A Fathers Wrath

Chapter 33: End of the Road

The coachman guides us through the simple southern gate and we leave Pearlden. At a 'T' intersection and we follow the left road. If I remember right, what's ahead is called a 'switchback.' I think. A series of slopes with hairpin turns used to climb a steep rise.

A straight road up would be rough even for a dirt bike. Impossibly steep for a horse. Only the corners are wide enough for two way traffic. I look out the carriage window. Yeah, no way would I want to struggle up this in the rain.

Our carriage has to wait at several corners for wagons heading down. Supply wagons? A few had left before us, going up. Broad-leaf trees are scattered here and there across the hill but not enough to hide all the rock underneath. Its even too steep for grass.

Is that a mountain goat?

Looking west I see the same switchback kind of road is used to reach up the school side of the hill. As we get closer to the castle? I see a gap in the terrain.

There's a split, separating the top of the ridge into two parts. The castle side to the east and the school side to the west. The western side definitely looks like its larger of the two. However, the eastern side has a fucking castle.

Can't see shit from the carriage now except the oncoming gate and outer wall. The angle is too steep. The entire town of Pearlden is spread out below me. From dead molester gate to tiny town harbor. Oh. There's a harbor.

Yeah, way to big to be called a village but still like half the size of Colrac. Very pretty though. Trails of smoke rise from about half the chimneys in town. So picturesque.

Despite the bumps, angles, and tilts? Both girls are very relaxed. I'm giving Red a lap pillow while Ushi is laying across the padded bench in front of me. She's watching me with sparkles in her eyes and the dopiest smile.

Thru our bond her devotion and gratitude burns so bright I might get a tan. Still feel freaked out by the worship though. The last thing I would call myself is a god. Her hands are, clasped in front of her chest.

"Ushi. If you are praying to me? I'm sorry, but I can't hear them."

"Metia didn't hear them either." Ushi's eyes never waver. "She never answered my prayers." Whoa, that's an intense emotion. "You do."

Edel moves so I look down and see a similar gleam in the eyes looking back at me. The same dopey smile. Why?

"You answer my prayers too, husband." Crap.

Devotion? Check. Gratitude? Check. Worship? Fuck. Hello cultist number two. Wait. Our link. Am I doing this? I knew I was buffing by fucking. But. Have I been brainwashing too? Dammit. How can I tell? How do I fix it if I am?

Red reaches up, and holds my cheek.

"Fufu. Be at ease husband. This is my choice." Would a brainwashie know they've been brainwashed? "You would never force love. Force faith." I might. I still might. Have I? Her fingers trace my lips. Feels good. "You do not see the depth of you."

Ushi gets up and slides over. Nuzzles in to my other side.

"Master. I once saw you as a mountain." Lifts her arm. "After you blessed me with this?" Proudly shows off her ring. "I see now that you are an ocean. A vast sea. Reaching beyond the edge of the world."

Both move in and overrun me with lips and tits. Its a pincer attack. I've been blitzkrieged. I surrender even faster than France.

"Thank you, husband." "Thank you, master."

So sweet. So cute.

"I love you too."


Oh shit. Oh crap. Did they hear that? Uhoh. The kissing's stopped. Slowly open my eyes to see both above me with the biggest smiles and tears streaming down their cheeks. Yep, they heard that.


"...love you!" "...my master!" "!my husband..." "!I love...

*rap* *rap* *rap*

Saved by the bell.

"My lord! We approach the first gate! Y'all might want to stay presentable!" Our coachman is a true gentleman. A man of culture.

Despite lots of kissing, fondling, and squeezing. We somehow manage to reverse our careening coarse towards nakedhood.

"Husband?" Why is Red looking so excited? She had the same look when... "May I continue?" Oh, the tour. Yeah, she needs this.

"Yes. Please do."

Her reaction of bouncing on the seat and clapping hands? Makes this towering knight look like the cutest sweetest armor plated little girl.

"Ahem." Geesh. She even makes a show of clearing her throat.

"Stormgarde is also a popular school for commoners and foreigners. Its size and diversity provide connections even Crownfair can't compete with." You might be a little biased. "Due to this popularity, there is a lot of competition for the one hundred plus freshmen openings each year. Several rounds of examinations are held to determine who gets those positions."

I didn't think about that. "Do I need to take the exams?" It would suck to come all this way and flunk out.

"You can." Red makes a cute thinking face. "Whether you pass or not? You will still be considered an exempt student."

