A Pervert's World

Chapter 367: A daunting task for Shalam

**Yesterday Night**

The strange mourning hour was coming to an end at last in the Governor's mansion. Felicia who had received an exquisite cunnilingus from Governor Pediot was back on her feet while her male partner had taken up a bunch of maids to take care of his raging boner. 

Felicia, meanwhile inquisitively walked over to the star of the night. Being the mother who had recently lost her child, anyone would be sympathetic to the plight of Mrs. Mae, the official wife of the governor of Gustump City. 

Just like Mae had hinted at, her husband was every bit the savage she had painted him out to be. She approached the woman on her back who was being even now being dicked down in her ass by an aristocratic man. Noticing the princess stroll over, the man hurriedly bowed his head to show proper respect to the royalty. 

Felicia casually waved her hands, prompting the guy to return his focus onto Mae and her abused sphincter. Big patches of dried-up semen can be located all along the poor woman's breasts. Similarly, her face had markings of leftover man juices. 

Mae watched Felicia's visage hovering over her, however, maybe the lady was excessively tired or just too disappointed in her to even bother an eye contact. In turn, the royal woman in her exuberant attire chose to reveal a soft smile. "I see you all have done a great job cheering Mrs. Mae up at the time of a severe loss." 

Her tone was sarcastic, causing every other man who had taken part in the debauchery with the governor's wife, to grin emphatically. No one was willing to believe that such a superfluous explanation from Governor Pediot was going to fool the princess. And now her comments had only laid credence to their perspective. 

"Indeed. But all the praise goes to Mrs. Mae and no one else." The guy currently taming Mae simply grappled her calves and pushed them forward, his actions raising the lady's ass in a way that allowed a greater range of motion for him. 

Apart from a few delayed grunts, Mae didn't have any particular reaction. Felicia must admit, the sight of a desperate mother being ravaged by multiple men on the night of her son's funeral was an enthralling sight. However, from the looks of it, the show was on its last legs now. 

"I think Mrs. Mae had enough. Let us have her take some rest now." Felicia wasn't interested in watching the deadpan expression of Mae while the penis of the man wormed back and forth in her backdoor. Since she had made up her mind, she might as well drag the lady out of this elite whorehouse. 

At her behest, a lot of men turned towards the governor, as of waiting for his decision. Nonetheless, a few smart ones were better at reading the situation than their peers. Felicia might not be born into royalty, however, her position was still a grade or two more than the governor. The governor really can't turn her decree down. 

"As the Princess wishes..." The man opposite Felicia might have been very close to his climax, causing him to take some short dives in her anus and quickly deliver his load deep into her guts. 

The lady in red was surprisingly cool with it, letting the guy have his orgasm before taking hold of Mrs. Mae by her arms and helping her up. "Please don't bother with her, my lady. We have a lot of help who can assist my wife." 

A royalty catching hold of a woman grossly covered in pungent semen didn't present a pretty sight and the governor jumped in, only to be waved off by Felicia. "That's fine. I am really impressed with Mrs. Mae's dedication to her craft. I am anyway on my way out. Let me bring her over to her lawns." 

Pediot signaled the array of maids standing around, who rapidly got dressed and accompanied the two women out of the hall. After a while, the orgy hall was once again brought back to life at the direction of the governor. 

"That was quite a show, Mrs. Mae. I feel guilty not believing you earlier." Walking outside, Mae heard the soft voice right next to her ears but ignored it. Shalam might be optimistic about her, however, Mae can't see a single reason why this arrogant princess was going to feel any compassion towards them. 

Rather, her apparent apathy had only vindicated her thought. "Glad the Princess liked it." There was a subtle disrespectful tone behind her words, only causing Felicia to smile widely. 

The two ladies didn't speak anymore. Felicia waited for them to reach Mae's manor before sending the maids back. From there, she helped Mae get back to her room. "Do you really believe he is the right person? I mean, that guy didn't even bother looking over you while you were being passed around like a common slut." 

Mae raised her brows, partly offended and partly surprised that Felicia even cared to talk to her about Shalam. "That's because I made him not do it." She spoke with some sense of pride. Her expression truly contrasted with the naked view of her distraught body layered under the stinky cum of probably a dozen men. 

"If you say so." Felicia tracked down a man who was standing in one dark corner of the suite, his arms hugging his chest and his head down. "Well, if you ask me... I would have liked my man to charge through all odds and possess me, even if he had to lose his life in doing so. But whatever, to each their own, I guess." 

"You..!!" Mae seethed in anger. Somehow the fact that Felicia disrespected Shalam in her presence made her more enraged than the entire episode of earlier abuse. After the death of her son, Shalam was the only person important enough to live for. How can she allow someone to badmouth her lover?

"Princess said nothing wrong, Mae." But before the lady could counter the haughty monarch, Shalam had cut her off. "I am nothing but a coward." Mae felt her heart get crushed when she heard the man speak in a deranged manner. 

