Canon Fodder


“You don’t have to stay with me, you know,” I said, waving the keycard at her. It took some finagling to get a semi-decent place to let me rent a room for the night. Since I wasn’t 18 there weren’t too many people that would let me stay the night, especially without a credit card. Luckily cash was king in every world. After a few hundred dollar tip, I got a very nice room that looked out onto the ocean. 


I regretted it mostly, just because I could fly again. It really wasn’t that far of a flight for me. I had been sleeping on dirt and grass for months on Cthulhu world, which I was still recovering from. But with Anne I regretted the expense far less. I wasn’t sure where she and I were going, but sharing a room together was a start. 

“I want to,” Anne said, grabbing the card and opening the door. She walked inside in a rush, her nervous attitude gone as she marveled at the room. Big TV, large king-size bed, small balcony that looked over the ocean, it was the perfect spot. 


“I’m taking a shower,” I said, dropping her bags on the floor as she walked to the balcony. I brought in the bag I had bought and took a nice long shower. All the while my thoughts were focused on one thing. 

“How the hell did I do it?” I asked. “How did I have so many women before?”


“First there was Reina, she never cared if I had other girls. Then Nami, she was jealous, but the only girl around for a while. Then I think it was Toru. Hell she wanted me to sleep with other girls. Then Saeko in High School of the Dead? Damn, I haven’t seen her in years. She taught me how to fight with a sword so long ago.” I let out a sigh. Amazed at how far I had come. 


“I made it clear to her at the beginning that I wasn’t about to limit myself with women. I was a guy with superpowers in a world of normies. Then I think it was Hina or Hancock. Hancock didn’t care as much but wanted to be number 1 of my girls. Robin didn’t give a fuck, she just wanted sex. Reika in Gantz? No wait, Kishimoto in Gantz. But they were just happy to be alive, and liked being with the strongest person around.”

I chewed my lip as the hot water poured over me. “How the hell do I do this sort of thing?” I asked again. “In a world full of superheroes. How do I set myself apart to not get limited to 1 woman?” 


I liked Anne. Probably more than liked her. A mix of her personality and my own preconceptions about her prior to coming to the world. She was funny, innocent, shy, and hid her own lustful nature. But there was still something holding me back. She was in all honesty…disabled. 


To me it felt like I had hit the jackpot with Anne. A quiet girl unable to touch or be touched. Someone so pure that even kissing was beyond her realm of understanding. As if she had lived in a cage all of her life, and only I could touch her. I didn’t feel comfortable knowing that I had been her only avenue for companionship. Which was why I risked my very limited Weakness Eliminator on her. Now that she was free I had to start asking the hard questions. 


Which became forefront in my mind as she hesitated outside the bathroom door and finally stepped in. I watched her with my Haki. She was fully nude, having disrobed outside. Now that she was so close to me though she began to shake again. Almost violently. I about ended the shower to make it easier on her until I realized the prime emotion in her wasn’t fear, or some sense of need to pay me back somehow. No, she was full blown only thinking about herself and what she wanted. 

She pulled open the glass door and I barely got an eyeful of her perfect body before she was on me. Her smooth skin against mine I wouldn’t have stopped her if I could. Anne kissed me hungrily as the water hit both of us. Her perfect breasts pushing up against me I wanted to open my eyes and take in the view of her body, but I settled on feeling everywhere. 


My hands rough as I squeezed her ass cheeks. She began to pant, desperate to keep kissing me. My dick shot up, erect between her legs as it nestled into her short bush. Anne was all hands as she continued to kiss me for everything she had. Biting my lip as she pulled away only to bite and nibble at my muscular chest as our kiss continued on. 


Then as abruptly as it started it stopped. She pulled away. Her eyes looking shyly up to me as she frowned. “Sorry,” she mumbled. 

“Don’t be,” I said. Flipping us around I pushed her into the tiled wall and her body became alight with pleasure from the show of force. Pushing her into the cool tiles her legs wrapped around me. My dick hard between her legs as it nestled between her pussy lips. 

Her nerves were firing like crazy as I began to lick her nipples. I started to push some Spark into her. Just enough to make her jolt and moan as I showed her my undivided attention. Her long nailed fingers dug into my shoulder as I began to nibble on her nipples. 

