A Fathers Wrath

Chapter 18: Inner Peace

---D-Day+170, Goridine 13th, Thursday Morning---


*chirp* *ribbit* *peep* *bzz*

Actually sitting with my legs crossed.  On the ground.

‘Inner peace… inner peace…’

No shit.  This is like a wuxia meditation scene.

"Big brother!  Little brother would have words with you!"


"Go away Po."

"Po?  Big brother, this is Dong.  Ding Dong."


And it was such a nice morning too.

I’m meditating in a beautiful oriental garden full of little paths and ponds.  Boulders, greenery and statues decorate the space.  A rising sun reflects off the morning dew.  Local critters welcome the new day.

Facing south I can see other hills and villas over the privacy walls.  Pagodas dot the building covered heights in the distance.  And beyond them spreads a large bay.

It's so freaking peaceful.  Ethereal even.

“Big brother?”

Before junior wuxia justice warrior showed up.

The harem convoy reached this xianxia mansion just as the sun set yesterday.  A series of courtyards formed by walls and buildings spread across acres of terraces.  Was a bit of a maze to get this far inside the complex.

Little Li was thrilled because she knows the owners.  But they aren’t in town.  Thank god.  She’d probably want me to fuck them too.

One of the kingdom's bigwig clans and this, uh, pavilion is their vacation home.

Unfortunately, this place doesn’t have any big harem-size bedrooms.  So my ladies are spread across several suites in a big building.  Of course I shoved justice boy and his harem into a building in a separate courtyard.

Then made it crystal clear that if superdog tries to get a midnight snack from my fridge?  I’ll castrate him.

Really shouldn’t have worried though.  First night in a strange house in a strange land?  Had the girls feeling insecure.  So throughout the evening more and more showed up at my door.  Asking for some "warm milk" to, uh, help them sleep.

Which became a messy reverse gangbang as nineteen women squeezed into a master bedroom, and master bed, designed for four.  Max.  While I squeezed into them.

Wanting to explore a little, I woke up early.  Bare butts and boobs scattered across the room.  Their owners left wherever they last fainted.  On tables, chairs, floor, etc…  I tiptoed quietly out the door.  Careful not to disturb their passed the fuck out states.

Dual cultivation, sex magic, and mana manipulation slash qi control?  Powerful shit.

Did gently lift Milti down off the top of the canopy bed though.  Wouldn’t want her falling and hurting herself when she regains consciousness.  That girl’s been more and more “adventurous” since getting those legs back.

Also scanned my knocked up pair, Red and Lula.  Babies are still developing fine.  At least I think they are.  I’m not a proctologist, but I did stay at an isekai inn express last night.

The moment I closed the door, manor maids attacked.  Overrunning my defenses with cuteness, gibberish and dragging me off into another room for a shit, shower, actually bath, shave and shag.

After, as I wandered, [Super Senses] heard karate kid getting scolded by “sister.”  Busted trying to sneak out.  Some bullshit about checking if his “new sisters” were okay.

Got a good laugh when he tried defending himself.  Whining that I must be bullying the girls.  Since none of them came to visit him.


That kid’s head is way too far up his own ass.

Finally, with help from a couple other cute maids, found this cultivation garden.  The ambient qi is noticeably higher here.  Still working on my dantian columns.  So have a ways to go before I can try breaking through to the 4th realm.  Core Formation.

Hard to find time to cultivate between all the training, fighting and fucking.

Yeah I dual cultivated my way through Body Refining and Qi Gathering pretty easily.  It's harder in Foundation Establishment though.  Since this realm is a lot more, uh, what’s the word… cerebral?

True, sage mode is great for comprehension.  And digesting yin qi.  But all that T&A in your face still gets distracting.  Good to get some quiet time in a peaceful place.  Let you sink into your soul.

"Can you hear me, big brother?"

Until some deluded dipshit insists on pestering you.

Open my eyes and look at justice boy.

‘How can anyone, even a kid, possibly be this dense?’

Kid?  Ha!  We're probably about the same age.  But I'm an old dirty bastard inside.  While he's just young, stupid and way to full of himself.  Better answer or I’ll never get any peace.  Time to channel my inner Shifu.


