Bao Ma restored hundreds of millions of supplies in the apocalypse

080 Madness

Liu Ming's fists were clenched tightly.

A pair of dead fish eyes looked at Suizhu closely.

She should have foolishly raised him for the rest of her life, but on the second day of her wedding, her mind came to her senses.

If Suizhu had always been unconscious, Liu Ming would not be living like this now.

"I couldn't find anyone from the Liu family, so I had no choice but to go back to the Chen family. As long as I bow my head and admit my mistake, the Chen family will give me a place. After all, I am also the biological father of Baobao and Beibei."

Liu Ming said it was very difficult, that's why he and Chen Xi were in such trouble, and he also knew how Chen's father died.

He said to Suizhu in a shameless tone,

"I know a lot about the Chen family. You've always wanted to find out where the daughter you gave birth to has gone, right?"

"You give me some crystal nuclei or some supplies, and I tell you, where did your daughter go?"

Suizhu has little patience.

During this period, she and the Chen family had been deceived by the Chen family since they broke through the window paper.

And being led in the wrong direction by the Chen family.

"Do you think I will still believe you?"

"One moment you say that Chen Beibei is my daughter, the next moment you say that my daughter is dead, and the next moment you do this and that, can you tell the truth?"

Suizhu looked uninterested.

"I really tell you the truth, I beg you to give me some food, just a little."

Liu Ming was so hungry that his lips were chapped.

That shameless look turned into a plea.

He even knelt down.

"I would really say, I know how your daughter is doing."

Suizhu looked at him quietly for a while, lowered his eyes, took out a piece of chocolate from his pocket, and threw it on the snow.

Liu Ming hurriedly crawled up to pick it up.

Suizhu stepped on the piece of chocolate,


"Your child was taken out of the hospital and thrown away by the Chen family just after she was born. They threw her into the trash can without knowing whether she was alive or dead."

Suizhu felt pain in her heart, as if someone had stabbed her with a knife.

She closed her eyes and moved her feet gently on the chocolate.

Liu Ming hurriedly reached out to grab the piece of chocolate.

Suizhu stepped on the back of Liu Ming's hand again.

Liu Ming let out a scream.

"It simply cannot withstand scrutiny. A living child, a living life, was thrown into the trash can. Didn't anyone notice it?"

Suizhu asked loudly.

That's a child.

Suizhu knows how capable the Chen family is.

How did they avoid all the inspections and so many eyes and throw the child into the trash can?

Five years ago, the apocalypse had not yet come. Even if the social atmosphere was tense, the world's morale had not declined to this extent.

"I don't know about this. People in the Chen family were worried before that they wouldn't handle it cleanly and someone would come to the door."

"There are many related news reports in the news, saying that those children finally found their biological mothers, but the Chen family was not found to say that the children were missing."

"Then the Chen family was completely relieved."

"Sui Zhu, what I said is all the truth. I didn't do anything to you, and I didn't want to throw away your child. This is all arranged by the Chen family. You believe me."

"Even at that time, I only wanted to marry Chen Xi. I never thought about marrying you or binding you to me."

Liu Ming is trash, Suizhu knows it.

In his previous life, Liu Ming had also taken a fancy to Suizhu's beauty and wanted to do something to Suizhu while Suizhu was not clear-headed.

But Suizhu would fiercely resist every time.

No matter how much the Liu family and the Chen family tried to do to Suizhu, Suizhu would just stupidly accept it.

Only Liu Ming wants to have physical contact with her, no!

With a cold face, she kicked Liu Ming in the face, knocking Liu Ming over.

And Liu Ming held the broken piece of chocolate tightly in his hand.

Before Suizhu could kick her a second time, Liu Ming ran away in a hurry.

Suizhu didn't chase him, she just looked at Liu Ming's limp with cold eyes.

This man won't live long, and he won't become a superpower because his body breaks through its limits.

People who can become superpowers are destined by God.

Suizhu returned home with a straight face and started simmering chicken soup in silence.

She kept thinking about what Liu Ming said in her mind.

Her daughter was thrown into the trash can by the Chen family!

These people in the Chen family are simply insane to the extreme!

That is the newly born child.

They can treat Chen Baobao and Chen Beibei as treasures, and the whole family loves them.

He can also bear to throw away Suizhu's child cruelly.