My hands continued to move closer to the crack of her ass. Sending more and more electricity in her to activate her awakening erogenous zones. Then one finger barely touched her outer lower lips. She moaned. “Weston,” she mumbled, but nowhere in her Haki was any request to stop. She wanted more, and I wanted to take it.

My hand released her ass and I looked up at her. Wet hair pushed to behind her ears she bit her lip, fear and lust in her eyes. I slowly moved my free hand to her front. Her legs began to shake as I held her up. Just a simple touch to her vagina made her moan, forcing her to bite her hand to stifle it. I began to lightly move my fingers along her outer lips. Sending weak signal Sparks into her body. 

She nodded, covering her eyes as she gave me permission to do what I wanted. I kept it slow though. Moving along this way and that on her lower lips with my finger. Barely missing her clit as I did laps around it. I watched the nerves in her body catch fire with the need to orgasm as it built up more. 

When I finally moved to her clitoris I sent in a jolt and her orgasm exploded outward. Synapses firing instantly she yelled my name as liquid gushed out of her. Legs spasming as the orgasm only spread. I continued the stream of electricity into her. Long seconds she shook and took it all.


It wasn’t until her Haki began to show exhaustion that I stopped. Letting out a long sigh she practically fell asleep in my arms. Shaking my head Anne’s eyes drooped as I shut the water off. 

“So…tired,” she mumbled. 

“Go to sleep,” I said, my hands moving down her eyelids to force them shut. She struggled for a moment then passed out. I picked her up and laid her on the bed. “Fucking ears,” I mumbled, remembering that they weren’t supposed to get wet so soon after she got them pierced. So I then spent about 10 minutes ripping cloth from a pillowcase to make ties to give her pigtails so the wet hair wouldn’t be near her ears and risk infection. 

“Freakin babysitting ass dummy,” I mumbled once I was done. Laying on the bed I pulled Anne next to me. Still asleep she mumbled a few words but pulled closer to me. Resting her head on my shoulder, and leg on my thigh as she went into a blissful slumber. After my nap at the theater I was wide awake though. Turning on the TV I hoped I could get to sleep. 



When I awoke it was to someone playing with my dick. I didn’t react overly much, just squinting an eye open as I watched Anne shyly play with it while making sound effects. Not too loud but simple stupid noises like pew or zap as she pointed it this way and that. 


“Having fun?” I asked. She immediately let it go and pretended to be asleep. “Don’t stop on my account.”

“Sorry,” Anne mumbled, her face still hidden in my chest. 

“Anne, stop saying sorry,” I said, lifting her chin. She looked up at me with apprehension. “You do realize that I’m into the whole you touching me and me touching you thing, right?” 

Anne let out a shudder of a breath. “I guess?” She asked. “Sorry, I’m new to this whole thing.”

“What whole thing?”

“Actually touching,” she said, her hand running along my chest. “Like when you and I touched the first time. You said you would have to be conscious. That was less than a week ago. And now I slept with you.” 

“I mean…we didn’t have sex,” I said. 

“Which I can’t believe we didn’t,” Anne said. “My god, is it supposed to feel like that? I like passed out.” 

“You did cum pretty hard,” I said, with a nod.

“Weston,” she mumbled, pinching me, embarrassed how I put it. I laughed. Grabbing her ass I pulled her over top of me. She fought for a moment then let herself drape over my body. Both of us nude. I studied the crack of her cleavage until she laid her head down on me. 


Taking a huge sniff of me she mumbled, “I love this. This is what I have been missing in my life.” 

“A body mattress?” I asked. 

She nodded. “I never knew how good you felt,” she said. I could feel her almost getting off on the skin to skin. I was starting to suspect her lack of human touch might have caused a kink in her to require as much touch as possible. 


“You feel pretty good yourself,” I said, my hands running along her body. Anne wasn’t overly muscular, but she was fit. Perfect unblemished skin, tight everything, and a glorious rack that squished against me perfectly. 


“You uh…want some assistance?” She mumbled shyly. I wasn’t sure what she was talking about but then her legs squeezed together on my erect dick. 

“Uh sure,” I said, more than happy for some help. 

