A rare magical miracle in the world

Chapter 50 - 37 Storm (Please Recommend)

Chapter 50: Chapter 37 Storm (Please Recommend)

Translator: 549690339

The birth of the Child of Miracle, Bailuo didn’t know how long it would take.

In this regard, it depends on the miracle and also on the innate talent of the adapter themselves.

For Sherri’s Child of Miracle, they would have to wait until the radish was harvested to know the outcome, while for Lilith, it would depend on what sort of changes Elsa might undergo.

“No rush, let’s take our time,” Bailuo said.

Fortunately, the graces of miracles were always positive; even if a problem arose, Bailuo could retract them at any time and restore their original state, so there were no safety issues.

“Huff- — ”

The wind gradually turned colder, and the sky became overcast. The oppressive atmosphere caused Uncle to undergo a slight change in complexion, “This wind, there’s something wrong with it.”

“Xiao Luo!”

“Everyone, get inside the cabin!”

Bailuo hurried out of the pilothouse and quickly descended the stairs to the deck, “There’s a storm coming, get back inside!”

“Zero One Two, bring the mice back.”


Bailuo walked swiftly past the railing, and the three kittens immediately rose to salute him, then acted quickly, picking up the mice and running towards the cabin.

“Fiona, call back the White Eagles.”


Fiona blew her whistle, and the White Eagles immediately flew back, entering the cabin and perching on the iron chains, cocking their heads to watch the People of Yatun scurrying about.

“Lilith, lower the sails!”

Fairy magic fell upon the three ships, and all sails were automatically lowered and secured.

“Boom boom boom- – ”

By the time everything was ready, torrential rain nearly instantaneously started pouring down.

The previously bright daylight, at this moment, didn’t have a single glimmer of light, only countless black clouds roiling above everyone’s heads.

“Quick, everyone inside the cabin!”

There were innumerable dangers at sea, and among them, the sea’s own wrath was the greatest.

Bailuo had Uncle take control of the large ship, for it held all their lives, and affairs critical to the survival of the People of Yatun, which even Sister did not dare to jeopardize.

It was only Saros, the legendary figure who had endured countless hardships and yet still lived to this day, who could weather it through.


Bailuo instructed Lilith to link the three ships together.

Countless vines grew out from both sides of the large ship, then connected with the other two smaller ships. Blending with each other, they transformed into something resembling a twin-hulled yacht.


The sudden onslaught of the storm caused Uncle to sharply turn his gaze towards one side of the ship. There, Miya was preparing to duck into the cabin with her brother Shuster, “Feiya!!”


Almost the moment Uncle yelled out, a dark shadow burst forth from the depths of the ocean.

It was a fierce-looking monster fish, gaping with a huge maw, lunging at the two children.


An Iron Spear tore through the air, piercing into the monster fish’s mouth, exiting through the back of its head. The immense force blasted its head apart in a single strike.

“Tap tap tap.”

Sister dashed to the children’s side at a startling speed, “Don’t be afraid, quickly get inside.”


No sooner had Sister finished speaking than another sea beast resembling a crab emerged from beneath the water. Sister didn’t even glance at it; her Cross Sword whirled, effortlessly chopping off the creature’s claws and legs, as if cooking, a task done with ease.

That dashing figure left Shuster and Miya utterly dumbfounded.

“Sister Feiya, be careful!”

Luckily, without hesitation, they jumped into the ship cabin and were caught by the people of Yatun already prepared below.

“Is everyone in the cabin?”

In the midst of the storm, the old uncle could hardly keep his eyes open.

“Yes, they’re all in.”

By then, Lilith had linked the three ships together, reducing the number of people needed for steering from three to just one—old uncle.

“Leave the ship to me; you find a way to deal with the sea beasts.”

In this dark world resembling the apocalypse, the old uncle sought a safe way out for everyone.

