A Goblin’s Evolution

B2, Chapter 25: Half Sized

Min sat on her couch, a book in her hands, and a sleeping baby in her lap. While Akon napped on her, she’d quietly study her many books. This was one of her favorite ways to read, because nothing was as cute as her sleeping grandson.

Sadly, Akon couldn’t sleep nearly enough for Min to always hold him while she studied. Some of the books she had to read were even bigger than the baby.

After all this time studying under her Master, Min had accumulated a few bookshelves worth of books. Min had a few bookshelves in her living room, but even they weren’t enough to hold all the books. Thus, one of the smaller rooms in the new apartment had been dedicated as the book storage.

Progressing in the Magical Disciplines was not something that could be done through use of magic. You could get a few minor insights through using your spells, but to actually get sufficient knowledge of the Discipline that way would probably take centuries or millennia. And that was only to get to Min’s current level. Or so she theorized.

To reach Min’s current level of seventy-three in the Darkness Discipline in this amount of time, required reading a lot of books. And that she had done.

As Min was mindfully absorbed into the text, she was startled awake by the sound of the front door opening. A man dressed in dark robes, embroidered in golden runes, walked in. Min instantly recognized him as her Master, Altraz.

“Hello, Master,” Min said, eagerly, but quietly. She didn’t want to wake up the sleeping infant on her thighs.

“Good afternoon, Min. I trust you’re studying diligently,” Altraz said, as he pulled of large cloak, hanging it the coat rack.

“Of course. It’s tiring, and really boring, but I’ll always do my best. After all, using magic is really cool, so I want to be good at it,” said, finally putting the book away.

“That is good,” Altraz replied, while Min carefully stood up, holding Akon in her arms.

“Just a moment,” Min said, as she carried the baby into another room, where he could sleep in peace. It wasn’t really appropriate to keep a conversation, while an infant was sleeping in the room.

“So, what brings you here, Master? Some more training? You punished me really bad, yesterday, though,” Min said, her expression changing when she thought about all the cuts and bruises she suffered the day before. At least she hadn’t broken any bones.

“No, no training today. You can focus on your magical studied for now. But you’ll be going on a new mission soon. I’m here with the details,” Altraz said, handing a booklet to Min.

Min received the information and had a quick look through it.

“Ser Leeran, a Holy Knight of the Pantheon? Master, I’m sorry, but don’t you think this is a bit above our abilities?” Min asked, thoroughly confused by the task. By all means, this would be a simple suicide mission.

The Holy Knights of the Kena Pantheon were some of the most respected knights in the whole nation. The Kena Pantheon was the state religion of the Elven Kind, and as such, held great power.

The Holy Knights were the highest ranked military group within the mission. Their task was to protect the empire and religion, and to rid them of evil. Usually, they’d be used to kill the undead and demonic.

As for the Holy Knights themselves, there weren’t many of them. Even in all of Rymalona, there were less than two dozen, and Rymalona was, by all means, a large city.

Instead of being a mass force, the Holy Knights would command lesser troops of the church. The only authority higher than the Holy Knights were the Order of Paladins.

Thus, Holy Knights were some tough sons of bitches. Even one of them would most likely eradicate Min’s group.

“Normally, yes. But if you continue reading the dossier, you’ll see that Ser Leeran is suffering from a potent poison, and the five of you will be enough to deal with him. Enough, I have business to attend. Read the dossier. This time, most of the planning has been done for you,” Altraz said.

“Alright, Master. I won’t disappoint you,” Min replied. Her only reply was the cold back of her beloved Master, as he left the apartment.

Min sat back down on the couch, and began earnestly studying the information.

Indeed, the most challenging part had been done for her. The part where she had to get close to the target. Through the organization's influence, Min and Kemah had been given positions as the personal servants of Ser Leeran.

To Min, this was nowhere near as good as the prostitution gig had been. The Kena Pantheon was a pretty pure religion. A devout practitioner would only have sex with his wife.

A Holy Knight like Ser Leeran most certainly wouldn’t engage in casual sex. Meaning Min wouldn’t have many sexual outlets while she was undercover. A first for her.

Yet, there was still hope. While Kor and Haemir would only be put as ordinary guards in Ser Leeran’s residence, Dralu had already been recommended as a squire by Lord Aldon himself.

With Lord Aldon’s renown and prestige, Ser Leeran had naturally accepted. Dralu would definitely be getting the most out of this mission. The squire of a Holy Knight would not only serve the Holy Knight, but also be trained by him. It would be a good experience for Dralu.