“I don’t think I’m ready to go all the way,” Anne admitted. But she moved down my body. “But uh…I’d like to work up to it.” She blushed shyly as she stared down at my dick, then up to me. “What do I do?” 

I couldn’t help but laugh, which caused her to pinch my inner thigh. “Sorry. Uh, just surprised. Thought you would have girls to talk to about this sort of thing.”

“There are plenty, but I usually don’t talk to them,” Anne confessed. “Always thought they were moving too fast.”

“And us?”

“Honestly, I don’t give a crap. I feel like we put in our dues,” she said. Instead of hesitating she moved down to my dick and licked it. 


I felt a little awkward. “Don’t lick it like a cat,” I said. “Quick rundown.” I grabbed my dick. “Here, here, and here are the most sensitive. Stroke it with your hand. Lots of spit. Use your mouth to go up and down. Lick the balls. Don’t stick to one move, mix it up. You’ll know when I like what you’re doing.”

“Like this?” She asked shyly as she began to jerk me off. 

“Yep, but lots of spit. And I would prefer your mouth,” I said. She nodded and got to work. Laying down on the bed between my legs her Haki changed from embarrassed to interested. She began playing with everything. A thin stubble of pubes left after I shaved recently her eyes were big as she played with this or that ball. Stroking up and down she noticed how sensitive the head was. 

Moaning happily as she put the mushroom head in her mouth I began to twitch and feel pleasure. She got more into it as she noticed each little thing would cause a different response from me. When she tried to take me in as far as possible she coughed and stayed down as my hand gripped her hair. Long seconds she held her breath until I released her. Then she began to go up and down. All the while playing with my balls. 

Rather than a labored annoyance emitting from her by the act, her Haki was that of someone genuinely having fun. Simply doing something new, or something she never thought she would be able to. Plopping off my dick she began to suck each ball hungrily. Her hand stroking my shaft almost expertly as she took her time. 

I could honestly say it was the longest blowjob I ever had. Where a lot of times it was either too good to hold back, or I felt rushed because the woman got bored with it. Anne was simply happy to be doing it. As soon as I said I was getting ready to cum she would stop completely. Happy to go back to just sucking the head or licking along the outside of my dick. 


It was over an hour until she finally put an end to it. And it wasn’t because she was bored, but because she was hungry. She licked the head heavily. This way and that, jerking me off, playing with a ball, and moaning as my legs began to shake. The orgasm having started and stopped for such a long time my body was ready to release it. 

As I came she didn’t hesitate to suck each spurt down. Drinking it as soon as it was out of my dick. Huge ropes of cum escaped me and shot into her mouth only to be swallowed down ready for more. I was breathing heavily as my orgasm ended, and she only continued sucking. My hips bucked, and I was forced to finally push her away. 


“That was fun,” Anne said, her eyes wide as she giggled. 

“That was…amazing,” I admitted. I didn’t think I had ever been to the edge so many times before. “We should do that again.” 

“Okay,” Anne said, moving back down. 

“Woah, don’t you have anything you want to do today?” I asked. 

“Not really,” Anne said with a frown. “Can we do this?” 


“Deal,” I said. “Let’s try a different position though. Ever heard of a 69?” Anne blushed but didn’t seem against it. I wanted to test her own obsession with human touch. I thought she might get more into it if we were touching at all times. I was right. 


Her pussy in my face I ate her out hungrily as she choked herself on my dick. I actually knew what I was doing, and had a cheat though. Sending her into a body shaking, mind numbing orgasm every few minutes she tapped out only to ask, “Mind doing the work?” 


Which led me to fucking her face. Anne was more than happy to lay her head over the edge of the bed and I hump into her. My hands gripping her breasts and pulling her nipples as she fought her own pleasure. When I came into her mouth again she was just as hungry for my cum. And I sent her into another orgasm as she sucked it down. Her legs kicking, and body twitching with every spark of electricity I sent into her. 

“Is this normal?” She asked in a daze. “I was told…orgasming,” she struggled through the word. “Was rare and not near as powerful as this.” 

“Not exactly normal,” I admitted. “Come on. Let’s get some breakfast.” When I didn’t explain further she reluctantly followed but then got more excited as she got to wear a dress she had bought. Though it was fall she decided on a sundress. It was white with yellow daisies on it. Not something I thought she would actually wear. Her new earrings and nose still a little red from being pierced we walked hand in hand down to the lobby. 


