A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 53: All hail the god of Acting

Rudeus slowly floated up in the sky with his hand stretched outwards in a Messiah pose. He then concentrated on his new healing perk as he fed more and more of his divine energy into it.

He began to shine with a warm golden light. He looked like a shining star, a heavenly angel to everyone watching him from the ground. Even the warm light emanating from him seemed to calm them down and get rid of their tiredness.

It gave them a sense of relief that the hard part was over, that they could relax now.

As Rudeus built up enough power, he then slowly pushed his healing energy outwards in a pulse of golden light all over the island. The pulse touched each and every living thing on the island country, healing everybody as it passed through them.

Everyone graced by the golden light not only felt all of their wounds and injuries healing up but also felt all sense of tiredness leaving from their bodies. The ones who were almost near death became as healthy as a horse.

It was truly a miracle that changed the beliefs of everyone who experienced it.

If some people still had a doubt about Rudeus not being a god, this miracle made them believe in him. Almost all of them accepted Rudeus as their new ruler as they got their own healthy lives or the lives of their friends and family back.

However Rudeus' case at this moment was completely different. Right now, he was panting heavily as he felt almost all of his divine energy reserves empty. He had miscalculated. He had thought that he would need a maximum of half of his divine energy reserves to heal everyone on the island. But now, he had used up almost ninety five percent of his energy.

'Maybe the island was overpopulated or something. Thanos might be right after all, overpopulation really is a serious problem.' Rudeus grumbled annoyedly at his huge energy consumption.

He was lucky this time that there were no enemies waiting for him. But he had to be careful from next time to make sure not to spend too much energy on healing others. It seemed the energy consumed on healing the same wound on two different people also varied as it depended on the difference in tier of existence of the two people.

But Rudeus didn't show his tired face infront of his new 'believers'. He was a god, so he had to act like one. He slowly descended from the sky in a graceful manner as all the people below chanted his new godly name, "All hail Atem. All hail Atem."

He was extremely surprised at what the combination of the golden rule and divine healing perks could do with some well place display of power and smart theatrics on his side.

Everyone in front of him kneeled to show him respect as a god.

"Don't kneel infront of me my children. After all, I exist so that you will never have to kneel in front of everyone ever again. Follow me and I will deliver you to the promised land, your haven." Rudeus declared in a booming voice imitating the spiritual leaders he remembered from his last life.

Excitement surged among the mutants at his words as the same line again began to reverberate across the entire country at once, "All Hail the Meta god. All hail Atem."


As the X-men reached Hammer Bay, the capital of the island country, they saw that the city despite being almost demolished recently still maintained its joyful atmosphere.

Instead of expressing sorrow for the unfortunate incident that occured or feeling sad for the dead and injured, all the metahumans were currently working together instead to again build the city anew.

They were not the least bit discouraged and almost appeared happy to work like this.

"They seem a little bit too happy to be people who were just attacked a few hours ago by blood thirsty murderous sentinels. Jean, can you please check if they are being mentally influenced or controlled somehow?" Beast asked Jean.

"I just did. There is no external psychic or telepathic influence on them whatsoever. They are just happy because of their new god and leader, Rudeus. He healed all the injured... and even brought back to life some of the dead people as well, who died in the sentinel massacre." Jean spoke, not believing in her own words after she read the memories of some of the people.

"Did you just say, bring back the dead? That's not possible. That's not something even a mutant could do, no matter how strong he is. Your telepathic skills might need a little bit more sharpening Jean." Scott said as he moved closer to the now angry girl.

She was not only angry that Scott was trying to belittle her crush, Rudeus but also annoyed that he was insulting her own telepathic skills as well, the same skills she worked so hard to master.

"Impossible for a metahuman maybe, but not for a god." Ororo replied before Jean could say anything.

"Well, why don't we ask the god himself on what happened." Beast said as he spotted Rudeus sitting infront of the central palace, the administrative building of the city.

They all walked towards the young god to meet up with him except Logan, who went to search for a can of beer. He has been sobre for too long for his taste.

Of course, the young god himself had no idea about the revival and resurrection of the dead mutants he had just caused. He was just happy that he was not dead due to overconsumption of his divine energy. That would be a pathetic way to die for a young new god like him.

Rudeus was currently talking with Selene on the topic of annexing the country. He needed to place himself and his faction at the top of the current ruling structure of the country without attracting too much attention.

He didn't need other country governments or secret organizations to try to take away Genosha from him. He wanted to avoid a big scale public war for now. But he had no doubt that organizations like Shield or Hydra or even the Ten Rings had found out about him and his recent escapades in the country.

But he was also sure that they would not do anything so soon. The level of power he had displayed in his battles should be enough for them to think carefully before they act.

He also needed his research team to focus on some particular projects he needed completed by 2008. But none of the scientists working for him were exceptional geniuses. They were all intelligent and smart in their own rights but none were on the level of Tony Stark or Reed Richards or Hank Pym or even Nathaniel Essex.

So he really needed to hire some fresh blood as well in his research department.

'So many things to do, yet so little time. I really wish I could just speed run everything like in those fanfictions and get this over with. Maybe rule the multiverse after a month of being reborn or something.' Rudeus laughed at his own thought.

After all, there is a very big difference between reading wish fulfilment fanfictions and the actual life he was leading right now.

Here things cannot be pitch perfect. Even he himself despite being a god was definitely not perfect and had made a lot of mistakes and will probably make a lot more but he will not accept defeat in any way. He would not give up and run away.

He will persevere and he will one day be the strong enough to not even fear the Beyonders or even the One Below All.

As he was daydreaming about the absolute level of godly power he one day wanted to possess, he saw the X-men coming towards him with different expressions on their faces.

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