How could these people die so easily? How can it be possible?

Suizhu shook his hands and reached for the lid of the purple clay pot.

Burning pain spread from her fingertips throughout her body.

Suizhu reacted from the whirlpool of hatred and subconsciously dropped the cap in his hand.

There was a "bang", and a huge noise came from the quiet kitchen.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?"

Piggy ran over from the dining table in a hurry.

She stood at the door of the kitchen and saw Suizhu with his head lowered and his hands on the edge of the cooking table.

Zhuzhu felt something was wrong. She walked into the kitchen and was about to speak, but she found her mother crying.

Zhuzhu's eyes immediately turned red, and he hurriedly stepped forward to hug Suizhu,

"Mom, is someone bullying you? Tell Zhuzhu, and Zhuzhu will vent your anger on your behalf."

Suizhu didn't answer.

Piggy started crying, "Mom, what's wrong with you? Mom, please stop crying. Mom is not sad. Piggy is here to accompany you."

The child's childish words made Suizhu cry even harder.

She turned around and squatted down, hugging Suizhu's small body into her arms. Only by hugging Zhuzhu tightly could she relieve the pain in her heart.

"It's okay, mom is okay, piggy, don't worry."

Suizhu tried her best to control her emotions, with red eyes and tears, she wiped the tears from Zhuzhu's face.

"It's my mother's fault. She scared you, right?"

Piggy shook her head hurriedly,

"No, no, Piggy is not scared. Piggy will not be scared by mom. Piggy likes mom. Piggy loves mom very much."

This child's strong feelings for Suizhu don't seem to be separated by a layer of belly at all.

Suizhu sniffed and hugged Zhuzhu tightly. In a trance, she seemed to be hugging the child who was connected to her by blood.

That poor child who was abandoned by the Chen family.

The mother and daughter held their heads and cried for a while, and Suizhu's emotions gradually came under control.

She tried her best to endure the thoughts that made her want to go crazy and collapse.

The Xiangcheng management knew that she would go crazy.

But not now, now is not the time for her to get sick, she doesn't want to scare the pigs.

Suizhu endured, endured...

After finally coaxing Zhuzhu to sleep, Suizhu came to the kitchen alone and watched a pot of chicken soup being cooked but no one drank it.

She took out a thermos pot, feeling so depressed that she poured all the chicken soup into the thermos pot, drove downstairs, left the community, and went to the front line to find Zhan Shen.

She didn't know why she wanted to find Zhan Shen when she was in such an emotional breakdown.

Perhaps it was on the battlefield, in such a tense atmosphere, that she could forget the emptiness and pain in her heart.

The battle on the front line was fierce. Due to the terrain, the zombie attack was gradually controlled to Xizheng Street and several nearby paths.

Suizhu parked the car in the logistics camp where Bai Zhi had not yet completely evacuated.

Half of the wounded garrison has left this camp, and half of the combat garrison has arrived.

They used the original camp tents to set up a temporary command center.

Suizhu got out of the car, leaned against the door, opened the window, held the remote control in his hand, and wore a pair of silver goggles on his face.

Several drones flew out of the car window. They hovered over the camp and then flew toward the frontline battlefield.

The small drone passed all the way through the front line where the troops were stationed to fight the zombies.

He flew over the dense zombies and dropped a liquid bomb gently and deftly.

With a "boom", the liquid bomb fell, blowing a gap in the dense tide of zombies.

But soon, the gap was filled by the remaining zombies.

Immediately afterwards, the second drone flew over and dropped a liquid bomb.

The first drone began to return, circled above Suizhu's head, and landed steadily.

Suizhu reached out and brushed the drone.

The drone had a new tube of liquid bomb firmly under its feet and started to fight again.

She has a total of ten drones. After each drone drops a liquid bomb, it will return to Suizhu and let Suizhu repair their bomb bays.

The rumbling explosions continued.

Zhan Shen, who was using a power grid to electrocute zombies on the front line, looked up at the gray sky.

One after another, the drones flew over his head.

Zhan Shen frowned and shouted loudly,

"What's going on? Who's using a drone to drop liquid bombs?"

Every small change on this battlefield is under Zhan Shen's control.

The size of the firepower, the casualties of the garrison, and the speed of defense and attack were all beyond the control of his commander.

Suddenly so many liquid bombs came, exploding one after another.

