Canon Fodder


I was outside the police station. Sitting on a dumpster across the street I watched the men and women leaving work. It was during the shift change between day and night shift. Perfect for getting lost in the mix. I saw my target. He looked like a detective. Nice suit, black hair, he looked prim and proper as he walked down the street. 


After waiting a good hour I did the hand seal. Pouring chakra out of my body I used a jutsu I hadn’t played much with. The Transformation Jutsu. The very jutsu Naruto did to make his Sexy Jutsu. It allowed me to look like anyone I wanted. My chakra acted as an invisible skin and replicated the form of my target. 


Walking across the street I headed inside. I got a few waves and nodded. I had already done the reconnaissance over the last few days so I knew just where to go. Getting to the 3rd floor I sat at my target’s desk. Having hung on the side of the building until I saw him type in his password, that had been the hardest part of the heist. 


“Hey Tsukauchi,” a man said as he walked by. “Thought you went home.”

“Forgot something. I’ll be out in a minute,” I said. He nodded and walked away. 


I found the file on the villain that killed my mom and printed it out. Shutting down the computer I was out the door in under 10 minutes. After dropping the transformation Jutsu I was down the street and out of sight. On the bus I studied the information about the incident. 

It happened during a bank heist. A group of 3 villains. None of the 3 had been captured. There were video surveillance pictures of the 3 of them. One was a tall blonde haired man with thick muscles. The leader was shorter with dark hair and a black mask over his mouth. The last was an overweight man. It was his fault my mom died. 


Their 3rd of 5 total heists the villain trio switched up the heist this one time. Running into the bank they had the registers emptied in less than 2 minutes. The bank was built right next to sewer access. The fat villain was able to move earth. He opened a hole in the bank floor giving them access to the sewer to run away. 


As soon as they left, a sinkhole opened next to where the villains escaped from. My mother was too close and fell into the hole. Her quirk was to make things grow quickly. She didn’t have a chance as she fell the 20 feet into the hole. Eye witnesses said they saw her trip and heard a splat. 

That part of me that had been the My Hero Academia Weston cried as I read the reports. But the original Weston pushed through, getting all the information I needed to find the guy. There was a report of a jail house snitch pointing at one guy for the villain. He had once been a hero named Landslide. He was interviewed, but it had been 5 years since that point. He had a day job and there were no clues. After a lot of weight loss he looked nothing like the man in the bank photos. 


It took a couple of days to find him. Across town he worked as a construction worker. Moving gravel into pits with his quirk he was back to being a fat man. Not just fat, but muscular and fat. Wearing a gray tanktop and jean shorts I understood why they didn’t arrest him. He still looked nothing like the picture.


I watched him from across the street while he worked. Unsure if it was the guy that killed my mom. But I wasn’t too worried, I had my own ways to find out. Following him when he left work he went to a small apartment. Jerking off to porn he went to bed after more than a few beers. 


The work was easy enough. Climbing up the side of the building I let myself in through the exterior window. In pure black clothes, gloves and shoes I had a backpack with only 1 item in it. Checking the rooms I didn’t find the villain suit he wore back in the day, but I became more convinced it was him when I found a trove of money in a spare room. 


I turned on the light in his room. The man sat up quickly. His eyes adjusting to the light he inadvertently focused on the Chikyugi Necklace around my neck. Chakra poured into him, taking him to the dungeon in my mind. 


He was strapped to the wall with thick chains. His naked body showed his thick chest and beer gut. I eyed him up and down from my mind’s eye. Still not convinced, I felt a little bad I might have the wrong guy, but I ignored that feeling. He would get over it. 


“Wha-Who are you?!” The man raged trying to pry himself off the chains. 


“Shingo Kaneko, correct?” I asked. I was wearing a mask so if it wasn’t him I wouldn’t have to worry. 

“What is this?” He asked. I raised my hand and a large knife appeared in it. I disemboweled him. He screamed as his guts spilled out below him. The red and gray organs poured out in an avalanche. Covering his feet. Unable to faint he stared, feeling everything, then he was back together and he was okay. 

“I ask the questions,” I said. 