Of course, it was fine to hide in the cabin and wait for the storm to pass, but the old uncle had experience, he could make the best decisions in the face of any situation.


As Bailuo’s words fell, Pegasus Sherri soared into the air. With a flap of her wings, she sliced through the sea beasts leaping from the water, turning them into pieces.

The martial achievements of elder sister weren’t inferior either; her strength and skills were indeed the best of Yatun.

And that was not all…


A sea beast that resembled a long snake surged out of the ocean, but before it could lunge at the ship, an invisible force had already enveloped it.


Smoke burst open, and a snow-white sheep, looking terrified and bewildered, ‘plopped’ into the sea with its limbs flailing.

“Impressive, Lilith!”

The little fairy was radiating a rainbow glow, her mystery and fantasy undimmed even by the darkness.

And as Lilith waved her Fairy Wand, all the sea beasts were forcibly transformed into various small animals; they didn’t possess Miracle Power and couldn’t even resist Fairy Magic.

Once turned into sheep and fallen into the sea, they were truly drowned fishes.

Bailuo figured these sea beasts never dreamed they would die in such a suffocating way.


Thunder struck, and Lilith instinctively raised her hand.


An invisible barrier blocked the lightning but caused the three ships to shake uncontrollably.


Lilith’s complexion changed slightly; she was trying hard to use the power of Fairy Magic to withstand the storm and lightning, but with little success. “Master, my power is not suited for withstanding this.”

Clearly, this was not where Lilith’s Miracle Power excelled.

“I will do it!”

Images of Sherri flashed through Bailuo’s mind. The pure white Pegasus landed beside Bailuo, her presence so commanding it seemed as though she would suppress the thunder in the skies herself.


“Get lost!”

Sherri flapped her wings, easily deflecting a bolt of lightning that was about to strike the mast, despite being more than ten meters away.

[She will become your beacon, guiding you through all storms]

In that moment, Bailuo recalled the Black Leather Book’s description of Pegasus Sherri: “The storm, the beacon upon the sea.”


Bailuo spoke only two words, but the old uncle understood his meaning: “Sherri is the miracle that overcomes natural disasters!”


Accompanied by the whinny of Pegasus, a dazzling white light burst forth from Sherri, and Bailuo mounted her, charging straight into the sky.

“Boom rumble!”

Thunder roared, the storm swept through, and huge waves shook heaven and earth. The pitch-black ocean seemed to hide countless terrifying monsters, gaping with their huge mouths, as if ready to pounce at any moment.

“Storm, you will not block my way!”

Sherri whinnied, endless white light cascading down her wings on either side.

Under the watchful eyes of the uncle and senior sister, the light from Sherri’s body coalesced into a giant curtain, shielding the ships of the People of Yatun in this dark world, breaking through everything!

“This is the power of miracles…”

The uncle could clearly feel that the resistance from the wind and rain had lessened considerably.

Not only that, even the ocean currents became gentle under Sherri’s Miracle Power.

“Sherri, followyour instincts, and take us to that place!”

Surrounded by darkness, they had long lost their sense of direction, and the enormous waves seemed as though they wanted to crush the ships to smithereens.

Bailuo did not attempt to control or steer Sherri; he let her fly freely, following her heart.


Sherri didn’t know where the island was, but as long as Bailuo thought about going there, Sherri would naturally bring him to their destination.

This was the Miracle Power of Pegasus—never losing her way.

The thunder continued, and the storm grew even fiercer, but none of these could stop the voyage of the People of Yatun, nor could they stop Sherri.

She, alone, protected the entire fleet.

And that powerful Miracle Power, for the first time, made Bailuo feel what the unbelievable truly is.

“Hoo hoo hoo~~”


Gradually, the downpour began to lessen, the fierce winds dissipated into nothingness, and the sunlight fell anew.

Feeling the calm, the People of Yatun opened the hatch, and as they climbed out from the cabin, they were greeted with a dream-like scenery after the storm.

