A Fathers Wrath

Chapter 30: Holy Ninjas

I'm laying on the same kind of bed I made in the vault, in a forest, with the girls passed out on top of me. Taking a power nap before we get back on the road. Our first break tonight got, extended. Needed too.

Half tempted to say fuck it all. Find an island. Build a stupid fancy tree house. And live there for the rest of my days. Not liking what I've seen of 'civiilization' so far.

A small fire warms our feet while I look up at a stunningly clear star filled sky through the trees.

Oh god, having a Muppet's moment. I can almost hear the harmonica.

♫ This looks familiar. Vaguely familiar. Almost unreal, yet. It's too soon to feel yet. Close to my soul, and yet so far away. I'm going to go back there someday.

Sun rises, night falls. Sometimes the sky calls. Is that a song there, and do I belong there? I've never been there, but I know the way. I'm going to go back there someday.

Come and go with me. It's more fun to share. We'll both be completely, at home in midair. We're flying, not walking, on featherless wings. We can hold onto love, with invisible strings.

There's not a word yet, for old friends who just met. Part heaven, part space, or have I found my place? You can just visit, but I plan to stay. I'm going to go back there someday.

I'm going to go back there, someday... 1https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gsQ9PZDgG0

Wow, really remembered the words? Are there harmonicas in this world? Should get one. The girls' grips on me tighten and I realize they are awake and staring at me. Crap, didn't mean to wake them.

I say. "I like this." And give them both a squeeze.

Feels so guilty admitting that, but it's true. My family is spread across two worlds now. Can I take my wives home? Bring the rest of my family here?

I'm sure the kids would love magic. My wife could use mana to lose those extra pounds- That she absolutely does not have! Gotta include that, just in case she's watching. And relieve her aches and pains. Hell, she would probably be a lot stronger than me.

Supposedly the Aquecian Heroes were summoned bodies and all. School clothes and everything. So it must be possible.

Shouldn't be hard to swing a title and territory. Maybe just conquer the world myself and make it safe for them. I've got a summoning expert with me after all. True her first attempt hit a, snag. But that just shows she's got room for improvement.

Maybe create a gate like that one show. Get rich selling this world's resources to Earth? Could even set myself up like those Indian guys when the British show-


Ushi pinches me this time, to stop that train from running off a cliff again.

"Thank you."

She looks at Edel, they nod to each other, then both look at me before Ushi speaks.

"We like this too."

Did that statement really require a vote first?

They both start moving and... We decide to take a break for rest of the night. Now where should I build the hot tub?

---D-Day+19, Nizhen 23rd---

The girls have collapsed again. The noble and graceful knight Dame Edelys is already, snoring. Hey girls? Isn't the man supposed to be the one rolling right over and falling asleep?

Its after midnight and raining now, so my shadows have adjusted the tent so we and the fire are kept dry. Twirl my fingers through Edel's hair while massaging Frankie's breast and ponder. Red really wants to get pregnant. Like really really. Ushi can't, so she really wants Red to too. Also really really.

I understand. The vault ambush drove home the any day could be our last day. That's why waiting for the 'right' time? Seems stupid. Also? Red's twenty-two.

Per Ushi, 'commoners' are usually married and have kids before they even turn fifteen. Christ, twelve is considered the 'legal' age. And most marriages? Are arranged ones. Nobles take longer, negotiating and investigating candidates.

Even for the aristocracy, most marriages are done and kids already here or on the way before their eighteenth year. Why start having kids so soon? Because a third of them die before the age of twelve. Yeah, brutal.

Prospects dry up quickly after eighteen and noble women are soon left with becoming a mistress, concubine, sister wife, as in joining a harem, or spinster. Maybe even be married off to someone old enough to be their grandfather. Ewe...

While polygamy is legal? Harems are rare outside the rich and powerful. And can be very unpleasant for women. Edel calls them 'snake pits.' In Tourin, only the 'first' wife has significant legal protection and social recognition.

