A Fathers Wrath

Chapter 10: An Audience

"Oh, sorry, forgot you were here."

Tannault Gilend is on his knees in the middle of the red carpet.  The white and reds captured with him had formed a protective circle around him.  So he didn't get crushed by the shifting crowd.

He's shivering quite a bit and his shackled defenders don't seem to be in much better shape.  Realizing what would have happened if you attacked me at the meet and greet, aren't ya.

I look at Red, his sister, to see if there is any sign that she will try to interfere again.  Her look is now calm but her breath is shaky.

Honestly though?  Haven't really decided myself.


"Yes husband?"

"What would you have me do about your brother and his knights?"

Poor crowd's been thru a lot but returns to near complete silence.  Only a few sobbing can be heard.  The smell in there can't be good though.  Should I get them coupons as an apology for the wait?  Gift cards?  One free undead summoning on your next visit?

"They tormented me for years.  Left scars that will never heal."  She tilts her head slightly.  "But killing all of them?  Might, inconvenience you, husband."  She nods.  "Just send them away.  There has been enough death today."

Blue is giving Red a shocked look.

Fool finally recovers enough to get back on his feet and steps forward passed his guard.

"Please, Lord Barton.  Let me return to House Gilend.  Stop my father from disgracing my family further."

"Fine.  Go.  Release them."

Of course being the Fool.  He doesn't know when to quit.

"Lady Alote.  I am grateful that you have recovered.  May I call on you again?"

Blue clicks her tongue behind me.

"Lord Gilend.  Disease may have taken our child away?  But you took our love away by laying with that twisted Granyan bitch and seeking someone else to marry."

"Is there no room for reconciliation?"  Wow, you keep earning that nickname buddy.

"You will always have my thanks for bringing me to my darling Bartons.  Yet that is all you will have."  Wonder how many caught that word being plural.

With black and greens escorting them.  A depressed looking Gilend and his knights trudge out of the hall.

Okay, one thing left.


His wife looks at me with fear.  His daughter?  Not sure what that look is.

"Yes lord?"

"I appear to need a seneschal."

"You do indeed, my lord."

"I am not an understanding or forgiving person."

"Agreed, my lord."  You know you could have disagreed, old guy.

"Marshal.  Chamberlain.  Any objections?"

"No, my liege." "None, sire."

"Congratulations.  You are the seneschal again.  I forgive you of your crimes, restore you and your family's honor, blah, blah, etc, etc...  I have purged that scum's stain from within your wife and daughter.  Neither are with child.  Any questions?"

"None, my lord."

"Alright alright." Focus on the crowd. "Shows over!  Get back to work!!!"

Most of my servants slide back into the shadows.  Ex-patchy and friends take positions in between me and the crowd.

I need a nap.


God dammit.

A half dozen men and women pull themselves out of the crowd that's trying to leave as quickly as humanly possible.  The new old seneschal leaves his wife and daughter to be comforted by Silvie and Blue, stands next to me,  and speaks.

"Professors from Stormgarde, my lord.  None are the rector nor deans.  They declined the former seneschal's summons."

The educators are dressed similarly to Ali and Chani.  Guess the teachers have a uniform too.  Though the two women have much longer skirts, down to the knees.  Over it, both have dark hooded sleeveless robes.  Ribbons in bows still secure the collared white shirt.

The men's dark jackets are longer than the women's.  Reaching to the knees.  Instead of long socks or hose, dark pants are worn.  All four men also have dark hooded sleeveless robes.  Instead of ribbons around the neck?  They have, ties?  Seriously?

Why the fuck do they have ties in medieval land?  Shit, will that be my uniform?  Do I still know how to do a Windsor knot?  How did that video go again?  Up, over, around, thru, around-  No, its over, up, around-  No...  Dammit!

Both women and men have patches and medals on the jackets.

The level of clothing difference between them and commoners?  Who walk around in simple tunics and trousers or skirts?  Is jarring.

Oh, and not a one of them is kneeling.