Eh? "Exempt?"

Wow Edel feels proud, of me?

"Husband. Schools also research magic and other mysteries." Ushi's nodding. "Invited experts are considered guest instructors and may teach courses in their field." So? "Husband will be the first person in Stormgarde history to be listed as both a teacher and a student." Wow, can sense how excited they both are.

"Will you girls be students too?" Would feel better if I could keep them close.

"Master, Dame Edelys cannot be a student because she has already graduated." True. "I cannot be a student because I am a slave." Then I'll just free her. "Even if I was free. Ushinua has no status. No history." Shit. "And if I claimed to be Avalina? Oracles attend church schools."

"Husband will not be lonely." Didn't you just say? "As husband's slave? Sister is allowed to serve him everywhere." Oh. "As husband's knight? I am allowed to guard you everywhere." Huh. Well I guess that settles that.

"Hold and identify!"

A new voice? My shadows show we've reached the gate.

Edel suddenly grabs me and gives me a deep kiss. Sneaks the letter and medallion out of my jacket. Slams open the carriage door before the footman can open it. And boldly marches out. Like a knight going to war. Wow!

Thru shadow, I watch her proudly stride up to the guardsman and present my credentials.

"Behold the proofs of my lord and husband! Viscount Jon Barton! Bane of the Demon Lord Urnithun! Rescuer of the Maidens of Sanriel! Bearer of the Holy Sword Sanctity! Tamer of the Demon Blade Tormentor! Swordmage of the Guild of Adventurers! Reaper of Rapists! Murderer of Molesters! Breaker of Betrayers! Crusher of Curses! Confidant of the Lord General! And Adopted Son of the Marquis of Vaegia!"

Wh-wha-what?!? What the fuck was all that?!

Ushi smiles and gives me a big hug. "Do you like it Master? We have been practicing it when you sleep."

Ugh. "Viscount?"

"Oh, yes my beloved master. Remember the heir is one rank lower than the parent. Other children are two ranks lower." Yeah, that's right. Is it hot in here? "There are usually no territories involved. So it is a lot like a court rank." Really stuffy in here. Maybe the air would be nicer. Someplace far away. From here.

My shadow sees the soldier take that loud rant with great calm. Like people are screaming in his face every day. If I wasn't in shock already? I would be when he starts yelling right back.

"Baroness Edelys Gilend of House Gilend! Betrothed of Viscount Jon Barton of House Lianlaf!" Not spouse or wife? "Daughter of the Count of Raneya! Dame of the Black Hart! Welcome to Lions Keep! An escort has been prepared!"

A knight looking type next to the guardsman finishes examining the medallion and letter. She hands them back to the guardsman. The guardsman hands them back to Red.

"Salute!" The guardsman screams as he goes rigid and pounds his right fist to his chest. Edel does the same.

*clipclop* *clipclop* *clipclop* *clipclop*

Four mounted knights trot out from the gate and arrange themselves. Two in front and two behind, our carriage. The riders and horses look like they dressed for a parade. Two are dressed up in the black and green colors and black hart symbols I already know.

The other two? Don't know it. White and red tints instead of black and greem. A gold tiger, or maybe lion, instead of the black hart.

Red stares at the two for a moment. Then smartly walks back to the carriage and enters. The footman closing the door behind her. As soon as the door closes Ushi leaps on her.

"Sister that was perfect! You did so... Well?" Red has sat down but there is no reaction to Ushi's praises. She's frozen stiff with eyes open wide, pale face, and sweating, a lot. I feel, panic?

"[Eyes of Ouroboros]"

Looks healthy. Just shock and panic. She was fine until she saw those two knights in white and red. Old boyfriends?

"Edel? What's wrong?"

The carriage starts pulling forward and we ride through the mighty gate of this way too fantasy castle.

"Th-Those knights."

"The ones wearing white and red?" Ushi's head snaps to me and now she's frozen. Oh yeah. She can't see thru shadows so didn't see them. Is this bad?

"Y-Yes." She nods. "They are f-from m-my house-se."

"Oh. I didn't know your family has troops here too." That's not unusual. Right?

Ushi slowly shakes her head. "M-master? This is a Lianlaf castle. They would never let knights of Gilend serve here, unless..."

Red nods again.

"I... I think? My father is here."



Barton, Edelys (female, human, tourinese)

  • Baroness of Gilend
    • Title-less

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