"Don't listen to her... Shalam." Mae rushed over to her man, embracing him tightly in her arms. "She is spouting nonsense. I will never have you lay down your life for me. I will never be so selfish towards the person I have loved so dearly." 

Mae might have tried her best, but she miserably failed to bring Shalam's spirit back. Without spouting a single word, he freed himself from Mae's embrace before walking away. Tears spilled recklessly from her eyes as she watched the man get away from her. "No...Shalam, please... Listen to me.." 

She chased the guy, desperately grabbing his arm to stop the man from leaving her. Felicia, who had been the culprit behind the tension between the lovers watched on with a big chauvinistic smile. It was like no amount of Mae's tears and Shalam's anguish could soften her heart. 

"Hahaha... Good good... That's an amusing play you two had put on." Suddenly, Felicia laughed out loudly in scornful laughter, directing all the attention onto herself. 

Mae's red eyes turned hostilely towards the princess. It was clear that if not for Felicia's background and immense strength, she would have gone ahead and choked this vixen to death. Compared to her, Shalam remained unmoving, all sense of life drained out of his face. 

"I am very much intrigued. Hence, I shall give you two a chance." Neither Mae nor Shalam had anticipated her to say something like that. Thus, both parties remained dazzled by her intervention. 

Mae noted the woman brings out a small pamphlet and scribbled on it before crumpling it down. Next, the lady approached her, and taking advantage of her stunned state, she made her bend over. 

A finger bored itself into Mae's anus, bringing along the crumpled piece of paper. "I have written the directions on this paper. This is where you should be present before the first light of the day if you want to spend the rest of your days with her." 

Considering Mae was still bent over all the way, she assumed the princess to be addressing Shalam. "Now I want to see you two fuck.. as roughly as you can. I want to hear her scream like a cattle." Once the piece of paper was secured deep in her rectum, Mae was shoved back into the arms of her man. 

Needless to say, both the man and woman were too stunned to even react properly. Did they hear her right? Did Princess Felicia finally decide to help them? Mae who was wishing death on her not even a few seconds back was especially astounded by the development. 

But compared to her, Shalam was pleasantly surprised. Since the very beginning, he had a hunch Mrs. Felicia was just messing with them. Even her harsh words right now which can be interpreted as sowing dissent between himself and Mae might very well be a way to assess their affection for each other. 

This woman did act all haughty on the surface, however, she had a good heart. Shalam surmised while he hugged Mae with all his strength. "Your Highness.. is.. is this true? Can you help us?" For a person who had always relied on himself for all his life, it was humiliating to ask for a lady's benevolence. Despite this, Shalam was willing to go through this shame if it meant they can finally rescue Mae. 

Mae on the other hand remained clueless as to what was brewing in the mind of the monarch. However, the sheer joy on the face of her lover told her their love had managed to put a dent in Mrs. Felicia's complacency. 

"Hmph.. you got something in your ears, peasant?" The woman of royalty walked across the large room and brought her hips down on the cushioned chair with her legs on top of each other. "Listen closely because I don't like repeating myself." 

She scanned the hugging duo with big predatory eyes. "Before I decide to intervene, you must entertain me with a show. So you two must fuck in the ways I described earlier. Make sure I hear the cries... loud and clear." 

In spite of Felicia addressing them in the most condescending voice, it was nothing but music to Mae and Shalam's ears. Starting with Mae, the couple immediately collapsed in prostration before the lady, rapidly banging their heads on the stoned floor. "We can never hope to repay this kindness, your highness." 

Felicia remained unfazed by the deep respect shown to her. "You know, the piece within your rectum has important information on it. If you two keep wasting time like this.. don't blame me if it gets spoiled." 

Shalam jerked into action. Nonetheless, before his fingers could reach Mae's anus to retrieve the note, Felicia blurted another command. "No hands gentleman.. where is the fun in that. I want you to use your mouth to fish out the note from the dirty asshole of your lover." 

Expectedly, while Mae remained dumbfounded, Shalam's brows flickered. Anyone can tell the man was thoroughly unnerved by the proposition. "Hehe.. let me remind you. That hole contains more than half a dozen men's jizz inside it. Now show me how far you are willing to go for her." 

This was another one of Mrs. Felicia's mind games. The woman had poured herself wine and was sipping through it as though expecting the show to begin.  "Remember, if there is any bowel movement from Mrs. Mae to assist you, the deal is off. You must take it out on your own." 

A rattled Shalam could only stare at the leaking sphincter of Mae and slowly build his resolve. "Shalam.." Mae called out to him, her countenance totally red from the strange demands of the Princess. 

Shalam seems to have made up his mind. He held onto Mae's shoulders reassuringly. "I will take this as my repentance of not being able to intervene on your behalf tonight, dear." 

Felicia excitedly rubbed her palms together, witnessing Shalam bring his face between Mae's abused backside and bury his tongue in the slime-covered gorge. 

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