A Fathers Wrath

Chapter 14: Good Old Rock and Roll

---D-Day+26, Nizhen 29th---

I'm really, really, embarrassed right now.

Feels like the whole neighborhood, and a passing TV news crew, just caught me playing air guitar in the buff because I forgot the living room curtains were open.  And there was a goat.

If I die, right here, right now.  Could I get to the Pearly Gates before this shows up in Saint Peter's book?  Because that gossipy bastard will tell everybody.

Might be worth a try.

Not because they caught me rockin.  They didn't have to bother knockin.  But did I really have to start singing that song?  No one's supposed to know I like that movie.

Feels like hundreds of eyeballs are looking at me.  But really?  Its just twenty pairs.  Twenty-two if you count those flaming orbs where their eyes used to be for Margo and Ferra.

Guess I went too far into, 'the zone.'

Sunlight shining thru the windows gives a clear view of my audience.  Not just six ex-unconscious girls and two, still not caring, maids militant anymore.  Over a dozen more have appeared.  Two boys and twelve girls including...

The unfortunate duo, dumbette and dumberette.

Those two are the only teachers though.  The rest are dressed like students.  All sitting on benches meant for viewing Sayo's displays but staring at me instead.

Its that bird with a wounded wing caught by cats feeling again.


Don't 'master' me you traitor.  Aren't good slaves supposed to keep their masters from doing embarrassing shit like this?

"Really real!"

And excited loli is back, with a vengeance.  She's bouncier than a mexican jumping bean.

"H-husband?  Wh-what was that?"

Be cool man, be cool.

"You guys never heard of Rock and Roll?"

Bunch of heads shaking 'no.'  They got this whole fantasy campus thing going but no school of rock?

I turn to loli.

"Mistress would play, sometimes.  Onii-chan, we tried lots but couldn't get anything close."  Frosty shrugs.  "Best we can do are mana-metal lutes but they are hard to make and still don't sound right."


Fidget fingers touching loli is also back.  "And you are the first Cheri's accepted since Mistress."


"She's never played for anyone else."  Uh oh.  Frosty's eyes are sparkling.  So close.  You are violating my territorial bubble.

A magic guitar that doesn't let anyone else play it?  Well that doesn't sound troublesome.  At.  All.

"Viscount Barton."  Eh?

Crap.  [Butler Magic].  Not-sebastian and the maidettes appear behind the group with carts of food and clothes, buckets, and a screen?

"Apologies for being so troublesome."  Really.  I've got to be a pain in the ass for them.

"Nonsense, Lord Barton.  Being the manservant of a Swordmage, Lord of Lions Keep, and Sorcerer King?"  Sorcerer King?  "My family will be famous for generations."

Oh...  That's a good thing?

Psychic again, he brought enough food for everyone.  So the peanut gallery joins in.  The combat maids decline, again.  Hmm...  I'll look into them more later.  Teenage Ninja Mutant Maids?

My maids, besides serving, also help the girls get washed and dressed.  So that's what the screen was brought for.

The room reeks so windows are opened to help break up the smell.  Again feel sorry for whatever poor bastards are sent to clean up after me

Everyone snacks on the light breakfast.  Room temperature cheeses, breads, wine, some sausage.  I chow down on cooked ham and eggs.  So good.

The blankets were picked up and more battle maids appear.  Mops and buckets?  Sorry ladies.

Aren't they handling this too calmly?  Does this sort of thing happen often?

The students?  Still stunned.  Keep stealing looks at me while quietly eating as the maidettes put more food in their hands.  Maybe they don't know how to handle what they witnessed.

"Guess you guys aren't ready for that yet.  But your kids are going to love it."

Yeah, that didn't help.

Should they look this, ashamed?  Submissive?  Like the hand that feeds them has also been beating them.  Dumbette and dumberette aren't any better.

Frosty's energy is infectious though and she gets most of the kids smiling for a bit at least.  Probably kids who aren't wanted at home.  So they get left at school almost year round.

The others pick up on how down our guests are and do their best to get them talking.  Even the boys though?  With exotic hotties like Frankie and Red?  Are friendly, but keep their distance.  Physically and emotionally.

Guess word of my Grand Hall audience disaster has gotten around.  Poor kids are probably terrified of me.

Dumbette and dumberette finally bring up why they are here.  Lamer saruman assigned them to be my assistants.  Help with my research, prep for the exams, whatever.  They just about do a barrel roll to avoid saying anything more.

Frosty clearly knows more but she is keeping her trap shut for once.  Goes full evasive loli whenever I try to dig for more.

Find out the wonder twins actually have names.  Odaline Lilevo and Simone Regniar.  Whodathunkit?

