Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 53: Influence (2)





The city of Danoba was in a state of unrest and is slowly devolving into chaos.

The newly appointed Count had reported to the House of Palais that dissatisfaction was high among all the people of the city.

The ports were no longer receiving shipments of the exotic goods that the people had grown used to.

Not from Vorthy nor Ariundus or other lands like Anjou Horde, wine from Ranoa that usually come with dozens of ship to trade in the Port all did not come.

The people of the County that is used to luxury items and extravagance food and great wines at first was disgruntled.

The new Count says he can solve this. And with great persuasion the people back off and give the new Count a chance

So he sent letters to the trading families, and even sent some expedition to cross the Sea to ask the people in the other continent to come trading back.

The reply was disheartening.

The businesses across the Continent all seemed to share the same view: they did not want to trade with a man they didn't know.

The foreign traders had heard the news from Danoba. Aries was a trusted man and, after hearing what had happened to him, they no longer wanted to trade there.

The trading families, the foreign traders all made their business in the Port not only because the County of Acro has many trade items from all the Continent but also because they trusted the nature of Aries.

His trustworthiness became his weapon.

And hearing what happen to that family, they no longer wanted to trade there and instead they go to Vern in the North even though the journey would be longer

And after the wealthy family heard that, their disgruntled attitude turns into frustration while the guilds turn to anger.

Every day Danoba was filled with protestors.

The new Count didn't dare use military intervention; with the city boasting one of the largest populations in the Dukedom, angering so many people would be too large a risk.

That is one reason. The other reason was that the city and the county are used to freedom more than any other parts of the Continent because the way Aries set up his rule.

So gossip continued to spread through the taverns, along the dark alleys and the same chant was heard everywhere: "bring back the Vermont".

Henry Palais sat on his office chair, rubbing his temples, sighing reading the reports.

Every day the reports made his headache more painful.

Rumors had spread that the Palais family was determined to conquer the Dukedom for itself.

There are some story tellers that spread rumor that the Palais family is determine to conquer the Dukedom for himself

Little did he know that even in exile that Vermont family has many connections, from worlds over and has many connections with the trading families.

Even in exile the Vermont family continued to exert influence in the affairs of the Dukedom with their massive wealth.

Stories inciting fear that the Palais family is setting up their own Kingdom here in the Dukedom could be heard everywhere around the Dukedom.

With each passing day the stories grew bolder, and the nobles and the noble houses, the minor lords, the low lords and even the High Lord of Alan fear that there was some truth in the tales.

Storytellers claimed the Vermont's had been exiled for uncovering the Palais's ambition, and so they were levied with the accusation of treason to cover the House of Palais ambition.

And day by day more people began to believe the stories. Dark whispers and dark thoughts were flooding every day into secluded meeting places.

And day by day fear crept in the hearts of Henry. His son is in the Order of Alan so maybe he hadn't heard yet the news yet since those knight would rarely care about the affairs outside their castle walls.

The time had come, Henry decided, to solidify his power.

The marriage between his son and the daughter of Zephyr must take place. As he mused, an attendant knocked on his office door, and entered.

"Milord, Helve Zephyr has arrived," the attendant said nervously.

The tense atmosphere had spread throughout the house, and recently the attendants only spoke to Henry when it was absolutely necessary.

Helve Zephyr strode through the door after the attendant, who nodded before dashing off. Before he had time to offer a proper greeting, Henry spoke.

"I will go straight to my question Helve. How is the state of the betrothal between our children?"

There was a silence in which Helve shifted uncomfortably. Taking a deep breath, he focused on a spot slightly to the left of Henry's face.

"My lord, my daughter refuses to marry," he said quietly.

"And?" said Henry. "Are you not her father?"

"She is a knight, my lord," Helve said. "A Knight Sister at that. She has signed her name in blood as part of the brotherhood. Filial piety to parents is second before duty to the Continent. She doesn't need to answer to me if that is what she chooses. If she decides to marry, it will be of her own will."

Henry sighed.

