A Fathers Wrath

Chapter 21: Wanted Man

---D-Day+171, Goridine 14th, Friday Morning---


The dawn's early light reveals a fantasy china bedroom that is way over maximum capacity.

Hope the wuxia fire marshal doesn't get called.

Its walls are covered in bright frescos of oriental countrysides.  Floor made of dark polished lacquered planks.  Red and yellow ornately carved wooden furniture decorates the space.  With green or red fabric cushions, curtains and blankets.

So, what is violating the xianxia building safety codes?


Over two dozen unconscious naked drooling snoring sticky messes.  Drenched with sweat and, uh, other fluids.  Sprawled over every surface, whether floor, table, chair or bed.  

The air is thick with the scents of sex.  Bodies glisten with tiny little beads of- wait, Friday morning?

Yep, we spent the rest of Thursday fucking like rabbits.  That pill wasn't as bad as the breakthrough one.  But it still made viagra feel like asprin in comparison.  So, yeah, we got busy.

At least, most of us did.  Li had a blast catching up with the other qingnu, young ladies.  And then they joined in so I gave them a blast.

Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.

Yeah yeah, call me a man whore.  Like to see you restrain yourself when you're in the middle of a reverse gangbang and new T&A lands on your face.

It's free real estate!

Dual-cultivated the fuck out of them.  Or, in this case, in them?  I guess.  Whatever.

What caught me by surprise though?  None of them were virgins.  Not a squirt of primal yin qi left in any of them.  And they all begged me not to tell their clans about it.

Apparently, letting kids go through puberty with a lot of money and not a lot of supervision?  Letting them "paint the town" regularly?  Results in them, sometimes, "painting" each other too.

Clearly, Heavy Metal music is to blame.  Going to isekai Dee Snider and give him a stern talking to.

At least none of them were already knocked up.  You bet your ass I checked.  Hey, I was in the army.  Saw lots of guys get burned by the "you're the daddy" scam.

Thank god [Recovery Magic] with [Super Senses] lets me see what's going on inside.

Why are their families okay with me purportedly popping their cherries?  No, it's not because of the emperor’s invitation letter.  Nope.  This is all about Lurch telling everyone that I'm his apprentice.

Getting the right pills at the right times can make or break a clan.  Yes, alchemy is that important.  And with that castrated fairy being the "grandmaster" alchemist of Yangxu?

Getting friendly with the one he's teaching his tricks too.  Is worth a daughter or two.  According to Little Li.

These poor girls are the clans' benchwarmers.  Daughters not considered pretty enough or talented enough for their families to invest in.  Or have had their betrothals canceled for some reason.

Like the boy dying.

So they're basically stuck in limbo until the clan elders negotiate who to sell-ahem, I mean, marry them off too.  Yeah, just like in Tourin, the chick often has zero control over who she's marrying, concubining, mistressing, etc…

Shitty medieval fantasy world.

Six young ladies with their whole lives ahead of them, traded for drugs.  Damn, not even that if you think about it.  They've been sold by their families just in the hopes of getting drugs later.

Can't blame them if they hate me for it.

"Xingan, please do not say such a thing."

Which got me lectured by the yanese princess.

"What maiden does not long for love?"  Hugs me from behind.  "Airen is kind to his women."  Kisses my shoulder.  "Protects and supports us."  An earlobe gets nibbled.  "How can we not love you?"


Well, at least during humpapalooza last night I got an answer to a question I'd been wondering about.

*fwop* *fwop* *fwop*

Have no idea what her name is and the chest is a b-cup, at best.  But, like the other xianxia debutantes, she is up for anything.  And I do mean anything.  Didn't have to break them in at all.

This little woman has been off to lala land for a while now.  Riding another climax as I doggy her.  She'll pass out soon.  Li's friends got no stamina.


Big Ji is licking the sweat off my chest like its candy.  Ready and eager for her next turn.  So I better ask before I get distracted again.


A drunk on lust face looks up at me and slurs.

"Yeshh, dasshhhi?"

"Li's mom is not your mom, right?"

Ji dazedly nods.


"How does she get away with it?"

Confused blinking.


Should be clearer.

"How does Li's mom get away with the shit she's pulled?  Kidnapping, murder, etc…"

The older sister’s eyes come into focus as she registers that I'm not asking what position she wants to start with.

"Ah.  Oh.  Forgive me, dashi.  Uh…"  Puts her thinking cap on.  "Do you remember how cultivation affects, um, fertility?"

Think so.

"Something about the higher you go the harder it is to get knocked up, right?"

Big Ji nods.