"Ugh.  Academics."

Frankie told me Lions Keep has a neutral attitude with Stormgarde and vice versa.  Which is understandable.  She explained that schools technically fall under royal control.  Not noble.  However, the local nobles are responsible for the local school's defense.

And schools attract people from all over.  Who may owe no fealty to the local nobility and might belong to rival houses, factions, or even nations.

Schools are also magnets for the magically gifted.  Who may be much more talented than the local lord.

Making these institutions powder kegs that can end up aimed at the ones responsible for protecting them.  And that's not including the internal stresses schools have from over educated, and under employed, student bodies.

The ring leader cuts quite the dashing figure.  Human but well over six feet.  Sharp eyes, noble face, and...  Noble?  Eh?  Wait, he's casting?

[Super Senses] outs him.  Its a subtle but strong whispering charm making him more, likeable.  Trustable.  God I bet he gets in a lot of skirts with that.

Hmm...  Also requires focus.  You don't get caught unless you are looking at him.

I wonder...  Who else got nabbed?  Can see who is charmed by their spirit leaning in his direction.  Drawn to him.  Wow.  Everyone's spirit is leaning in his direction except, Frankie and Red?  Interesting.

I turn to my wives and whisper.

"Neither of you hear that?"  Oh, those are ugly emotions girls.

Ushi first.  "I do, master, and it angers me.  Suggesting a puddle is better than an ocean?  Insulting."

Red second. "Give up being a knight?  A wife?  Just be a woman?  A plaything?"  Yeah, not smart mister charm.  Edel's teeth are grinding.  "Husband.  What does it say to you?"

"Nothing.  But that may be because I can see the mana, and what its doing to others' spirits."  I look around.  "The face is another tell.  Look how relaxed the charmed are."

"Master, it reminds me of Sanriel."  And Ushi's now grinding her teeth.

The only other one on the platform not affected?  The Mauger's daughter.  She seems to be getting angrier by the moment too.  Is that a, dagger?  Where was she hiding that?

I manage to pull and lock her eyes.  Slightly shake my head, she slightly nods in reply.  Huh.  Interesting girl.

Well let's get this over with.

"And you are?"

Casanova puffs up.  "Professor Detlev Thoma Wepper.  Senior Instructor of Divine Magic.  I would know your plans Lord of Lions Keep."

Wow that's arrogant.  That spell must let him get away with a lot.

Oh and all that school versus noble stuff?  When Ushi explained it?  Not my problem since there is no way I would be the local lord.

And now I'm the local lord.


Turn to my new old seneschal.

"Old guy, what's with the three names?"

Mister, too relaxed face just got his job back and already disappointing me, new old seneschal replies.

"He is Aquecian, my lord.  Their middle name is their clan name and its included during formal introductions.  Unlike the Tourinese custom of keeping the House separate. So Professor Detlev Thoma Wepper instead of Professor Detlev Wepper of Thoma or Viscount Jon Barton of Lianlaf."

Disappointing seneschal is also talkative seneschal.

"Hey! I ask-"

The aquecian casanova isn't used to being ignored.

"Shut up."

Twist back to face my wives.

"Stay here and watch your backs."  Both nod.  "Its very subtle.  So there is a chance you might stab me, or shoot a spell, in my back without even realizing you're doing it."

Their eyes bug out a little and they suddenly look unsure of themselves.

"Master-" "Husband-"

Hold up a hand to stop their protests.

"I love you and trust you.  Both of you."  Both of them are blushing now.  Ushi blushing is super hot.  "I do not trust him or that spell."

Cupping both their faces I give each a quick kiss.  Maximum blushing!

"Everyone.  Stay standing where you are."

That stops the seneschal from following me as I walk down the stairs, again.  Why even bother having stairs?  Maybe a slope instead?  Roundabout?

Casanova is confused.  "Wha-what are you doing?"

These six are pretty tough and came ready for a confrontation.  Its a death penalty level crime to cast a spell in front of a lord, in their house, without permission.  But I can feel their mana.  See it.  Each have spells ready to cast and magic items ready to use.