‘You are so not the dragon warrior.’

Why is he still wearing that short sleeved scratchy grey tunic?  Ah.  Probably cause it shows off his muscles better than the purple xianxia robes the maids wrapped me in.

Yeah, purple.  Totally look like a three kingdoms character right now.  Even grew out my hair some.  Gotta admit the yanese do have a way with colors though.  They really pop.

Kid hero’s holding that bronze spear again.  It's got a will of its own, like my superswords, which makes it the rarest kind of magic weapon.  And I can about get a tan off the hate it's sending my way.  Or rather, my blades' way.

‘Why is the idiot staring at me like I kicked his dog?’

"Big brother, what did you do to auntie?"



Oh, hehe, he's getting mad now.  He’s flexing.

"Do not deny your crime, villain!"  Villain?  "As soon as we arrived, teacher told me to leave my new sisters alone and went into secluded meditation."  Eyes glare.  "Auntie has never done that before.  What did big brother do?!"

Well, karate kid's not wrong.  Qiao Zhi was pretty, ahem, sore by the end.  Wink wink, nudge nudge.

"And how is what Zhi does, any of your damn business?"

A now wide eyed hero boy points at me.

"You… must not act so familiar with auntie!”  These people are so uptight.  “She always rubs my muscles before bed.  Last night, big sister had too."  Are you twelve?  "And you won't let my new sisters help either."  Excuse you?  "I must beat you up!"

"Are you stupid?"

Moron takes an arrogant pose.

"Ha!  Big brother does not know.  Auntie says Dong is smart.  That makes you a big dummy!"

Fuck, he can’t be this dense.  It's got to be an act.

"So you're gonna beat me up?"

Nods and poses with his spear.

"Yes!  I will thrash you until big brother calls me father."  Eh?  "Show my new sisters how strong Ding is."

Flexes his arm.

"And this is what you do back home?"

"As rain is wet.  The aunties and sisters love when Ding beats up the bad uncles around the village.  Always rubbed my muscles afterwards."

Good lord.

"Didn't I hand you your ass yesterday?"

Justice boy scoffs.

"That was thunder on a clear day.  Caught me unaware like the villain you are.”  Well he had already gotten sucker punched by those thugs.  “This hero would never lose to a silkpants."  Silkpants?  "You cheated."

Huh.  These robes are silk.  Quite comfy too.  Not sure if they qualify as pants though.  Maybe pantaloons?  Wait, cheated?

"Listen kid."  Massage my nose.  "My wives are not your sisters.  And they are not going to be.  Now I bet all the women in Bumfuck, Egypt, loved your dick."  Superboy nods happily.  Yikes.  "Probably rode you whenever their husbands and fathers weren't looking.  Your mother even took a turn too, right?"

Yeah, that’s a low blow but it might be true.  Read on the google that it got pretty raunchy in remote medieval villages.  And this kid practically screams hamlet hero.  Where first cousins are considered distant relatives.

Superboy actually looks uncomfortable.  Eyes shifting.

"Th-that is-"

I interrupt whatever lie or excuse he was about to come up with.

"But me?  I'm always looking.  Now I don't own them and I don't force them.  But I don't share them either."  Put on my angry eyes.  "You tried your lost boy act on half my women yesterday.  Started as soon as the wagons stopped.  Right up till I kicked you and your incest fetish out."  Slowly stand up.  "Every one of them shot your ass down."

They did.  It was kind of sad.  Frankie was especially mean about it too.

Hey now.  I’m not saying I look better or fuck better.  Though I do.  But seventeen of them have never been to this country.  They got no money and no connections here.  Are months away from home.  And might be killed if they go back.

So bailing on the guy with an invitation from the emperor, to roll in the hay with a farm boy?  Or trying to sneak a toss when they know about my shadows?  If they’re that stupid?

They wouldn’t have lasted this long in the first place.

Now once they get established.  If they get somewhere with this cultivation thing?  Join the strongest sect in the country?  Well, known plenty of women who got downright creative making up excuses for becoming skanks.

Meh…  Just have to burn that bridge when I come to it.