“What is th-” He tried to cry out. I did it again. He screamed louder. Trying to shut his eyes he found that he couldn’t. I wore a stoic gaze as I watched. Reforming his body with a thought. 


“You are Shingo Kaneko, correct?” I asked. He nodded. Crying openly. I stabbed him in the lung. He cried out as the blade embedded in his chest. 


“Why!?” He cried out while coughing up blood. 


“I ask the questions,” I said, forming another blade. This one cut his arm from wrist to elbow. Blood poured out as he cried openly. Screaming loudly his body shook as the pain took over his entire being. “You will tell me your sins,” I ordered.  

“Whatever you think I did, I didn’t,” he begged.


“I wish I could believe you,” I said sadly. The real torture began. At one point his entire body was pincushioned with butter knives. He cried for me to stop. Begging me to tell him what he did. He would confess to anything. I didn’t let him know what I wanted to hear. People being tortured eventually just agreed with you. 


I wasn’t sure when I had become so cold to this work. Maybe after killing Shidou in High School of the Dead. Maybe before. I was no longer the same man that had entered the rooms with the doors. In all honesty I didn’t much mind. I preferred this stronger me. 


At the 5 hour mark he begged me to stop so he could tell his life story. At first simply babbling for a moment without pain. After I cut out his tongue he talked much more clearly. He admitted to raping a girl back in high school. He had been in a gang and they gang raped her when they got drunk. 


After that he sobered up and got on the straight and narrow. Working as a hero because his Uncle did it. It wasn’t long until he was moonlighting as a villain. A few simple break-ins here and there, no one suspected the hero known as Landslide. Well one person did, but they brought it up to his Uncle. When confronted, Landslide made the snitch disappear and no more questions were asked. 

That was around the time he met his partners in crime. I got their names, quirks, and all the information he had on them. The quirks sounded a little familiar, but I wasn’t sure exactly. After that he talked about doing the bank jobs. His Uncle had a come to Jesus meeting with him. Suspecting him for the bank robberies Landslide ended up quitting. 

Giving hero and villain work up for a girl they were married for a couple of years. He had a drinking problem though. She left him a couple of years ago and he worked as a construction worker. 


“Why do you look nothing like the pictures?” I asked. 

“A buddy with a quirk, he changed our faces,” Landslide said. I nodded. 


“Alright. We will be doing some more work, then I will be letting you out. You will confess all you have done in the name of evil. No names. I will be getting my own revenge against those you have named,” I said. 


“Whatever man, just let me out,” he pleaded. 


“Yep, after the work,” I said. I brought a table next to me. This one had power tools on it. “I need to make sure you know your place.” His eyes widened as he cried again. I started with the drill again. Poking a hole in his stomach it was an ugly sight. 



“I, Shingo Kaneko, swear everything I have said is true,” Landslide said into the camera. He was tied to the bed, naked and afraid. 


“Thank you Landslide,” I said. Raising the gun he screamed as I pulled the trigger twice. He breathed no more as the bullets penetrated his skull. 


I moved around from behind the camera. Sitting in front of the body of Landslide I looked into the black lens. 

“I am the Villain Slayer,” I said. The Hero Killer was about to make an appearance, I thought it was a good idea to steal his thunder. “One of many people affected by villains, I am sick of it. But I am not done. As you heard, there are others he worked with. I will be paying all of you that helped him a visit when your time comes.” Getting up I pushed the button on the camera. 

Taking the video out I left the camera and gun there. I had bought everything from my My Hero Academia Store. There was nothing that traced them back to me. Since this world used Yen I was able to use what money I had from High School of the Dead to buy them. And since this guy had a nice trove of money I had more than replenished my Yen funds. 


As I left out the window a police car was heading toward me. I climbed to the roof and was soon jumping from building to building. I left the video tape on the doorstep of a journalist I had read about. She was known for being an advocate against villains. With a short note I was sure she would get the information to the right people. 


The buses having stopped running a while ago I ended the Transformation Jutsu and ran home. Pouring chakra throughout my body the miles were eaten away. When I eventually got in bed I laid down and fell asleep almost immediately. I had school the next morning, and many busy days to come. There was still Goto Imasuji and Kai Chisaki to kill. Whoever they were I would be sure to find them as well. 

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