Got you.

Except for scarlet pimpernel here.  He's not casting.  Its a magic item and he's channeling mana into it.  A gold clasp buckle looking thing holding the top of his robe together.  Big and beautifully cut ruby in it.

Still a death penalty level no no.

"Walking.  Can't I walk in my own castle?"

His crew is confused too.  I've shown I'm a necromancer and casanova is a divine magic user.  He's like water to my fire.  So what the hell am I thinking walking up to him.

Stop a step away.  See him fighting the urge to back up.  His previous confidence?  Just about all gone.  Has his toy never failed before?

Look up at him.  Yeah, he's taller than now me, a lot better looking, more muscular, and even better dressed.  Plus he wants to fuck my women.  Keeps eyeing Ushi's fantastic boobs.  Well, that settles it.

Pump some mana into my left arm and-


One magic item with a charm effect is ripped off his robe and in my hand. Its small enough that it fits in my palm. So I easily close my fingers over the ruby and use my mana to sever his connection to it.

Casanova's eyes get big.  Really, really, big.  He just got caught using magic in front of the local lord, without permission.  By that local lord.  Through the shadows I can see the other three men go pale too.  Just confusion from the two girls.

Those poor bitches.  Wonder how many times they've been passed among these four without even realizing they were being controlled.

Turn and walk back a few steps.  Can see the effects fading.  Eyes are blinking.  Some dizzy.  Some shaking their heads.  Spirits stop leaning.  Would probably never even realize they were charmed.  The brain has the remarkable ability to delude itself.  A lot.

One eighty to see casanova's mouth moving, but no words coming out.  For a smooth operator to not know what to say?  Must be tough.

"You're a smart guy.  Right?  So you've got to know its a crime to use a magic item in front of a lord without their permission."  Casanova's starting to sweat, a lot.  "This is a sneaky one too.  One look and they wouldn't even realize they are being influenced.  Controlled."

"I... I... S-sire-"

The two girls haven't caught up yet.  Lets rub it in.  Yeah, I'm pissed.  These shits were going to attack me unless I rolled over and showed my belly.  Karma's a bitch.

"Just how much pussy have you gotten with this?  One look and she starts sucking your cock, thinking it was her idea?  Taking it up the butt, thinking she likes it like that?  Ha!  Even lying to her husband and kids so she could go get gang-banged by you and your buddies?  How many virgins, wives, students, even teachers, has this toy let you dump your seed in?"

There it is!

His three buddies are deathly pale now.  The two ladies?  One has her hand over her mouth, shaking bad, and trying really hard not to throw up.  The other?  Dropped to her knees, peed, and is looking to the heavens with a flood of tears running down.

Don't start throwing stones when your own house is made of glass.  Assholes.

And there she blows.  Teachette number one is on all fours and throwing up on my nice red carpet.

A handful of women and girls in the two hundred are having similar reactions and getting the angriest looks from the men with them.  Wow, how much fucking has professor casanova been doing?

You know, that smell of napalm in the morning?  Smells like, victory.  Who's up for tacos?

"Are you quite finished?"

Finally!  There you are.

The mana powered voice rolls across the Grand Hall.  The ones not going through emotional meltdowns, abject humiliation, or petrified with fear?  Spin to face the west entrance.

And here's, Dumbledore?  An older, like a lot older, lamer Saruman?

The oldest looking dude I've seen in this world yet.  Is standing just inside the west entrance.  He's old, like super really old.  Long, really long, straight white hair.  Long, straight white beard.  Big ass staff in his gnarled right hand.  Dark robes.  Pale almost papery looking skin.

And, a loli?

Standing next to Saruman the senior senior citizen is the stock loli character from a bazillion fantasy anime.  Dressed in a, shit you not, goth outfit?  Way too young, no rack at all, and way to bouncy.