But most importantly for Min, since she was going to be Ser Leerans personal servant, and Dralu was going to be his squire, they would see each other a lot. Which meant they could easily sneak off to have sex.

‘This is a good mission. It doesn’t have a bonus objective, and won’t pay as well as the last mission did in total, but it will get us a lot of experience, even if we have to share it five ways,’ Min thought, after putting the booklet away and burning it.

With Min’s Intelligence, memorizing all the information was easy. Reading through it only took a moment, too. It was thanks to her high Intelligence that Min was able to study all her books so closely, too.

“A crap! I should have let Dralu read everything before I burned it. Oh well, I’ll just have to tell him everything by mouth,” Min mumbled, after realizing her blunder.

Having a high intelligence didn’t mean Min wouldn’t do stupid shit from time to time.

Three days passed, and it was finally time for Min and Kemah to start their job as servants. Something extremely rare had happened. Both girls were actually dressed in modest clothes. It was unlikely that the church wanted slut to work as servants for one of their Holy Knights, so the two sex-happy girls dressed appropriately.

The two arrived outside a mansion in the Pantheon district. This was an area of the city controlled by the Pantheon itself. It housed all the people who were directly under the church.

Meaning all the priests and priestesses, Holy Knights and Paladins, and many of the menial workers in the Temple.

“Ah, you two must be the new servants. The previous two girls had to stop suddenly, so it’s great that we could hire the two of you so quickly. Follow me. We’ll get you dressed in your new uniforms, before you meet your new master,” an older maid who had been tasked with retrieving Min and Kemah, said. The two followed the older woman.

This maid was actually a human, which was a relatively rare sight around here. The most common people were naturally the Elves. Second were demi-humans like Kemah, third ordinary humans, and last were other, stranger Races.

Most humans would choose to live in the more racially mixed Kon Rithia, or the human supremacist nation of Tele’kenar, making them relatively rarer in the Elven Kind.

As for demi-humans, they were most common in Kon Rithia, second in the Elven Kind, and appeared exclusively as slaves in Tele’kenar. If you considered them, there were probably more demi-humans in Tele’kenar, than the Elven Kind, since Tele’kenar had a very large slave population.

Tele’kenar bordered the Elven Kind on the west, which was where most the Elven slaves came from. However, in the north, there were several demi-human nations, which Tele’kenar constantly harassed.

Tele’kenar was much more powerful than those countries, and made sure it was always so. Every few years, they would wage war with one of them, and take home countless slaves.

Throughout the centuries, Tele’kenar had probably been in hundreds of wars with each of the countries. Of course, the slavery empire could just completely subjugate the countries, and use them to breed slaves, but then they’d run out of suitable countries to wage war against.

The Tele’kenar people reveled in war, so if the country didn’t wage war, many factions would grow restless and angry.

Kemah looked towards the maid and posed a question,

“What will be expected of us as the personal maids of a Holy Knight?” She asked.

“As his Knightships servants, you will clean in the baths, keep his sleeping chambers tidy, get him dressed in the morning, bring him his food, and fulfill any tasks he asks of you. And probably some other things, too. You will get a list of what needs to be done when,” the maid explained.

As they listened, several plans already started spinning through Min and Kemah’s head. Since they were responsible of bringing Ser Leeran his food, they could easily poison him. But no, he had already suffered a potent poison, yet he still appeared seemingly healthy.

When he was bathing, he’d probably the most vulnerable, since he’d be naked. They would probably make use of his bathing time to end him.

Both Min and Kemah kept a stiletto dagger hidden in their anuses, so smuggling weapons in wouldn’t be a big deal. As for Dralu, he was the Holy Knight’s squire, so he would be able to barge in, bearing urgent news.

Only Kor and Haemir would be slightly more difficult, but they’d find a way.

Soon, Min and Kemah stood in front of a powerfully built Holy Knight, both dressed in a pure white toga that fell down to their knees, while letting their arms flow free.

“It’s an honor to serve you, master Knight,” Min and Kemah said, bowing like true ladies. Min wasn’t used to bowing like this, but she’d learned the method a long time ago.

“It is good to meet you. I won’t keep you. We’ll see much of each other, after you learn your duties,” Ser Leeran said, wearing a magnanimous smile, before leaving. He truly seemed like a noble figure. Min couldn’t believe someone would want a man like this dead. He seemed so kind! But a job was a job, so Min wouldn’t hesitate in slitting his throat.

