Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 67: The coronation (2)

Some are new nobles, some are hoping to become nobles, and Arial can even see some hedge Knight probably wanting to sworn their sword to Adrian after the coronation over, some landless sons, who might promise fealty if his forces decide to give them land and titles.

This is a time of war, and picking people are a priority, especially picking the right one.

Many have received his letter. This is a Kingdom is in the making. Many nobles came, most of them loyal to Adrian and believe his cause.

The chatter abruptly died down as the Archbishop entered and swept between the seats to the front of the main chamber.

'the Archbishop of Papnoticon' Arial muttered to himself. In the past he only sees the Archbishop when they came to the barrack to offer prayers to the deceased of renowned status.

On a golden tray he has with him a crown on a golden tray, the crown studded with gleaming rhinestones and adorned with the new arms of Adrian a spear pointing upwards in that crown, a crown fit for a king.

The church was filled with a buzzing silence, which was broken by the creak of a door as Adrian emerged into the main chamber.

With a look of confidence and pride, he kneeled before the crowd.

Adrian emerges from the chamber with a confident look and kneels before the Symbol of Light and before the crowd.

Now he was a youth beautiful of face, and handsome of appearance, of such humility that he seemed lower than all, of such authority that he was feared by all, so gentle, so loving, so affable that he was beloved by all.

The first time Arial had seen him, Adrian had the same youthful, handsome face, the same humility and gentleness, but now he also exuded authority and strength.

But Arial could see he has none of his brother boldness or charisma.

Handsome and courteous he is, but being pretty doesn't win you battle, and politeness doesn't win you a war.

In the long run, with Arial by his side, he would be a remarkable king. Arial would make it to be that way

The ceremony was wholly religious, a dedication to god's service. The Archbishop recited a passage from the Book of Light:

"In the beginning, there was darkness,

A world of great and terrible darkness,

Great and terrible terrors.

And then He spoke of Light

And Light came. Then He spoke Again -"

He chants the Song of Beginning and some people chanted it to slowly, barely a whisper and then silence returned to the chamber as the passage came to an end.

The Archbishop turned to face Adrian.

The Oath will begin.

The nobles have been informed beforehand how the coronation going to take place and they were not surprised with the Archbishop action.

"Is Your Majesty willing to take the Oath?" he asked with a smile.

"I am willing," Adrian replied in a clear voice.

One of the bishops then ask the many nobles standing in the big church watching the coronation

"Do you want such a ruler?"

"We wish it and grant it" Arial said and the rest of the nobles followed. The Bishop nodded.

Then the Archbishop opens a book and look back at Adrian his face solemn as he ask Adrian another question.

"Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the people of the Kingdom of Alan, to protect them and care for them?"

"I solemnly promise to do so," said Adrian, a smile creeping onto the corners of his lips.

"Will you to your power, cause Law and Justice, in Mercy, to be executed in all your judgments?"

"I will."

"Will you, to the utmost of your power, maintain the Laws of the god of Light? Will you maintain in this Kingdom the religion of Light, and be the Defender of the Faith if the Church requires you to?"

"All this I promise," said Adrian.

The Archbishop then anointed Adrian, on his hands, breast, shoulders and arms with holy oil, and on his head with a special type of consecrated oil called myron.

The anointing stressed the sacramental nature of Kingship.

Then the Archbishop place the crown on the Adrian that is kneeling

Clearing his throat, he turned to the eager crowd.

"I present to you, King Adrian Alan, the first King of Alan, protector of the newly founded Kingdom of Alan." At his words Adrian bowed humbly and also addressed the crowd.

"The promises I have made today, I shall keep, and I gladly accept the crown. May God help to keep my duty and defend the faith, and vanquish the enemy." He looked out at his new subjects, not as a Duke but as a King.

"Bend your knee and swear your loyalty," he said, his voice echoing proudly around the chamber.

Arial as the representative of his House and the most powerful noble House that supported Adrian cause declares

"I, as the Regent of my Lord father, Duke of Arrandy, here take an Oath in front of God an it's servant, to help defend the King Divine Right and vanquish his enemy, protect the Kingdom and help the weak and I swear fealty to his throne"

The other also kneeled and speaks the words. Even though this is their oath, but Adrian also make an Oath albeit unspoken.

It was not all one way. The coronation oath was a solemn binding contract with his people. If we want to we can also depose him.

Every person in the chamber kneeled in unison and chanted their oath, to serve their King and protect the Kingdom.

The feast which followed the coronation was tainted with a solemn atmosphere.

Loved ones of the fallen men still sought revenge, and swore to each other that they would have their vengeance as many of their relatives, friend and family died in the event of the Feast.

Adrian sat at the head of the table, looking every inch a king already, watching his people.

Everyone believed it was all Aries's plan, and Arial heard the whispers around the table: Aries the King-maker.

The war already seemed bigger than it had before, and Arial wondered if he had somehow made things worse.

Alderam's army was still slaughtering nobles, and taking their land after they had fallen.

Aldream forces and their allied noble houses are now consolidating Aldream rule around Dented Shied with many of the people supported him taking the territory of the nobles he slain

For example, the Vorwound Hall that belongs to Vorwound family is confiscated by House Revan and they began planning how to stake a claim for Alderam, no doubt.

Arial doubt Alderam can get himself to be proclaim King.

Who would give him the authority and the legitimacy other than Dostov?

But maybe there are other nation that is thinking to support him but they surely would not do it to aid Alderam instead it is a scheme and a plot.

A weak Dukedom might be better for some Kingdom rather than a united Dukedom under the rule of one House.

For now, they agree to help Adrian and rejoice in his coronation because there has happen a dark event that should be condemned, but for later?

Seren Radiant Rulers may not have the same faith as the people of the Dukedom, but many of them especially their common folk is the believer of Light.

Now that Adrian have the approval of the Church and consent, Arial can march to Dented Shield not only to avenge the fallen nobles but also to reclaim the territory of King Adrian Alan, Protector of the kingdom and Defender of the Faith of Kingdom of Alan.

Arial needed to begin his military campaign.

With the banners of all the lords under the King he could order them to battle, to pacify the south before he set his eyes on the north and taking back Dented Shield.

He would begin by forcing the houses in the south to swear their loyalty to the crown.

He had decided that he will march tomorrow and at the same time he will task some of the nobles to guard the north territory so they will not be taken by the Loyalist of Duke Alderam

After all no matter how strong he is right now he can't be in two places at once. Arial will also help to put a word and insinuate himself in the King Council

Adrian would hardly disagree if he said his father wanted a post in his Council since his House are Adrian biggest supporter.

The North will pay but for now the South takes priority.

Arial fears that if he didn't take the South first who knows maybe they might be attacked from the back and from the front and that would lead his forces to ruin.

As he threw tactics around in his head, the people feasted while the threat of war loomed above them.


I will see whether I could finish my workload before posting another chapter tomorrow.

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