"See Benny?  I told you that Aquecian stud was cheating."  She crosses her arms and strikes a pose.  "You would have to have a magic dick to get that much action and he, doesn't."  Another pose and a blush?

What the fuck?

My undead still mounted A-Team had moved to the side of the hall so the civilians could have a proper panicked flight.  Now they urgently beg to be unleashed on the gate crashers.  They really want to kill them.  Difficult, but I'm holding them back.

Besides, not sure they could.

"Hey!  Saruman the lame and loli 2000!"  Best I could come up with on short notice.  "I'm trying to reveal my diabolical plan here!  So the hero can make a surprise come back and foil my evil scheme to put the special sauce back on the menu!  So, can you come back later?!"

I, just, can't take this seriously with those two looking like that.

"Uh.  Benny?  He's nuts."  Says the goth loli?

Okay, I'm a little excited.  These two are the strongest I've ever seen.  They are working hard to hide it but I've already used [Super Senses] to push through.  Would give me a much tougher fight than Ushalen.

Imagine the living shadows they could become.  ...  Want to kill them.

Try to take a step forward but feel a, pull on my sleeves?  Ushi is on my right and Edel is on my left.  Each are pulling on a sleeve and giving me pleading looks.

"Husband, stop." "Master, please."

"Metia's hairy tits.  The Lion wasn't exaggerating."

Okay, bad visual.  What did grizzly tell them?  And 'tits' is not something a loli, without any, should be saying.

Pull Red and Frankie close, kiss them both, breathe in the smell of them, sigh, and say.

"You're right.  I apologize."

Everything's under control.  Situation normal.  Just a slight weapons malfunction.  Everything's perfectly all right now.  I'm fine.  We're all fine here now, thank you.  How are you?

Robe guy deeply bows.  Is that safe at your age?

"Greetings Viscount Jon Barton of House Lianlaf.  Protector of Pearlden.  Guardian of Stormgarde.  And Lord of Lions Keep."  Stop gasping mister crowd.  I hate gasping as much as kowtowing.  "I, Rector Tharick Kana Habriel of Stormgarde Academy, present myself to you."

The loli mumbles.  "Okay Benny."  Then speaks up.

"Hi Lord Barton!"  She actually sticks her arm up straight and waves.  Then points a thumb at herself?  "This work of art is Franziska Frost.  Dean of Magic Studies at Stormgarde Academy.  And that quivering lump of shit in front of you is one of mine.  Can I have him back now?  Please?"

Senior senior citizen directs his words to the crowd.

"I cannot express how sorrowful I am over Professor Wepper's actions.  I bear some responsibility for believing he was just that popular and you women were just that easy."


"Rest assured he will be punished and if you wish to file claims you may be entitled to compensation.  Though we will not be covering the support costs of children that are determined to be his instead of your husband's."


Really polite and really rude.  It must be some sort of divine gift.  Teach me the ways of the force.  'Benny' returns his focus to me.

"My Lord Barton.  This will be Professor Wepper's second year at Stormgarde and this revelation casts all his achievements in doubt.  A thorough interrogation and investigation is called for.  Professor Wepper's cooperation would be a great assistance.  So, please forgive his transgression."

The fuck you say?

"Do I look like the forgiving type?"

"No, you do not.  Though in this inst-"

Its finally to much for casanova and he falls to his knees.

[Bullet Time]


I spring Tormentor up out of its scabbard on my back and spin it into a reverse grip in my raised right hand.  As Professor Wepper looks pleadingly to the heavens, the tip of Tormentor enters his mouth from above.

I guide it down his throat.  Taking care to keep the blade in front of his spinal column.  Cut through his intestines below the stomach.  It sprouts out his sphincter.  And rams into the red carpet and marble floor beneath him.  Pinning him in place.

The only visible part above is the crossguard and hilt pushing into his mouth just enough to squeeze the cheeks.

"Ack...  Ack..."

Casanova is still alive.  Can even breathe, a bit.  Of course his mouth and throat are rubbing against Tormentor's edge.  So blood is starting to fill his mouth.  He will probably choke to death before he bleeds out.