Min and Kemah spent the day familiarizing themselves with their duties together, even if they’d only be there for a while.

Since their schedule was based around Ser Leeran’s schedule, it was important that they learned it fast. Especially the part about bathing.

Eventually, the two friends stumbled upon Haemir, dressed as a common guard. They told him about their plans to kill Ser Leeran while he was taking a bath, and asked him to spread the information to Kor. They also asked them to find a way to get them both scheduled to guard Ser Leeran while he was taking a bath.

Later on, Min and Kemah were introduced to the Holy Knight’s squire. Of course, they acted as if they’d never met Dralu before. Min and Kemah were better actors than Dralu, but he still managed to stay convincing.

A while later they discussed their plans with Dralu. Now, the only thing remaining was to get Kor and Haemir stationed outside the bath while Ser Leeran was inside. But they’d handle that on their own.

The next day arrived. During the night, Min, Kemah, and Dralu had sneaked of somewhere to have sex, without ever being discovered.

A bit after noon, they received news from Kor that their part of the plan had been finished. They’d be stationed outside while Ser Leeran took a bath, later this night.

Dralu also knew when to barge in. Finally, the promised time arrived.

Min, Kemah, and Ser Leeran were all together in a large bath. All three of them were fully nude. Min and Kemah wouldn’t be able to avoid getting wet, since the baths were large enough to accommodate a dozen people with plenty space to spare.

Because of this, Ser Leeran’s bathtime also doubled as his personal servants’ bath time.

Min and Kemah were not at all shy, as they rubbed Ser Leeran’s body with silky smooth cloths.

“You two don’t seem to mind getting naked with a man. Do you have experienced in this sort of thing?” Ser Leeran asked.

“Well, it’s just that you’re such a holy man. How could we be embarrassed just by showing you our bodies? You wouldn’t do anything to us. And even if you did, is there anyone more worthy of our affection than you?” Min said, while Kemah nodded. Even though Kemah was four years older than Min, she usually let Min take charge. Min was just much more confident than the cat-girl.

“My, you two sure are devoted. Why don’t you sit down for a while? We’re in no hurry,” Ser Leeran said, as he motion for them to sit down next to him.

“Yes, master,” the two girls replied, and sat down next to him. Their thighs and sides were entirely connected with the Holy Knight’s letting him feel the touch of their silky skin.

“You both have very smooth skin, but Kima, your skin seems to be quite rough in some places? Do you actually have a lot of scars?” Ser Leeran asked, as he started feeling around Kemah’s skin, albeit in a non-erotic way. He even had a look of concern in his eyes.

Ser Leeran had a truly noble character. This, no one could deny. But anyone was subject for assassination. The good would be targeted by the evil, and the evil would be targeted by rivals.

“You noticed? It’s true, I have a lot of scars. I use a long-lasting makeup to conceal it, though,” Kemah said. Kemah was pretty surprised that the Holy Knight had actually been able to notice it. No one had found her scars, while she’d been whoring herself, and those people had been much more liberal with her body.

“How did you get so many scars?” Ser Leeran asked. However, Kemah only showed an uncomfortable expression. This was an expression she didn’t have to fake. The only person she was willing to discuss her scars with, was her best friend, Min.

“I’d rather not talk about it here. Maybe later?” Kemah begged.

“Very well. If you don’t want to speak about it, you don’t have to,” Ser Leeran said.

“Thank you, master,” Kemah said, a weak smile appearing on her lips. The room remained silent for a while.

“Hey, master, can you hold me in you arm?” Min said, as she pressed herself closer to Ser Leeran.

“Sure,” the Holy Knight replied, as he put his muscular arm around Min. Min grabbed his arm, and pressed it against her breasts, hugging it tightly.

“You have a very nice arm, master,” Min commented, as she rested her cheek on Ser Leeran’s bicep.

“Thank you. I must say, you have quite the grip. Although it does feel nice and soft there,” Ser Leeran replied.

“Master can alway feel my body if he wants to. I already consider myself yours, and I will save myself for you forever! One day, maybe you can take me as a concubine, and then take my first,” Min said, a dreamy look on her face.

Ser Leeran only laughed. To him, Min was only a sixteen-year-old girl who became smitten with him.

Kemah, on the other hand, was shocked by the things Min was able to say. She was able to say such things and make it seem like she meant it, even though it’s ridiculously untrue!