Frankie, genius that she is, soon gets the highlights out of them.  Both teaching here for years before casanova started.  He spent months befriending them before using his cheat.  Odaline was even dating him and they had just gotten engaged.

By that point they had completely dropped their guard around him.

Over the last year they fell entirely under his control and their performance, as teachers, went down the shitter.  Mostly discarding their duties and responsibilities.  Becoming more and more obsessed with satisfying casanova's whims.

While not a genre I like.  I've seen some and don't recall any going beyond the NTR.  As in, what happens to the girl after their owner moves on to his next victim?  Or after they fall so low that even their owner loses interest in them.

After they are abandoned.  When what they've become is exposed to, well, everyone.

Yeah.  Its ugly.

Both banished from their families and placed in 'secure' housing by the school.  All their customers and victims, revealed.  From the looks they get?  Some are even among the boys and girls here.

They are being treated, monitored, and interrogated.  Depending on who they seduced or raped?  Can have major repercussions for the school.  Soiling a duke's daughter, as an example, would be really, really, bad.

Also show signs of injuries, like bruises, they didn't have yesterday.  Whether the injuries are from interrogators, customers, families, or themselves?  Maybe all of the above.

"My lord?"  The teachers finally get the guts to approach me and the older Dumbette speaks first.

I'm sitting on the same bench Margo and Ferra were on in front of the easternmost window.  With the windows open its cooled down so the warm sun feels nice on my back.

Both are leaning against me like they don't have a care in the world.  Oh...  Hehe.  Yeah, my undead angels.  This is why everyone keeps looking my way.  Wow, goodbye ego.

And Emelina with her big ass sword and Evard with his big ass axe are standing to the sides of the bench.  Geesh.  Should I be so used to my undead that having them about seems utterly normal to me?

Is this?  Like?  A really bad sign?  Aren't I acting like some sort of lich?

Oh, the wonder twins are still waiting.


See?  Totally normal alive person thing to say right there.  Silly me.  Getting worried over nothing.

Dumberette speaks so low its almost a whisper.

"I.  We, want to apologize for...  That."

"The whole ready to kill me thing or the whole being a gullible whore thing?"

Both their heads and shoulders sink.  Dumbette about whimpers.


They aren't kneeling.  But they ain't doing that great a job of staying standing either.  Been thru a lot.  Should give them props for not offing themselves yet and having the balls to talk to their whistle blower.

"You were turned into things, by him."  Nodding and sniffling.  "That doesn't mean you can't become people again."  Both look up at me. "You just have to fight for it."

And here come the tears.  Dumberette's turn I guess.

"Lord?  M-may we s-sit with you a-again?"

Sigh.  Whatever.  They sort of work for me now so I should be a responsible manager.

I nod as my oracles float back so the two are now standing behind me.

The expected sit, maybe even lean, is unexpectedly, a lap pillow?

Each take a thigh but face the window instead of the room.  Maybe they are trying to hide their tears from the students?  Whatever the reason I now have wet spots on my pants.  Looks like I didn't skake enough after taking a whiz.

Both keep sniffling so I finger comb their hair until they settle down.  That's calmed them down.  So calm they've fallen asleep?  Ugh.

Ferra and Margo are oddly fascinated by the two and have leaned in to get better looks.  They are undead and the rather be dead vibes the wonder twins are radiating?  Is very interesting to my mischievous feeling oracles.

They even repeat my earlier finger combing.

Ushi steps up hugs my neck while wearing the gentlest smile.

"Master is loved by all."

"Stop...  I'm the bringer of the end of days.  Scourge of god."  Looking back at her.  "Remember?"

Also a pervert.  Seriously, a fifteen year old boy with two maybe thirty something year old women using my thighs as pillows?  Gotta be against the law.

Ushi stares deep into my eyes.

"If it is master?  Then the new world will be a better one."

Hand Cheri to one of the maids and she places it back on its stand.  Never knew a guitar could look like its pouting.

Butler appears in front of me during an eye blink.  Damn [Butler Magic].

"Lord Barton.  A message from Lions Keep has arrived.  Your presence is requested by the Seneschal."


Wake up Odaline and Simone.  Give them both a peck on the forehead and they smile back at me.  Huh.  Don't recall them ever smiling before.  Well.  They have a long road ahead of them.

Combat maids show up to escort the two teachers and students.  Frankie gives them instructions before they leave.  Stuff to look for in the school's archives.

"Frankie? Red? Coming?"

They curtsy.

After the maidettes helped with a bucket bath and fresh clothes?  My wives are looking amazing again.

"Blue, Silvie, and Juli?"  Don't really care but after what I did to them?  Can at least be polite enough to ask.