“Did you put my hair in pigtails?” Anne asked as we got in line for food. They were still tied to the side. 

“Yep, you’re not supposed to sleep with wet hair, remember?” I asked. 

“Oh god, I forgot,” she mumbled. “Thought you just had a weird…like?” 

“It’s called a fetish,” I corrected, making her blush as she poured syrup on her waffle. We sat down near a window, lots of little kids running around as we ate.

“So I have to admit something to you,” I said.

“What’s that?” She asked as her mouth became stuffed with the waffle. 

“I have more than 1 power,” I said. “The fusion thing was just the start. Flying recently started and I can also use a little electricity.” I showed her my hand and sparks began to fly between my fingertips. Her eyes widened. 

“Cool,” she mumbled, her legs kicking from our barstool seats. “What about it?” 

“My electricity is a little different in the sense of what it can do,” I admitted. I moved my hand to the top of hers. A thin streak of electricity connected me to her. “I can tone mine down to…talk to your body.” I sent in a pleasurable feeling and she shivered. “This is what I was doing to make your…sensations so intense.” 

Her eyes widened further. “So you were making me…” 

“Cum really hard? Kind of,” I admitted. 

“God, how do you say that stuff with a straight face?” She whispered. I laughed. “So why are you telling me this?” 

“Because we should break up,” I admitted. There was a long silence. I sipped my coffee, studying her as she finished her bite in utter shock. Then the rage began to boil up. 


“What?!” She yelled, making a couple of people jump beside us. She hissed, “why?!” 


“Because of our powers,” I said simply. It was the only solution I could come up with. “Let me walk you through it. Try not to freak out.”


“Freak out? After what we just did? Was I not good or something?” She sputtered. Tears coming to her eyes. Then she got angrier. “Your semen is literally in my stomach,” she growled. I couldn’t help but bark a laugh, enjoying her way too much. It was a struggle for her to say semen at all. 


“Anne, you did great, honestly. Best date and night I’ve ever had,” I admitted. At least this version of me anyway. She calmed down a little but I could feel her anger and sadness grow. “Let-me-walk-you-through-it,” I said slowly so she heard me this time. 


Before she could ask more questions I started. “Picture you get sent to prison. No trial, just one day you’re walking around and bam they throw you in a pit. No human contact, no reason why, just your bad lot in life. They don’t even tell you how long you’ll be there. They hint that it could be for life. When did your powers start?” I asked, implying to her that this was a story about her since her Haki was so lost. “13? So for 4 years you are trapped in this cell all alone. Then out of the blue, someone is thrown in that prison with you. Your cells are right next to one another. You talk and converse. Finally someone that understands your pain. Things seem a little brighter.”


I noticed her Haki had calmed down greatly but as the crowd in the breakfast area thinned, she started to let actual tears flow. 


“He thinks the world of you,” I said. My hand moving to hers. She flinched but smiled, grabbing my hand. “Every day with you is better than the last. That dark pit he dug for himself becomes a little brighter day by day. All he could think about was leaving his cell. But not to leave the prison. To help comfort the girl that was trapped in her own hole for years. He can tell there is a deep longing in her to get out and be free.”


Even I felt a tear well up. My old self’s memories coming to me in full force as Anne reached out her other hand. Taking both of mine. Uncaring of the tears rolling down her cheeks. 


“Then it happens. Randomly. It all clicks. He can step out of his cell. So the first thing he did was to comfort that poor girl that had been trapped for so long. And boy was she pent up. All that teen angst and hormones coming out of her in a tidal wave. She was just happy to be near someone. Happy to pretend she wasn’t trapped.” 


I put a sad smile on. “That boy begins to wonder though. Would she still be with him if she wasn’t trapped? If she had the whole world at her fingertips once more. Would she be happy with the boy she was trapped in the cell with? So he sets his goals to figuring out how to help her.”


“It took a whole week to figure out how to end your power. Set you free. I did it for you Anne, and it’s been great, but not right.”


“What isn’t right?” She asked, letting my hand go to wipe her eyes. 


“You and I should never have been trapped like that. And I would prefer that we break up,” I said truthfully. 


“But why?”


