A Goblin’s Evolution

B2, Chapter 32: Life in a Brothel

Min and Kemah counted through a whole pile of silver, copper, and golden coins, glints in their eyes as they realized how much money they’d made. Soon, they’d gathered all the coins into one, large bag.

“After subtracting the girls’ pay we’ve made fifty-four gold and four silver. Although, we’ll also have to subtract the costs of food and rent. I wonder how much we’ll have profited in a month,” Min said, as she weighed the hefty bag in her hands.

The bag was much bigger than it needed to be, since most people would pay with silver and copper coins. The girls cost a flat rate of two silver coins. If you could pay that, you could have them for at most one hour, or until you’d orgasmed twice. Many would stop after ejaculating once, and most wouldn’t be able to last an hour, so in reality, the prostitutes could have several customers in one hour.

“Food for ten girls, three gold per day should be about right. With that, we still have fifty-one gold remaining. Oh, but I forgot to calculate the increased wages for those girls who helped us clean this place up, but we still made a huge amount of money today,” Min continued.

“If every day is like this, we’ll make a lot of money. We only have to pay a hundred gold in rent for the next two years, and we’ve already made half of that. And even after two years, the rent would only go up to about a hundred and fifty gold. But we probably won’t get as many customers as we did today again. Not often, at least,” Kemah said.

“Yeah, with the advertisement the Saucy Chick did for us, a lot of people were interested in our grand opening. But man, today was so much fun! I got fucked  by eighteen guys, and unlike when we worked in that other brothel, I get to keep all the money! I made three gold and six silver, all on my own! Not to mention that we get to keep most of the money that the other girls make,” Min said, feeling giddy over all the sex she’d have, and all the money she’d make.

Min was ecstatic over being able to do what she loved, and make money while doing it. So much money, too.

“You’re way more popular than I am. I only had seven customers, so I only made fourteen silvers. But it can’t be helped with all my scars. Maybe I should hide them with makeup,” Kemah said. Kemah didn’t feel as much regret over her scars anymore, but they were still a stain on her pride.

“No matter what, you’ll always be my favorite prostitute,” Min said, giving Kemah a quick kiss on the mouth.

“Well, you and Ellie. I’m so happy I can be a prostitute with both my lovely girlfriend, and my adorable daughter,” Min said, as she rested her head on Kemah’s chest, her cheek touching the rough skin of Kemah’s scar.

Kemah kissed Min back and the two lingered in each other’s mouths for a while.

“I’m also glad that I can run a business with you,” Kemah replied, as the two held each other lovingly.

Days passed. While the first day of their brothel had been astoundingly successful, the following days were calmer. A busy day might see a hundred and twenty visitors, and average one, a hundred, and a slow day might have as few as sixty customers.

But all in all, they had a steady stream of customers. As long as the brothel was open, it was never empty.

After subtracting rent and food costs for the girls, the Moonshine Garden had made a total of 560 gold in profit, after one month. This could be considered a very profitable month, indeed.

By now, Min was actually seven months pregnant, while Kemah was three months, yet the two had almost identical belly sizes. There was only a small bump that could reveal that they were with child.

This was normal for Kemah, but for Min, it was abnormal. It seemed like she’d be in for a long pregnancy.

Min had also done a check up on all the girls who worked at the brothel, including Ellie, every week, to see if any of them were pregnant. So far, four had been impregnated, those being Miyumi, Rina, one of the twins, Rae, the human, and Faeyera the Dark Elf.

Miyumi, Rae, and Faeyera had agreed to the abortion, but Rina had actually opted to keep her child. She and Lina wanted to have a family together, and since they couldn’t have children with each other, they didn’t mind if a stranger did the impregnating.

Min and Kemah didn’t mind having another baby in the house, but Rina and Lina would have to pay for everything their children needed out of their own pocket, including food.

The second month passed. This month had been a bit slower than the first month, but there had still been many customers. They’d made a profit of a bit less than five hundred gold coins. One thing was certain, though. The Moonshine Garden had become extremely popular for an upstart.

They were making so much money that, at this rate, they’d be able to buy the building in less than three years. And if they wanted to become the owners right away, they’d definitely be able to get a loan from a bank. With the capital they were making, no bank would have a reason to refuse them.