Here, Min seemed like a pure and devoted girl, while in reality, she was probably the biggest slut in the city. Only prostitutes who’d worked for at least a couple of years could say with certainty that they’d had sex with more people than Min. And that was only because they had a constant stream of sexual partners.

Meanwhile, Min had been addicted to sex since shortly after she was born. Ever since then, she would try to have sex with someone every day. After all this time, she had more than sixteen years of experience in sex, which was definitely more than any prostitute under twenty-six years of age.

Probably some women at that age had been unfortunate enough to lose their virginity at the age of ten. Even Min believed that to be much too young for normally aging people.

Even Min’s tribe forbid those under a month old from having sex. Only when a Goblin was a month old, was her body matured enough for sex. There were probably tribes that didn’t have this rule though, but Min wasn’t familiar with any tribes other than her own. And even when it came to her own tribe, her memory was limited. All that happened during the first few months of her lives.

She couldn’t even remember the faces of anyone from that time. She only remembered the names of the people in her relationship screen. Even though they were all dead, they were still there. It was the same with her old Master.

While Min, Kemah, and Ser Leeran were relaxing in the bath, Dralu suddenly came bursting through the door, Kor and Haemir following behind him.

“Ser Leeran, there’s an emergency!” Dralu exclaimed, as he ran straight into the water. Ser Leeran, seeing the urgency on Dralu’s face, was quite shocked.

“What’s going on?” He demanded.

“There’s an assassination attempt,” Dralu said. Kor soon followed Dralu into the water, while Haemir stood by the edge, a bow in his hand.

“What?! Where’s the assassin?” Ser Leeran asked, yet to stand up from the bath. As he asked the question, Min and Kemah had moved their hands under their asses and skillfully retrieved the stiletto dagger out of their anuses.

“Here!” Min said, as she jammed her weapon into Ser Leeran’s chest. Kemah struck out at even faster speed, piercing her dagger into the Holy Knight’s neck.

Ser Leeran’s eyes widened, as he exploded out of the water, grasping for the sword he kept at the edge of the bath.

“You bitches!” He roared, the sword seemingly sliding out of the scabbard on its own, as he swung it with furious speed.

At the same time that Min and Kemah attacked, Dralu attacked with his sword, slicing across his target’s chest.

However, before he even had the chance to retrieve his sword, Ser Leeran’s sword swung across Dralu’s chest, then arm, severing just below the shoulder! The arm fell down, splashing water all over the place.

Everything had happened with such speed that it seemed like Dralu’s arm had fallen into the water at the same time as Ser Leeran’s blood did.

“Dralu!” Min screamed, her attention falling from the Holy Knight for just a moment. But it was a moment too long. Min tried to step back, but the Holy Knight’s sword’s velocity was too great.

The sword cut into Min’s waist, cleaving all the way through. As soon as the sword came out on the other side, it curved upwards in an almost unnatural way. The sword chopped into Min’s armpit, cutting both her shoulder and arm of, clean. The sword cut just slightly into Min’s scalp, missing her head by a hair.

Another splash sounded, as Min’s torso fell into the water, her legs falling the other way.

Her mind was blank. Her eyes moved to look at her legs. They weren’t there.

“No, no, no,” Min mumbled, as her hands moved to her abdomen. Only one thought was on her mind. Her baby!

“No, no, no,” she continued, choking on her own blood. Her head fell to the side, her eyes falling on the armless man, struggling to get over to her. Finally, he managed to get next to Min, his remaining arm taking her into a hold.

“It’ll be alright,” Dralu spoke, his voice low and weak.

“It’ll be… alright…” he repeated. This time, his voice trailed off. Finally, his eyes closed, and he fell limp, his head submerged in the crimson water.

Two trails of tears escaped Min’s eyes. She rested her head on Dralu’s chest, her own blood mixing with the blood still oozing from Dralu’s wound.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry I made you do this. It’s all my fault. My fault that our second child can’t be born. My fault that we have to leave our first child and grandson. Maybe we’ll meet again in the next world. Hopefully, you can forgive me then,” Min said, her voice growing weaker, growing quieter for every word she spoke. Finally, as her last word left her lips, everything disappeared.

If you like my story, consider visiting my Patreon page. There, you can find more books by me that I haven't released yet, lots of art from my story. Both art of the characters, and them having sex. There's also a hentai comic of Min and Dralu having sex.

You can find my Patreon page here: https://www.patreon.com/LucyLynn

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