A Fathers Wrath

Chapter 9: Breakthrough

---D-Day+124, Dherus 31st, Saturday Evening---



No, I'm not cuming.  Nope, not shitting.  Yep, I'm concentrating.  Like, hard and stuff.


Think my legs fell asleep again.

Could not even that lotus position shit.  But the regular cross-legged is getting old too.

Immortal Cultivation.  Refining and improving your body, spirit and soul until you transcend mortality and enter a higher plane of existence.  Yeah…  Never had a hippy phase so if I hadn’t gone through so much unbelievable shit already?  Wouldn’t believe it.

Kind of funny how the fantasy europeans don’t believe fantasy china’s “immortal dao'' is really real.  Well, whether or not the immortal part is real?  The fact that I grew dantians and meridians after I started dual-cultivating?  Shows something crazy is going on.

“Qi” cultivating requires "talent."  As in, having enough qi and aptitude to accomplish something.  Like with Iagreth's Elemental Magic, Anyango’s Draconic Magic leans heavily on your "mana pool."

This reservoir of magical energy exists within you.  And you can tap into that pool to fuel spells that defy, or at least bend, natural laws.  Like gravity.

Elemental Magic mostly externalizes these spells.  While Draconic Magic mostly internalizes them.  How to picture it?  Hmm…  Maybe Harry Potter versus Avatar?

The "west" mostly uses spoken incantations and magic circles.  "East," mostly body movements, like hand signs, and talismans.  Mostly, since both include bits of the other.

And since I'd read some xianxia before.  Should reach godliness in no time.  Right?


Failure after failure.

Reading about it is one thing.  Actually doing it?  Ugh.

Just can't "break through" to Foundation Establishment.  Body Refining, Lianti, was easy.  Hell, with sex machine and war machine modes?  Was already used to infusing mana into my body.  Going turbo.

Body Refining just made it sort of permanent. 

And with my mana ocean?  Breaking through to Qi Gathering, Juqi, was easy peasy.  Didn't really even have to gather any qi to advance either.  Just get my ladies to charge me up with some yin, push a little and "bam!"

Next meridian is open and flowing.

Collecting all the bonus meridians and acupoints at the end was no problem too.  Once I started getting Nascent Soul and Spirit Condescing level yin cuming in.

Wink, wink.  Nudge, nudge.

Still not entirely sure how that works.  "Qi" may not only have a scent or taste?  Like fire, water, wood, etc…  It can also have a gender.  Yin for chicks.  Yang for dudes.

Remember, in this world "mana" and "qi" are different names for the same thing.  The real difference is in the application.  Elemental mana is mostly about quantity and purity.  Draconic qi is mostly about density and quantity.

If your qi isn't dense enough?  Hard enough?  You won't be able to break the next realm's hymen.

Dual-cultivate right and you get shots of your partner's qi.  If they're the opposite sex?  Each shot increases your qi's density as it blends into your reservoir.

So with all this yin?  Getting into Foundation Establishment should be easier than laying a drunk catholic school girl on prom night.

*sad trombone*


Turns out that gyaru can drink sailors under the table.  And she only agreed to go to prom with you because she's your cousin.  Plus, your mom paid her.

Yeah, total pity date.

Also?  Knows you're a wimp and a nerd.  Dude.  You won't even get friendzoned.

On top of everything else?  This Foundation Establishment babe has something called "standards."  At least compared to her two slutier sisters, that you've already had.

Yep.  Zhuji, Foundation Establishment, is in a different league than Lianti and Juqi.  Instead of being about infusion or manipulation?  She's mostly about comprehension and visualization.

Stuff I'm not actually all that great with.

So instead of easy and dumb?  This girl wants a guy with brains and looks.

I may be screwed.

Gotta understand the three origins?

Essence?  Breath?  Spirit?


Got to visualize and solidify that comprehension into astral columns?

Double ugh.

The first part of breaking through is creating the foundation’s foundation.  And yeah, sure, I can visualize that.  But making it permanent?  Inside my lower dantian?


Just not getting it.  Can't quite wrap my mind around it for some reason.  And until I do?  Doesn’t matter how dense my qi is.