"Yes, and that includes both genders."  Sad eyes.  "Women are often, uh, encouraged to not cultivate or not cultivate beyond the first or second realms."

That's sexist.

"Wait, with the immortal thing doesn't that mean…"

Nods again.

"That even if she survives sickness and childbirth.  A wife's husband will likely outlive her by decades.  Maybe centuries."


"Well, that's shit."


"Of course power is power.  So talented women are still valued, dashi."  Looks down.  "Unfortunately, such women may never have a child of their own."


"And what does that have to do with Li's mom?"

She leans into me and begins kissing my chest.

"The solution is harems."  Finger traces my abs.  "Powerful men have as many women as they can support.  Royal father has dozens."

"Uh, and?"

"Dashi, royal father is nearly five hundred years old.  Has outlived many of his concubines.  Even the empress is his third since ascending the jade throne."



A sigh.

"Yet even with so many wives and so many years.  Royal father only has fourteen children."  Looks me in the eyes.  "Li's mother gave birth to three of them."

Ohh…  She's the goose that lays golden eggs.

"I get it now."

Her head rests on my shoulder. 

"The Lady of Bright Deportment joined the concubinage less than twenty years ago and has already given birth to a daughter and two sons."  Shrug.  "She is beautiful, part of a mighty clan, a talented daoist, and very fertile."

My turn to sigh.

"So she's untouchable."

Head shakes.

"No, dashi.  The crown prince opposes her.  As does third empress and the other royal mothers."  Flicks my nipple.  "But Li's mother is very strong, influential and schemes for her youngest to replace the crown prince."


"Guess I'll have to kill her myself."

Would really rather not.  Agree with the, "no women no kids," philosophy.  Sort of.  But this bitch has dug a grave.  And I suspect either me or she is gonna have to get in it.


What's her name cums again.



Then collapses onto the soaked day couch when I let go of her hips.  Fainting and twitching uncontrollably from the latest orgasm.  And making room for Ji's head to travel south for the winter.


Damn, she's gotten good at cleaning up.

Well that ended up being another late night.  Youth really is wasted on the young.

I can feel sunlight on my face.  Guess it's morning.  What's under me is pretty hard so guess my last round was on the floor.  Not ashamed to admit that after hours of shuffling pussy.  Memory can get a little fuzzy.

Soft fragrant lips touch mine.

*muah* *chu*

Eh?  An early riser?  Hmm…  I'll keep my eyes closed.  Let's see if I can guess who it is.

*chu* *muah*

Frankie?  No, scent is wrong.  Red?  No, the bun in her oven has wrecked her staying power.  This smells like… Li?

A too mature to be Li voice stops my pondering. 

"Figure out who this one is yet, Junfei Badun?"



Open the peepers to see Elder Qiao Zhi's face inches above mine.  Ding Dong's "auntie."

This is oddly reminiscent of the first time I met Frankie.  Though there's no giant demon raping the girl this time.  And the wuxia milf's face doesn't look addled by a succubi's mind control spell.

"Good morning, Zhi."  Gently slide Mel off my crotch.  "What can I do for you?"  Shift Blue's not so secret right now garden off my chin.

Why is she blushing all of a-  Oh, shit, right.  Using just a woman’s first name is like holding a girl's hand, gasp, in public to these people.  Very intimate.

If I used a nickname like "Zhizhi or Zhi'er?"  She'd probably turn redder than a tomato.  Still stuttering and fidgeting anyway.  Cute.

"Um, I, uh, j-just, um…"

My hand touches her cheek and she freezes.

"Zhi, relax, it's okay."

Her head slowly begins moving again and a big smile grows.

"A useless old woman like me wanted to thank you," eyes shudder, "Yuehan."

Houston?  We have tomato.


She tries to shy away but my other palm's snuck in.  Her red cheeks are trapped.

"Y-your se-seed, um, yang qi."  Eyes sparkle.  "He-healed middle dantian.  Broke b-bottleneck."  Mumbler.  "I… I am an Early-stage Qi Realizer now."

Sweet.  I think.

"Congratulations." That's nice.  Have fun storming the castle.  I'm going back to sleep.  "Anything el-"

"M-may this foolish female have more?"



You know, a mature asian woman with a pouty face?  Is surprisingly adorable.

"Yuehan…  You're yang qi was so warm.  So strong.  Dual-cultivating with you felt so, um, safe.  Do y-you not like me?"

Better set things straight.

"I like you fine.  You just got a lot of luggage.  Like you're boytoy Kronk.  Who tried to rape Ymi."

Xianxia lady is shocked.