"I am sorry darling but Dean Frost has offered tutoring today."  She does have a lot learn.  "Silvie and I will both take part."

"My lord, I need to speak with my mother and find out what happens from here."  Yeah, that's going to be uncomfortable.

"Come to me if they can no longer support your attendance to Stormgarde." Its their own fault but there is no need to be merciless. "We'll find a way for you to remain a student."

Pointedly look at Frosty and she quickly nods.

Juli springs a glowing smile, gives me a big hug and deep kiss, then just about skips her way off and down the stairs.

Ugh.  More troublesome women.  But I do feel guilty for what I put them thru last night.  Yeah, yeah.  They weren't complaining but...  Fuck.  I don't know.  They were there for me when I needed them.  So maybe I should be for them.  I guess.

Scoop up a dignified looking again Dean Frost before she can react and lip-lock her.  She soon has her arms and legs wrapped around me.

When I finally release her mouth?  Frosty's face isn't looking very dignified anymore.

"I'm leaving.  I will come back.  Still need to meet with senior senior citizen.  Have an open discussion about what I am.  Why I'm here. And what should be done about it."  Loli's eyes are swimming.  "Understood?"

Though I bet the old, really really old, pervert was watching the whole time.

Loli's nodding as I put her down.

"I still don't like breastless twigs Frosty.  But thank you, for showing me all this."

"Frosty?"  How can so many not know their own names?

Blue sighs.  "Be glad he didn't name you a color."

Why's Red nodding?

"At least you know where your name came from."  Frankie says the weirdest things sometimes.

Lead by not-sebastian and followed by my wives and maids.  Where did the carts, buckets, and screen go?  Step down the stairs looking like a proper lord if I do say so myself.  Been studying how butler does it and think I got the whole dignified look thing down.

I've passed thru the barrier but thanks to [Super Senses] I clearly hear Frosty.

"Ali!  Onii-chan has a magic dick!"

"I told you!"


Damn lolis.

Walking back through the campus we get a lot more looks this time.  Well we are more of a procession now with butler and the maidettes.  Margo, Ferra, Evard, and Emelina have moved into our shadows.  Don't want to freak everyone out.

Red's boob plate is back and so is Frankie's bikini.

With pencil pusher, captain obvious, sneaky, and casanova's executions?  The number of men willing to risk messing with my women has probably plummeted.  Can feel my wives growing sense of security plus confidence in, and desire for, my attention.

Just as long as they don't expose too much skin.

Crossing the stone footbridge again, I take a longer look down.  At the bottom of this gorge is where Sayo was summoned.  The ruin of an elf temple and a sorcerer king's tomb are down there.  Of course they have been long looted by now. But the power of the places remains.

Have to explore them firsthand later.

About fifty feet from the bridge to the cleft's bottom.  There are a number of trees though which make it hard to see the floor.

Nearly lunch now so the sun is high enough to shine down on the patch of woods in the gorge.  Breeze is still cool though.  Clouds dim the brightness, sometimes, but its still pleasant.

As the east side of the bridge has stairs leading up to the inner courtyard?  It also has stairs leading down into the ravine.

No wonder there are so few fat people in this world.  Not only is your chance of having food to eat not always great?  There are stairs, freaking, everywhere.

Almost to the top of the stairs when I feel it.  Its trying to hide itself, but its there.  Since I sense it, of course my shadows do too and are already moving.  But I want answers more than bodies.  For now.

Going after me in my home?  Gutsy.

A [Barrier] pops into being around me as Ushi slides back to back with me.  At the same time Edel springs in front of me with her sword drawn.  A little slower than my shadows but not by much.

Evard and Emelina are already at my sides while Ferra and Margo, back to back, float above.  The air around them humming from raw power.

"Someone wants to kill me."

Before the words finish leaving my mouth a short sword has appeared in not-sebastian's hand and daggers are being brandished by the maidettes as they form a circle around me.

The source of my feeling starts moving.  Of course it does.  Someone this skilled certainly noticed my other undead closing in.

"Now its fleeing, or trying to draw us in.  Top of inner wall.  South side."

While the bridge is at the same level as the outer courtyard?  On the castle side it runs into a cliff.  So switchback steps lead up to a gate to the inner courtyard.

Its a double gate like the others, just on a smaller scale since it only handles people.

And what's on the other side?


Lilevo, Odaline (female, human, tourinese)

  • Professor
    • Tellus Magic
      • Stormgarde Academy
  • Widower
    • Was engaged to casanova
  • "Dumbette"

Regniar, Simone (female, human, tourinese)

  • Lecturer
    • Lumen Magic
      • Stormgarde Academy
  • Married with kids
  • "Dumberette"

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