There must be at least forty or fifty pieces.

Ye Feihong also looked puzzled, and he was very angry.

The indiscriminate use of liquid bombs without authorization from the commander is a waste of their heavy firepower supplies.

The situation is not at its most urgent yet, so we are just using liquid bombs indiscriminately. If there is a real life-and-death crisis and there are no liquid bombs left, everyone will have to play it out.

He immediately grabbed a small guard on the side and

"Go and check quickly."

The young garrison put his hand on his helmet and ran away in a hurry.

Within twenty minutes, he ran back with a bang, and he hesitated to Zhan Shen, who was killing zombies.

"Old, boss..."

Zhan Shen's tone was cold,

"Who is secretly dropping liquid bombs? Bring them here and kill me!"

The little garrison said, "This guy is a bit troublesome, boss, I don't dare to catch him..."

Zhan Shen sneered, clenched his fists, and there were purple electric flowers on his fists,

"Don't you dare to catch me? Okay, I'll go and see for myself."

Amidst the roaring sounds of zombies, Zhan Shen, wearing a combat helmet on his head and holding a laser gun in one hand, followed the returning drone and moved quickly towards the command tent.

There were zombies that occasionally jumped out around him, but he didn't even look at them. He raised his hand and electrocuted the zombies into slag.

Suddenly, he stopped and looked at the man leaning on a van in the distance, wearing silver goggles on his face, playing with the drone's beads.

She happened to be controlling a drone and flew forward, flying all the way over Zhan Shen's head.

Then, Suizhu's face faced Zhan Shen, her eyes were blocked by silver goggles, and Zhan Shen couldn't see the expression in her eyes.

I just feel that Suizhu is a little crazy today.

This reminded Zhan Shen of what Ye Feihong had originally inquired about.

Everyone in the management of Xiangcheng knew that Suizhu would occasionally suffer from madness. When she got sick, she would neither cry nor make trouble, and would only run around Xiangcheng in the middle of the night.

Zhan Shen frowned and walked over slowly.

In front of him, Suizhu expressionlessly launched another drone equipped with two tubes of liquid bombs.

There is something very wrong with this man.

Zhan Shen stood in front of Suizhu and waited for a while.

Several more drones flew out of the open car window behind Suizhu.

These drones are like birds, flying all the way to the battlefield.

He reached out and pulled the remote control from Suizhu's hand.

Suizhu raised his hand and opened Zhan Shen's hand.

She pursed her pink lips and continued to fly the drone.

"How about you tell me how many liquid bombs you still have there?"

Zhan Shen turned around and leaned against the van with Suizhu, standing side by side.

He looked down at Suizhu who said nothing.

Suizhu didn't want to talk to him.

She was in a bad mood, and now she just wanted to kill some zombies to vent her anger.

One drone after another continued to take off, Zhan Shen looked down at Suizhu's side face, and the sound of bombing sounded, not far away

The bombs didn't just hit zombies.

Suizhu's random and unorganized bombings left the snow on both sides of the gap in a precarious state.

After dropping liquid bombs one after another, the drones began to return automatically.

Zhan Shen's cell phone rang, and he turned to answer the phone.

Ye Feihong yelled on the other end of the phone:

"Boss, have you killed that messy guy? We can't fight this battle normally. We all have to retreat. That guy is going to blow up the snow on both sides."

Xiangcheng has had such heavy snowfall in recent days, which has a great impact on foundation construction.

Coupled with Suizhu's indiscriminate bombing, nearby high-rise buildings are in a crumbling state.

The garrison could only retreat.

Otherwise, there is a risk of being buried under heavy snow and collapsed tall buildings.

Zhan Shen frowned, "You guys go back first."

After he hung up the phone, he went to see Suizhu.

As a result, why were the returning drones equipped with liquid bombs?

One after another lined up and flew out, and high-rise buildings collapsed, which became a trend.

Zhan Shen's heart moved and he snatched the remote control from Suizhu's hand.

"Give it back!"

Only then did Suizhu react a little, no longer like a wooden person who just wanted to vent his emotions.

Seeing Zhan Shen put her remote control behind her back, Suizhu reached out to grab it.

Zhan Shen grabbed her wrist, bent his waist, put his shoulder against Suizhu's waist, and carried her on his shoulders.


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