A Fathers Wrath

Volume 1 Epilogue: Family Reunion

*clipclop* *clak* *clipclop* *clak*

By the time we finally reach the inner courtyard, both of my wives have settled down. They are resolved to face this. Determined to protect this little family. Have I really tainted their thoughts? Is this 'us vs them' mentality really just mine?

Finally see the group waiting for us with my own eyes. Wow, those are some fancy stairs. Even has its own roof which meets up with the drawbridge's roof. A dozen are lined up along the bottom of the stairs.

Another dozen spread behind them further up the stairs like guards. Eight in black and green and four in white and red. Turn to ask Red who is who but her eyes are glued to the floor.


Ushi is brave enough to look. Guess she doesn't know any of them because I don't sense any recognition. No one should be able to recognize her. Her looks and even her aura, have changed a lot.

The carriage comes to a stop. Footman gets down and raps on the door, waits a few moments, then opens it. As the girls taught me. I step out first, turn, and offer my hand. Edel hesitates but accepts it and takes her place next to me. Still refusing to look up.

I offer my hand again and Ushi gracefully accepts it. Steps down and takes her place next to Edel.

I give an extra coin to the footman and flip one up to the coachman who catches it without even looking. The footman's eyes bulge a bit. I gave each a gold crown. Quite a bit of money but I feel compelled.

Not just for these two fellows' service but as a tribute for those who were unable to finish the journey. The coachman turns to me, somehow again he seems to know what's going on.

"How many, my lord." He asks.

"Thirty good men and women are not here that should be."

"Was justice served?"

"Yes. They were avenged." With the templars' deaths.

"We will honor their memory tonight, your lordship." The footman replies.

"Thank you, good sirs. They will appreciate the strong drink and good company."

The footman secures the door, climbs up front, and the carriage pulls away.


Time for the next ambush. Or maybe the next betrayal?

Lead Ushi with my left hand and Edel with my right. Edel has to be on my right because she is the first wife. Ushi has to be on my left because a slave wife cannot be the first wife. Too, many, rules. Both girls are keeping their eyes down as custom.

Red is sweating a lot, again, but she's holding up well. Radiating strength. Determined to show her worth. Frankie is effortlessly graceful, as always

As we get closer the man in the center shows a familial resemblance. But he's far too young to be Red's father. To weak too. The guy is short too. We reach the appropriate distance, two steps, away from him and stop. The fellow looks older than Red but not by too much. He's looking at Edel with an amused face.

The host is supposed to speak to me, the guest, first. But he's not looking at me.

"Edy?" Red freezes. "Have you gotten taller?" Her face snaps up with the most surprised expression I've ever seen on her.

"Tan?!" Tan? What sort of name is Tan?

"What happened to you? You look so, adult! That's it!" He snaps his fingers. "You got boobs!"

Okay. Probably not dad. Hopefully not dad.

"Tan!" Edel is instantly pissed.

"Ha! Metia's mercy you really have changed. You should be on your second punch or kick by now." The way she's fuming buddy, you may not be out of the woods yet. "Look at you now. You've got fat in all the right places. And not even leather armor on?" From pissed to embarrassed now. "Mom would have been so happy to see this."

I squeeze Red's hand to stop the tears swelling in her eyes. This fucker knows her weak spots.

"My wife has had a difficult day. You've teased her enough." Tan looks stunned. "You will stop. Now."

Forgot I was here?

"Huh? Father has announced no marriage. No engagement." Smirking? At me? "I will not let some northern savage just take my sister. No matter how pitiful she might be? She is still family." Who is this fool? Insulting his own sister in front of her husband?

The fool, and the four white and reds, start drawing their swords. The black and greens seem stunned, aren't sure what to do. Oh well. Another day another murder spre- Red?

Before Fool can finish drawing, the tip of a sword is under his chin. Not Sanctity. Not Tormentor. Its Edel's blade. Still holding my hand, she's pivoted on her left foot and drawn her rapier with her right hand. Its tip has already pricked Fool's neck. Spilling a single drop of blood.

"Edy? What the pit are you doing?" Hey. I'm wondering too.

"Saving your life!" Eh? "I already lost mom. Do you think I want to lose a brother too?"