Elemental “mana” cultivation is just about making your pool bigger and cleaner.  Draconic “qi” cultivation is a whole different ball game.

“Pillars require a floor, junfei.”  Jin’s voice whispers in my ear.  “If the floor goes away?”  Her c-cups press against my back.  “So will the pillar.”  Slim milky white hands caress my chest.


You thought I was going to find some cave to do this in?

Sit there, alone, masturbating until I reach enlightenment?

Fuck that.

Got this far with dual-cultivating.  Not going to change now.

So I’m trying to breakthrough, again, where I do my best cultivating.  The big ass bed in the Jinshibo’s harem suite.  Fuck this sitting though.  My damn legs are tingling.

“This ain’t working.”  Turn and give kung fu queen a surprise peck on her green lips.  Getting a short quick blush.  “Gotta lay down.”

Elder Baiyu gives me a smirk but scoots back so I can go prone.  Only far enough though for her slim thighs to become my pillow.

*rub* *rub* *rub*

“Feels good girls, thank you.”  My priest-wife guesses the problem and smiles as she begins rubbing one leg back awake.  Hitomi takes the other.  Red and Blue?  Handle my third leg.

Go with a crucifixion pose so Little Li and Big Ji can stroke the arms while Xin and Gan keep massaging my chest.  Sim and Oda take feet duty with Lili and Clari on hands.

Yep, thirteen women line my frame with nine more right behind them.  Having to settle for just being able to see me.

All of them dressed in thin colored silk see-through robes.  An erotic landscape of tits, lips, and other naughty bits.  And every one of them?  Mine.

‘Who’s your daddy.’1https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WHyWZFCN8k

Behind me the sun is starting to set.  Adding a red tint to the room.  The smell of wood and sea are pushed aside by “incense sticks” Jingi Baiyu insisted on lighting.  Creaking timber and rolling waves muted by servants softly playing the flute and zither.2https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vindWE_XnWs

Elders Qinxin and Baiyu have discussed my problem convincing the Foundation Establishment realm that I’m really a great guy, respect her feelings, and will totally not bail as soon as she gets too clingy.  Or a nicer piece of tail comes along.

Hehe, yeah, right.  Sure I won’t.

Absolutely dumping her for her sexier sister, Jiedan, Core Formation, when the time comes.

Unfortunately, I’m stuck until I trick this chick.

So Lurch and Jin have decided I should Feng Shui that shit.

Ergo, meditative music.  Incense.  Massage.  Encouraging words.  All to help up my game.  Even the handy I’m getting now is supposed to “rouse my yang energy.”

Used to do that before the date.  But during?  Well, I'm willing to try new things.

The alchemy club’s president, think chess club but not as cool, even broke out the xianxia steroids and gave me a Jiriwan, Foundation Day Pill.

Hope the sect trials don’t have a drug test.

“Are you ready, junfei?”  Hear Jin say as she kneads my skull.

“Mmhm.”  Is all I can manage.  Holy shit this feels good.


Feel her tongue dance with mine as the core elder bends and shows off her flexibility.  Then her finger drops the pill into my mouth.

‘Huh.  Tastes a little fizzy- Wha?!’



Colors.  So.  Many.  Colors.

Forehead.  Feels weird.  Like… flexing.



“Junfei?”  Look up and see green.

‘Hi kung fu queen lady.’  Blink.  ‘Got colors on your face.  Pretty colors.’

“Can you hear me?”  Wow.  I can see words.  Green words.

Nod.  Yeah, that’s all I got right now.  Holy shit.  What a weird buzz.

More green words.  “Eight damned bad egg elf.  That was supposed to be a low tier pill.  This feels more like, hmm… high tier?  No, peak tier."

Purple words now.  “Sister Jingi.”  Hi Frankie.  “Master’s mana is boiling.  You did not say to expect this.”

‘Don’t be mad, half dark elf girl.  Be, like, one instead.’

Remorseful green words.  “I have lost face, Sister Ushinua.  Elder Qinxin assured he would provide a low tier profound grade pill.”  Can my forehead make kung fu queen’s boobies glow?  “He is known to play, uh, pranks sometimes.”

