A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 59: New god wants to take a vacation?

"Wait you are going on a vacation? Do gods even go on vacations?" Emma asked like that was the last thing she was ever expecting to hear.

"Yes, yes I am. And I don't know about other gods but this chad god of culture does." Rudeus said with a mischievous smile.

He had been getting on quite well with Emma recently as the two mostly behaved as friends and coworkers where Rudeus was the boss.

Although she almost regularly had a fight with Selene due to both women wanting to be the one in power just after Rudeus and both trying their hardest to please him, but he still behaved like he didn't know anything about their rivalry.

He of course could shut both of them up but that would not be a solution to the problem. No, what he wanted was to make both girls solve this issue themselves and he believed that they would be able to do exactly that, given enough time.

He even stopped taking any favors from Emma after than one blowjob since he didn't want to seem like a boss who would give promotions based on sexual favors.

He knew that Emma was extremely capable, maybe even more capable than Selene herself. And he wanted to bring this raw capability out of her. That was not possible while he was present to solve every problem that arose. That just increased their dependency on him.

He had no problem if they were emotionally or sexually depended on him but he didn't want to baby them and solve all the problems that they came across. That's why he was going on a vacation.

This vacation was the perfect way to make sure that all of his faction members wouldn't be able to depend on him for all their problems. Emma as the White Queen would take care of the company while Selene Gallio as the Black Queen would take care of their newly acquired country.

Even Jean and Ororo needed some time to themselves to get their priorities straight and truly think what they wanted. They would probably leave the school for him the moment he asked but he didn't want that.

He wanted them to use their own mind and decide for themselves where he was in their list of priorities. He didn't even want them to leave the school. No, he wanted them there to take control of it.

The quintuplets were already his spies inside the school and were informing him of everything going on in there. They informed him of the new students, their new powers, the missions they were doing, everything.

They were even being trained directly by Xavier after he recognized their talent in telepathy as well as the true power they could possess when they unite their minds.

Rudeus knew that individually they could be as talented as Charles Xavier himself, an alpha level telepath but together they could even break past the limit of omega level.

Charles was even introducing them to and training them in the usage of Cerebro. Rudeus was really happy because of that since it meant that once he has his own cerebro, he would also gain the trained mind or minds in this case required to operate it perfectly.

Zoya on the other hand was responsible for not only the technological developments of the country of Genosha but also for making a new and improved cerebro as well as producing a small sentinel private army for Rudeus to use later in emergencies.

As for Psylocke, she would not be able to walk for the next few days. And truthfully she preferred going on missions more than going on a lazy vacation.

So the only one going with Rudeus was Vanessa. She was really excited for it as she had already packed about ten suitcases for the trip.

Of course Rudeus still hadn't told her that the vacation was not gonna be all flowers and rainbows since he had another reason why he was leaving the States. He needed to find someone for his next set of training to grow his powers more.

"Also who are these Robert Reynolds, Owen Reece and the other people in the list that you asked Zoya to look out for? Are they any danger to us metahumans?" Emma asked seriously. Zoya had told her about some of the names on the list to enlist her help in searching for them.

Although she had found most people and they were now under the surveillance of Zoya or some other loyal member of Meta, those two still hadn't been found.

No matter how much they searched, it was like something was deliberately trying to block him from finding the two.

He had even found the eternals and even the Blue Marvel who was currently leading a normal civilian life with his family but still not the two mentally disbalanced supers who could destroy the universe if they had one bad day.

Even Simon Williams who would later become Wonder man was also discovered by Zoya as she actively observed him. Rudeus wanted to find out the process that gave him his powers so that he would be able to use it later himself.

Wonder man would be easy to defeat and he knew that he had a good chance of beating Blue Marvel right now in a fair fight if he went all out just like he could take on Thor with his hammer. But Sentry was about ten times stronger than him if he fought with a sane mind. As for the Molecule man, he didn't even want to imagine fighting him.

No, he was not being a wimpy coward, he was just being realistic. He didn't want to die in a battle that he had never any chance of winning.

He would make sure to grow stronger than those two one day but right now he could barely compete with them. Hell, he barely defeated the evolved Magneto and even that happened because Magneto possessed by Cassandra didn't have much of an experience with his new abilities and power level.

But Rudeus would change that soon. That's why this vacation was important.

As for those two, he would observe them if he found them and maybe if he found them to be not deserving of their future powers, he would probably even kill them. He was not gonna take a chance with allowing somebody who could punch with the strength of a thousand exploding suns to live among civilians with bipolar disorder and severe personality disorder.

Even though it would be cruel and hypocritic on the same level as Professor Charles Xavier, he would still do it. He was a hypocrite about serious stuff like these.

"Don't worry about them. They are not dangerous for now. But they might be in the future. Atleast that's what my godly wisdom is telling me. So just try to find them for now. And if you do, don't engage. Just keep surveillance and observe from a distance." Rudeus bullshitted with a straight face.

"Fine. By the way master, won't you miss me while on the vacation? So why don't I give you a farewell gift that you can remember me by while you are on this vacation? Maybe you will quite like it." Emma whispered to Rudeus in a hot husky voice as she placed her hand gently on his crotch and began to sensually rub it.

"Maybe after I return. By the way, you still have quite a long way to go if you want to match Selene's sex appeal and bed skills. You aren't even able to excite me right now." Rudeus teased her as he stroked her competitive and perfectionist nature to make her try to actively pursue him to prove her superiority to Selene.

"That old wrinkly hussy has warmed the beds of thousands of men. That is the only reason why she is more... 'skilled' than me. But I will show you eventually how better I am than her. I will suck you dry once I get my hands on you." She raged on.

"Yeah, sure you will" Rudeus said with an innocent smile as he disappeared into a boom tube.

As he appeared back at his pyramid style spaceship which has now been shifted to Genosha, he began to make preparations to leave on his vacation.

"Hey Zoya, how are the researches going on?" He asked her. He had given her quite a list of tasks to do, some of which were to conduct researches with the help of Meta scientists and make some stuff that he needed.

"Not that good sir. The Pym particles were never stored in any digital server it seems. So I was unable to copy or steal it from Hank Pym. As for the arc reactor, I was able to quite easily reverse engineer its design and decrease the size by a huge margin. But I still don't have an alternative to the palladium that is used in it as you requested." Zoya informed him.

"The same with the sentinel Nimrod. I need a lot more time to learn about how it works if I do it alone. The rest of the researchers are smart but they are nowhere as smart as they need to be to work with me. As for the other devices like the dimensional teleporter, they will be much easier to make."

"Although now that I can produce and control sentinels and other such droids, I imagine I will probably be able to do things much faster. But I still advice to hire other smart people in our research department. It will make my job much easier as currently I have to divide my computing abilities too much to do things efficiently." She complained to Rudeus like a child.

"Don't worry. I will. I'll just have to find some people with good enough potential. I already have some in my mind, I'll try to recruit them after I get back from my trip." He said with a smile. " And also Zoya, good job. You are the most amazing AI ever."

"Thanks... sweetheart" Zoya said shyly as she mumbled the last part.

"Anyways its time to finally take a vacation." Rudeus said as he pretended not to hear the last part.

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