Fool isn't giving up. "Its okay Edy. I heard about the gate. We will find someone better." Red's starting to tremble. "I brought father's best. They can handle him." Bring 'em all. I'll kill 'em all.

Red is pale as a ghost. "Wh-What did you hear?"

"What does it matter?" Idiot. "Its clear this barbarian the marquis gave you to is too blame." Poor girl. Her own family thinks so little of her. "Has he forced you to prostitute yourself in other towns too?" You. Are. Dead. "Did he let others pay to wa-"


Red's slap drives Fool to the ground. The look on Fool's face. Is this the first time he's ever been smacked?

"He did not humiliate me!" Red's screaming. "I humiliated hi-"

Stop Red's trip to 'hate myself alley' by pulling her in and lip-locking her. Her rising self-loathing melts away as I hold her tighter and tighter. Kiss her deeper and deeper. When I finally come up for air everyone but Ushi is looking shocked. A couple even have their mouths hanging open.

Yep, it was a good kiss. Fool is back on his feet and now pointing a sword at me. Hehe. He looks so mad.

"Barbarian scum!"

Recognize the Fool's stance from what Red has taught me. The four white and reds come down the stairs and move to circle me. The black and greens look upset but are still not making a move. Some of the meet and greet line though look like they are about to explode. Others are still in 'what the hell happened' mode.

You know what? Fuck this.

"Edel. Ushi. Let's go. This was a bad idea." Ushi nods. "We'll go to Aquecia, Granya, anyplace else." Face Red. "You deserve better than this." Squeeze my wives' hands and turn to walk south. Just to see four mounted white and reds line up between us and the fourth gate.

"Savage! You think House Gilend will let you just walk away?" Jesus. Its captain tin can all over again. Except this guy's a siscon. "These eight knights are the finest in my father's guard. Maybe if you beg for mercy we-"

"Brother." Red's words are quiet, but sharp. "Two hundred templars thought they were enough too." Everyone, including the white and reds, stops. "They were not."

"Wh-What? That's impos-"


One of the other's in the welcoming committee finally blows up, turns, and punches Fool in the face. Hard. Sending him flailing back to the ground again.

"Tanault! That's enough!" What's elf lady's problem.

Fool struggles back up but only manages to get to his knees. "B-but you heard what happened!" He's trembling. Poor baby. "He h-has to l-learn his place! Release Edy! He doesn't deserve her! Or... or... he mi-" Total siscon.


The lady who punched the Fool? Now slaps him. It doesn't drop the dumbfuck this time but it does shut him up.

Next to me Red and a surprised look again and mumbles. "Aezi?"

The elf chick isn't done yet. "You and your father begged me to let you handle this!" Not surprised. "You have no idea how much it cost to get you and those thugs in here! To get her in here!"


This time she kicks him. Which does send the fool back to the ground.

"You read the same letter I did! You know what the Lord General wants! So what do you do?! You threaten him! You are about to attack him!" And still no popcorn. "Idiot! Do yo-"

*tweeeeet* *tweeeeet* *tweeeeet*

Oh, cool, I didn't know they had whistles in this world. An older looking fellow in the line has pulled out an old fashion whistle and is blowing on it, hard. Which brings the elf chick's tirade to a halt.

"No, please. I can still fix this!" She looks my way and freezes. I've let go of Ushi's hand and pulled out the medallion. Holding it for all to see. Seeing it is the mental slap the Lianlaf boys needed to wake up. Ushi explained it to me earlier. Those serving House Lianlaf letting a member of House Lianlaf be dishonored? Dishonors themselves. It finally, fully, dawns on elf chick what Fool's been doing and where Fool's been doing it.

And who Fool's been doing it too.

While I don't see it? My shadows show me just how far that whistle reaches. Heads spring up across the castle and everyone leaps into action. Every black and green knight and soldier comes charging outdoors. Some running to their posts on the walls and gates. Others towards the whistle. Its actually pretty damn cool to see.

Even the servants and slaves jump to help arm and armor up the off duty knights and soldiers.


Hearing a couple hundred guys wearing metal armor running? An intimidating sound. And they are coming in from every direction. The white and reds who were surrounding me? Quickly find themselves surrounded. Fool and elf chick each now have a dozen swords pointed at them.

Fool is, crying? Elf chick's shoulders are slumped and her head is hanging. She makes a final plea.