“Because I was your only choice,” I said. “It’s not like you picked me out in a lineup and said, ‘yep, that one’ no, we were trapped together. And thankfully we aren’t anymore.”


“So there’s someone else?” She asked, hurt in her voice. 


I growled out a sigh as I rubbed my face. “No, there isn’t. Literally my first real girlfriend, remember?” I said, pointing at her. “Anne, I want you to take a break.” I pulled out $2,000 from my Status Screen and dropped it on the table. 


“You used your power on your mother, right? You haven’t been back in what? 3 years? Now that you don’t need to worry about your power acting up, you need to go there. Talk to her. Maybe even go back to your normal life,” I said. 


As her Haki moved from anger and betrayal it changed into longing and need. More tears came back to her eyes. 


“Oh my god,” Anne said. “I forgot about home.” Her lip began to quiver again. “I-I don’t know if I can go back.”


“You can, and you should,” I said. “Anne, you could have a normal life again. You could go to a normal school. See your old friends. Do so much.”


“What about you?” She asked. “You could…”


“My family is dead,” I said aloud as she remembered. “Just me out in the world. And honestly I kind of like it here. But I know if my family were around I’d at least want to see them. Hug them again.”


It took time but she slowly nodded. “But why are you breaking up with me?”


“Because you could stay there,” I said. “Anne, you are under no obligation to come back. I don’t want you second guessing that you should come back for me. You have a year left of school. We can stay in touch. I’m going to be training with the X-Men anyway. So we won’t be able to hang out as much.”


“So if I come back…we can start dating again?” Anne asked, a hopeful look on her face. 


I laughed. “Maybe we can,” I said with a nod. “Anne, I'm worried that you feel some obligation to be with me. You don’t owe me anything. I helped you because I really like you.”


“Just really like?” She asked, feigning a frown. 


“I really really like like you,” I clarified, causing her to giggle. “You don’t owe me anything. And I really enjoy our time together. Especially if all of our dates can be like last night. But you’re free for the first time in years. Go enjoy it.”


She chewed her lip for a little bit. Thinking over the situation for a long while. “I love you, you know,” Anne blurted out. 


“Anne-“ I tried to say but she cut me off. 


“You don’t have to say it. But I want you to know it’s not some stuck together in a cell BS. Weston, I don’t remember the last time I laughed or smiled before you came along. You just lost your family but you were still forcing a smile on your face. Everyday with you was better than the last. And I didn’t think I would ever feel this happy,” she said. 


“I…understand what you’re doing. And I kind of get it. But also, why do we have to break up?”


“Because…I don’t know. Come on, Anne. Long distance crap doesn’t work. I’m not up for drama or whatever. I’d rather just have a clean break. If you come back, great. Otherwise, no hard feelings.”


“But if I come back we can date again?” She asked. 


“Again maybe,” I said. “Friends with benefits at least.”


“What’s that?” She asked. 


I chuckled. Her Haki was as innocent as ever. “Well we are friends. And we do things like we did this morning.”


“Oh yeah?” She asked, a smile back on her face. “I liked what we did last night and this morning.”


“Me too. I’m up for it whenever you are,” I said. 


“Okay,” she said, picking up her plate. “Let’s go.”


“So friends with benefits?” I asked. 


“Oh no, we are still dating. For today at least,” Anne said. “And as your girlfriend I want to have another date. Which is us spending the day in a hotel room. Relaxing. Ordering food. And…continuing our fun.”


“Fine with me,” I said. “Are you going to go back home?”


“Yeah, I probably should,” she said, taking my hand as we walked to the elevator. “I’ll probably go back to the school for some clothes. Warn the teachers.”


“Good,” I said. “My stint as an X-Men starts tomorrow.” 


“Let’s try to make sure you enjoy your dick while you have it,” she said. 


I barked a laugh again. “I was wondering if you’d take the bait on that joke.”


“Couldn’t help it,” she said sadly. “Now shut up and let know what else we can try.”


“Yes, dear,” I said, smacking her ass as the door opened. She gave me an angry look as she turned back again. Instead of hurting me as she attacked she latched onto me. Kissing me hungrily as I walked us back to our room blindly. The very horny future Rogue kissing me over and over as she whispered how much she loved me. 

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