With no better prospects, Red's family aimed her at widowed grandpa grizzly. Unfortunately, he wasn't interested in a new wife and has concubines and mistresses. Edel did not want to just become another one.

The invasion might have brought fame and riches of her own? But there was defeat after defeat instead. Then she met me. Says my power and vulnerability attracted her. And since a slave wife can't legally be the 'first' wife? Her position would be secure.

Personally? I figure she just saw through my mild mannered mexican restaurant owner disguise and realized I was? El Macho.


Now the heads of noble families have a lot of control over who their sons and daughters can marry. Ushi says noble marriages are about politics, economics, and mana. Rarely is love ever involved. Love is what mistresses and brothels are for. Yeah, I don't get it either.

House Gilend can make things difficult if they oppose our marriage. So Red's report telling monocle about the ambush and that we've gotten hitched? Also to let the marquis know about his adopted son's choice and ask for his support.

Adopted isn't considered as good as blood, but House Gilend wants ties to the marquis. That's why they sent Red. And if the head of Lianlaf is a war hero and supports the marriage? And that adopted has a lot of mana and lady Gilend is knocked up?

They would be idiots to oppose it and probably lose if they did. Noble's rights regarding their offspring are extensive and dangerous to interfere with.

And since grizzly is looking for ways to tie me to Tourin? Of course he will support my marriage to a tourinese noble. Still, I'm not the trusting sort. I also know I'm not that smart. Missing two betrayals and three ambushes? In less than a month? Not good signs.

The link does ease my worries since I can feel their, feelings. Their devotion. Their loyalty. But, what if they are faking it? Spoofing?

Whew, thank god my paranoia remains. Would hate to lose that!

The first sign of betrayal? They're gone. Well, more likely, dead. These two are precious to me but, no matter how happy they make me? Can't forget. I'm here for my son. I'm not here for them.

For the umpteenth time, I examine the egg in Edel's womb. Could have shot blanks. Probably should have. But my wives really wanted this. I'll give it a couple weeks to make sure its developing normally before letting them know. Telling her now will just make them worry.

Wonder what we'll name it? Bubba? Bubbette? I know. If its a boy. Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Pica-


"Yes?" My eyes turn south. "Ah. We have company."

I look thru Rowl's eyes and see a road over a mile away. Two wagons and over a dozen horses have stopped a little off to the side. Looks like a regular camp with tents and a fire.

May be pretending to be merchants but that's too many horses for escort. Also no pedestrians following. No merchant would pass up the chance for more coin.

My sight moves to Alex. Shadows are moving through these woods that are not mine. Twenty? Twenty-three? No, twenty-six. Getting a better look tickles my inquisitor's memories. These fake shadows are not only not shadows? They are also not human. Terrific, church ninjas. How did they find us?

Crap. Bet they are following my shadows' trails just like I followed Rowl's. And they've been running all over these woods. Oh? Thank you Alex. These assassins often hunt dark magic users. So are extra sensitive to its smell.


When discovering dark magic? Send a warning to the nearest church, investigate, and attack. Interesting SOP. No chance they'll think the Beast is here though. I'm over a hundred miles from where I should be.

"Well, they've got to die."

My shadows flow out from me and into the trees. Oops, gave my babies the shivers. Lets tuck these blankets in around them a bit more.

See the ninjas stop and drop into guard stances. Sensed the shifting mana? Smelled the [Death Magic] spike? Hmm... Breaking up into trios? Oh, that's how they're trained. Thank you again Alex. All except two. Must be the commander and subcommander. Should take them alive if I can.

Unfortunately I can only heal shadows within a few hundred feet. So they are on their own. Will be a good test. The base point for these living shadows is much higher than those goblins, kobolds, and rats.

So much so that I don't want to waste any brain space on small fries. Would probably be handy to add some assassins to the ranks though.

Dark templars versus light ninjas. Might be an even battle. If I didn't know the other team's playbook.

"[Faith Burst]"


A white flare shoots up from the subcommander and explodes above the trees. Showering a large section of the woods with motes of light. Damaging and disrupting any dark magic it touches. Or at least would, if any of my shadows were in range. Alex had already pulled them back.