Whoa, sorry, not saying guys can’t be skanks too.  Geesh.  It’s just that we usually have only one excuse for humping a honey who is not our s/o.

‘She let me.’

*badum tish*

Hehe, whoops, superdog is back to being mad again.  Trembling even.  Can see a vein throbbing on his forehead.  Points at me again.

"Your fault!  Big brother must be bullying them!"  Clenches a fist.  "This daddy will thrash you good!"

[Whirling Leaf]

Dong suddenly charges me.  Using both arms to spin the bronze spear like a buzzsaw.  Alternating left and right sides of his body.  The staff's blade glows gold as it scores the gravel.

*whoosh* *whoosh* *clang*

Tormentor and Sanctity ignite and spring into my hands.  Crossing over my head.  Blocking the chopping spear an inch above my noggin.  Glowing bronze meets sparking blue and burning red steel.

He instantly reverses the spin as his body 360's.  So I quickly switch my x'd swords down.  Stopping the slashing point from permanently separating my balls.


Slice the divine rapier towards his throat while pushing the polearm away with my demonic longsword.  Forcing justice boy to back up a couple steps or get decapitated.

[Twilight Bamboo Forest]

He twists again then begins rapidly stabbing at me and steps forward.  The spear’s greater reach making me back up this time so I don't get perforated.

*ting* *zing* *kang*

Sanctity and Tormentor blur as I deflect the machine gun-like jabs.




Too late I realize that some of the blades are not after images from how fast the polearm is moving.  They were never real to begin with!  My swords pass through several tricks of light and mana as the real spear tip stabs into my shoulder.


Pivot and knock the blade away with my holy sword before more damage is done.  Spraying blood on the clean pebble covered ground.  Dong smirks and I can feel the magic polearm’s smugness.  Even lets loose an arrogant hmph!  Like my women are already in his bed.

‘Okay asshole.’

[Iron Rain Soaring]

*ching* *ping* *tang*

Leap forward unleashing a third realm Twin Steel Dragons technique.  The flurry of slashes catch justice boy by surprise.  He frantically backpedals and stabs at me with more illusory spears.  But I’m already too close.  Deflecting the polearm with ease.


Let go of Tormentor and drive a war machine mode fist into his gut.  Bones in my hand crack as it's like hitting a brick wall.  But I also feel those bricks break.


Blood and food splatter on my fancy clean, past tense, purple robes as the kid in the grey tunic throws up on me and doubles over.

*crunch* *clang*

My knee connects with his face.  Giving me the oh so satisfying sound of hero boy’s nose breaking as the steroid mountain gets some airtime before slamming down flat on his back.  Mister glowie spear clatters to the ground.

Drop the demon sword on top of the spear to keep it pinned.  It's a swordmage thing.  Dong is only out for a moment before waking up and trying to spring back up.  But he stops part way when his adam’s apple meets the tip of Sanctity.

Eyes open really wide over his bent bleeding nose as the realization kicks in.

"I… I lost?"

"Yep, and now you’re gonna die."

A scream intrudes.

"Brother!  Stop!"

‘Motherfucking plot armor!’

Turn to see the, uh, "sister" running at us with maids in tow.  Even a couple guards.  Hands holding up her robes so she doesn't trip.

Still dazed, a suddenly crying karate kid turns her way.



As soon as she's within a few paces, the girl drops to her knees hard and begins kowtowing. 

"Young master!  Please forgive little brother!"  Head bouncing on the gravel.  "We are not worthy to be in your eyes!  Just simple farmers!"  She’s bawling now too.  "He is a foolish boy who could not see Mount Tai!  Never had a father to teach him his place!"

*record scratch*



What’s my son doing right now?  Do they think I ran away?  Did my body remain behind?  Am I on a hospital bed hooked up to some machine?  A vegetable?

How are the bills getting paid?

I was going to take him driving that weekend.  Big step.  Finally getting behind the wheel.  What about that girl he liked?  Shit, what was her name?

Oh god, my heart, it hurts.

No, gotta keep my eye on the prize.  Break those fuckers and figure out the ritual.  There’s a time part.  I can get back to when I left.  Will be like I was never gone.