Release [Bullet Time].

"-ance I hope you will...  I see."  You were saying, old saruman?

"Metia's dick!  What was that?!"  Loli's upset.  Does the inquisition know you say that?

More fainting in the peanut gallery.  Puking and pissing too.  Casanova's three amigos have all fallen on their asses and busily piss and or shit themselves.  Dumbette and Dumberette are both throwing up now.

This place is really going to need a scrubbing.  With, like, clorox.  A lot of clorox.

"Six of your employees came into my home.  They treated me rudely in front of my family, employees, and customers.  Even had magic items and spells ready to use against me.  One even used a magic item without permission to influence and control-"

"I insist they be released t-"

The power of old guy's voice is quite intimidating.  Rattles the windows and even shakes the columns.  Can feel the floor vibrate.  Fine.  Lets do this.  Go war machine mode and pump a lot of juice into my voice.  Eat this, asshole.


My words have an almost physical weight to them.  Pushing many to their knees.  Knocking some over.  Cracks spread across windows, columns, even the floor.  Lots of little lion statues shatter.  Good riddance.  Shit, hope we got insurance.

Senior senior citizen and goth loli stay standing.  But look like they are getting blasted with a sudden gust of wind.  Hair and clothes flailing for a moment until the two words pass them.

"Oh...  Crap..."  Is all loli can manage.  Lamer saruman does not take his eyes off me.  Can tell he's ready for a fight but, doesn't want one.

"Ack... Geh... Ack..."

I walk passed the choking impaled casanova and stop in front of dumbette and dumberette.  Their clothes are a foul mess covered in piss and vomit.  They look at me with shame and fear filled eyes.

"[Embrace of Hygieia]"

I get down on my knees in front of them and take one hand each in mine.

"[Kiss of Grannus]"

The look on their faces change.  I expected it would soothe their trauma.


Them launching themselves into my arms and bawling their eyes out?  Not expected.

"The things I did!" "The lies I told!" "Lying to my husband!" "Lying to my children!" "Little Det isn't my husbands!" "That little voice saying no was the real me?" "Soiled!" "Knew I was saying no but kept doing it!" "Said he loved me!" "Been whoring myself!" "Did those boys!" "Forced that girl!"

They continue bawling in my arms and when the words finally run out?  I look at the Rector of Stormgarde Academy still waiting at the entrance.

"Rector Habriel."

After hearing these exploited women's rants.  A much less rude old guy's voice answers.

"Yes my lord."

"Clean up your house.  Or I will."

"I?  I understand."

A now much more humble acting goth loli walks over, gently helps the girls up, and starts guiding them out of the hall.

Stand, walk back up the steps again, and turn to face the two hundred.

"The deal the marquis offered me was to come to Stormgarde, study your magic, share my magic, and learn your 'civilized' ways."  I grind out the word 'civilized.'  "So far?  I have been disgusted.  Not impressed."

Sit back down on the top step again.  I'm tired.

"You people have altered the deal. Pray I don't alter it further."


"Get out."



What a shitty world.

Frost, Franziska (female, halfling, tourinese)

  • 3'6", 400 years
  • Dean
    • Magic Studies
      • Stormgarde Academy
  • "Loli," "Loli 2000," "Goth loli"

Gilend, Tanault (male, human, tourinese)

  • Older brother of Edelys Barton
  • Engagement to Lady Alote Chastel
    • Canceled
  • Prisoner
    • Released
  • "Fool," "Shorty"

Habriel, Tharick Kana (male, human, aquecian)

  • 6'5", 100 years
  • Rector
    • Stormgarde Academy
  • "Lame saruman," "Old saruman," "Senior senior citizen"

Mauger, Ortwin (male, human, tourinese)

  • Seneschal
    • Lions Keep
  • "Disappointing seneschal"

Wepper, Detlev Thoma (male, human, aquecian)

  • Professor
    • Divine Magic
      • Stormgarde Academy
  • "Casanova"

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