"He what?!"

Sit up and take hold of her hand.  Elder Qiao is looking pretty nervous right now.

"Your dog tried to kill me too but I'll count that as a freebie."  Rub the back of my neck.  "Since I did, you know, try to kill him first.  Sorry, was just a bad day."

Awkward, table for two.

"Is… is he, still alive?"

"Yes, but he got stabbed in the dick.  So he'll probably be an even whinier bitch than normal."

A long sigh and then she kowtows. 

"This daoist apologizes for her student's actions.  He will be disciplined."

Those are some angry eyes.

"I'll ask since you seem like a nice kung fu lady.  Would it really be a problem if I end him?"

A worried look.

"Junfei, please, my disciple is quite taken with him.  Even accepts his lecherous ways."  More blushing.  "Ding Dong has a boyish charm which can be hard to resist."

We're both still on the floor.  Her dressed in white silk robes again and me butt naked.  Surrounded by bare tits and asses.  I lean to the side.  Tilting my head.

"And if that boyish charm doesn't work, it's okay for him to rape them?"

She waves her hands and shakes her head.

"No, of course not!"  Another sigh.  "But this one is to blame.  Not Ding."



She gathers her thoughts.

"Junfei, I had given up on ever breaking through."  Shrugs.  "So I took my disciple on a journey to give experience and teach the rest of my arts to her."  A sad smile.  "Before it was too late."


"My disciple asked to visit her village."  Giggles.  "Complained often of a certain adopted boy in that village.  So was curious myself."  Closes eyes.  "Never imagined the boy was a giant.  Or so talented."

Meh… typical protag plot so far.  Elder goes on.

"Ding Dong ruled that village.  Well, in truth, the women of the hamlet controlled it through Dong’er."  Eyes get evasive.  "He had, um, relations with any woman that could fit him."  Cheeks flush.  "Every woman."

Not surprised.

"Well, he is a dog."

Zhi looks uncomfortable but doesn't deny it.

"Before we arrived.  Dong’er had even beaten the local lord's son when the young master tried to court his sister."  That sounds like a hero thing to do.  "The entire village was about to be destroyed."

Qiao Zhi looks exasperated.  I should help.

"And then?"

I'm helping!

"Eh?  Oh, yes, I was able to resolve matters."  Frown.  "In exchange for sparing the village.  We hunted down a troublesome group of bandits.  But Dong’er also had to leave and never return."  Squirms a little.  "It was quite an… adventure."

Filled with fortuitous encounters and the hero’s dick I bet.

"So why aren't you taking scrappy-doo to your sect?"

"Who?  Oh, no no no, the Lanxuejiao sect uses mostly yin arts."  Can tell I don't understand.  "Um, it is a girls only sect and many of its arts favor primal yin."  Uncomfortable.  "Bringing a boy like Dong’er there would be… inappropriate."

Ha!  Taking that horn dog to a place full of virgins?  Talk about letting the fox in the henhouse.

"The Beyulongong sect doesn't have an IQ requirement, does it?"

Zhi tilts her head.

"I. Q?"


"Okay."  Looks down but glances at me.  "Dong’er has just never had a father figure he could look up to."  Glance.  "Could learn from."  Glance again.  "Someone strong."  Scoots closer.  "And handsome."  Closer.  "And wise."  Closest.  "And-"

Danger!  Danger, Isekai Robinson!

"Not a chance in hell."

Sad face.

"Ahh…  But Junfei…"

Big sad eyes.

"You can put those puppy dog eyes away."  Palms up.  "I have almost two dozen women to take care of."  Point.  "And you have a spoiled rotten muscle head whose gotten away with just using his dick to think for way too fucking long."

Auntie looks desperate. 

"But he has so much potential."

"And the North Jade Dragon Palace will help him with that."  Shrug.  "Or he'll rape someone he shouldn't rape.  Or piss off someone he shouldn't piss off.  And get killed.  That's on him."

The elder nods but I suspect she hasn't given up yet.  Fingers start working their way down my chest.

"This humble daoist understands, Junfei."  Licks her lips.  "Now would it be okay to-"

*knock* *knock*

Zhi glares at the doorway.  I turn to see a maid has snuck in.  She nervously kowtows before speaking.  Trying desperately to not look at the aftermath of yesterday's naughty tsunami. 

"Junfei Badun, representatives from several clans have arrived."


"Ugh, fine, I'll wake up princess Li."

Move to get up before noticing the overstimulated servant frantically shaking her head.

"N-no, Junfei Badun, a thousand apologies.  The guests request to only speak with you."


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