*rumble* *boom* *rumble*

Its raining ninjas, as Alex sends in eight shadow chargers at top speed. Each aimed at a trio of assassins. No matter how good their training? Dealing with a solid wall of ink and smoke moving at sixty miles an hour? Good luck. Result? Trampled and flying assassins.

Worse? Each has a paladin, oracle, or inquisitor, on it. Adding more casualties while the oracles suppress [Faith Burst].

*ptah* *ptah* *ptah*

With the defensive AOE suppressed? Debuffs come flying in from the priests. Crossbow bolts from the knights.

*zvinng* *skilch*

Looking thru paladin Emelina's eyes, I see her blade catch and send an assassin's sword flying then immediately reverse grips to cut across his back. That she does this with a great-sword makes the move even more impressive.

Dark horses are gone but the paladins stay to keep the ninjas scrambling. Feel Evard fall to the enemy commander. Glimpse fur under a long hood and see a tail with barbs attached.

A tug Rowl's way and can sense a slight delay in the connection. Like radio? Distance maybe? Or is it the light magic causing interference?

The enemy's base has become very busy. Maybe [Faith Burst] was a signal but one of the commandos is running towards a cage with bats in it. Why? Oh. They have tiny little cylinders tied to bat legs. Cute, and gross.

Well, can't have that. Rowl leaps from the shadows with his hounds. Knights and priests spring from other shadows around the camp.

The runner has a rat face and reacts as if he knew Rowl was there all along. Throwing a, glass ball? The hound Orsa intercepts the ball and it explodes like a small sun. Disintegrating the front half of the shadow dog. The rest quickly disperses like dust, uh, in the wind.

Rowl and Alfek take advantage of Orsa's sacrifice to close the distance. Rat face must have ice in his veins as he calmly slides over Alfek's leap.

*zkryrar* *thunch* *grunch*

Continuing his, frankly, stunning display of acrobatics. Seriously, Seylia would be incredibly jealous of these moves. Skaven wannabe catches Rowl's great sword swing with a short sword in one hand and in the other a, hook?

But Rowl isn't holding his great sword anymore. Instead his hands have pulled out short swords and one is already driving through rat boy's chest. Pinning him to a passing tree.

Not even trying to stop, Rowl spins and uses his momentum to drive the other short sword deep thru the poor boy's stomach and also into the tree behind. Correction, rat girl's stomach. As the now exposed parts show. Unfortunate thing is now stapled, several feet in the air, to a tree.

The following suicide attempt, with another grenade, is stopped as Rowl cuts off both of rat face's hands, and tail.

Rowl and Alfek help the knights and priests put down the rest of the monster squad. Several shadows fall but its quickly over.

Let a tug from Alex pull me back in his direction. The battle here is getting interesting. Only a couple of the twenty-four ninjas remain and they are trying to run. But they are completely overwhelmed now. Several have suicided with bombs, taking out ten of mine. Including Byern and Lanot.

*spahk* *faahn* *whozh* *boom* *zhing* *zlahch*

While my knights, priests, and chargers corner the remaining ninjas? Two pretty incredible duels are taking place. A black skinned fuzzy lady with small bat wings is trading magical blows with my Oracles, Ferra and Margo.

Nearby, a returned Evard, Gyberg, and Emelina, are battling it out with a fur covered man. Wolf like, except for the hooves. Never realized my shadows could be injured and keep fighting.

Thru their eyes I can see impressive damage. A couple are even missing limbs. More unexpected? My shadow priests are healing the injured. Ragged tears in ink armor are closing. Severed smokey limbs regrowing. Yes, I'm geeking out again. So cool!

Alex is playing his new favorite game. Strike from the shadows. Got cocky and ate one of those exploding light balls. But some time with the priests and he's back in action.

Wolf boy and bat girl are back to back now. Breathing hard and ragged. Both covered in wounds. Batty even has a couple of burns. My paladins and oracles are circling while my inquisitor waits for an opening. They'll suicide soon but I would really rather not lose them.