Red words.  Angry red words.  “You call this a prank?  Mana is steaming up from husband’s entire body!”

More purple words.  “Please explain, Sister Jingi.”  Calm Frankie is cool Frankie.

Green words sigh.

“Disciples are never given a peak tier pill first.”  Green words sad?  “Low tier pills are used.  So as to not overload their minds while building tolerance.  Taking a profound grade peak tier realm breakthrough strength pill for his first time?”

Green words tremble.

Really angry blue words.  “Is my darling in danger?”

“No, Sister Alote.”  Hesitant green words.  “At least I do not believe so.  For a lesser man?  There would be damage.  But there may still be some… strangeness.”

‘I can see through my skull!’

Purply wurply words.  “What does sister mean, strangeness?”

‘I should run around the ship.’

“Uh…”  Not confident green words.  “His behavior may get a little odd.”

‘I should run around the ship, naked.’

“Odd?”  Upset red words.

Green words nod.  “Peak tier not only provides a recipe’s full effects like high tier.  It also provides additional, and unpredictable, uh, benefits.  Behavioral changes though are short term, at most.”

‘Why wear clothes at all?’

“What about Jon-kun’s breakthrough?”  Cool, floaty japanese characters.  With subtitles!

‘Fabric is keeping my skin from the universe!’

Embarrassed green words.  “Zhangfu will need, uh, some guidance.”  Fingers move brain colors.  “Quiet please.”  Brain fly away.  “Junfei?  Can you hear this older sister?”

Nod and all the colors slide about.

“Good.”  Greeny green.  “Turn your sight within.  To your spirit.  Your lower dantian.”  Okay…

‘Whoa, pretty sea.  I should go skinny dipping.’

“What do you see?”

Hehe.  “The sea.”  Hey, I got words too?

Green colors nod.  “Gaze across those waters.  Picture an island.”  Uhuh.  “Smooth the island.  Make it flat, wide, and strong.”  Hi, I’m Bobby the Builts.  “This place will hold the pillars of heaven.  Skies shall rest upon them.  So make the island strong, my love.”  Green colors touch my chest.  “So very strong…”

Concerned purply words.  “Sister Jingi?”

“Eh?  Wha?”  Green words surprised.  Then shocked.  “Eight damned elf…” *pant* “That was not just a Foundation Day Pill…” *pant* “Thought that pill was too…”  Green eyes drift south.  “Big.”

Princessy words.  “Why do I feel so… warm?”

“Sister… Jingi?”  Purple panting words.

“Two… half pills.”  Woozy green words.  “Half peak Foundation Day.” *pant* “Half… half peak Peach Petal.” *quiver* “Spirit grade…?  Peak tier?  Oh no…”

Tongues tickle my toes.

Purple grooling words.  “P-peach P-p-petal?”

“Aph…”  Green shivering words.  “Aphro…  Aphrodisiac.  In…  In his steam.”  Green moaning words.  “Ha♡  His smell♡  Chang hao♡  Damn you, elf.” *pant*

‘Yes!  Keep removing my clothes, friends!  Free my skin!’

Wheelie words.  “Sisters…  I need him.  Need him now.”

Red tweaking, licking, and flicking words.  “Okay…♡”

‘No music?  Where did the music colors go?’


Bed shaking?  Lots of chinese characters.

“Let…” “We beg…” “...us join♡”

‘Yes!  Discard all the evil fabrics my friends!  Show the universe our bare, and glistening, glory!’

*mwah* *chu* *shlurp* *shlick* *shlup*

The green words last gasp.

“Eight damned elf.”


[Narrator] Three. Days. Later. [/Narrator]

"Ship's log, End of 3rd watch, Weiyue 2nd."


"Reports of a flying cursing short yanese female, wielding a sword, chasing a too tall possibly male laughing elf were received from ships across the fleet."


"No further action taken per advisement from sect liaison."


"For three days an unknown illness has spread among the Jinshibo’s female staff.  Ship's doctor recorded symptoms as exhaustion, difficulty standing and walking, plus a very satisfied dopey looking grin."


"No further action taken per advisement from sect liaison."


"End of log."

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