He had heard of Helia Zephyr's success at the Academy. He knew that his son West had tried to court the girl, but she had shown no interest in his efforts.

But Henry had heard something else, something that suddenly made him think. His expression darkened as he thought a dark thought.

Helia had befriended Arial, son of the House of Vermont…. yet she did not even respond to the courting of his son

Henry scowled.

"Or perhaps you have another suitor?" he said, glaring accusingly at Helve.

"I don't understand, my lord," Helve said, his face turning pale.

"Could it be that House Vermont is pursuing your daughter's hand?" Henry's stare became harder, and Helve's face grew paler still.

Helve had not received a proposal from the Vermont family, but the closeness of his daughter and the Vermont boy had given him hope.

If they were united, the Zephyr House would undoubtedly become a strong force in the Dukedom.

Helve had received a letter several days before, with a wax seal stamped with the symbol of a dragon. The letter contained only three words:

"Choose a side."

The three words are simple but to do it will carry a great consequence

Helve knew he had to make a bet, either on the current power of Henry Palais, or the rising power of the Vermont's.

Helia had made a favorable impression on Aries Vermont when they had first met, and there was a good chance it could be turned into a solid alliance.

Uniting the declining House of Zephyr and the rising power of the Vermont's could create one of the strongest alliance of Houses in the Dukedom.

Alliance that could even rival that of House of Alan.

But if he chose wrongly he would find himself at the mercy of Henry Palais, and he was a man who knew no mercy.

His precious daughter might be spared, for she is too precious to be executed, but he knows what lies ahead if his choice didn't pan out.

Henry wanted West to marry his daughter and he knew why. Henry could then claim his family ancestry with the Vangua royalty and most of the southern lord's nobility.

The House of Zephyr is not a powerful house but it is probably one of the eldest and ancient noble houses in the Continent, related to many of the southern lords of Vangua.

He looks at Henry and then he replied.

"No, my lord," Helve said finally. "The Zephyr House has always sworn loyalty to the House of Palais."

"Fine," said Henry, sitting back in his chair. "Then you may go."

With that Helve went out of the room. Henry sighed.

He had no alliance right now with the other houses. The other Houses swear loyalty towards the House of Alan and have always did.

He could not appear to be threatening his only ally but at the same time he could not be too soft either.

What will he do now? Should he force Helve to betroth his daughter to his son?

On the other hand, Helve outside the room is walking away slowly, his expression unreadable. And in his mind there is only one thing.

He has to make a choice. And he has to make it by the end of today



Arial's plan had worked flawlessly.

Misinformation, propaganda, feeding on fear and uncertainty, on the distrustful nature of the nobles and fanning the flames of hate in the merchant family towards their new ruler.

This is all achieved perfectly.

The storytellers he had hired to spread unsavory rumors about the House of Palais had performed brilliantly, and fear and distrust of the family had seeped through the streets like a poisonous flood.

He then sent letters telling the other families and trading partners from Vorthy to Ariundus to the other Kingdoms saying that House of Palais do not know how to trade and their families wanted to exploit and change the price of products.

It takes great persuasion and he also negotiates with a few influential merchant families to achieve the desired effects.

Trading had ceased. The people of Danoba were reaching their limits. Any day, riots would ensue.

He also sent to the other Houses a letter to choose a side. Vermont family will return stronger than ever.

And those who is not on their side at the end of the day…. will not prosper.

Arial smiled to himself. Henry Palais had chosen the wrong family to mess with.

He will not let his family be trampled but he also did not want to destabilize the Kingdom by amassing forces and attacking Palais family.

Their family can amass great force if they really wanted to

Force that can be used to drive back the Invasion. He will let the common folk to force Henry hands.

It seems cowardly but it is all for the greater good. For some reason…the word the greater good could be used to justify for almost anything and everything.

Arial sighed bitterly.

The Dukedom would remain stable, and when the time came the Vermont's would still be able to amass great force to drive back the invasion.

It was all for the greater good. Arial sighed bitterly. He hoped he was not wrong.


End of chapter

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