The ones that suicided with those light bombs? Have no spirit left to raise.

*clop* *clop* *clop* *vyryryr*

Just as I see their hands reach towards those damned holy hand grenades, of Antioch. Rowl comes slowly riding thru the trees like a total boss. God I wish I could record this. Behind him are shadows carrying the dead and dying from the camp. On each side of the charger are his hounds. I had already re-summoned Orsa.

He lifts his right hand, holding the twitching rat girl by the neck for lizard and bat to see.

"Juri!" Bat lady screams and they hesitate. Interesting. A personal connection? Dammit, still no popcorn! Oh well, can't be helped.

"[Shadow Levy]"


Of course I can't reach them from the bed. So while Rowl distracted them from one side? My wives and I rode up from the other.

The knights and priests have gathered the dead and dying so all these teenage ninja mutant parishioners are within a couple hundred feet of me. Within range of one, full powered, raise the dead, AOE, curse. The onslaught of spiritual pain catches wolfy and batty off guard. Suicidus interruptus.

My new minions crawl thru cracks in the void and-

~Juri!~ What the fuck?

When I create a living shadow? First thing it does is recognize me. Like a baby looking for its mother. Or at least, has before. This time? Ex-bat lady leaps at ex-rat girl and hugs her to, well, undeath. Starts checking her all over for injuries.

Wolf guy? Tries grabbing a holy hand grenade that isn't there anymore. See's its body and starts reaching for the bomb there but then freezes.

The ecology of the living shadow continues to amaze me. So if strong enough, alive enough, and focused enough, when created? Maybe a living shadow will continue the task it was last doing in life? Fascinating. This necromancy shit is wild.

None of the other new shadows are behaving this way though. Immediately seeking me out, sixteen living shadows are kneeling before me. Then again, they were already defeated. So their 'to do' list was maybe empty? Was only able to raise nineteen of the thirty plus. Shame.



Why is she calling me that? Let's see.


Oh. My. God. What kind of mall ninja shit is this?! The assassins get japanese names? Their monastery was founded by a hero? And heroic japanese tales are told and passed on from generation to generation? So these guys interpret me as the japanese heavenly king. Just. Crazy.

Oh well. "Yes Mitsu?" That's batty's name.

No idea how genuine their japanese still is after centuries but, since I don't know japanese? Meh...

~Please let me stay with my husband and daughter.~

Eh? Oh, the church shuffles people about and just grabs whoever. Yeah, I don't work that way.

"You will always be together."

I pull them into my mindscape, where they see everything, and then call them out again. Only takes moments. Hehe. She's still hugging Juri. Ex rat girl. Who is starting to feel a bit embarrassed. Overwhelmed, but also embarrassed.

They seem so, alive. Sadly, I can tell that those two and Yodo, the husband, are the only ones who retained enough identity to speak.

"As long as I live, you live."

~Eternal Tenno~

Are those, tears? How can a living shadow cry? Amazing. The bond between these three is powerful. Is it too strong? No feelings of treachery but, after Vira? Well, we'll see. Oh, Juri really wants to become an adult. Typical teenager.

Can a living shadow, grow? Don't know. But I'll make sure it happens if its possible. Have to discuss it with Yodo and Mitsu.

We're awake now so might as well reach the town.

Need a bath to scrub off this light magic.

Feels, dirty.

Juri (living shadow (female, rat-human, tourinese))

  • Shadow Assassin
    • Former Assassin
      • Universal Church of Metia
  • Adopted daughter of Mitsu and Yodo

Mitsu (living shadow (female, bat-human, tourinese))

  • Shadow Assassin
    • Former Assassin
      • Universal Church of Metia
  • Magic
    • Dark (int)
  • Mother of Juri, Wife of Yodo

Yodo (living shadow (male, wolf-human, tourinese))

  • Shadow Assassin
    • Former Assassin
      • Universal Church of Metia
  • Father of Juri, Husband of Mitsu

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