In that moment, the People of Yatun knew, they were safe.

“It’s over.”

Mounted on Sherri, Bailuo opened his arms and laughed towards the sunlight, “We made it through, Sherri!”

“We defeated it!”

Sherri was also excited. This was the first time she showcased her power in her own Domain. The tremendous sense of accomplishment made it hard for her to contain her joy.

“What an incredible power.”

Standing on the deck, the uncle shook his wet white hair, gently rocking the helm, lost in thought.


The senior sister glanced at Sherri, then at Lilith, the existence of a miracle allowed the People of Yatun to triumph over nature, a victory for all living beings!

“The wind has stopped.”

“The storm is over.”


Just as the People of Yatun rejoiced, Fiona pointed towards the distance and shouted, “Look there! Look over there!”

In the far-reaching view, a small black dot came into sight.

“Could that be…”

“Our destination!”

“We’ve arrived, we’ve arrived!”


The people of Yatun all came up on deck, with children and women holding on to the railings. The bolder ones like Nors and Abadun even climbed onto another ship via the connecting trees.

Even Inya and Jiera followed suit and went over.

“We’ve found it, we’ve really found it, there it is!”

Nors was ecstatic, and Inya and Jiera were also full of excitement and surprise.

After circling the ships once on Pegasus Shelly to ensure that there were no safety issues, Bailuo finally returned to the deck of the main ship.


Bailuo descended from the sky, and the old man’s face was flushed with joy. He took out a telescope, “I remember there’s a high spot on that island, one section high… Yes, that’s it. Sherri really led us to our destination.”

The material for the telescope was created by Lilith with magic, but the assembling was done by the uncle.

Uncle’s special skill: handcrafting.

“Let me see.”


Bailuo took the telescope and indeed saw part of the island’s outline, “That spot?”

“That’s a mountain.”

The island was quite peculiar, looking like a conical hat with the center raised and sides sloping down, with increasingly lower terrain.

The entire island was estimated to be about 2700 square kilometers, roughly the size of a circle with a radius of about 30 kilometers.

Of course, the island wasn’t literally a circle; this was just a comparison, indicating its size.

“The island is bordered by cliffs on three sides, and only the westward direction has a beach suitable for constructing a port. This will facilitate fishing as well as coming and going.”

“The environment of the whole island is slightly different from that of our place; the temperature is higher, and it isn’t so cold in winter,” the uncle said. “Behind the beach, there’s a vast forest with fertile soil where we can clear land, or we can keep wild animals for a source of meat.”

“To the north are rugged rocks and many stone mountains, where we can quarry stone for building houses.”

“If we dig further, we might even find minerals,” the uncle said. “Many years ago, I went down there with the girls’ father, and we found quite a bit of copper and iron ores.”

So in terms of resources, the basic materials were more than enough to meet all the needs of the people of Yatun.

“Then there are the east and south sides, where the river valleys and plains merge into one, with a beautiful environment full of bird songs and fragrances, especially the plains, which can be used directly as farmland.”

“If we develop these two regions well, we can obtain at least 400,000 mu of farmland.”

This number was indeed significant.

With the crops of Yatun, one mu of land was basically enough for the annual needs of a family of three.

Thus, even by modest estimates, the island could support 500,000 people without any pressure.

Not to mention the port, which could also draw food from the sea.

But how many were the people of Yatun?

A mere 80!

500,000 people, Bailuo wouldn’t even dare to think that big.

However, until they reached a population of 200,000, Yatun would definitely not encounter food shortages.

“As for the highest mountain,” the uncle said, “my idea is to directly transform it and construct a city capable of accommodating thousands of people.”

With that, the whole island would be utilized by the people of Yatun.

2700 square kilometers of land, that’s more than enough to accommodate five to six hundred thousand people.

Of course, the issue of food is a big one, so Yatun Island probably can’t support that many people. Even if it could, due to pressure, the choice would be to give it up.

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