"Ortwin! Please! This was not supposed to... It should not have... Let me..."

Elf chick isn't able to manage complete sentences right now. Besides I think its someone else's turn to shout.

"Let you what?!" Yep. "Kill him?! Torture him?! Rape his wife?!" Elf lady flinches with every sentence. "Metia's tits Aezeti! I may be executed for this!" Oh, so he's the one elf chick conned. "We have known each other for how many years?!" The veins in this guy's neck are huge right now. "You told me this was a family reunion! A happy surprise! I trusted you!"

Sucks when it happens to you. Doesn't it. Say, where do I validate my parking?

The white and reds have a whole bunch of swords, spears, crossbows, and spells, pointed at them right now. I was hoping for a show but they let themselves be disarmed and marched off. My shadows checked their destination earlier. Its a sturdy little prison. Ten plus cells with a solid roof and walls.

Both fool and elf chick have been disarmed, shackled, and are being led passed me. Red still seems to be in shock.


Elf chick looks very tired and very old when she stops and turns our way.

"I. I am sorry Edelys. This was not supposed to..." Both her and Red start to cry. "When Tanault heard about how you disgraced yourself." Red flinches. "He got so angry." Great, more she'll blame herself for. "Its my fault. I thought I settled him down." Sad laugh. "I was wrong." Red lean on me and sobs. "I am so sorry. You really do look amazing Edely."

Elf looks at me. "Please forgive Tan-"

"Fuck you. Fuck the horse you rode in on. Fuck the grass that horse ate. And fuck the ground that grass grew in."

She blinks for a few moments, nods, then turns away. Led off to the prison.

We stand there as the castle swirls with activity around us. The House Gilend members have been led away. I even see servants already taking down the few white and red banners and putting more black and green ones up. The now ten member strong welcoming committee has actually huddled and a furious debate is going on. They even cast a barrier to keep it private.

[Super Senses] strikes again.

They don't know what to do. Seems the actual lord of the castle was tricked into taking a trip to Crownfair, with his family. He won't be back for two months. There is no other member of House Lianlaf present. Technically? That puts me in charge. The conned guy is from a branch family. He knows he's fired. He's hoping he won't die.

Letting this happen could put all their heads on the chopping block. Not to mention disgrace his line for generations.

Oh, the ten hauled off to prison are not the only ones that came. There are four others. Two slaves, a priestess, and a... What? Oh hell no. Fuck that. Time to go.

"Red. Frankie. I'm leaving. Are you?"

Ushi nods. Edel hesitates for a moment, then nods too. Poor kid. She's had a rough day. We'll find an inn with a bath and have a nice long soak. Then discuss where to go next. Maybe across the sea?

We grab each other's hands, give a squeeze, then head towards the fourth gate. As soon as I find an out of sight spot we'll mount up and be dozens of miles from here by sundown.

"Wait!" No.

Us walking away panics the welcoming committee and they are chasing after us. Are we on Benny Hill?

"Lord! Please!" Nope. "Sire. We know we've disgraced ourselves." Big time. "If we could just explain." Don't care. "What do we do with Lady Chastel?" Shit.

Red stops dead. Her hand in mine instantly turns into a sweaty cold death grip. Fuck you, god of tropes.

"Viscountess Alote Chastel came with Baron Tanault."

"She's here?!" Red shouts and starts trembling all over. Yeah, she's at her limit.

"What do we do with them?"

"Send them home." Duh. Not that hard.

"We can't do that."

Ushi is curious now. "Why not?"

"She's a leper." "No one will touch a leper." "Can't even hire a carriage."

"No..." Red whimpers as her eyes roll back and she collapses into my arms.

She actually fainted.


What a shitty world.


Volume 1

Chastel, Alote (female, human, tourinese)

  • Viscountess of Chastel
    • Title-less
  • Illness
    • Leprosy

Gilend, Tanault (male, human, tourinese)

  • Baron of Gilend
    • Title-less
  • "Fool"

Mauger, Ortwin (male, human, tourinese)

  • Seneschal
    • Lions Keep
  • Retainer of House Lianlaf

Novadha, Aezeti Grestina Lyndis (female, elf, granyan)

  • Royal Sentinel
    • Granya
  • "Elf chick"

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