In fact, Min and Kemah were already considering this. When their landlord figured out how much they were making, he’d likely decide to increase the rent.

These days, Min had become a very busy girl, even more so than Kemah. She was the most popular prostitute in the Moonshine Garden. Not only was she stunningly beautiful, she was extremely skilled at sex.

Not even the experienced prostitute Melinda was better than her. Min was just naturally just naturally suited to sexual activities. And she did also have sixteen years of sexual experience under her belt.

Unlike normal people, Min had been matured mere weeks after her birth, and ever since she turned one month old, she’d been having sex almost every day.

The third month passed by. This month had been almost as good as the first month, earning the two prostitute lovers more than five hundred gold.

The two had already decided that they needed to buy the building as soon as possible, but there was one thing they wanted to buy before that. The first birth control license. It would cost them one thousand gold coins, and they could wait, but both Min and Kemah valued their girls’ health.

If they used the abortion spell too much, they might lose their reproduction capabilities. It wasn’t dangerous for a normal person, since they’d only use it a few times in their life, probably, but a prostitute might use it once every month.

The only prostitute who hadn’t gotten pregnant yet, was Kasaliah. All the other girls were young and fertile. Some of them had been impregnated twice already. Miyumi seemed to be especially fertile, having gotten pregnant three times.

Thus, Min and Kemah decided to buy the license, bringing their total profit to just around five hundred gold.


Kinder, Kinder’s second girlfriend, Sarah, and Ellie walked alongside each other, heading towards the main entrance to the Moonshine Garden, having just returned from a date.

After the year or so that Kinder had worked at the smithy, he’d grown quite bulky. His arms were muscled, and his chest stuck out of his chest. A smith’s job was a heavy one, and it showed in Kinder’s current physique.

Ellie and Sarah were much more pleasant to look at. Ellie had inherited much of her mother’s beauty and wore clothing that showed off her ample body. Sarah had taken inspiration from Ellie and wore more revealing clothing that she had before she met Kinder. It was still much more decent than what Ellie and Min wore though.

She didn’t wear skimpy clothing for the purpose of showing off her body to strangers, but to please Kinder. She loved the man as much as Ellie did and always wanted to please him.

“I still can’t believe your mom opened a brothel, Ellie. And that you work there from time to time. You’re so brave. I don’t think I’d be able to make myself have sex with anyone other than Kinder. Maybe if Kinder asked me to, and he was there to make sure I was safe,” Sarah said. She was much more sexually shy than Ellie. The only person she’d ever had sex with was Kinder. Technically Ellie, too, since they often had threesomes.

“It’s not so bad. After I started having sex with my boss for that promotion, having sex with strangers got a bit easier. And now, I’m used to it. The money’s good too, since I get to keep all the money I make. Two silvers, for less than an hour of work is not bad,” Ellie said.

“I’m glad that you don’t work in the brothel, Sarah. I don’t mind that Ellie has sex with others, but it makes me glad that I’m the only one who can have sex with you, Sarah,” Kinder spoke, as he held his two girls in his arms, touching their butts.

“And I’m glad to be yours, Kinder. If you want me to have sex with others, I’ll do it, but if you want me to have sex with only you, I’ll be yours forever,” Sarah said, a smile on her lips.

After entering the brothel, they were met with a carnal sight. Several whores were getting fucked right there, in the bar area.

Amongst them was Min, who was energetically doing her job on top of her client.

She waved at Ellie and the other two. Ellie waved back, as she made her way upstairs. Ellie and Kinder were unaffected by the scenery, but Sarah’s cheeks were flushed red. She tugged at Kinder’s arm, getting his attention.

“Let’s retire to the bedroom right away,” she said, getting a smile from her boyfriend.

“No problem,” he replied, as she squeezed the behinds of his two girls, tightly.

If you like my story, consider visiting my Patreon page. There, you can find more books by me that I haven't released yet, lots of art from my story. Both art of the characters, and them having sex. There's also a hentai comic of Min and Dralu having sex.

You can find my Patreon page here: https://www.patreon.com/LucyLynn

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