Our villain foes were the weird arm guy with a mask on his face, Mezo Shoji, and the guy with the tail, Mashirao Ojiro. 


“Fun fun,” I said. Punching my fists together we were soon prepping. The villains were allowed to set up while we planned near the building. “How do you want to do this?” I asked.


“Whatever you think,” Toru, my invisible beauty said.

“Okay, so I’m thinking I throw you to a window then I run up from the base level,” I said. 

“Throw? What? Why?” She asked. 


“I mean, would they expect it?” I asked. “We could do what we did in the exam,” I said. “I throw you on my back and run us to the room with the bomb.” 


“That’s even worse,” she said. “You know I’m naked, right?!”


“Duh, why do you think all my plans involve me touching you?” I asked with a wolfish grin. 

“I am going to stop talking to you if you don’t cut it out,” she said.

“But we are best friends,” I said with a frown. “Do we need to have a fight like Midoriya and Bakugo did? Maybe ours will end in a kiss like theirs should have.”

“You know our class can hear us, right?” Toru asked.  


“Why do you think I’m saying it? I can practically hear the walking Irish Car Bomb exploding from here,” I said with a laugh. 

She was quiet for a bit but eventually giggled. “Damn, I tried so hard not to laugh.” 

“You tried very hard, I’m proud of you,” I said, putting my hand on where I thought her shoulder was. I sadly succeeded.

“Fine,” she said exasperated. “Which plan do you think will work?” She asked. 


“Well that arm guy, I am pretty sure he can make ears wherever he wants on his body. And hear really well. So he will probably hear you coming,” I said. “If you jump on my back I will make too much noise for them to hear. We get to the room, you jump off my back, then while I fight them you touch the bomb.” 

I guessed she nodded. “Works for me.” We turned to the building. 


“Are you going to take off your weights?” She asked. 


“Nope,” I said. “We will be going fast. So make sure you hold on tight,” I said. She nodded. The alarm blared as a signal for us to start. I felt her climb up my back. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I looped my hands under her thighs. 

“We will be taking the roof,” I said.

“Wha-” She tried to say but I was running. She tightened her grip around my neck nearly choking me but I went fast. 


“Try to see if you can find them while we run past,” I said. Running straight at the building she began to scream but I didn’t hesitate. Charging my feet with chakra we ran up the exterior wall. She cried out the whole time. I watched and caught a glimpse of the villains on the 5th floor. The building was 7 stories tall. We got to the roof and I kept us running.

Kicking open the door Toru breathed out excitedly as we moved down stairs. Still holding on tight she gasped as we ran past the room with the bomb. The foes were both in there. I brought us back as I dropped my arms. She still hung from me but I acted like she wasn’t there. 


“You got here faster than we expected,” the tail guy said. He was wearing a karate gi.


“But you knew I would go right for you, good for you,” I said. “Guess it was useless to have Toru take the stairs.” 


“We heard your plan,” the guy with the mask said from one of the mouths on his back. “You weren’t quiet.”  


“Damn,” I said. “Well did you hear this-” I grabbed Toru behind me. Turning around I spun her to throw her at the bomb. She yelled at me but landed against the bomb. Touching it before the villains could do anything.

“I’m going to kill you!” Toru yelled. 


“You liked it,” I said. I channeled some Pleasure Touch whenever I touched her. I knew she enjoyed it. 

“Dammit,” the gi guy said. “I wanted a spar.” 


“We can still do that,” I said with a wide smile. “After school? Maybe the 3 of us could have a real fight.” 


“Works for me,” the guy said. I waited for Toru. Handing her her gloves she grabbed them in a huff. Putting them on angrily as we followed the villains out of the building. 

“What did I do?” I asked. 


“You threw me!” She yelled. 

“I couldn’t warn you,” I said. “They knew our plan.” 


“Still, you could have simply not thrown me. What if I didn’t catch myself?” She asked. She had a cute angry voice. 


“I don’t know. I just believed in your strength to catch yourself,” I said. That stopped her angry hand movements a little. “How about I make it up to you?” 


She paused. “How?” She asked slowly. 


“No idea. We could go on a date,” I offered. “See a movie, get some food.” 


She was quiet. “Why do I feel like this is a gift for you?” She asked. 

“Because it is,” I said. “What? You think I’ll pay for a date for you and someone else?” 


She laughed. “Yes, yes that’s what I want,” she said. 

“Not happening,” I said.

“Fine, then I can’t forgive you,” she said. 

“Oh come on. It was just a throw. I’ll let you throw me,” I said. 


“Deal,” she said. 

“After our date,” I added. She didn’t answer, we walked into the viewing room and Bakugo was coming for me. I reacted without thinking. Moving forward to close the distance I used his momentum to throw him to the ground. He hit harder than I meant to turn him. 


“Shit I’m sorry, Bakugo,” I said. Grabbing his gloved hand he pushed me away. 


“We heard everything through your comms,” he raged. 


“I know,” I said.

“Why the hell did you say that shit?” He barked as he got up. 


“Because it was funny. And you made fun of my hearts,” I said. He growled throwing a punch. I lifted my hand catching it. He had more of a punch than I expected. My hand and hair was blown back from the resulting explosion. 


When the dust settled I looked up at him. Twisting my stinging hand as I tried to get feeling back into it I asked, “If you wanted to blow me a kiss you could have just asked.” Pulling up my long black sleeve I revealed the weight. “My turn?” I asked touching the clip to release it.

He growled and walked out of the room. I shook my head. Bakugo could be a good fighter if he didn’t have such anger issues. “Alright All Might, what did we do wrong in our taking of the bomb?” I asked. 

He laughed loudly. “Running up a building is not the best way to go about that sort of thing,” he said. Then we went through a long play by play where we could have improved. Mainly I needed to work on communication. The other team needed to work on a better plan for blocking the view of the bomb. They should have gone out into the hall to stop us. Toru was supposed to go with the flow more. All in all it was a fun exercise. 


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