But… what if…

Zone back in to hear the girl continuing to cry and beg.  Superboy’s crying too.  Though he’s probably faking it for sympathy.  Manipulative little shit.

Jesus.  Why do I hate this kid so much?  They're just kids in way over their heads.

I look again at the junior wuxia justice warrior.  Still seems shocked.  Guess he never really lost before.  But what I'm feeling is worse.  Much worse.

'My son doesn’t have a father now.'

Suddenly this little shit doesn't seem worth the effort anymore.

Slowly pull Sanctity back from his throat.  But Tormentor stays on the spear.  Keeping it pinned.

"Go away Po."

In a daze, justice boy mutely nods and shakily stands up.  Wiping the tears and snot off his face.  Glances at the still restrained bronze weapon before slowly walking out of the garden.  Head down.  Shoulders slumped.

As soon as kid hero is out of sight, "sister" stands and glares at me.  Her eyes puffy and red.  Cheeks streaked with tears.  But the crying has stopped.  If I didn't know better.  Would say that she's pissed.  At me.

“What do you want?”

There’s maturity in her voice now.  Deep.  Strong.  Angry.

Shake my head to clear it a bit and look at the suddenly much more grown up acting girl.  Confused.


She flicks more of her long straight hair behind her.

"Barbarian, I asked what do you want?"  Glances back.  The maids and guards followed hero.  So we're alone.  "To leave young Ding alone.  Gold?  Spirit stones?"  Bats her eyelashes.  "Me?"

Ha!  Like this is my fault.

"What are you, an a-cup?  B-cup with beer goggles on?  Fuck off, I'm not in the mood."

Turn to walk away but the girl pops in front of me again.  The move reminds me of not-sebastian’s [Butler Magic].

"No, Ding Dong is too important.  It cost so much to get him this far."  Her qi starts turning… weird.  "Better to pull out the weed by its roots instead."

Oh, hell no.

My aura and qi surges.  Spreading across the garden.  Forming what the daoists call a "domain."  Hundreds of shadows, including Frazur, now surround her.  Ready to attack the moment she so much as twitches funny.

She’s already seen my shadows but I get the feeling she did not realize I had this many.  Eyebrows climb when she sees Frazur.  Well, all yanese seem to have hardons for dragons.

For a moment it's tense but then her aura calms and qi settles.  Looks at me with disdain clicking her tongue.

“Tch…  Necromancers.”

I am so not in the mood for anybody’s shit.

“Well fuck you too little timmy.  Now, either play?  Or get out of my way.”

She shakes her head.  Swishing her hair around and almost looking like a kid again.

“No!  There must be something you want.  What is it?”

Hehe.  Fine.

“You want to know what I want?”  She nods.  “Okay… I want my kids to be healthy and happy.”  Her head tilts.  “I want my wife to be healthy.  Because god forbid she would ever admit to being happy!”  Girlie backs up a step.  “I want to win the lottery so I can buy the best of everything for my kids."  And another step.  "I want the days to be nicer and my naps to be longer."

Sister is looking a little overwhelmed.  Not so calm and collected anymore.  Though I’m guessing my eyes may be a bit crazy right now.

"I… uh… I don't think…"

"But what I really want most of all?  Is to butcher the fuck, or fucks, who decided to ruin my son's future so they could get a new toy soldier!"  May be spitting on her face a little.  "Not dead.  No, that's too good for them.  I want them fucking destroyed!"  Definitely spraying some saliva on that mug.  "And if you can't get me that?  Then fuck off!!!"

The mana enhanced words push her back a couple more steps.  And leave her hair and robes a mess.

Wow, that's one hell of a scowl.

"I… will see what I can do."

With as much dignity as she can muster.  The village girl who apparently isn't, walks away.

"Good, great.  And while you're working on that.  Keep that little shit away from me or he's going to end up-"


A blood curdling scream makes us both look at the building behind us.  Sister turns pale and whispers.  All maturity vanished from her tone and sounding like a frightened young girl again.

"L-little br-brother?"

She sprints in the direction of the pained cry.  I look through shadows and smirk at the fleeing bleeding figure.

"Hehe…  Guess that part's plot armor wasn't so tough after all."

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